I don't want to sound like I'm saying that foids can sense things, but I do agree that foids can tell if an adult man is a virgin; their "wiring" is programmed to sniff out male rejects and avoid them.
Some guys can tell, as well. Once in high school I overheard two niggers talking about me, they thought I wasn't listening, and one said to the other "yo, you think andinocel is ever gonna get married?".
In a part time job I had while in college, I was with a group of coworkers and we had a lot downtime on the job. There was a Tyrone (who had already fucked two coworkers and also dealt with a coworker stalker, but that's another story), two guys, and one girl. They were talking about relationships and of course the subject came to me. I wasn't quite blackpilled yet, and I lied, in order to not look like a loser, that I had a girlfriend - the group giggled and the Tyrone made an exaggerated shocked look and said "mindblown!"
If you're a sub-5 truecel, people just cannot imagine you with a partner.