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JFL Woman pays men to murder both her parents. Comments blame parents and advise future muderers



G.O.R.I.L.L.A _M.A.X.I.N.G
Sep 30, 2019

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQt46gvYO40&hd=1

Its an hour long, You don't have to watch a single second of it nor do i care if you do. But you should.

Read the title and then read some of the comments. I put some here for the smooth brains.

This retarded asian foid calls a hit on both her parents and then gets interrogated. Retardation insures in the comments as normless, cucks, and women all trip over thier feet to advise future murderers to get a lawyer, lie better, and excuse this foid of her actions.

Examples of the woman are wonderful effect:

"All she had to say is she hid in the closet and didn’t see anything, but instead she decided to make a super complicated lie "

" ask for a lawyer EVEN IF YOU’RE INNOCENT !! there are many cases where innocents are charged by overzealous prosecutors !!! "

" It doesn’t excuse the crimes she committed but her experiences does explain it. "

" I genuinely feel bad for Jennifer. Her parents' parenting style really choked her to the point that she wanted to kill them. Of course there are consequences. But in the end, her parents destroyed her instead of building her up. The exact opposite of what they wanted for her. "

" If her knee wasn't injured, she'd be a star and her parents would talk about how great their education was "

" There's a saying that goes:" The best thing about telling the truth, is that you don't have to remember what you said" I once watched a video about something called "the pinocchio effect" which has to do with how a person acts and reacts when they are telling a lie. And it was mentioned that when a person is lying, they'll try soooo hard to convince you of what they are saying, telling so much details that eventually they won't be able to remember! So if you go back and ask them to repeat what they've just said, some details will certainly be modified. This is exactly what happened with Jennifer here! She exposed herself by trying to bring in as much details and "proof" of her innocence as she could which led her to mix things up and eventually get exposed. So sad! "

Her dad was literally shot in the face hospitalized and her mother straight up died. But these people feel nothing but remorse and feel the need to advise potential criminals on how to get away with murder BECAUSE SHES A FEMALE.

Now imagine if a 24 year old male killed both his parents. You think these people would be making the same retarded comments? The woman is wonderful effect is disgusting and even applies to foid murderers. This is only further proof that human beings are retarded and shitty creatures who support terrible people.

Innocent tiny little asian foid kills both her parents? OBVIOUSLY A VICTIM.

Incel male kill both of his parents? HE DESERVES TO DIE, POOR PARENTS
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I love watching these kind of interrogations.
I love watching these kind of interrogations.
Same. It teaches me so much about liars and pieces of garbage human beings
Women get away with so much crime its un-believeable
Screw white privilege,we shall come together to destroy female privilege
Women get away with so much crime its un-believeable
Screw white privilege,we shall come together to destroy female privilege

This happened in canada not burgerland. So applause to them for having the balls to convict a woman and make her pay for her actions.

If this happened in burgerland no cumskin would dare touch this foid or send her to jail
Women get away with so much crime its un-believeable
Screw white privilege,we shall come together to destroy female privilege

There is no white privilege and even if there was it would make sense to be privileged in your own country. Sadly that isn't that case because the law treats an illegal better than a native born citizen in Europe.

Women are sociopaths pill.
Women are the most privileged group on earth
Women are the most privileged group on earth
Lmao no they aren't. They are the true victims of war and deserve no punishment's for their actions for having a hole that bleeds once a month
At least her boyfriend was asian, I was legit expecting him to be white
At least her boyfriend was asian, I was legit expecting him to be white
I mean its not surprising. Not ever single asian female is with a white dude just because a majority are self hating whores. You have to understand not many things here are black and white (get it? lmao)
not many things here are black and white (get it? lmao)

If it were a male they would lock him up and throw away the keys without anyone giving two fucks, but because its a hole everyone dissect her life to try to justify her action.
If it were a male they would lock him up and throw away the keys without anyone giving two fucks, but because its a hole everyone dissect her life to try to justify her action.
Based greycel. Throughout the entire investigation all she did was ask what happens to me and cry crocodile tears.

Can't wait for IT to spin this post into a pity party for her
I hate women. Exhibit #: 206338172291.
Mandatory Wikipedia link :

Time & time again these studies are done to show how x, y or z are discriminated against & treated unfairly then the results show the opposite so it's quickly buried or the narrative twisted to discredit the "wrong" result. Don't get the outcome you wanted, just scrap it & try again.
Time & time again these studies are done to show how x, y or z are discriminated against & treated unfairly then the results show the opposite so it's quickly buried or the narrative twisted to discredit the "wrong" result. Don't get the outcome you wanted, just scrap it & try again.
Its funny isn't it. Study with accurate data hurts someones feelings? scrap it!!

Humanity is no longer in pursuit of knowledge and truth. At least nor for the public to know.

Cumskins have been lying about studies for years now for profit and personal gain.

