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Serious Women shouldn't be able to be in positions of power or authority

Redpill Robert

Redpill Robert

Supreme Gentleman. King of Incels. Pro slut-shamer
Nov 27, 2017
It simply isn't in their nature. They are too emotional and lack the individuality and leadership qualities needed to actually be effective leaders. Since the beginning of HIStory, virtually everything has been accomplished by men. It is no coincidence why this is the case.

Affirmative action has put women in charge at lower levels as well. Frankly women shouldn't even be allowed to run a Burger King. Anyone that has ever dealt with a female boss knows how the place quickly turns into a gossip mill and a banana republic all in one. Favoritism plainly shows its ugly head and the place eventually gets run into the ground. But a woman can then just cry her way out of it all whereas a man would be fired for the same. There's a good reason why it's called a MANager, not a womanager, you know.
You can’t even go to a female barber without the bitch showing her disgust as a sub 5 male. Realistically they should have very few job options.
You can’t even go to a female barber without the bitch showing her disgust as a sub 5 male. Realistically they should have very few job options.

We could raise wages, increase productivity, and create jobs ovERnight if we simply banned females from the workplace.
You can’t even go to a female barber without the bitch showing her disgust as a sub 5 male.

Fuck, why would you even put yourself through that. I always go to a classic male barber’s.
NGL, not sticky worthy tbh. i had some better blackpills that deserved stickies.


>Anyone that has ever dealt with a female boss knows how the place quickly turns into a gossip mill and a banana republic all in one.

JFL thanks for the kek OP. putting that one in my jokes book.
High IQ thread.
God approves this post. Here is what Apostle Paul says in his first epistle to timothy (1 Timothy 2:9-15):
9 In like manner women also in decent apparel: adorning themselves with modesty and sobriety, not with plaited hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly attire,

10 But as it becometh women professing godliness, with good works.

11 Let the woman learn in silence, with all subjection.

12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to use authority over the man: but to be in silence.

13 For Adam was first formed; then Eve.

14 And Adam was not seduced; but the woman being seduced, was in the transgression.

15 Yet she shall be saved through childbearing; if she continue in faith, and love, and sanctification, with sobriety.
Not to mention that women are genetically/biologically weaker than men. There's a reason why men conquer everything whether it's land, finance, raping, etc. Men outclass femoids in EVERYTHING.
Not to mention that women are genetically/biologically weaker than men. There's a reason why men conquer everything whether it's land, finance, raping, etc. Men outclass femoids in EVERYTHING.

Except maybe the social realm, men mog women HARD in everything.
Except maybe the social realm, men mog women HARD in everything.
I'd argue that if it weren't for our gynocentric society, men would mog women socially too. Women are less funny, less intelligent, and aren't smooth at all with their communication skills.
I'd argue that if it weren't for our gynocentric society, men would mog women socially too. Women are less funny, less intelligent, and aren't smooth at all with their communication skills.

Men tend to be funnier and more intelligent sure, but women are better at speaking and picking up social cues as well as just overall social awareness.
Not to mention that women are genetically/biologically weaker than men. There's a reason why men conquer everything whether it's land, finance, raping, etc. Men outclass femoids in EVERYTHING.

Men outclass women in smarts and retardation. More genius and retard men than women.
Men tend to be funnier and more intelligent sure, but women are better at speaking and picking up social cues as well as just overall social awareness.
I disagree, I think they come across that way because they are allowed to be low inhibition. If society were different, they wouldn't be running their mouths.
The only attribute for success in the workplace women have is high levels of psychopathy. OP is 100% correct, its biologically impossible for women to be good leaders. It is IMPOSSIBLE for them to make objective, rational decisions. Every company ran by women inevitably implodes, which is why no serious investor has money in a company with a female CEO. The extent of their inferiority to men is incredible when you think about it. Their ONLY contribution to humanity throughout history has been giving men children.
Not to mention that women are genetically/biologically weaker than men. There's a reason why men conquer everything whether it's land, finance, raping, etc. Men outclass femoids in EVERYTHING.

Yeah, men are even better at cooking. Look at all the male chefs. It's more just something that became women's work because men didn't feel like doing it. But nowadays most women can't anymore either way.
Same for normies/chads who abuse their power the second they get it, such as twitch mods
It's no wonder you boys aren't getting laid when this is the respect you show women.
Women are too primitive to lead anything civilized.
You can’t even go to a female barber without the bitch showing her disgust as a sub 5 male. Realistically they should have very few job options.

Tell me about it. The last time I got my haircut, the stuck-up bitch wouldn't even speak to me. She had no problem flirting with the guy who got his haircut before me, though. To top it off, when I gave her a $20 for the $14 haircut, she had the gall to ask if I wanted change. I'm like, "Hell yeah I want my change back... you're not getting a $6 tip!"

Next time I need a haircut, I'm seeing a real barber.
God approves this post. Here is what Apostle Paul says in his first epistle to timothy (1 Timothy 2:9-15):
9 In like manner women also in decent apparel: adorning themselves with modesty and sobriety, not with plaited hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly attire,

10 But as it becometh women professing godliness, with good works.

11 Let the woman learn in silence, with all subjection.

12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to use authority over the man: but to be in silence.

