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Blackpill Women don't like if you have to expend tons of effort and time to be really good at something



May 12, 2019
Men who are not naturally talented at something (at least 90%+ of the population) use stories of the man being average, and building up skill, as motivation and inspiration. But women do not care, women are only impressed if you're naturally talented. It is like gymcelling. Women aren't impressed by gymcels who lift 6-7 days a week, take steroids, count calories, weight their food on a kitchen scale etc, in-fact women are put off by that, women want you to have a developed, muscular and lean body naturally with no effort, or with VERY MINIMAL effort. This is the same for a guy who makes a lot of money, women want a man with a ton of resources, but at the same time will become resentful and bitter towards a man that is working 365 days a year, all hours of the day and night, in order to make that money, women want a man who makes a ton of money with no effort, or VERY MINIMAL effort.

Perhaps evolutionary psychology/eugenics can explain why women are attracted to natural talent and ability in men, and not attracted to men who have to practice a lot, and put a ton of effort into improving chosen talent and abilities.
High IQ, there was a study done which discovered boys doing more poorly in school despite doing better on tests was due to the social pressure of making their achievements seem effortless, thus boys become less motivated to study.

Nothing turns a woman on more than a man who mindlessly stumbled into his chadiness. No woman wants a 5'7" hypersocial workaholic who curates every single part of himself to appear attractive to women. Women want a lean 6'3" deep voiced wide framed hipster bro who barely expends the slightest effort doing anything, and still ends up more successful than 99% of men.
High IQ, there was a study done which discovered boys doing more poorly in school despite doing better on tests was due to the social pressure of making their achievements seem effortless, thus boys become less motivated to study.

Nothing turns a woman on more than a man who mindlessly stumbled into his chadiness. No woman wants a 5'7" hypersocial workaholic who curates every single part of himself to appear attractive to women. Women want a lean 6'3" deep voiced wide framed hipster bro who barely expends the slightest effort doing anything, and still ends up more successful than 99% of men.

People also lie about how much they study.

“Heh bro I barley even studied and I got 99%”

“Hehe I didn’t study shit and I got 100%”
Natural talents can be supressed. It is hard to evaluate why somebody needs a lot of effort to succeed.
genetics trump hard work
if you need to work hard to achieve something it is over
Good observation, all nerd mocking comes from here as well. If you have to put an effort you'll be as good as naturally talented person, but women want talented genetics, not hard work.
Pretty much. When people ask me if I lift I just say I do some push-ups here and there when I actually lift almost every day of the week :feelskek: (cope)

I guess, for them, it's a sign of supreme genetics if you can look good physically without trying. You are automatically a better mate to reproduce with in order to perpetuate their genes leading to more Chad sons
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People also lie about how much they study.

“Heh bro I barley even studied and I got 99%”

“Hehe I didn’t study shit and I got 100%”
This pisses me off the most. I genuinely barely study (2 hours at most for an exam, can't do more than that) and if I pass I'm extremely happy, often I don't. You simply can't get 90%+ if you "barely" study if at all, not even if you're a 150 iq genius. It's bullshit.

I have an exam tomorrow and I'll start studying later today, day before a fucking exam and I do this every time. I'll study for an hour or two today and an hour tomorrow. It's a 50-50 chance I'll pass, but I don't give a shit. I simply can't study more than that. I don't even care if I fail, that's the problem. Normies care a lot, they have motivation.

Normies want to sound like they don't put any effort into anything because they know about things OP wrote.
Pretty much. When people ask me if I lift I just say I do some push-ups here and there when I actually lift almost every day of the week :feelskek: (cope)
Same. I have decent size, although high body fat. I'm "normie buff." People ask me if I lift, I always say no. I don't even say I do pushups or anything.
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Yes, it's a turn off for them, you'll just be labeled a try-hard loser at best. Surgery won't even help much either unless you're at least average already and need subtle improvements to go up a point. They'll be thinking you look even more creepy and weird looking starting from 5 and below. Foids get better results from self-improvement. Guys have to be born hot, talented ect and can't fake it.
Sure, because back in the day, you either got it right the first time or it was lights out. Primitive DNA is very much a factor in EVERYTHING we do and determine.
This pisses me off the most. I genuinely barely study (2 hours at most for an exam, can't do more than that) and if I pass I'm extremely happy, often I don't. You simply can't get 90%+ if you "barely" study if at all, not even if you're a 150 iq genius. It's bullshit.

