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Women = trash



Feb 18, 2018
yo, newfag here.

Women are hardwired.
Every damn girl I met is the same.
All they do is try to scan for weaknesses in you
and shamelessly exploit them.
I am certain that deep down they all know how wicked they really are.
Just stop it with the “it's their nature” bullshit. They choose to be sluts,
because it pays off.
But they can't bear the reality … every single one of them lives in a world of lies.
I talked to homeless women who were still convinced the knight in shining armor is just around the corner...
the delusion never ends.

They simply do not want to take responsibility.

Society is completely controlled by looks,
I'm so sick of the way I'm treated.
If you think about it, the only relevant matter in reproduction today really is looks.
No other inherent male quality is of any comparable value anymore.

All day every day they shame people.
Even women themselves admit that pure female environments are toxic.
In secret they all hate each other.

They are completely superficial,
They don't even blink when they twist reality to fit their needs and people believe their shit, just because they have a pussy.

It makes me so sick.
All these sluts just spreading their legs and they are done for life.

I'm a hermitcel for 3 years now. It really was a good decision.
Occasionally my solitude turns into loneliness, but it's not that big of a deal.
Coping with the crazy sluts would have definitely left my psyche more damaged by now than being alone, I'm sure.
Nice poem how long did it take for your boss at CUCK tears to help out write that
Yoyo said:
Nice poem how long did it take for your boss at CUCK tears to help out write that
I'm getting this weird feeling
I can't disagree.
Something about this reeks of internet psyops tactics.
I suffered to much to care that you think I'm a troll.
Honestly, sometimes I think about getting sterilized because I fucking hate being a slave to my dick.
If I don't handle my needs daily I get hypersensitive, every passing day i get hornier and hornier until i get boners at the smallest sight of anything arousing.
It fucking sucks.

Why do the normies not understand that physical contact is a basic human need?
As I mentioned earlier I'm in hermit mode right now.
I legit have not had any contact with females that are not my relatives in three years.
I wasted my university years orbiting an ~8 for nearly two years until I wanted a closer relationship and got shot down pretty hard,
it was later that i learned that i got cucked the entire time.
Naive young me didn't think it was strange that she would always leave social gatherings 11pm-12am with whatever excuse,
while in reality she sucked off chads the entire fucking time.
My only purpose was to be a cockblocker, so that other dudes didn't approach her,
when she didn't want it.
I was completely trapped in her spell, just as she wanted it, because I was so desperate for puss and she knew it.

It used to be the running gag of our uni group to virgin shame me.
Back then I really had hopes. I didn't want to admit the reality.
My face is just a fucking clusterfuck with no features at all.
Doesn't fucking matter if you're 6"4.
If you're face makes you look like a rapist there's not really much you can do to remedy that.
I know 99.9% if I was a girl I would never date me, because I look fucking creepy&scary.
No matter where I am, I always look out of place in photos.
I tried so fucking hard man. But all these dating tips are just trash.
I used to go to the gym. Generally tried to improve myself genuinely in as many aspects as I could to increase my pseudo-value.
But if you face looks like someone just took a massive dump on it you're fucked by default.

Awhile ago I went fuck-all and all that matters to me now is improving my mind and expanding my horizons.
The maximum in attractiveness I can reach is limited while my knowledge is not.
Maybe it will pay off someday and I will ascend to chadness.
> They choose to be sluts,
I'm not convinced women choose anything. They are mostly driven by instinct. They don't think on the same wavelength as us. They operate on base mammalian logic.
Weirdcel said:
> They choose to be sluts,
I'm not convinced women choose anything. They are mostly driven by instinct. They don't think on the same wavelength as us. They operate on base mammalian logic.

Bullshit. That's an excuse females make to justify their slutty actions and cucks like to believe it to cope. "Muh nature" "muh instinct" "muh survival", it's all bullshit to promote hypergamy and degeneration.
Stanx22 said:
Bullshit. That's an excuse females make to justify their slutty actions and cucks like to believe it to cope. "Muh nature" "muh instinct" "muh survival", it's all bullshit to promote hypergamy and degeneration.

You make the mistake of thinking that women think just like us. They don't. It's obvious they don't because they don't behave like us. You can no more fault a woman than you can fault a dog. This is why should be controlled, kept on a leash so to speak.

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