13 For Adam was first formed; then Eve.

14 And Adam was not seduced; but the woman being seduced, was in the transgression.

15 Yet she shall be saved through childbearing; if she continue in faith, and love, and sanctification, with sobriety.
The Bible is pretty blackpilled
Cope. Why do incels brag on male achievements when incels are the self-proclaimed lowest form of man? Even if there were no women in the work place, incels would still be subjugated. For every highly intelligent incel there are 100 normies of the same intelligence. You’d be in the same demeaning low wage jobs as always. Just because there are no women doesn’t mean their jobs will go to you lol there are thousands of women doctors, are incels just gonna suddenly learn medicine and take their place? This holds especially true with leadership positions. Scenarios like this are endless and prove that this thread topic is retarded.

Female worship. Many if not most of HIStory's geniuses were incel (or might as well have been) and most women in high status professions are really only there because of affirmative action. For every female doctor, do you really think there weren't 100 other equally qualified or better nerdy white guys trying to get into Med school that simply didn't have any connections?
Bring back patriarchal ideals.

Women need to go back to the kitchen.
Female worship. Many if not most of HIStory's geniuses were incel (or might as well have been) and most women in high status professions are really only there because of affirmative action. For every female doctor, do you really think there weren't 100 other equally qualified or better nerdy white guys trying to get into Med school that simply didn't have any connections?
If it weren’t for affirmative action most American med schools would be mostly Asian. Do you even know the massive amounts of applicants colleges receive from asian countries? Not a very good argument if you think 100 nerdy white guys can beat out the study slaves that those countries produce lol
If it weren’t for affirmative action most American med schools would be mostly Asian. Do you even know the massive amounts of applicants colleges receive from asian countries? Not a very good argument if you think 100 nerdy white guys can beat out the study slaves that those countries produce lol

FACT: the vast majority of recipients of affirmative action are actually white women.
They are the source of many evil things in the society. They have double standards. You cannot expect them to follow the law and just behave same to any men. They will always do a favor to chad consciously or not. When they are in a position of leadership or a role that requires making a choice depending on work related qualities of someone they will always choose chad. I cannot understand how almost all HR managers are women and recruiters and head hunters are women. Why do we allow them to do their wicked and wrong choices in important roles that can effect a lot of people.
They were made to only look after there husbands and children and they should never be put in the workplace,have an education or to leave the house without a male relative SHARIA LAW NOW
this is true, women should not be hiring managers!
good thread also jfl at big tech companys always hiring females for engineer they are too dumb and incompentent
God approves this post. Here is what Apostle Paul says in his first epistle to timothy (1 Timothy 2:9-15):
9 In like manner women also in decent apparel: adorning themselves with modesty and sobriety, not with plaited hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly attire,

10 But as it becometh women professing godliness, with good works.

11 Let the woman learn in silence, with all subjection.

12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to use authority over the man: but to be in silence.

13 For Adam was first formed; then Eve.

14 And Adam was not seduced; but the woman being seduced, was in the transgression.

15 Yet she shall be saved through childbearing; if she continue in faith, and love, and sanctification, with sobriety.
I'm sure a woman like Cris Cyborg, Ronda Rousey, Holly Holm, etc. are stronger than the average man and will surely kick their teeth in, 4 times over

Are you seriously comparing professional MMA fighters to average people, not to mention there is a difference between being strong and knowing how to fight.

They also have that bodies similar to males because of the increased testosterone, a male hormone.
Imagine if there was a legit social justice warrior feminist reading this, lmaooo the rage would be insane
Femoid ruined YouTuber, Femoid ruined Yahoo, femoids ruined media with their sjw feminism bullshit

Women run OFF of emotion, not logic
Tfw when I have 4 female managers who all suck
I'm sure a woman like Cris Cyborg, Ronda Rousey, Holly Holm, etc. are stronger than the average man and will surely kick their teeth in, 4 times over

I only know of Ronda Rousey. I'm skeptical that she could kick my ass
They are the source of many evil things in the society. They have double standards. You cannot expect them to follow the law and just behave same to any men. They will always do a favor to chad consciously or not. When they are in a position of leadership or a role that requires making a choice depending on work related qualities of someone they will always choose chad. I cannot understand how almost all HR managers are women and recruiters and head hunters are women. Why do we allow them to do their wicked and wrong choices in important roles that can effect a lot of people.
Most people function on the principle of "good enough". Women are put in HR because that's where they cause the least damage from their incompetence. Sure, they will hire a Chad over a better qualified beta. But as long as that Chad functions well enough at his job it doesn't become a problem and no one is going to start a shit storm over it. At the end of the day most people just want to collect their paycheck and fuck off. The only ones who would want to complain about it are the guys who got passed up and they don't even work there, so what the hell is they going to do?
Best thing would be to find a new job with an actual boss aka a man.
Wish I could just stop working and go neet instead, like a lot of users here.
I only know of Ronda Rousey. I'm skeptical that she could kick my ass
She's a professional fighter. Idk man, as much as I'd hate to admit that a girl can beat me up, she's a girl that can beat up lots of dudes

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