You really think humans will ever leave earth to populate another planet? Is it profitable? No? Than no.
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I love watching these kind of interrogations.
Did you watch the nikolas cruiz one? When his brother comes in and he starts crying it's fucking brutal man.
Its funny isn't it. Study with accurate data hurts someones feelings? scrap it!!

Humanity is no longer in pursuit of knowledge and truth. At least nor for the public to know.

JEWS & THEIR ASSOCIATES have been lying about studies for years now for profit and personal gain.

You really think humans will ever leave earth to repopulate another planet?
Corrected your cumskins thing, it's not all whites the same way not all blacks are #blm burn down the neighbourhood thugs.
Sometimes it's race, sometimes it's ideology & sometimes it's class.

We can't go to another planet, it's impossible to get past the Van Allen radiation belt & live or the firmament for that matter so we can't get beyond low earth orbit (no gravity) but even if we could it's not gonna happen with the evil selfish bastards doing everything they can to hoard that with value & deny others any happiness or respite free of charge.
Humanity is no longer in pursuit of knowledge and truth. At least nor for the public to know.

Cumskins have been lying about studies for years now for profit and personal gain.

It's a new dark age. People metaphorically kept in the dark.

It's old, and it's not necessarily for profit or personal gain, though. It can be well-intended. The concept of "noble lie" was originally described by Plato.

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It's a new dark age. People metaphorically kept in the dark.

It's not old, though. The concept of "noble lie" was originally described by Plato.

There will never be another plato. Or rather there probably are many platos but none are allowed to see the light of day in the public eye.
They are not gonna touch this tbh.
I wouldn't be surprised.
Not me :feelsclown:
There was also an interrogation with Alek Minassian on that channel but it got deleted I think.
I wish it had more female cases tbh. Watching women get fucked by the hot iron rod of the law is lifefuel
I wish it had more female cases tbh. Watching women get fucked by the hot iron rod of the law is lifefuel
There is always a female involved in these cases unironically.
The Casey Anthony case is even more insane than this one. That bitch straight up murdered her own child and got away with it.
The Casey Anthony case is even more insane than this one. That bitch straight up murdered her own child and got away with it.
Yeah i saw that one too. All evidence pointing to her being a murderer and she gets off scott free. JFL at this world
There's a saying that goes:" The best thing about telling the truth, is that you don't have to remember what you said" I once watched a video about something called "the pinocchio effect" which has to do with how a person acts and reacts when they are telling a lie. And it was mentioned that when a person is lying, they'll try soooo hard to convince you of what they are saying, telling so much details that eventually they won't be able to remember! So if you go back and ask them to repeat what they've just said, some details will certainly be modified. This is exactly what happened with Jennifer here! She exposed herself by trying to bring in as much details and "proof" of her innocence as she could which led her to mix things up and eventually get exposed
JFL, the whole YouTube channel is about psychological techniques investigators use during interrogation, and the video goes into detail about what the investigator does and what reactions to look for.
But some soycuck wants to share his expertise (which adds zero info) because he once watched a video
JFL, the whole YouTube channel is about psychological techniques investigators use during interrogation, and the video goes into detail about what the investigator does and what reactions to look for.
But some soycuck wants to share his expertise (which adds zero info) because he once watched a video
Typical human. What a complete joke. Thinks he's smarter than he actually his
it's impossible to get past the Van Allen radiation belt & live
Why ? What about the lunar missions ?
Apparently Apollo 14 was the most exposed and the doses were far from being lethal or even harmful for health
Why ? What about the lunar missions ?
Apparently Apollo 14 was the most exposed and the doses were far from being lethal or even harmful for health
Bullshit, we never put humans on the moon, it's all an elaborate hoax that was put together to show muscle to the Soviets & make them think twice, an elaborate display like a Lion's roar or a gorilla standing tall thumping it's chest.

Psychological warfare & momentum, Yankees feared the spread of Communism & were in an arms race, if we can go to the moon our missiles can reach you.

They can't go back anymore as they apparently lost all the blueprints, schematics & forulas that got us there in the first place, so with all the big brains, super computers & advancements now they don't know how, the pictures of the blue marble are drawings & video footage is cgi.

The old video interviews with moon landing astronauts contradict the testimonies of those today supposedly up there in space.

It's easier to keep rolling with it & get free money than come clean.
it's all an elaborate hoax that was put together to show muscle to the Soviets & make them think twice, an elaborate display like a Lion's roar or a gorilla standing tall thumping it's chest.

Psychological warfare & momentum, Yankees feared the spread of Communism & were in an arms race, if we can go to the moon our missiles can reach you
Dunno, the Soviets and Yankees both sent some amazing craft in space, they both knew exactly what the conditions there were. After all Sputnik-2 was the first device to fly through the Van Allen belts and measure their radioactivity.

