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Serious Would you ascend with a 14 year old?



Just learn how to use your tongue bro
Feb 16, 2019
I'm talking prime 14 year old pussy.

You have to take into account possible jail time and ostracization from family/friends and society.

I think I would because the punishments are not that harsh here in Western Europe.

Also, I think 90% of these types of relationships do not result in the man getting punished whatsoever.
Nah bro, I'm not into kids. What do I want with a kid as a partner? Can't cook, can't drive, lives with her parents, doesn't have tits, doesn't have ass ....useless.
Nah, i don't wanna go to jail ya fuckin pedo.
Nah bro, I'm not into kids. What do I want with a kid as a partner? Can't cook, can't drive, lives with her parents, doesn't have tits, doesn't have ass ....useless.
Realistically speaking, I'd be too paranoid to trust that she's actually into me no matter how old she is but especially if she's that young. I magically knew for certain that she liked me, then... well, it would still feel awkward.

It's better than nothing until I take into account how depressing it is that I've missed my youth and how there's an army of agecucks and I doubt that 90% percentage you mentioned. Inceldom calls for desperate measures but this might be too desperate.

Nah bro, I'm not into kids. What do I want with a kid as a partner? Can't cook, can't drive, lives with her parents, doesn't have tits, doesn't have ass ....useless.
JFL at you all calling 14-year-olds kids. They may still need a few years to fully mature but they're already wearing makeup, slutting themselves up on Tik Tok and Instagram, and they have a higher body count than all of us combined (including the fakecels). As for being unable to cook or drive, "adult" toilets can't do that either anyway.
Nope, it's not worth risking my freedom over pussy I don't even like, I'd much rather fuck a foid around 18. What would we even talk about? Spongebob? jfl :feelskek:
>implying 14 year old foidlets would give me a chance to begin with

They literally have the same if not worse mindset of the average adult foid when it comes to looks
Sex is not ascending to me, I can get that junkie slut on street corner
Honestly I would. I think 14 is legal where I live? I doubt anyone would care.
No because that is illegal where I am however I would ascend with 16yo pussy.
You fucking cucks that said no I bet you think foids in their 20s is prime
will I be put on a list for watching this thread :dafuckfeels:
Its not illegal here...just pay attention if she has a chad brother
I'm talking prime 14 year old pussy.

You have to take into account possible jail time and ostracization from family/friends and society.

I think I would because the punishments are not that harsh here in Western Europe.

Also, I think 90% of these types of relationships do not result in the man getting punished whatsoever.
If we didn't have the laws we do now absolutely.
Jfl if you think underage sex is worth it:fbi:
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People act like the police will get a notification the minute you fuck minors. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
I'm talking prime 14 year old pussy.
You have to take into account possible jail time and ostracization from family/friends and society.
obviously that's the main reason I haven't pursued it
Nah bro, I'm not into kids. What do I want with a kid as a partner? Can't cook, can't drive, lives with her parents, doesn't have tits, doesn't have ass ....useless.
>14 yo

pick one
No, i would only do it if i would 100% get away with it.
Nah bro, I'm not into kids. What do I want with a kid as a partner? Can't cook, can't drive, lives with her parents, doesn't have tits, doesn't have ass ....useless.
First two drawbacks apply to modern women as well, third one you exchange for living with her roommate. They do have tits, they do have ass, but it's all used up from high school up.
39383 1
4 9365750

14 is prime

Nah, not worth it these days. My cousin did that and got prison time and is probably making Tyrone's bed as I'm writing this. Also the immaturity is a pretty big turn off for me at my age
Nah bro, I'm not into kids. What do I want with a kid as a partner? Can't cook, can't drive, lives with her parents, doesn't have tits, doesn't have ass ....useless.
Teens aren't kids. I wonder how much soy you had today.
Maybe if she started kissing me and groping me, things would happen and said JB would be pregnant. ZERO CHANCE OF THIS HAPPENING IN ANY SCENERIO OF THIS DIMENSION OF REALITY!
yes , volcel if you dont
Anyone who says no should be banned on the spot
You fucking cucks that said no I bet you think foids in their 20s is prime
I mean, it's all arbitrary, tbhngl. I'd personally go for 16, but only because they're going to be better physically developed. Besides, the younger they are, the more likely it will be that of a guardian-ward relationship, and I don't want to be responsible for her like that.
I would. 14 year old Pussy is nice and tight.

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