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Blackpill Women's hypergamy is dysgenic and anti-civilisation



Jun 27, 2019
I'm sure everyone has heard the "argument" that women only wanting to fuck Chad is just nature weeding out the weak, undesirable men and that this is a good thing for the species. But in reality women's sexual selection doesn't benefit humanity at all and actually will devolve humanity if it is carried on for too long. First off, being good-looking or tall doesn't help you to survive at all and is pretty much a useless feature. They also prefer highly aggressive men and the dark-triad personality type which is highly destructive to society. The whole reason the human species has got all of it's good traits is because of natural selection. Now that we have removed natural selection, women's sexual selection is the only deciding factor on who gets to reproduce. Males will become tall and attractive but very aggressive and dumb.
Women's behaviour is also anti-civilisation. In the past men had incentive to work hard because they knew by doing that they could find a partner. Having a relationship would also motivate you to work and help balance out the stresses of a long day. Now that many men cannot find a relationship they have little incentive to work hard or they simply cannot because they are depressed and anxious. We already see a large amount of young men dropping out of society and as hypergamy gets even worse society will start to crumble.
i don’t think they care about benefiting humanity , They just want his cum
Foid's rampant hypergamous behavior exists today because, simply, WE GAVE WOMEN THE RIGHT TO VOTE. That was the initial nail in the coffin. Throughout the next few centuries, women were slowly, and increasingly, given opportunities to work, and better paying positions, until 2nd wave feminism(60s and 70s) and Roe vs. Wade came into effect along with the birth control pill. THIS WAS THE FINAL NAIL IN THE COFFIN FOR THE WEST. We can blame Tinder, Chads, or whatever, but without the events that occurred in the 60s/70s, women's hypergamy would've remain in check and the patriarchy would still exist. Tinder, and everything that followed are just the symptoms of a decades long disease called feminism.
ITcels looking for an random and ridicule excuse
Foids preferred it when all the Chad nomads went around killing everyone and developing nothing.

They were very angry that farmers had enough and invented guns to wipe out the nomadic chads. How dare weak but smarter farmers don't bow down and accept their fate!
This is why we must replace women.
Women will cause the fall of society
Foids are primal creatures who must be superseded by something better, if humanity is to have any hope of a better future. Unfortunately, I don't think that will happen anytime soon, and we'll just see the gradual decline of societies and abysmal birth rates across the world thanks to globohomocapital, foid rights and unrestrained hypergamy.

I wouldn't go so far as to say female selection is dysgenic, it may have been beneficial in caveman times. But we are way past that now, and civilization must either rein in female hypergamy to ensure the beta males don't drop out, or it can collapse. I don't really give a fuck either way because I have no stake in humanity or any reason to care about anything beyond my own death.
Civilization is an agreement between the average rank and file males. It's a precious thing which needs a very specific environment to flourish. Otherwise it disappears quickly. Centuries ago the average blokes made an agreement among themselves. They made laws and punished those who broke them. I won't kill, at least I won't kill members of my own tribe without a just cause. I will direct my anger and violent impulses outwards, not inwards. I will not steal, at least I won't steal from my tribe. Conquest is a fair game. I won't fuck a woman belonging to another man, at least I won't cuck a member of my own tribe. Women from enemy tribes are free for the taking. Civilization equals laws and laws can make the average guy use his energy to build and create instead of wandering aimlessly or destroying things at random. Without laws there's no civilization. What we witness in the West is a breakdown of laws, thus a breakdown of civilization itself.
Women’s sexual selection is stuck in the primordial period 100,000 years ago. Humans evolved to a high state of intelligence because intelligent sub-8 men enforced rules upon society and especially upon femoids. This started out as religion.
IQs are dropping over the years due to women being so stupid with their mating selection
Society won't crumble anytime soon as cucks will always be willing to slave away to support womens' needs, even if it kills them.

Additionally we might even see high IQ Chads in the future due to advances in cosmetic surgery available to rich high IQ normies, genetic engineering and sperm donor clinics to only pick the best genes and women increasingly cheating on their rich betabux to give their child Chad genes and a high quality upbringing (or leaving their Chad boyfriend and taking their Chad son to be raised by a rich betabux).
Society won't crumble anytime soon as cucks will always be willing to slave away to support womens' needs, even if it kills them.

Additionally we might even see high IQ Chads in the future due to advances in cosmetic surgery available to rich high IQ normies, genetic engineering and sperm donor clinics to only pick the best genes and women increasingly cheating on their rich betabux to give their child Chad genes and a high quality upbringing (or leaving their Chad boyfriend and taking their Chad son to be raised by a rich betabux).
The internet makes cucks seem more prevalent in society than they actually are. Cucks and degenerates are more likely to be active forum posters and reddit users. You also see every day normies are becoming more and more blackpilled so it will only be a matter of time. I'm not saying society will completely collapse but there will be a severe downturn. I guess they are just going to keep bringing in immigrants to make up for all of the jobless neets.
Ideal society for women.
D0d8fa59cde35e4bedbc645dcb7e20e0eb3770dav2 hq

Ideal society for men
Marina bay de Singapur 1
Women want chad because our society engnierd their small brains to love chad. Women are attrected to big, strong man. But pretty boys and chads(Fixation about face) is all fabricaded by our overlords that sit above the govermant.

Because of women "Mating choices" we will have a collapsed "Mad Max socity" full with Psyhopates and other maniecs, because our women feel the tickle between their legs.
On a daily basis I see foids with incel tier genes have boyfriend and multiple children. I'm talking morbidly obese, fugly, diseased, handicapped foids have men far better than their looks match. When OP was talking about dysgenic that's what immediately came to mind. These women are passing on their genes instead of the bottom 80% men. This makes me cringe pretty hard. It makes me depressed getting mogged by dysgenic foids and even worse knowing I'm the one paying taxes to enable propping them up.

