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Serious Women aren't the more empathic gender and normies don't understand the difference between sympathy and empathy

Stupid Clown

Stupid Clown

Everything burns
Nov 29, 2022
"women are the most empathic gender bro! :soy: :soy: " no, they're not. This is objectively incorrect. Women are proven to be more emotional in any conflict between men and women and less open to finding a resolution. They have a greater ingroup bias and none of them have any understanding of what men think like. Just visit any female dominated subreddit and look at the ridiculous cartoon characters they describe men as being. They're ncapable of actually putting themselves into our shoes and understanding why men behave the way we do. Look at how whenever men vent about being alone women respond by telling them relationships aren't everything and you can be happy without one. Women do this because they themselves get enough validation from simps to where they can be satisfied by themselves and not have their ego destroyed. They also choose to be alone which men don't have the privilege of women. Women are completely incapable of putting themselves in men's position and understanding why men would be miserable being alone. The only time they understand is when they try to turn themselves into men. Visit the many tranny subreddits where ftms vent about loneliness.

On the other hand we completely understand how women think which is why we can predict almost everything they do. Women on Twitter will share something women do that completely aligns with the blackpill and then act as if incels had no idea women did that thing.
"Look here inkwell! We care more about face more than muscles and would rather be alone than with an unattractive man! Inkwells don't understand that do they? :foidSoy: :foidSoy: " but we do understand that because we actually have empathy and understand how women think.

Which leads to another thing normies don't understand. Empathy and sympathy are not the same. Empathy means being able to put yourself in someone else's shoes. Sympathy is feeling bad for someone. You can be empathetic towards someone while not being sympathetic. I'm empathetic towards women but I feel no sympathy towards them because they're inferior creatures controlled by hormones.

Women aren't more empathetic than men. Women are just more gullable to propaganda so they virtue more to whatever global homo agenda elites are pushing and then normies use that as an example of how "women are the most empathic gender bro." Most of the time despite women's virtue signaling they don't really care about the issue outside of the social validation they get for talking about it. Good example of this is how women virtue signal about muh faggots. "women have always supported the LGBTQ movement!" Meanwhile women constantly use gay as an insult.

So in reality women are really neither more empathetic or sympathetic. The only beings they truly feel any sympathy for are either attractive men or cute things like cats, dogs, or children that meet their looks retirements. (yes women even have looks retirements for children. It's extremely common for women to mock ugly babies and oftentimes on social media they'll even celebrate their murder. Not to mention women themselves have a high rate of murdering their own children even after they are born. Mostly male children. I assume they do this because their children don't meet their looks requirements. )
Children killed by one parent

high iq. people underestimate how evil a foid can be behind her innocent looking face
high iq. people underestimate how evil a foid can be behind her innocent looking face
Yes. As sub 5 males we're exposed to female cruelty head on because women don't feel the need to wear their masks around us like they do normies. The amount of cruelty females have inflict on sub 5 males is insane. They're complete sadists.

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