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Venting Women think that are inceldom came out of nowhere



Autistcel, Subhuman
Oct 1, 2019
First of all I'd like to say that I don't hate women.

For some reason women seem to think that we started hating/resenting them from our of nowhere but for me it was a very gradual process. As a boy I was very happy go lucky even though I was being abused constantly at home. My happiness did go down in high school when I started to ask out girls but I was still relatively happy even though no women wanted me. I literally thought that I'd get my opportunity eventually if I just worked hard enough but I just was too ignorant to know that my curry skin, height, and Aspergers made a subhuman. It wasn't until I became an adult that I started to realize how worthless that I am. I never started out hating women, my self loathing grew over the years. It didn't help that my mother frequently beat me as a child.

I'm sure if women were to read this they'd say that it's fake. I already read an IT thread about one of my post a couple of weeks ago, with a lot of saying that there's no way that my mother actually abused me so I know that they'll never agree with me. One removed comment even just straight up said that I deserved what happened to me. I know that there just a bunch of trolls, who are just trying to hurt us but tbh I did cry a bit reading that comment because I think back on all the beatings and verbal abuse that I endured. Those people are fucking worse then abusers In my opinion.

Sorry for the rambling I just wanted to get this off my chest.
just like how people hate niggers for no reason apparently
It took me almost till I was 29 I started putting many things together when it came to foids and my relationship to them (or lack there of Lmao) . One then only has to zoom out and realize men, civilization has a similar interaction with them, and that the controlling elite use women's nature against the male population
First of all I'd like to say that I don't hate women.

I never started out hating women, my self loathing grew over the years.
So do you hate women or not? :feelsjuice:

And yes, it's perfectly natural to resent and hold some sort of hostility towards the foids that perpetuate the very degeneracy and hypergamy currently cutting off a large percentage of men that will ultimately either lead to total collapse or the elites just overtly taking control of everything in some 1984-type dystopia where most men are basically enslaved even more than they currently are now; that, and then gaslighting subhumans about all the mockery and discrimination they've endured to make it their fault. :feelsclown:
as soon as my penis stopped growing, i immediately began to dislike them
as soon as my penis stopped growing, i immediately began to dislike them
I hate women because they hate me and treat me like a rapist, I don't hate them just because
So do you hate women or not? :feelsjuice:

And yes, it's perfectly natural to resent and hold some sort of hostility towards the foids that perpetuate the very degeneracy and hypergamy currently cutting off a large percentage of men that will ultimately either lead to total collapse or the elites just overtly taking control of everything in some 1984-type dystopia where most men are basically enslaved even more than they currently are now; that, and then gaslighting subhumans about all the mockery and discrimination they've endured to make it their fault. :feelsclown:
Nah I don't hatem inherently. I hate the way that they treat me though.
I hate women because they hate me and treat me like a rapist, I don't hate them just because
Me too. I have no desire to rape them or even hurt them but yet but women think that's all I want. Nah I just want to be treated as a human by them
First of all I'd like to say that I don't hate women.

For some reason women seem to think that we started hating/resenting them from our of nowhere but for me it was a very gradual process. As a boy I was very happy go lucky even though I was being abused constantly at home. My happiness did go down in high school when I started to ask out girls but I was still relatively happy even though no women wanted me. I literally thought that I'd get my opportunity eventually if I just worked hard enough but I just was too ignorant to know that my curry skin, height, and Aspergers made a subhuman. It wasn't until I became an adult that I started to realize how worthless that I am. I never started out hating women, my self loathing grew over the years. It didn't help that my mother frequently beat me as a child.

I'm sure if women were to read this they'd say that it's fake. I already read an IT thread about one of my post a couple of weeks ago, with a lot of saying that there's no way that my mother actually abused me so I know that they'll never agree with me. One removed comment even just straight up said that I deserved what happened to me. I know that there just a bunch of trolls, who are just trying to hurt us but tbh I did cry a bit reading that comment because I think back on all the beatings and verbal abuse that I endured. Those people are fucking worse then abusers In my opinion.

Sorry for the rambling I just wanted to get this off my chest.
If they hate you why can't you hate them back?
just like how people hate niggers for no reason apparently
This is an example that always boggled my mind. In countries like the US, there are real tangible reasons why blacks are not well liked.

They commit a hugely disproportionate amount of violent crime for one and ironically are some of the most racist and hate filled people you will ever meet on the average — the difference being that white people actually have their bigotry heavily policed here whereas black’s bigotry is tolerated if not outright encouraged (eg see Reddit or Twitter or the news for example, it’s everywhere). It’s so bizarre to me how whites self police for woke clout when literally no other group does this.

There are other angles to it as well — blacks do terribly on average by comparison to whites or Asians in terms of education (Asians thrash the tar out of everybody). As a cultural group here they just don’t value education by and large. We’ve had decades and decades of affirmative action both in educational institutions and jobs and our entire news media apparatus is rigged in their favor. At some point the blame falls onto them as a group and we’re well well and far beyond that point.

My experience in the two cities I’ve worked in, they also broadly are extremely rude and confrontational over nothing and seem to have no sense of basic civilized behavior (black guy in the subway went into a frothing rage and threw his bicycle over people walking past him to get off lol — or black guy on the street threw he soda and chewed me out at me for not engaging with what was an obvious scam, or how black women on the bus are always blasting their music and TALKING AT MAX VOLUME ALL THE TIME, etc etc).

Important clarification — all of this I’ve said is “ON AVERAGE” which is very important. I think it is important to evaluate people as individuals because there are many blacks that are based and well educated. Eg Thomas Sowell etc. It is also true that there are white people that are criminal dickheads without two braincells to rub together, but ON AVERAGE there are apparent differences between different groups and some of those differences are extremely negative and are why they’re not well liked. But the media fucking lies to people and tells them not to use their fucking eye balls. I was never bigoted towards them as a group growing up but when I moved to the city for my job (I live right in between a poor white neighborhood and a poor black one and there’s also a poor Mexican cohort nearby too who are great as coincidence would have it), I can tell you easily which neighborhood I now avoid and why.

Let me give you an example — suppose you’re black and you leisurely walk through a poor white neighborhood. Now suppose you’re white and you leisurely walk through a poor black neighborhood. It is extremely obvious even to most lying wokies which of those scenarios should be avoided and why.
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