Heavy cope. I STEMceled and there were definitely guys like that. One was my good friend, never took notes in class, would play games all day and then utterly destroy me in grades. This was in college too.

I would say this kind of thing is more common at the HS level though. Obviously if you see a guy with no social life then yeah he's probably grinding, but otherwise, it could be true.
There's been a 30-50 lurkers in this thread for the last 8 hours, why does this thread interest you?
Heavy cope. I STEMceled and there were definitely guys like that. One was my good friend, never took notes in class, would play games all day and then utterly destroy me in grades. This was in college too.

I would say this kind of thing is more common at the HS level though. Obviously if you see a guy with no social life then yeah he's probably grinding, but otherwise, it could be true.
Bullshit. He studied at home. Classes are fucking useless. He studied and he didn't want to admit it. Everyone does this.
There's been a 30-50 lurkers in this thread for the last 8 hours, why does this thread interest you?
We have a lot of normies here in general because of the BBC documentary and that girl getting beheaded by some faggot. They're looking for outrageous posts so they can get internet points on reddit.
Normalfags don't understand that aspie threads about deaths are relatively rare here.
This is a place for losers to talk about their experiences.
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Bullshit. He studied at home. Classes are fucking useless. He studied and he didn't want to admit it. Everyone does this.

He lived in dorms and my observations were verified by my other friend who lived on the same dorm. Obviously he studied, but I would be grinding hours over a week period on an exam, and this guy will study a few hours at most and still beat me. And he was ranked in the top 6.

Stay coping bro.
He lived in dorms and my observations were verified by my other friend who lived on the same dorm. Obviously he studied, but I would be grinding hours over a week period on an exam, and this guy will study a few hours at most and still beat me. And he was ranked in the top 6.

Stay coping bro.
Keep lying and being delusional, faggot. You don't know what that faggot did at all times. Were you stalking him all the time? Did you sleep with him at night? Fucking dumb cunt. He partied and fucked sluts, but you don't know what he did throughout the entire day.

Normalfags study quite a lot. The difference is they have the motivation and energy to do it. You see it all the time. Normies have so many different hobbies, they go out and party, they go to the gym and they do all this shit while working, going to college and having a gf and a bunch of friends.

If anyone here thinks there are people who don't study and get amazing grades they're delusional and they believe normie lies. Obviously normies would never admit they study like some nerd because they want to appear intelligent or naturally talented while also maintaining a good social/sexual life.
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Keep lying and being delusional, faggot. You don't know what that faggot did at all times. Were you stalking him all the time? Did you sleep with him at night? Fucking dumb cunt. He partied and fucked sluts, but you don't know what he did throughout the entire day.

Normalfags study quite a lot. The difference is they have the motivation and energy to do it. You see it all the time. Normies have so many different hobbies and responsibilities, they go out and party, they go to the gym and they do all this shit while working and having a gf and a bunch of friends.

Stay mad low IQ fuck. I was in STEMcel and surrounded by geniuses, you're a dumbfuck who can't even spend 2 hours studying for his grade 11 geography exam.
Stay mad low IQ fuck. I was in STEMcel and surrounded by geniuses, you're a dumbfuck who can't even spend 2 hours studying for his grade 11 geography exam.
Nice bragging and iq shaming, fag. Go back to reddit, STEM"cel."
I'm sure your Chad friend never studied and got amazing grades.
Go back to studying like a good goy and stop larping as an incel.

Nah, I believe @ItsAllOverButTheCry

Intelligence is something someone can be born with and makes everything easy for them. Just like that guy that starts a sport with 0 experience and ends up going professional, mogging all those around him who have spent 20 years of their life training for it. There are guys in education who just show up and mog everyone without any effort.

Nah, I believe @ItsAllOverButTheCry

Intelligence is something someone can be born with and makes everything easy for them. Just like that guy that starts a sport with 0 experience and ends up going professional, mogging all those around him who have spent 20 years of their life training for it. There are guys in education who just show up and mog everyone without any effort.
Being intelligent doesn't mean you know everything without reading about it first and memorizing it.
That's like saying a 150 iq homeless guy knows everything about quantum mechanics/physics or enough to score 90-100% on an exam just because he attended a few lectures without actually studying.
People who are talented at sports still train a lot to be at the top. How can you retards be this delusional? Natural sports talent exists, but if you're a slob who doesn't train it won't get you that far. You'll always be good, but never the best.

