You all are viewing women in the wrong way. Not all of them are evil. Sure, there are women who are mean, provocative and harsh, but not all women are like that. There's evil men, too. You guys are meeting the bad women, the worldly ones who lose their virginity at at 13 and have sex with multiple guys who are no better. There's girls out there who don't care about height, penis size and looks. My best advice to all of you is to seek Jesus Christ. I genuinely hope all of you ascend and come to Christ. You can mock me all you want, but please - turn to Jesus before it's too late.
this nigga collected 10000 posts only to larp as jesus and say shit that contradicts basic christian teaching - aka that all humans are deeply flawed and biased creatures that can't help themselves but be shitty assholes. Or everyone would be a saint. In his view, men should hold themselves accountable to insane standard (god) but not women? Why shouldnt I hold all women accountable to the same standard, thats literally christian doctrine. One standard for all humans. Remember, according to christianity THERE ARE NO GOOD PEOPLE
literally from the NT:
Matthew 19:17
New King James Version
So He said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God.
Christian ethics opposes any form of quantifying human value aka put people on a scale between good and evil. There are no brownie points with god, no golden stars on the divine refrigerator. Though the different dominations debate on how salvation is achieved, the general consensus is that salvation is from God alone. God saves, he is sovereign. Someone may be a murderer on this earth but still go to heaven, if God wills it. Someone can litearlly be the worst fucking misogynist ever, if they were lead into that life against their will (corrupted world influenced them), then how can God hold them accountable?
There is a classic moral tale that used to be famous in middle ages and was later mocked by Voltaire - basically this guy wonders why horrible shit happens all the time. An angles pops up "hey yo, whatdup?" they walk around, the angel comitts war crimes all over place, fucking drowns babies and burns down someones house like LOL
The guy is like nigga stop why are you doing this? And the angel says, well, it may seem evil from your limited perspective, but from the perspective of God, these events were the best possible outcome. The baby I killed would have become a murderer. The house I burned down ultimately benefitted the person somehow etc.
Wether you think this is silly or whatever does not matter - it is merely an illustration of a completely different approach to ethics. In our time, we think in ways that would have been silly to ancient christians i.e. we believe firmly that morality can be measured somehow, scientifically. We waffle on about "senseless tragedies" when we dont even believe in purpose or meaning existing. How can it be a tradgedy if it is senseless? If the event had no purpose or meaning, then how can it be negative or positive?
Why is more people dying worse than less people dying? All of this would have been hilarious from the perspetive of a medieval scholar.
So no, from a christian view, there are no good people, let alone good women. Protestants and catholics even condemn unbaptised kids to hell, which idk mayne, fuck
Another problem is the philosophical grounding for "the good." Philosophers have spent 1000s of years debating what "the good" is and what a good life looks like. In christianity, all metaphysical properties are identified with god - truth, meaning, the good, logic etc.
Truth in christianity is a person. So is morality. It is a personal standard for ethics, to deal with persons on earth through accountability. Impersonal things can not give you ethical laws and standards, let alone responsibility for your actions. Responsibility without consequence is meaningless.
So to say someone is "good" as a christian would be actually blasphemous, since it would be the same as saying someone is "god" (literally).
Another problem with OPs post that just came to my mind is the striking amount of accounts of female saints that were whores before turning around and becoming christians. Mary of egypt comes to mind, who was a notrious slut. According to her biography, I think she tried entering a church and a fucking force field blocked because she was so STD ridden.
So even here, the whole notion of "good girls are girls that are virgins and bla bla bla" doesnt seem to add up. Idk dude, idk.
In my opinion, if God is in charge and takes the whole of a human beings life into account, all the biases, the faulty reasoning we are not responsible for, the external circumstances we did not choose - I can not imagine anything but an extremely mild judgement for all humans. This world is a clusterfuck and none of us chose this.