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Would a normal man with a normal sex life, job, and friends ever commit mass murder?



Dec 2, 2017
NO. These men are obviously virgins who are starved of attention. Look at them. I can already tell they are 5'9 or shorter.

Women are causing these deaths. Not Donald Trump or White Nationalist.

Just don’t wear glasses bro
Of course not.
Yes. The guy who flew his plane or whatever in Texas.
wow they almost all look the same
We need government funded hookers.
People/women never care until it's too late and something drastic happens.
They could be related to each other ngl.
At first glance, i thought all 3 of them were the same person ngl
hahaha i had same
its over for glassescels
Getting contacts my sophmore year of high school was the best decision i ever made. People treated me noticeably better
Getting contacts my sophmore year of high school was the best decision i ever made. People treated me noticeably better
i mean for us incels or normies its better to afford contacts and dont look like a nerd.
For chad it doesnt matter, foid would say that he looks smart and sexy.
No. Mass shooters are always ugly. You won't find a Chad mass shooter.
The garlic and El Paso shooter look identical.. you sure those are the right pictures?
Wasnt the terrorist from new zealand 'normal from a low-mid class worker white family', with gfs, friends and things like that ?
The garlic and El Paso shooter look identical.. you sure those are the right pictures?
(((They))) have a factory that produces generic white nerds they can program to go on mass shootings so they can take away our guns.
these pics keep changing i'm confused
People who wear glasses are 100% more likely to commit mass murder
Tbh good job to them for keeping their glasses intact during the whole ordeal :feelskek:
(((They))) have a factory that produces generic white nerds they can program to go on mass shootings so they can take away our guns.
:feelsbaton::feelsbaton:Secret knowledge. Dr.Level IQ.
(((They))) have a factory that produces generic white nerds they can program to go on mass shootings so they can take away our guns.
Shut it down the gentiles know
They look like the same dude lol
They can't pay foids to be our girlfriends but they can pay them to be hookers.

the government should enslave women and force them to be our gfs (no landwhales)
Cope. The three wise men should've worked on their personality and respected women like Joey.

They did a post OP of that guys brain and found a tumor or something, right?
Yup! 99.99% of men with a wife and family will NEVER go postal, unless they have a tumor expanding in their brain driving them insane with pressure and discomfort.
Yup! 99.99% of men with a wife and family will NEVER go postal, unless they have a tumor expanding in their brain driving them insane with pressure and discomfort.
There was a massacre in a McDonald's restaurant in 1984 where the perpetrator was married and had children
There are non-incels who commit massacres, but that's in spite of the fact that they're having their sexual needs met.

What's certain, and undeniable, is that if you'd give a gf to an incel who's about to go on a mass-shooting, then he wouldn't follow through with the mass-shooting.

If Eric Harris got a prom date, he'd easily have found her vagoo more interesting than LARPing Doom in his high school.

If Nikolas Cruz's girlfriend didn't dump him and cuck him, he wouldn't have shot up his high school, either.

There are innumerable examples where the intervention of a roastie would have prevented bloodshed. But, as it turns out, roasties only find incels like Eric Harris and Nikolas Cruz to be interesting after they throw their lives away, as a form of social signalling; they would never actually date these men in real life, but they signal about loving them after they commit their massacres in order to fit in with their nymphomaniac peer group, which defines "high-status" in a man as the extent of the violence he's committed ("high-status," of course, is the prerequisite quality in a man necessary for a woman's love).

Ironically, this all endears nymphomaniacs to stereotypical bad boy Chads more often than anything, but some of them LARP as being "not like the other girls," and disingenuously project psychopathic qualities onto brutalized incels who snap, turning them into the female equivalent of "waifus," or sexual icons based entirely in the imagination. What Becky nymphomaniacs really want is a bad boy Chad who abuses people just for the sake of it, but since they're too ugly/fat to get bad boy Chads, they pretend that incel spree-shooters are bad boy Chads, ignoring the whole context of their actions.

If nymphomaniacs ever start committing massacres themselves (unlikely, though there has been a failed attempt), they would be the only people to commit mass-shootings precisely because their sexual needs being met, given that they consider mass-shootings to be a sexual fetish of theirs.
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Make ER look like a Chadlite ngl
If he is pyschopath or someshit then yea
if he has some mental illness
paddock was divorced twice and had a gf.
having a gf and social life gives you something to lose and happier in life so ofc most of them didn't. Fuck mainstream media blaming it all on them being inkwell though and demonizing everyone who is.
Unlikely. Most mass shooters are societal rejects.
jfl if u think glassess ruin them. glasses may remove one point in attraction scale or add depending on how cool the glassess. glasses can take attention from ur shit face.

A chad with godly eye area looks worse in glasses though cuz hes covering his great eye area.

also jfl they all look fucking the same

all their mouths mean exactly that they dont smile at all during they day so the mouth corners are falling/turning/going down:

they also have puffy cheeks and submissive eye area. their lives mustve been hell. the first one looks like he was bullied

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