Fags who claim they never or barely study and get 90%+ every time definitely study, they just don't want to admit it like every other faggot who claims "brah I didn't even study and got an A."
Stay mad low IQ fuck. I was in STEMcel and surrounded by geniuses, you're a dumbfuck who can't even spend 2 hours studying for his grade 11 geography exam.
For someone who has a gf who validates him, good social life etc. studying a lot is not difficult at all. He has all the motivation and drive in the world to make his life great. As I said, high tier normies do all kinds of things throughout the day. They work, go to classes, gym, hang out with their gf/friends, they study and go to sleep.
Incels wageslave or go to classes, come home and browse incels.co and go to sleep.
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Nah, I believe @ItsAllOverButTheCry

Intelligence is something someone can be born with and makes everything easy for them. Just like that guy that starts a sport with 0 experience and ends up going professional, mogging all those around him who have spent 20 years of their life training for it. There are guys in education who just show up and mog everyone without any effort.

Exactly, sports is the perfect analogy.

Being intelligent doesn't mean you know everything without reading about it first and memorizing it.
That's like saying a 150 iq homeless guy knows everything about quantum mechanics/physics or enough to score 90-100% on an exam just because he attended a few lectures without actually studying.
People who are talented at sports still train a lot to be at the top. How can you retards be this delusional?

Stupid fuck that's exactly what being intelligent is. People who connect the dots quicker than other people. What do you think research is? Unknown territory, you just go off figuring out the concepts based on what you can observe. Similarly, if you take smart people and feed them information, they will "get it" faster than other people.

In a similar way, if you look at sports some of these guys just get it by watching someone one time or just naturally coming up with things on their own.
Exactly, sports is the perfect analogy.
You think Đoković, Nadal or Federer don't spend most of their day training? It's all they did when they were younger. Đoković grew up in a poor country. All he did is play tennis all day after school. He was talented and he got crazy good. If he was just a regular normie who played tennis here and there as a hobby he wouldn't achieve shit despite his talent.
Modrić is talented, but he played football every day for hours ever since he was 6. It's all he did.

Sports is not a good analogy at all because those people live their sport. It's their life, it's what they do.

Your STEMcel genius friends studied and they're good at what they do. Having a 150 iq doesn't mean you have embedded knowledge in your brain. If you think those faggots in your hs or college juggled 10-15 subjects while only studying a an hour for each exam, you're delusional.
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Being intelligent doesn't mean you know everything without reading about it first and memorizing it.
That's like saying a 150 iq homeless guy knows everything about quantum mechanics/physics or enough to score 90-100% on an exam just because he attended a few lectures without actually studying.
People who are talented at sports still train a lot to be at the top. How can you retards be this delusional? Natural sports talent exists, but if you're a slob who doesn't train it won't get you that far. You'll always be good, but never the best.

Fags who claim they never or barely study and get 90%+ every time definitely study, they just don't want to admit it like every other faggot who claims "brah I didn't even study and got an A."

For someone who has a gf who validates him, good social life etc. studying a lot is not difficult at all. He has all the motivation and drive in the world to make his life great. As I said, high tier normies do all kinds of things throughout the day. They work, go to classes, gym, hang out with their gf/friends, they study and go to sleep.
Incels wageslave or go to classes, come home and browse incels.co and go to sleep.

Yeah but the thing is. An naturally born intelligent person will just read over something one time, and understand everything, they wont get stuck on anything, they'll just read it one time and everything clicks for them. So while you're still researching the first question, they'll be on the 10th question and about to move onto the 11th.
No, like everyone, women only care about the end result. You can work your balls off to be fit, rich, and successful, or you could have everything given to you. The foids don't care either way.