And the Soviets were not shy of calling the US out on their BS. Not sure such a hoax would have worked, tbh.

Also the distance to the moon is almost 10 longer than the equator, that's quite an overshoot for a missile. And reaching the Moon with an unmanned rocket would have been a sufficient demonstration as well.
Dunno, the Soviets and Yankees both sent some amazing craft in space, they both knew exactly what the conditions there were. After all Sputnik-2 was the first device to fly through the Van Allen belts and measure their radioactivity.

And the Soviets were not shy of calling the US out on their BS. Not sure such a hoax would have worked, tbh.

Also the distance to the moon is almost 10 longer than the equator, that's quite an overshoot for a missile. And reaching the Moon with an unmanned rocket would have been a sufficient demonstration as well.
Why don't they go back now then & why was the Chinese mission so hokey looking?
Her looksmatch has 45 k posts on .co
I'm reaching the point where i think every cuck/simp should be skinned and burned Alive, these guys are the most disgusting beings in the planet.

How can you excuse someone trying to kill both her parents just because the person in question has a HOLE.

@ThoughtfulCel you seem like you like to see those cases of female murderers, when you have some spare time search for a woman called "Suzana richtoffen" and see what she did with her parents, the cold blooded murder technique and what both she and her boyfriend did on their burial.
I'm reaching the point where i think every cuck/simp should be skinned and burned Alive, these guys are the most disgusting beings in the planet.

How can you excuse someone trying to kill both her parents just because the person in question has a HOLE.

@ThoughtfulCel you seem like you like to see those cases of female murderers, when you have some spare time search for a woman called "Suzana richtoffen" and see what she did with her parents, the cold blooded murder technique and what both she and her boyfriend did on their burial.
I love seeing holes get whats coming to them. Getting consequences for their actions. Makes me rock hard tbh

I'll definitely check that one out brocel. Thanks for the lifefuel

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQt46gvYO40&hd=1

Its an hour long, You don't have to watch a single second of it nor do i care if you do. But you should.

Read the title and then read some of the comments. I put some here for the smooth brains.

This retarded asian foid calls a hit on both her parents and then gets interrogated. Retardation insures in the comments as normless, cucks, and women all trip over thier feet to advise future murderers to get a lawyer, lie better, and excuse this foid of her actions.

Examples of the woman are wonderful effect:

"All she had to say is she hid in the closet and didn’t see anything, but instead she decided to make a super complicated lie "

" ask for a lawyer EVEN IF YOU’RE INNOCENT !! there are many cases where innocents are charged by overzealous prosecutors !!! "

" It doesn’t excuse the crimes she committed but her experiences does explain it. "

" I genuinely feel bad for Jennifer. Her parents' parenting style really choked her to the point that she wanted to kill them. Of course there are consequences. But in the end, her parents destroyed her instead of building her up. The exact opposite of what they wanted for her. "

" If her knee wasn't injured, she'd be a star and her parents would talk about how great their education was "

" There's a saying that goes:" The best thing about telling the truth, is that you don't have to remember what you said" I once watched a video about something called "the pinocchio effect" which has to do with how a person acts and reacts when they are telling a lie. And it was mentioned that when a person is lying, they'll try soooo hard to convince you of what they are saying, telling so much details that eventually they won't be able to remember! So if you go back and ask them to repeat what they've just said, some details will certainly be modified. This is exactly what happened with Jennifer here! She exposed herself by trying to bring in as much details and "proof" of her innocence as she could which led her to mix things up and eventually get exposed. So sad! "

Her dad was literally shot in the face hospitalized and her mother straight up died. But these people feel nothing but remorse and feel the need to advise potential criminals on how to get away with murder BECAUSE SHES A FEMALE.

Now imagine if a 24 year old male killed both his parents. You think these people would be making the same retarded comments? The woman is wonderful effect is disgusting and even applies to foid murderers. This is only further proof that human beings are retarded and shitty creatures who support terrible people.

Innocent tiny little asian foid kills both her parents? OBVIOUSLY A VICTIM.

Incel male kill both of his parents? HE DESERVES TO DIE, POOR PARENTS

0E688AA4 35AF 45E9 8494 28E75B810BD3

Also I need to check the whole case again because iirc her parents were only wanting her to do good but because foids are foids they easily crack for the smallest things.
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No minerals & shit on the moon?
Not worth the cost. It cost more money to fly to the moon and back than the minerals value if there's even any at all

You seem to be reaching now lol
Not worth the cost. It cost more money to fly to the moon and back than the minerals value if there's even any at all

You seem to be reaching now lol
I can't be bothered to hunt down "evidence" & articulate a response that attempts to convince or brings beliefs into question as quite simply I'm lazy & to do so & even if I did succeed it doesn't improve my life so what's the point; believe whatever. It changes nothing either way.

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