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JFL Women do not know shit about the blackpill or incels despite hating us.



Aryan Cannibal
Nov 20, 2021

View: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/LuPO_lXkVBA

As is the case for most youtubers discussing the blackpill and thinking they understand it when to us they just ramble about nothing before repeating the same points about how incels are bad and sexist. In the video the whore tries to criticize the blackpill, she never actually says a problem with it she just says why MGTOW is good and then makes the most incoherent and retarded points possible. For some fucking reason she only thinks black pill is men that just don't like dating. It is hard to even understand how the fuck she even got this interpretation, if viewing it from the MGTOW volcel perspective you avoid women because they're whores and it'd be better to focus on yourself, nothing sexist about it, doesn't imply you will get married at all it's just avoiding women I have no fucking clue how she got that messed up. And the just as commonly referred to but she didn't mention is the incel perspective where you want women but because of a list of many factors it is impossible to obtain a female companion. There is no problem with this logic because the blackpill ideology comes from pointing out problems within society, the video is just her retarded rambling but because it's a whore saying negative things about celibate ideology it has over 10,000 likes.
Why is it always the case that any time a youtuber talks about incels or the Blackpill, they have absolutely no fucking idea what they are talking about and end up regurgitating 1 of 5 acceptable viewpoints you can have on incels.
Donald trump = biggest incel /s
Eh? And how the fuck I find a girlfriend? I despise loneliness, but girls always have rejected me. I was the only one in my classroom without a girlfriend, along with an Aspie below-average looking peer.
Eh? And how the fuck I find a girlfriend? I despise loneliness, but girls always have rejected me. I was the only one in my classroom without a girlfriend, along with an Aspie below-average looking peer.
Yeah, dumb bitch only talked about the MGTOW movement and didn't even consider that the problem might be women not liking us or make decisions that cause us to make choices that would lead us away from trying at all.
She said about MSTOW, not blackpill
She said about MSTOW, not blackpill
Look at the video title. In fact she only mentioned black pill and said nothing about mgtow. The fact she got the 2 things mixed about is even funnier. The video's credibility is shit.
how the fuck are you this dumb? there are wikipedia articles detailing the definition of blackpill I believe she is doing this purposely
Goddamn, American foids are dumb as toast.
how the fuck are you this dumb? there are wikipedia articles detailing the definition of blackpill I believe she is doing this purposely
Not to be a dick but it's quite dumb of you to expect anything reasonable from foids
Not to be a dick but it's quite dumb of you to expect anything reasonable from foids
but there are wikipedia articles defining what blackpill is yet she talks about mgtow stuff I bellieve she is beating around the bush purposely replacing blackpill with mgtow I believe a lot of normies understand Incels but prefer to beat around the bush rvrn I was blackpilled as a fucking kid so imagine that
> zoomer
> girl

I am not clicking that.
Why is it always the case that any time a youtuber talks about incels or the Blackpill, they have absolutely no fucking idea what they are talking about
Very common thing and tbf it’s not just YouTubers. The name has gotten an insanely bad rap, no one really knows what it means to be an incel in 2023. It used to be defined as sexless men, then it got turned into “violent” sexless man and now it’s basically just any man who I disagree with.
but there are wikipedia articles defining what blackpill is yet she talks about mgtow stuff I bellieve she is beating around the bush purposely replacing blackpill with mgtow I believe a lot of normies understand Incels but prefer to beat around the bush rvrn I was blackpilled as a fucking kid so imagine that
They don't understand that's why they attack us, why else the strongest fear is fear of the unknown, they can't understand that's why they label all of us as bad scary shooter women killers, they just eat up what ever echo chamber shit their favorite mainstream media outlet or breadtuber says because comfortable Digestable lies.
They don't understand that's why they attack us, why else the strongest fear is fear of the unknown, they can't understand that's why they label all of us as bad scary shooter women killers, they just eat up what ever echo chamber shit their favorite mainstream media outlet or breadtuber says because comfortable Digestable lies.
Not even just breadtubers, any youtuber that doesn't make incel content either hates them or uses them as a scapegoat.
Not even just breadtubers, any youtuber that doesn't make incel content either hates them or uses them as a scapegoat.
Mainly as a punching bags but breadtubers take the cake since they are smug psuedo-intellectual self-Righteous assholes that think they have all the answers and give these 'Just bro' advice or logical fallacies and try to dismiss our concerns and issue to portray them as everything is our fault and society is fairer than ever to men.
She only does these videos to get views. She doesn't believe the things she spouts in these cursed videos. I think Roma Army started this trend long time ago and now other women have followed her suit.
not one click, the doid should grift somewhere else
not one click, the doid should grift somewhere else
She only does these videos to get views. She doesn't believe the things she spouts in these cursed videos. I think Roma Army started this trend long time ago and now other women have followed her suit.
Yeah all the "men's rights/antifeminist" female youtuber activists are complete scam artists that make shorts of themselves either repeating the most basic and obvious thing about men, or attempting and failing to explain redpill and blackpill concepts. But they know since they are women their points will get views because a woman saying bad things about feminism is "unique", all just a grift.
the blackpill ideology comes from pointing out problems within society
Definitely not.

First, blackpill is not an "ideology",

Blackpill is a set of facts, often scientific facts, but just as often anectodes (i know of no science about the dogpill, for instance, but I know it is widespread) that are logically connected to the fact that we are socially dejected.

Blackpill is just a matter-of-fact description of life, the world and everything from the perspective of a socially dejected man.

An ideology has an ideologue, or ideologues, who curate what is or isn't desirable or admissible. There is no Marx & Engels of the blackpill. We simply expose our perceptiovs here and each forms his own conclusions on who is right and who is wrong.

I, for instance, don't agree with even the existence of such thing as a blackpill ideology --- but if there was I would gladly collect it's canonical books.

EDIT: Of course, you can go full Žižek on this and claim that all perspectives are ideological (sniffles) because one cannot access the world without the filter of his previously held ideas (sniffles) which in constitute in all cases his or her own ideology and so on and so forth (snorts).

But this is moot because of that old Maxim about tautologies: if everything is X then nothing is X (that is, nothing is especially characterized for being X, X becomes just a feature of reality itself, and not of the thing one is describing).
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Women understand the blackpill, they don't dare publicly accept a word of it because it can only harm their social status, which their entire lives are based on.

The only women you'll ever see start embracing what they really care about with men and blackpill rhetoric are 1) old post-prime women who have given up, or 2) races like nigger bitches that are lower value and can relate somewhat with how much it sucks being inferior because of their genetics.

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