You gonna lie if you had plastic surgery or struggled with relationships, tho.
Yeah but the thing is. An naturally born intelligent person will just read over something one time, and understand everything, they wont get stuck on anything, they'll just read it one time and everything clicks for them. So while you're still researching the first question, they'll be on the 10th question and about to move onto the 11th.
Again, bullshit. They study a lot. You think all those Harvard nerds don't study a lot? How delusional are you?
Do you think Modrić played for a few hours and practiced a few moves before a big game and that was it? No, he trained for dozens if not hundreds of hours between games.
You can have high IQ, but you won't just read something once and know it perfectly unless you're an aspie savant. Sure, high IQ people memorize faster, but it's not that faster.
I'm telling you, high IQ normalfags juggle many things at once and still have an incredible amount of motivation to study several hours a day. It's nothing to them.
Incels don't have motivation for anything. You wageslave or go to classes and when you come home all you have is your computer and vidya if you have the energy.
People here can't even comprehend the things high tier normies do. They do so much in one day it's crazy. To think these same people wouldn't want to or don't have to study more than an hour for an exam is pure delusion. It's the most important thing in their life and they have all the motivation in the world and they even have plenty of time despite all the shit they do. They fucking study. Maybe not hours a day, but definitely more than an hour for an exam.
The same goes for talented athletes.
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You think Đoković, Nadal or Federer don't spend most of their day training? It's all they did when they were younger. Đoković grew up in a poor country. All he did is play tennis all day after school. He was talented and he got crazy good. If he was just a regular normie who played tennis here and there as a hobby he wouldn't achieve shit despite his talent.
Modrić is talented, but he played football every day for hours ever since he was 6. It's all he did.

Sports is not a good analogy at all because those people live their sport. It's their life, it's what they do.

Your STEMcel genius friends studied and they're good at what they do.

Obviously pro athletes train hard because they're up against other pros with just as good genetics as them. You think if you train 8 hours a day you'll be just as good as Federer training 2 hours a day? LOL @ you.

And that's exactly the point there. I studied my butt off, as well as most of the guys there. We would be easily the top 1% in our HS, yet we are just average in college. You think everybody in the college basketball is just goofing off and not trying as hard as the guys who go to the NBA?

You are a fuckin sheltered HS just coping. You probably think Chad's just work hard on their personality LOL
Again, bullshit. They study a lot. You think all those Harvard nerds don't study a lot? How delusional are you?
Do you think Modrić played for a few hours and practiced a few moves before a big game and that was it? No, he trained for dozens if not hundreds of hours between games.
You can have high IQ and be talented at something, but you won't just read something once and know it perfectly.

I have heard of people who goto top universities an heroing because they get grade mogged by others who put in 10x less effort than they do, and they realize its over for them.
In my elementary schools, the "smart kids" were always the ones who knew everything without even trying

I remember back in school, watching the "smart nerdy" guys during a test, they were calm, smiling, and would get up and hand in their test with half the time remaining, and they'd casually stroll out the class like it was a walk in the park. Thats the most ever times Id see them so confident. Meanwhile Id be stressing, anxious, looking around me, getting angry and frustrated at how fucking stupid I am.
You think if you train 8 hours a day you'll be just as good as Federer training 2 hours a day? LOL @ you.
Dumb faggot cunt. When did I imply this? Show it to me, quote me.
I studied my butt off, as well as most of the guys there. We would be easily the top 1% in our HS, yet we are just average in college.
The guys at the top studied just as much as you, maybe slightly less, but because they were higher IQ and "talented" they did better than you. That's my point. They still studied relatively a lot. They didn't "barely" study.
You think everybody in the college basketball is just goofing off and not trying as hard as the guys who go to the NBA?
Again, quote me, cunt. Everyone there trains hard including the talented guys.
You are a fuckin sheltered HS just coping.
I'm not in highschool, kid. How funny, a dumb american piece of shit soyboy fag calling me sheltered. You wouldn't last an hour in my 95% male balkan school.
You probably think Chad's just work hard on their personality LOL
Strawman. Attracting women based on looks (all that ultimately matters) and studying for an exam are unrelated and you're now making things up. Fucking reddit cunt.
In my elementary schools, the "smart kids" were always the ones who knew everything without even trying
How do you know they didn't even try? Did you live with all of them? 90% of learning happens at home. That's when all those smart kids study and then bullshit later how they don't even try. Read OP's post, it's the entire point of this thread.
I remember back in school, watching the "smart nerdy" guys during a test, they were calm, smiling, and would get up and hand in their test with half the time remaining, and they'd casually stroll out the class like it was a walk in the park.
It's because they know they'll pass because they studied more than enough and they're confident. If you were anything like me, I genuinely barely studied or didn't study at all and hoped for a miracle. I wasn't confident, but I also wasn't nervous because ultimately I didn't give a shit.
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Dumb faggot cunt. When did I imply this? Show it to me, quote me.

