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Women Literally Need to be Locked in Cages



Nov 8, 2017
Once they are adopted by their husband, they should be locked in metal cages and kept their all day long until their owners return.

Taking away their rights isn't enough, they'll still like irresponsible scum. Oh, you don't believe me? https://www.reddit.com/r/confessions/comments/7ztd7b/ive_had_sex_with_8_different_guys_the_past_5

According to femoid vermin, sleeping with 8 guys in 5 months is incredible, empowering, wonderful, and DEFINITELY NOT being a slut. No, there's no such thing as being a slut. All women should be able to fuck half of Chicago and there's nothing wrong with it!

Women don't deserve rights, nor do they deserve any sort of freedom, considering that this is how 99.9999% of the femoid population thinks.
. I say we either genocide all of them or lock them in cages like the rabid scum they are.
the fact that reddit posts like that reminds me why i want to see humanity extinct.

also this post should have ragefuel tag.
Hi incel tears :>>>>>>
some poor cuck will one day have to wife that thing
iiiTeMpeR said:
some poor cuck will one day have to wife that thing

But her past made her the person she is today!
ItheIthe said:
Once they are adopted by their husband, they should be locked in metal cages and kept their all day long until their owners return.

Taking away their rights isn't enough, they'll still like irresponsible scum. Oh, you don't believe me? https://www.reddit.com/r/confessions/comments/7ztd7b/ive_had_sex_with_8_different_guys_the_past_5

According to femoid vermin, sleeping with 8 guys in 5 months is incredible, empowering, wonderful, and DEFINITELY NOT being a slut. No, there's no such thing as being a slut. All women should be able to fuck half of Chicago and there's nothing wrong with it!

Women don't deserve rights, nor do they deserve any sort of freedom, considering that this is how 99.9999% of the femoid population thinks.
. I say we either genocide all of them or lock them in cages like the rabid scum they are.

That's very unpatriotic and against the constitution. People deserve freedom and no authoritarian rule. Classical liberalism has proven it's worth. It's not as if western civilization will fall due to free sexual morale of women. No civilization has ever collapsed because of unrestricted sex.
LDPE said:
That's very unpatriotic and against the constitution. People deserve freedom and no authoritarian rule. Classical liberalism has proven it's worth. It's not as if western civilization will fall due to free sexual morale of women. No civilization has ever collapsed because of unrestricted sex.

LOL damn, that feels just like one of the old incel brigades from back in the day. I saw all the comments from incels this morning and now all the cucked comments are upvoted. Holy shit.
LDPE said:
Why do you hate freedom? Our founding fathers fought for the rights you have.

lol. Have you stopped beating your wife?
LDPE said:
Why do you hate freedom? Our founding fathers fought for the rights you have.

I value the well-being over society over any individual's "freedom".

iiiTeMpeR said:
some poor cuck will one day have to wife that thing

If given the choice of two options, I'd rather brutally kill her than wife her. I can't even imgagine living with some used up cumrag.
Come on guys, you are too easy to troll!
LDPE said:
Come on guys, you are too easy to troll!

In hindsight I think I should have seen the sarcasm but then I am a raging autist.
One of my earlier posts on this site:

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Sounds like the rantings of the last mad man on earth.[/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]It is liberalism that gradually allowed taboes, sins and vices to be accepted by people under the guise of progress and accepting it as a new norm and value. What was a taboo 100 years ago or 50 years ago is now considered a value that must be protected at all cost, even if said value has negative consequences for society. Who thought that free sexual morale and equal rights for women, would contribute to so many men being irrelevant? [/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]It is freedom of speech which allows false thoughts like cultural marxism to be spread under the peoples thus corrupting them. It progressivism that turns sins and vices into new norms, values and rights and thus never being able to revoke it if it causes societal collapse, because that would be the anti-thesis of liberalism: authoritarianism.[/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Civilizations rise, stagnate and decline according to some wise men (Spengler, Unwin). It is thus important to adhere to an ideology that prevents the decline of civilization . Even if you don't believe in a supreme being you cannot refuse that islam is practically a perfect ideology for a civilization to thrive. National socialism comes close, but lacks the authority that it comes from God to legitimize such an ideology/religion.[/font]
These whores have absolutely no self-control, fucking animals.

The comments in the thread are even worse, these men deserve to be castrated for defending such degeneracy.
LDPE said:
Why do you hate freedom? Our founding fathers fought for the rights you have.

Lol, they fought for the rights of Anglo Americans only. Fuck them.
wtf just last post you made you were saying how you went to party with your female friends like a fucking cuck now you say this what a hypocrite you are i think you might be the biggest troll on this site.
Garbage said:
wtf just last post you made you were saying how you went to party with your female friends like a fucking cuck now you say this what a hypocrite you are i think you might be the biggest troll on this site.

What the fuck are you talking about? I didn't go to a party. I got invited, and all of their behavior pissed me off so much that I just left them and went back to my dorm. Read the thread again.
ItheIthe said:
What the fuck are you talking about? I didn't go to a party. I got invited, and all of their behavior pissed me off so much that I just left them and went back to my dorm. Read the thread again.

i read it here is what you said "I haven't been to a party since October, but 3 girls ("FRIENDS") were telling me I should go to a party tonight, and kept telling me to go. So I said fuck it and decided I'd go, not to search for hedonism, but just to hang out with these 3 people, as 2 of them are sort of new to my "FRIEND" group."
you claim to hate women yet you have female friends you are hypocrite
Garbage said:
i read it here is what you said "I haven't been to a party since October, but 3 girls ("FRIENDS") were telling me I should go to a party tonight, and kept telling me to go. So I said fuck it and decided I'd go, not to search for hedonism, but just to hang out with these 3 people, as 2 of them are sort of new to my "FRIEND" group."
you claim to hate women yet you have female friends you are hypocrite

I really don't consider them friends, which is why I put "'Friends'" in quotations marks in the OP. They're really just people I talk to because we happen to eat lunch at the same time.
Garbage said:
i read it here is what you said "I haven't been to a party since October, but 3 girls ("FRIENDS") were telling me I should go to a party tonight, and kept telling me to go. So I said fuck it and decided I'd go, not to search for hedonism, but just to hang out with these 3 people, as 2 of them are sort of new to my "FRIEND" group."
you claim to hate women yet you have female friends you are hypocrite

Apparently he has had or still has a girlfriend and has had sex.

he's a hypocrite-cel.
Spidey said:
Apparently he has had or still has a girlfriend and has had sex.

he's a hypocrite-cel.

I had sex with one girl because I didn't want to be a virgin for life. I have stated numerous times on here that I feel immense guilt for reaching the peak of emotional and physical pleasure so casually, and I honestly don't remember the last time I went a day without feeling such guilt.
Spidey said:
Apparently he has had or still has a girlfriend and has had sex.

he's a hypocrite-cel.

are you fucking serious ?! wow fuck this guy then unfuckingbelievable that normie trolls like this are allowed to post here
Finally some radical posts

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