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Blackpill Women outnumber men in US colleges by nearly 2:1

Chad still gets paid more so society is sexist. Women need to be favored over sub-8 men to even out the wage gap.
JFL at those of us who graduate uni KHHV.
Doesn't matter...women would rather be single than hook up with an incel. To them it's Chad or bust :lul:
On average, Chad hook up with two girls at the same time.
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jfl at morons thinking they'll betabuxx one day. she'll probably be smarter and making more than you. on top of people rather hiring women over weirdo men.
i think this is fake news. they must be incudling communtiy colleges or something which doesn't count
Soon it will be 99.99% women and 1 singular giga Chad.
good the collapse will happen even faster
Women ruined higher education.
A long time ago, only the smartest, most gifted high IQ niggas went to university, and they casually learned from masterminds. Both students and teachers/mentors were all male, and worked with each other on a very personal level. The students went on to do very well in science and academia. Now, this stupid society thinks that "if going to university is so good, we'll just send every dumbass to university".

It's like saying "basketball players are all tall, so I will send my short kids to play basketball so they'll become tall too!" JFL
Those diplomas matter only as long as society is orderly and civilized. If men become even more of an underclass (and it's happening in pretty much every area of life), women will find out their rights only exist as long as men decide to honor them.
A part of it is that men don't have as much spirit as women anymore thanks to feminism.
jfl at morons thinking they'll betabuxx one day
Betabuxx is officially dead in USA. RIP.
Female HR managers won't interview with you. No job after college means you can't pay off a student loan debt.
Time to move to a poor asian country.
A lot of that is likely femoids getting worthless degrees. But why be productive as an incel or low tier normie? If you don't give men an incentive, you're going to get absolute minimal effort.
Those diplomas matter only as long as society is orderly and civilized. If men become even more of an underclass (and it's happening in pretty much every area of life), women will find out their rights only exist as long as men decide to honor them.
that day can't come soon enough.
Most of those women are studying useless degrees though. I strongly believe in quality over quantity; a highly educated workforce is necessary to maintain an industrialized society, but a bunch of purple-haired landwhales that major in women's studies aren't making any difference there.
Betabuxx is officially dead in USA. RIP.
Female HR managers won't interview with you. No job after college means you can't pay off a student loan debt.
Time to move to a poor asian country.
exactly. who do you think they're going to hire: a stacy with the same degree as you or you? even an ugly as fuck girl will get hired over a normie male because women are seen as more trustworthy and agreeable. its over for men. for ugly men it didn't even start. even with useless degrees they'll take over all the shit jobs, and if the girl does major in something good like stem they'll beat out all the other guys with the same qualifications.
what a fucking suprise this sort of shit is happening in western countries when you push a foids can do nothing wrong and men are the enemy agenda.

JFL at how cucked western countries are, how the mighty have fallen.
what a fucking suprise this sort of shit is happening in western countries when you push a foids can do nothing wrong and men are the enemy agenda.

JFL at how cucked western countries are, how the mighty have fallen.
Whos the real villains here, beta male numale soyboy cucks pushing the agenda or foids for eating it up?

At my school they have a pre-stem program for people looking to get into it and there are maybe 2 guys in it. It's almost entirely female. I applied to it myself (before I abandoned the idea of going to college) and didn't get accepted into the class. They've done absolutely nothing other than going on field trips every month and having the 2 guys that got into the program build a remote control car that can move cans.
Men aren't encouraged to go to college. Most men are encouraged to find a trade skill or something, and are told women are more intelligent and gentle (despite men on average IQ mogging tf out of women). If they do go to college they go into more difficult fields, unlike psychology which is the most popular choice for women and leads to one of three career paths: teacher, guidance counselor, or therapist.
Whos the real villains here, beta male numale soyboy cucks pushing the agenda or foids for eating it up?

At my school they have a pre-stem program for people looking to get into it and there are maybe 2 guys in it. It's almost entirely female. I applied to it myself (before I abandoned the idea of going to college) and didn't get accepted into the class. They've done absolutely nothing other than going on field trips every month and having the 2 guys that got into the program build a remote control car that can move cans.

soy cucks and foids are both equally responsible , i just wish western society wasnt so retarded. like the agenda they push is so fucking obvious even business do this shit now.
It's over for gradcels
This thread realLy Makes me mad
Maybe, but genders are segregated by major. I studied engineering and the vast majority of students were male. Most males study male subjects and most females study female subjects.
My school is 60-40 females to males but somehow I can get 0 of them to speak to me ... ???
Not even betabuxxing game works in 2018. If a female can easily pull off a high paying career, then she will have no incentive to go out with an average or ugly male so he could "provide" for her. All she wants is Chad, even if she has hit the wall already.
Joke is on them when beta providers wise up and are not there to pay off their dept. they either roped or moved to Thailand :)
This. Women will have literally every "priviledge" available. And they will use it to promote feminism and hypergamy, while complaining about the problems of feminism and hypergamy.
yup betabuxx is cope. girls will make more and will get the job over you, but they're the oppressed ones. and jfl at everyone here saying major in stem. for one any women that majors in it will have better prospects than you and on top of that if every guy majors in stem the value of the degrees will go down.
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This always made my blood boil too. Most major universities are on the order of 60:40 F:M. What's really striking about colleges is the absolutely scandalous degree of sexual stratification. You get a bunch of perennially cowlicked LTKHHV ricecels occupying the same space as swaggering fratniggers that walk like they have a cinderblock tied to their dick. And all the while, every cunt has her body on show for the delectation of the latter, thinking only of being Chad's first choice. They all get there eventually though. When truly equal equality has been achieved and holes make up 95% of most student bodies, they'll all still get serviced by 10% of the 5% males - whores can never be incel.
my program was 80% women and I still graduated an incel
they will still use tinder to find working chads or chads in a different college.
I was one of two men in my Marriage & Family course. 75% of the roasties had kids, and the others were paired up. No hope for me when I start my Bachelors program.
this is why you shouldn't go to uni

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