The guys at the top studied just as much as you, maybe slightly less, but because they were higher IQ and "talented" they did better than you. That's my point. They still studied relatively a lot. They didn't "barely" study.

Again, quote me, cunt. Everyone there trains hard including the talented guys.

I'm not in highschool, kid. How funny, a dumb american piece of shit soyboy fag calling me sheltered. You wouldn't last an hour in my 95% male balkan school.

Strawman. Attracting women based on looks (all that ultimately matters) and studying for an exam are unrelated and you're now making things up. Fucking reddit cunt.

How do you know they didn't even try? Did you live with all of them? 90% of learning happens at home. That's when all those smart kids study and then bullshit later how they don't even try. Read OP's post, it's the entire point of this thread.

It's because they know they'll pass because they studied more than enough and they're confident. If you were anything like me, I genuinely barely studied or didn't study at all and hoped for a miracle. I wasn't confident, but I also wasn't nervous because ultimately I didn't give a shit.

I don't know what you are trying to accomplish here, sufficient IQ differences result in vastly different results while practicing an skill, take drawing for example, if you can't properly visualize 3D images in your mind, you can practice for years and barely have any improvement, however if you have a high visual spatial IQ, you will DESTROY your peers like it's nothing.

Same with video games, have you never seen some random noob destroy a pro that has been playing for years? A good example with chess:

Magnus Carlsen is a Norwegian Chess Grandmaster, the World #1 and World Chess Champion. An exceptional chess prodigy, he became a chess grandmaster in 2004, at the age of 13 years!!!, 148 days, making him the third youngest grandmaster in history. He is the highest rated player in the world and in the history of chess, with a peak rating of 2882.

LMAO image practicing chess for decades and then a fucking 13 YEARS OLD comes and destroys you effortlessly.

This pattern holds true for almost any skill that requires fluid intelligence. If you would be talking about memorization tasks like studying medicine then, you would be right.
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I don't know what you are trying to accomplish here, sufficient IQ differences result in vastly different results while practicing an skill, take drawing for example, if you can't properly visualize 3D images in your mind, you can practice for years and barely have any improvement, however if you have a high visual spatial IQ, you will DESTROY your peers like it's nothing.

Same with video games, have you never seen some random noob destroy a pro that has been playing for years? A good example with chess:

Magnus Carlsen is a Norwegian Chess Grandmaster, the World #1 and World Chess Champion. An exceptional chess prodigy, he became a chess grandmaster in 2004, at the age of 13 years!!!, 148 days, making him the third youngest grandmaster in history. He is the highest rated player in the world and in the history of chess, with a peak rating of 2882.

LMAO image practicing chess for decades and then a fucking 13 YEARS OLD comes and destroys you effortlessly.

This pattern holds true for almost any skill that requires fluid intelligence. If you would be talking about memorization tasks like studying medicine then, you would be right.

Read this thread again, anime tranny and you'll understand this thread is not about savant chess players or extremely high tier sports.

People at Harvard study a lot. People in the top 1% in STEM study a lot. That's all I'm saying. One guy ITT claimed there's people in his college who consistently score 100% without even studying or barely studying. It's bullshit. Then he went on about the top 1% in his college. They all study just as much as that faggot I was replying to, they're just more intelligent than him and they get better scores than him despite studying around the same amount of time. That's where high IQ and talent comes into play. The vast majority of talented or high IQ people don't just achieve everything with minimal effort.

If you want to talk about sports, look at Nadal, Modrić, Đoković. They didn't become masters of tennis/soccer at 15 with minimal effort, you faggot.
Of course not, the average foid wants your positive attention and money as an ego boost even if she'll never fuck you. Give these whores nothing but maybe insults, and I say maybe because there are foids like Nicole Arbor that will settle for even lots of negative attention.
That's why I never tell women I work out.

Haha no I just do wii fit and push ups on saturdays.

Haha no I just used to swim 5 years ago.
Read this thread again, anime tranny and you'll understand this thread is not about savant chess players or extremely high tier sports.

People at Harvard study a lot. People in the top 1% in STEM study a lot. That's all I'm saying. One guy ITT claimed there's people in his college who consistently score 100% without even studying or barely studying. It's bullshit. Then he went on about the top 1% in his college. They all study just as much as that faggot I was replying to, they're just more intelligent than him and they get better scores than him despite studying around the same amount of time. That's where high IQ and talent comes into play. The vast majority of talented or high IQ people don't just achieve everything with minimal effort.

