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Serious Would the media, SJWs, and Blue Pillers pick on us if we were actually dangerous like they claim?



Mar 16, 2018
I've been thinking lately about how certain groups and types of people have taken it upon themselves to specifically target the incel community by insulting us, belittling us, and harassing us, all while claiming that we're violent terrorists who kill and rape women.

But if we were really one step away from hopping into a van and running down scores of innocent civilians why would they do this? Why would anyone keep poking the hornets nest if they really believed it was an active threat? Why would they risk blood being on their hands when the next ER mentions how incels are pushed into a corner more and more by society?

I think the truth is they all know we're benign. We're not gonna go on mass murder sprees, we're not gonna become serial killers or rape women, we're far too docile and passive to do that. I think that they know this is just venting of harmless loser virgin men that are just venting their frustrations with society in an anonymous space, which is why they attack us the way they do. If they believed we were an actual threat I doubt youtubers would continue rattling our cage and throwing petty insults at us, I doubt /r/IncelTears would continue to exist when all they do is mock us and isolate us more, mainstream media outlets wouldn't write outrage bait on Incels rather than trying to take a nuanced stance that is partly sympathetic but partly critical like they should.

And that realization frustrates me endlessly.
They're literally just picking on us because they know we're weak and they know we'll do fucking nothing about it.
It frustrates me even more knowing that they're right. I'm sure as hell 10x more likely to suicide than kill a bunch of people.
The same with all of you. I think even those of you who LARP about possibly going ER wouldn't harm a fly, it just ain't in our nature, it's all venting and they know it.
I think they also know in their heart of hearts that Minassian wasn't an incel.
He never posted here, on /r/incels or /r/braincels. The one piece of "evidence" possibly tying him to inceldom is his meme-y post on facebook that was called out for being a photoshop done by a troll on /r9k/. It was always more likely that he was just some Armenian sympathizer given his ethnicity and the timing of the attack.
I think they also know in their heart of hearts that Minassian wasn't an incel.
He never posted here, on /r/incels or /r/braincels. The one piece of "evidence" possibly tying him to inceldom is his meme-y post on facebook that was called out for being a photoshop done by a troll on /r9k/. It was always more likely that he was just some Armenian sympathizer given his ethnicity and the timing of the attack.

Considering 4chan has a history of fucking with the MSM, I wouldn't be surprised.
I think they also know in their heart of hearts that Minassian wasn't an incel.
He never posted here, on /r/incels or /r/braincels. The one piece of "evidence" possibly tying him to inceldom is his meme-y post on facebook that was called out for being a photoshop done by a troll on /r9k/. It was always more likely that he was just some Armenian sympathizer given his ethnicity and the timing of the attack.
I think Facebook confirmed the Facebook account and post. So unless r9k has one of their boys on the inside
No, they want easy targets.

Ugly white guys (at least they think we are) provide that.

Most people are bullies who want to get off on destroying someone lower than them.
incels are not inherently bad because we are not a clan or a terrorist group / sure their were killers who were virgins /losers / weridos / but those are niche people of the incel/virgin/tfl/uglypeople / plus the media forces these titles on them most of time the killers dont identify as certain shit through a manifesto / or video/ note / some do of course / however its just a way to outcast people who are "losers" of this unfair world. Everyone on here is an indivdual and acts on their own accord. Normies are stupid and warrant their own deaths
No, they want easy targets.

Ugly white guys (at least they think we are) provide that.

Most people are bullies who want to get off on destroying someone lower than them.


The whole inceltears, normies and media thing is just an extension of school bullying.

When we were at school, people used to pick on us to prove they were higher on the totem pole than us.

After school, they don't get that. And so they pick on us still.

I know there are the jokers who say dumb shit to get a rise out of normies (and most of them are total fakecels anyway because they're edgy teenagers) and there are obviously mentally disturbed ER's among us, but whenever you check out the threads where one of us is feeling depressed or whatever, people get serious and tell them to get help and send their sympathies. Look at the guy with cancer - that's a thread the mainstream media would never point to because it's basic "get well soon" friendship stuff.

The whole thing is exactly a case of people trying to bully us even though most of us are just living our lives and venting every so often because we're frustrated. Again, something the media would never admit.
No, they want easy targets.

Ugly white guys (at least they think we are) provide that.

