The solution is much more simple.
Just start castrating criminals. I think it's pretty well known now that women are attracted to criminals, once we start cutting their balls (and dicks) off we'll strip them of their masculinity and prevent them from passing on their genetics, if they had children before they were castrated, their kids will be watched by government operatives to ensure that they aren't violent and/or degenerate, it can happen once or twice but once their degeneracy becomes a habitual occurance, they'll get castrated aswell.
Furthermore, any castrated criminals that repeat their offenses will be placed in a hard labour facility that will be run by businesses, to fund those less fortunate who were born with disabilities and/or deformities. These men will work in regular current day factories, but under strict supervision to ensure that they don't rebel, it will be much cheaper for businesses to hire them as they can be rented from the government for 70% of minimum wage, and included in the price will be a guard for every 5 people sentenced to hard labour, with the cost being apportioned as 45% of the cost of the prisoner will go to security, which would total 2x minimum wage for each guard and the other 25% of mine wage will go towards the guards equipment.
The remainder of the 70% of minimum wage (so 25% of income from each hour) will go to provide benefits to the physically disabled.
The mentally disabled would be euthanised. (I mean legit mental disability like a 20 year old having the mental age of a 3 year old etc.) Unless they are deemed fit for labour in which case they'll also work in factories or as security but they won't be supervised as much and will be given a personal allowance of 25% of min wage with the rest going to fund their accomodation, the allowance will be increased as soon as they are able to prove that they can be responsible with money.