If you want to talk about sports, look at Nadal, Modrić, Đoković. They didn't become masters of tennis/soccer at 15 with minimal effort, you faggot.
I think the truth is somewhere in the middle.

I'm STEMcelling at one of the best schools in my countries and yeah, everyone works a lot. Or at least the people who don't work a lot work extremely consistently and efficiently, far better than I or most people. There's NO ONE in a decently tough STEM field who excels by doing jack shit. In fact for a lot of our classes no one gets a grade higher than 70-80% because it's insanely tough. If you have people who don't study and score near perfectly in most classes then your study field or your school is a fucking joke.

But at the same time I've met literal geniuses (one who even left to another country for one of the best engineering schools in the world). I really mean geniuses. People who get exposed to new concepts and understand them far quicker than me or other people. They exist.

But those people are very rare. Even in my good school and STEM field I'd say there were like 3-4 of them out of 300-400 people. They're the exception, not the rule.
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Read this thread again, anime tranny and you'll understand this thread is not about savant chess players or extremely high tier sports.

If you want to talk about sports, look at Nadal, Modrić, Đoković. They didn't become masters of tennis/soccer at 15 with minimal effort, you faggot.

Just to be clear, when you talk about high tier sports, are you attacking the argument from the cognitive aspect or the physical one?.

I'm gonna assume that it's both (feel free to correct me latter if you wish).

If you have ever gymceled in your whole life you would know that this argument (the physical one) is false, if you don't have the correct body type for the task (thus talent), you will struggle for years to get any increase in mass and strength, I remember how after a whole year of gymcelling, judo and swimming some random guy I invited to my gym had the same baseline strength in his legs as mine, despite he living sedentary life (and I was very serious about my leg training)

Then there was this other friend who gained way more mass than me in a couple of months (around 8 months), than me (almost 2 years).

Then there was this other time when I raced with my dad in the pool (around 48 years old (and sedentary) at that time and me (17)), AND HE FUCKING WON!!!. and the only reason for that result is because my arms are short in relation to my whole body so my body is REALLY inefficient while moving in the water (and the distance was not long enough so that my aerobic advantage could shine)

I believe this is enough for the sports argument; in summary body type, is everything; Those sportsman you are talking about have to practice because they are competing against highly talented people, if they were competing against people with average genetics, they could win without even training or barely training.

People at Harvard study a lot. People in the top 1% in STEM study a lot. That's all I'm saying. One guy ITT claimed there's people in his college who consistently score 100% without even studying or barely studying. It's bullshit. Then he went on about the top 1% in his college. They all study just as much as that faggot I was replying to, they're just more intelligent than him and they get better scores than him despite studying around the same amount of time. That's where high IQ and talent comes into play. The vast majority of talented or high IQ people don't just achieve everything with minimal effort.

And that guy is right. If you (I'm gonna assume you are at best one standard deviation above the mean in IQ, because otherwise you would not be copping as hard as you are now) would enter at Harvard, it would be pretty clear there are some people that can get away with as he said "consistently score 100% without even studying or barely studying"

Finding truly high IQ monsters in those prestigious universities is not hard at all, those people can do what it takes you weeks to do in a couple of hours.

Let's make an example of that using Working memory:

Working memory is important stuff for learning and also just general intelligence.It’s not too hard to see why working memory could be so important. Working memory boils down to ‘how much stuff you can think about at the same time’.

Imagine a poor programmer who has suffered brain damage and has only enough working memory for 1 definition at a time. How could he write anything? To write a correct program, he needs to know simultaneously 2 things - what a variable, say, contains, and what is valid input for a program. But unfortunately, our programmer can know that the variable "foo" contains a string with the input, or he can know that the function "processInput" uses a string, but he can’t remember these 2 things simultaneously! He will deadlock forever, unsure either what to do with this "foo", or unsure what exactly "processInput" was supposed to work on.
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I remember back in school, watching the "smart nerdy" guys during a test, they were calm, smiling, and would get up and hand in their test with half the time remaining, and they'd casually stroll out the class like it was a walk in the park. Thats the most ever times Id see them so confident. Meanwhile Id be stressing, anxious, looking around me, getting angry and frustrated at how fucking stupid I am.
:feelskek: I always was one of the last people that turned in my paper. School is pure fucking cancer if you are low iq. The teachers at my school would call on kids that didn't have their hand up and if you got outed as a low iq subhuman they would always call on you to bully you. The teachers also made kids grade each others papers so more shamming for being low iq, and they always made you go up and do problems in front of everyone. Imagine having to deal with all this while looking like this in school and getting bullied daily for my appearance.


