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Women replacing jesus/Christian god in churches



Dec 28, 2017
I went to some big, new and expensive mega church once with upper middle class families.

As anyone who isn't retarded could predict, it was like the front page of youtube, meaning:

cuck faced old white preacher talking about:
- women in the church
- women in the family
- women as leaders blah blah

basically some old white faggot cucking out over women for two hours straight, with some singing... by kids and more women.
This is why Europeans like muslims they want brutal male domination that they can't get with christianity, if jesus was a muslim he would have stoned that whore like a chad.

I was heavily religious growing up and heard about "mainstream churches" and what you describe is what I imagined, women are the religion of the west so you have to liberalize so you don't look uncool.
Modern christan's support cuckery, we need to go old school again.
im an oldcel and i remember going to catholic mass/church as a kid. was all fire and brimstone shit. they give the priest like 15 minutes of ramble/speech time.

went to one not too long ago and yeah that 15 minutes was just liberal new age cuck female worship shit

as expected

100% predictable
this happened in one of the churches my fam used to go to on several occasions. women corrupt everything.
its incredibly obvious how society panders to females at this point.

Modern christan's support cuckery, we need to go old school again.

The church is useless at best, all a Christian needs is the KJV.

Never going inside a church again, just a bunch of frauds out to enrich themselves and spread SJW propaganda and a cucked interpretation of the Bible.
it's funny how church's looks really good and it seems like a lot of money have been invested into them yet they dont bother helping the poor when im pretty sure thats what their god taught them. not to mention to love one another when they resent fags.
Mega Churches preach apostasy. Don't subject yourself to that type of satanism. Either follow Orthodox Christianity or study the faith on your own/with friends

Women are not supposed to have leadership roles in the church.
Going to church is cucked because all females there only fuck pastors and other employees.
And obviously they run WK game cause they fuck them and persuade them to divorce their hubbies so they can fuck the pastor.
it's funny how church's looks really good and it seems like a lot of money have been invested into them yet they dont bother helping the poor when im pretty sure thats what their god taught them. not to mention to love one another when they resent fags.
Church only cares about itself and their leaders use church to gain status and money so they can cuck u.
I am semi Christian but I would never go to church because it is a cucked thing to do. To give other males money and status so they can fuck ur potential gf jfl.
i am catholic and i know religion is BS but i can't bring myself to straight out deny jesus and god. I believe there is a higher power. Even though I am soon converting to muslim i have a soft spot for christianity because my i had catholisism drilled into my head. Stupid females are getting rid of a good thing, religion may be cope for the average norman, it may not, but it does't hinder them at all. Within the next 200 years females will have incels as slaves. (( my profile saying satanist is just mindless edge for u tards that might call me out for it ))
i am catholic and i know religion is BS but i can't bring myself to straight out deny jesus and god. I believe there is a higher power. Even though I am soon converting to muslim i have a soft spot for christianity because my i had catholisism drilled into my head. Stupid females are getting rid of a good thing, religion may be cope for the average norman, it may not, but it does't hinder them at all. Within the next 200 years females will have incels as slaves. (( my profile saying satanist is just mindless edge for u tards that might call me out for it ))
Church has NOTHING to do with religion.
It has been hijacked.
Any cuck can proclaim himself to be a Christian and suck dick to become a priest. It doesn't mean he is one.
Church has NOTHING to do with religion.
It has been hijacked.
Any cuck can proclaim himself to be a Christian and suck dick to become a priest. It doesn't mean he is one.
this was about religion in general and how women are infiltrating it
this was about religion in general and how women are infiltrating it
Nobody can infiltrate it is what I am saying.
A religion is immune to wordly affairs it is beyond grasp of mortals. You cannot harm a religion at all. Christianity is same as ever. Only people.changed and the church.
If this was happening at the mosque I'd be standing outside passing out blackpill pamphlets to all the cucked men.
Going to a religious place of worship in the West as an adult male, JFL. Even if you believe, you're cucking yourself because you believe that other PEOPLE know best.
Rolling my eyes. Females are lame and definately not above Jesus
I don't believe in that kind of stuff anymore, but I used to be orthodox christian, at least there they preached that females were inferior to men.
Christianity died in the trenches of WWI and it's corpse has been rotting these last 100 years
One time at church, the pastor was talking about how men need to respect women. I looked into the crowd, and half the women were dressed like sluts. Just LOL
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People go to church for the same reasons they go to a tavern: to stupefy themselves, to forget their misery, to imagine themselves, for a few minutes anyway, free and happy.

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