Most people are bullies who want to get off on destroying someone lower than them.
We're easy targets because nothing of consequence will come from bullying us, we'll never ER and put the blame on them and they know that.
If they were actually concerned with the danger we bring they wouldn't risk inspiring a dormant ER to go ER, but they know how exceedingly rare that type of person is, and they're not among us.

I can guarantee you these things:
  • When Alek Minassian goes on trial he will not admit to being an incel as his motivation.
  • An active user from this forum will never go ER (Maybe the occasional /r9k/er will?)
  • While we'll keep claiming future mass killers to be "one of us" none of them will turn out to be incels, like Cruz there will be info that comes out showing that they've had girlfriends/wives/had sex.
  • The media and SJWs will blame the problem on us and pick on us just as much as they have had immediately following Minassian.
This isn't what you want to hear because it feels better to think that normies are scared of us, whereas i'm telling you they're basically laughing at our insignificance which is why they choose to bully us. But that's just the truth. Treat my post like a black pill.
You make a good point. My theory is, this is all political. I don't know how much of whatever media sources you read, I try to read and take in as much as I can, but various independent alternative mostly heavily liberally biased sites have been writing about this. It's this odd mix of sympathy and scorn in a way. Along with a bit of some I told you so. While I can see the attempts at trying to reach out, I think alot of it is to gain up a base for votes. They see the isolation and frustration and might seem like they are trying to help, but they don't give a fuck about us. Well maybe some of them.
You make a good point. My theory is, this is all political. I don't know how much of whatever media sources you read, I try to read and take in as much as I can, but various independent alternative mostly heavily liberally biased sites have been writing about this. It's this odd mix of sympathy and scorn in a way. Along with a bit of some I told you so. While I can see the attempts at trying to reach out, I think alot of it is to gain up a base for votes. They see the isolation and frustration and might seem like they are trying to help, but they don't give a fuck about us. Well maybe some of them.
they keep saying we're alt-right :rolleyes:
This is nothing...as soon as we get some ER copycat with direct links to this forum or some other incelcommunity...they are going to hunt us down.

Be prepared...its easy typing extreme shit from ur safe basement...but dont fuck with authorities they'll destroy you.
in a self defense situation i will not hesitate to kill as many normies as necessary
This is nothing...as soon as we get some ER copycat with direct links to this forum or some other incelcommunity...they are going to hunt us down.

Be prepared...its easy typing extreme shit from ur safe basement...but dont fuck with authorities they'll destroy you.
Again, I don't think an ER copy cat from incels.is is going to exist.
We're legitimately just benign, and if these things do start becoming common I doubt they'll be writing the petty mudslinging articles towards incels like they have been.
Again, I don't think an ER copy cat from incels.is is going to exist.
We're legitimately just benign, and if these things do start becoming common I doubt they'll be writing the petty mudslinging articles towards incels like they have been.

We are a minority, they believe most of us are white males who is in their belief system. Even if there is a reason to fear incels, they won't because they think we share the same cultural influences as them, this is what separates shootings by white people and brown people.
The whole inceltears, normies and media thing is just an extension of school bullying.

You're totally right. Now they beat the losers because the losers are angry and say rude things.

On an animal level, they are ready to let incels die. What offends them is that incels exist, are allowed to speak to vent their rage at society. Bullying incels, and the bullying that led to inceldom doesn't offend them. This is true even as they moonlight as an anti-bullying advocate and cry at the It Gets Better video campaign aimed at bullied LGBT youth.

They're not against bullying. They're against politically incorrect bullying.
You're totally right. Now they beat the losers because the losers are angry and say rude things.

On an animal level, they are ready to let incels die. What offends them is that incels exist, are allowed to speak to vent their rage at society. Bullying incels, and the bullying that led to inceldom doesn't offend them. This is true even as they moonlight as an anti-bullying advocate and cry at the It Gets Better video campaign aimed at bullied LGBT youth.

They're not against bullying. They're against politically incorrect bullying.
High IQ post.

Worth reiterating that they wouldn't care whether or not we said rude things, they would still bully us. Proof? Look at /r/foreveralone prior to /r/incel's creation, they were shit on by all of Reddit, SJWs in particular liked taking pot shots at them.
It’s plain bullying. They they claim victim when we fight back.

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