:feelshaha: at doing anything when you have bad genes. ldar or kill yourself, that's it if you are genetic shit.
:feelskek: I always was one of the last people that turned in my paper. School is pure fucking cancer if you are low iq. The teachers at my school would call on kids that didn't have their hand up and if you got outed as a low iq subhuman they would always call on you to bully you. The teachers also made kids grade each others papers so more shamming for being low iq, and they always made you go up and do problems in front of everyone. Imagine having to deal with all this while looking like this in school and getting bullied daily for my appearance.


:feelshaha: at doing anything when you have bad genes. ldar or kill yourself, that's it if you are genetic shit.

Damn that is painful
TheRedPill summed up
Dumb faggot cunt. When did I imply this? Show it to me, quote me.

The guys at the top studied just as much as you, maybe slightly less, but because they were higher IQ and "talented" they did better than you. That's my point. They still studied relatively a lot. They didn't "barely" study.

Again, quote me, cunt. Everyone there trains hard including the talented guys.

I'm not in highschool, kid. How funny, a dumb american piece of shit soyboy fag calling me sheltered. You wouldn't last an hour in my 95% male balkan school.

Strawman. Attracting women based on looks (all that ultimately matters) and studying for an exam are unrelated and you're now making things up. Fucking reddit cunt.

How do you know they didn't even try? Did you live with all of them? 90% of learning happens at home. That's when all those smart kids study and then bullshit later how they don't even try. Read OP's post, it's the entire point of this thread.

It's because they know they'll pass because they studied more than enough and they're confident. If you were anything like me, I genuinely barely studied or didn't study at all and hoped for a miracle. I wasn't confident, but I also wasn't nervous because ultimately I didn't give a shit.

You're a stupid fuck that can't even study for 2 hours and on the verge of failing his sophmore HS classes. Obviously you can't comprehend, you think 2 hours of study is alot. There are people out there that join multiple clubs, have part time jobs and study and still ace all of their classes. So to you, if they manage atleast 2 hours of study per day that's already "alot", but to me that's barely studying.

You live in delusion thinking all the smart kids run home and study nonstop to get their grades but I hate to break it to you, most of the more sociable smart people in your HS probably only study 2 hours as well, but since they aren't a dumbfuck they ace their courses.

Don't even need to address your sports points, other people already pointed out all the other atheletes that achieved success that didn't spend nearly as much time as other people to get to where they are.
You're a stupid fuck that can't even study for 2 hours and on the verge of failing his sophmore HS classes.
Calm down, redditor and read a bit more slowly. I'm not in highschool, kid. I'm older than you.
Obviously you can't comprehend, you think 2 hours of study is alot
2 hours a day is a lot to me. I've never studied more than 2 hours for an exam. When I say "2 hours" I mean 2 hours the night before, not 2 hours a day. I only study the day before an exam.
There are people out there that join multiple clubs, have part time jobs and study and still ace all of their classes.
It's like you're not even reading. That's exactly what I'm saying. In your previous posts when I mentioned I don't study for more than 2 hours for an exam, you implied people who get 90-100% on exams in your school/college only study two hours for one exam. Now I know you mean 2 hours a day which is probably dozens of hours overall for one exam. I don't have that kind of motivation at all. I only study to barely pass which is 2 hours, you dumb cunt. I know "learn to read" is an overused reddit tier insult, but it really applies here.

You live in delusion thinking all the smart kids run home and study nonstop to get their grades
Not non-stop, but they put in a lot more effort than what you made it sound like. To me, 2 hours a day is not "barely" studying. If I studied 2 hours a day I would have absolutely no issues in college.
Don't even need to address your sports points, other people already pointed out all the other atheletes that achieved success that didn't spend nearly as much time as other people to get to where they are.
Oh did they? I don't see it other than that one autistic savant chess player and chess is barely a sport. I gave at least three examples of men who train just as much as any other decent player, but because of their talent they're at the top.

Stay retarded and delusional, numale.

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