Basically civilization is at a point where your provider value means fuck all now. Everything is cheap and abundant. Foids will choose unstable chads over responsible betas in the bottom 80%. Too many support systems for foids now for just being alive (jobs, government, daddy, paypigs).

Another blackpill, even when society collapses women still act the same. I've been to poorer countries like Ukraine where foids can't afford coffee but refuse to date their looks match wealthy foreigner. Even in poor countries foids have smartphones and Tinder so they have insane options.
On a daily basis I see foids with incel tier genes have boyfriend and multiple children. I'm talking morbidly obese, fugly, diseased, handicapped foids have men far better than their looks match. When OP was talking about dysgenic that's what immediately came to mind. These women are passing on their genes instead of the bottom 80% men. This makes me cringe pretty hard. It makes me depressed getting mogged by dysgenic foids and even worse knowing I'm the one paying taxes to enable propping them up.

Basically civilization is at a point where your provider value means fuck all now. Everything is cheap and abundant. Foids will choose unstable chads over responsible betas in the bottom 80%. Too many support systems for foids now for just being alive (jobs, government, daddy, paypigs).

Another blackpill, even when society collapses women still act the same. I've been to poorer countries like Ukraine where foids can't afford coffee but refuse to date their looks match wealthy foreigner. Even in poor countries foids have smartphones and Tinder so they have insane options.
Anything above basic needs can be considered already too much. If you are a woman and you don't have to care about survival you can tick the box and only think about mating.
Foid's rampant hypergamous behavior exists today because, simply, WE GAVE WOMEN THE RIGHT TO VOTE. That was the initial nail in the coffin. Throughout the next few centuries, women were slowly, and increasingly, given opportunities to work, and better paying positions, until 2nd wave feminism(60s and 70s) and Roe vs. Wade came into effect along with the birth control pill. THIS WAS THE FINAL NAIL IN THE COFFIN FOR THE WEST. We can blame Tinder, Chads, or whatever, but without the events that occurred in the 60s/70s, women's hypergamy would've remain in check and the patriarchy would still exist. Tinder, and everything that followed are just the symptoms of a decades long disease called feminism.
Yeah this. Women are by nature hypergamous, every civilization in the past has known this and prevented their nature by not giving these creatures too many rights.
Women rights dont exist in christianity or islam.
But guess what, shit is fucked now. What has happened now is the complete liberation of the dating market. Hypercapitalism, very few males get it all.
Most males are left with nothing, whilst being brainwashed by the liberal media into thinking that you shall never disrespect women. The liberal media and social media plattforms are strict on preventing any misogyny from spreading. Criticising the female gender will get you banned in no fucking time on discord or twitter.

We are entirely fucked, most males come up empty, but the majority of males are brainwashed and only very few are awaken like us. Females wont get their right to vote and work taken away any time soon. Western countries will survive a few generations until frustration will reach a critical level. Remember, at least 50% of males need to be blackpilled until shit starts going south for foids. Until then, cope and hope for the worst.
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There is some high IQ gold up in this bitch.
Yeah this. Women are by nature hypergamous, every civilization in the past has known this and prevented their nature by not giving these creatures too many rights.
Women rights dont exist in christianity or islam.
But guess what, shit is fucked now. What has happened now is the complete liberation of the dating market. Hypercapitalism, very few males get it all.
Most males are left with nothing, whilst being brainwashed by the liberal media into thinking that you shall never disrespect women. The liberal media and social media plattforms are strict on preventing any misogyny from spreading. Criticising the female gender will get you banned in no fucking time on discord or twitter.

We are entirely fucked, most males come up empty, but the majority of males are brainwashed and only very few are awaken like us. Females wont get their right to vote and work taken away any time soon. Western countries will survive a few generations until frustration will reach a critical level. Remember, at least 50% of males need to be blackpilled until shit starts going south for foids. Until then, cope and hope for the worst.
Iq’s me to mars and back. Based af brocel. How long until you believe the number hits 50%? I believe we are currently around 35% give or take, seeing as we were about 30% in 2016.
Iq’s me to mars and back. Based af brocel. How long until you believe the number hits 50%? I believe we are currently around 35% give or take, seeing as we were about 30% in 2016.
Male virginity is at about 30% for 18-30 aged males I believe, yes. But sadly not every virgin is an aware incel. I think many men have to go through a decade of rejections before they finally get to be blackpilled. I know of some who only became aware in their late twenties, after going through the typical process of PUA and redpills. I think once male virginity hits 50% and once they are blackpilled (for a normie I think it will take give or take 5-10 years for him to be blackpilled), we will have noticeably frustruation built up.
Some mainstream right wingers are already talking openly about hypergamy. We can probably expect that right wingers will at some point pick up the problematic of the freedom that we gave to females. But I dont see that happening just yet, it will most likely take another decade.
Hypergamy is incompatible with modern civilization. Replacing women with waifus when?
Foid's rampant hypergamous behavior exists today because, simply, WE GAVE WOMEN THE RIGHT TO VOTE. That was the initial nail in the coffin. Throughout the next few centuries, women were slowly, and increasingly, given opportunities to work, and better paying positions, until 2nd wave feminism(60s and 70s) and Roe vs. Wade came into effect along with the birth control pill. THIS WAS THE FINAL NAIL IN THE COFFIN FOR THE WEST. We can blame Tinder, Chads, or whatever, but without the events that occurred in the 60s/70s, women's hypergamy would've remain in check and the patriarchy would still exist. Tinder, and everything that followed are just the symptoms of a decades long disease called feminism.
High IQ. Ugly men have contributed more to society way more than all the Chads and holes in history put together.
There was a time before patriarchy, we call it pre-history.

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