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JFL Women's favorite comedian

Stupid Clown

Stupid Clown

The only good women are the dead ones
Nov 29, 2022
Look up Mat Rife on YouTube and watch women call him the best standup comedian ever
771d639a ea9b 4740 8c20 69dad77590f3 MattRife2
Watched about two minutes of this:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HkmMXprPwI

Genuinely such shit jokes; I had to turn it off because it was so unfunny I think it might have made my depression worse.

Literally any human with half-a-brain could make the same jokes he did.
Isn't that symmetrical face and chiseled arms so funny :3

Women do not use humor in their social arsenal, and if they do it's strictly tied to their own biology such as muh vagina, muh SEX!!!!!111 MUH CHAD!!!!!

Only men are capable of humor because it needs a certain level of self reflection coupled with social restraint, humor is basically a subversion of societal norms something men traditionally aren't allowed to criticize or vent about, or better summed up by this nigga "Our laughter seems to arise from the view of things incongruous united in the same assemblage”"
Isn't that symmetrical face and chiseled arms so funny :3

Women do not use humor in their social arsenal, and if they do it's strictly tied to their own biology such as muh vagina, muh SEX!!!!!111 MUH CHAD!!!!!

Only men are capable of humor because it needs a certain level of self reflection coupled with social restraint, humor is basically a subversion of societal norms something men traditionally aren't allowed to criticize or vent about, or better summed up by this nigga "Our laughter seems to arise from the view of things incongruous united in the same assemblage”"
Perfect description. There's a reason the Greek didn't let women into theatres.
Very funny
How foids primitive are:feelsUgh:
You don't see men laughing at hot bitches being unfunny. Hell, men are attracted to most women and still make memes about how women aren't funny.
I'm not even gonna watch it. I don't need this rage fuel right now. It'll spike my blood pressure.
Good- I'm kinda embarrassed to say that I gave that faggot even a few minutes of attention, that shit was some of the lowest-effort jokes I have heard in my life.
Good- I'm kinda embarrassed to say that I gave that faggot even a few minutes of attention, that shit was some of the lowest-effort jokes I have heard in my life.
If you're Chad you don't need to put in effort.
Women do not use humor in their social arsenal, and if they do it's strictly tied to their own biology such as muh vagina, muh SEX!!!!!111 MUH CHAD
the power of grea personaliteahee
the power of grea personaliteahee
The foids watching him unironically think he has a great personality. Women are retards. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
water wet , your typical attractive person living on « just exist » mode
water wet , your typical attractive person living on « just exist » mode
"Attractive person." That's cope. I've never seen attractive women have such success.
Prime example of chad privilege
Prime example of chad privilege
He look like such a smug fagget too … i just wish someone would go ER during one of his show :feelsokman:, you know it’s full retarded stacies and beckies :feelshaha:
You don't see men laughing at hot bitches being unfunny. Hell, men are attracted to most women and still make memes about how women aren't funny.
He look like such a smug fagget too … i just wish someone would go ER during one of his show :feelsokman:, you know it’s full retarded stacies and beckies :feelshaha:
Don't be a glowie.
Foids ruined comedy

Yet retarded ITcels still wax lyrical about how foids just want men to be 'smart and funny,' even though they drove all the funny comedians out of comedy
Foids ruined comedy

Yet retarded ITcels still wax lyrical about how foids just want men to be 'smart and funny,' even though they drove all the funny comedians out of comedy
Lmao he does this for a living? I'm legitimately funnier than him jfl.
Well you see, you're ugly so whatever you say is automatically creepy to women.
Proof women have no taste.

Proof it doesn't matter how good you are as a subchad, Chad will still be ranked higher than you.

Countless legendary subchad comedians disrespected by insipid, worthless cocksleeves just because Chad made some "jokes".

This legit pisses me off.

Women should be seen, not heard.

Shut the fuck up, you don't know shit about comedy. You need to have somewhat of a tragic life to even begin to have any semblance of humor, which is on the opposing side of the coin. Not the charmed lives most women get.

Don't even get me started on female "comedians" who are unfortunately spawning like weeds to ruin yet another male domain. As if gynocentric political correctness wasn't enough to ruin comedy, you now have female "comedians" popping up like herpes lesions. Patrice O'Neal is rolling in his grave. As Christopher Hitchens said, women aren't funny.
Foids don't have a sense of humor. If they find you attractive, they'll laugh at anything you say because soyciety has engrained into foids heads the fact that laughing at a guy's jokes is a way of expressing romantic feelings for him and it's like some sort of special treatment for him since foids will never show any positive reaction to anything an unattractive man does.
"It's all about effort, no such thing as natural talent"
FUNeral is FUNnier than him
Good looks can make the unfunniest cringy guys into the most charismatic funniest guys for foids
Women are predictable as hell

When women say they like "funny" guys what they mean is that they want the guy to be so attractive, that no matter what he says, she'll respond by giggling because its their way of flirting.
I think he's about as funny as I am. Does that mean I'm not funny?
Women are predictable as hell

When women say they like "funny" guys what they mean is that they want the guy to be so attractive, that no matter what he says, she'll respond by giggling because its their way of flirting.
Watching him existing will give dopamine to foids.
Lifefuel news :feelscomfy:Even though he’s still rich now from all that , this retard Mat Rife is currently completely ruining and destroying his own « career » because he finally started to try to actually be funny by making « edgy misogynistic jokes « You see , when he realized that 99% of his fan were dumb foids who only found him attractive and not funny his ego just couldn’t take it anymore and he knew deep down that his stand up comic material was just pure garbage so he’s sabotaging himself to try to please the men (the 1%) by « trying » to actually be funny with lame ass jokes that also offend foids … what a fucking idiot LOL :lul::lul::lul: look at the comments it’s absolutely over :lul: :lul: :lul:
View: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMjo9xJY5/
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This is what foids mean when they say they like funny guys
lmao his « jokes » are absolute thrash … it’s so bad not even remotely funny lol jfl
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HkmMXprPwI

Women and Chads have the luxury of being nitpicky when choosing a partner. One of the worst parts of being an ugly man is that you tend to eventually get needy and desperate so it's difficult to resist any possibility that might present itself to you. That's why I always have empathy for ugly men who fall for traps like sting operations, e-girls, etc.
White Chads rule the world
Women should be barred from all forms of entertainment.
Not looking him up fuck him
I have never seen a person that was funny and attractive at the same time...
This is what women mean by "a sense of humor".
So this fag is denying SurgeryMaxxing even though everyone say’s he’s lying , what do you guys think ? :feelshaha:
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lmao people want him cancelled so bad that they are saying shit like « he’s basically an incel if you remove all his surgeries » :lul:
IMG 1138
get fucked fucking douche bag :feelskek:
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