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Woman on IncelExit claims unlimited access to casual sex sucks for women 'Because they can't orgasm as easily as men do'



Mar 26, 2022
That dumb fucking argument pops up constantly in sex-related subs, as women always seek endless justifications of why they can never be privileged as a gender and why they their sexual selectiveness isn't inherent, as every evolutionary psychologist and Charles Darwin himself ( In his essay on human sexual selection ) knows. And of course, Reddit numales being what they are, everyone immediately started clapping and praising her for her 'genius' analogy and brillaint analysis. I wanted to debunk her right then and there, but my ban-evasion account is too new to post, so I'll do it here instead:

And my smackdown of this idiotic talking point:

The oft-parroted 'Orgasm argument', much as with most of the dogmatic lines found on gynocentric Reddit where they can face no resistance since opposition is banned or shunned, unravels instantly like an house of cards as soon as you apply a smidgen of logic to it.

Men's ease of orgasming *cannot* account for and has no correlation with the male sex drive. If the Almighty orgasm was such a chief factor's in men's eagerness to have sex while the reverse holds true for women as you describe it, it would actually make no sense at all for men to expend any time and energy whatsoever on pursuing female partners.

Men don't need a partner to orgasm. They can orgasm in less than a minute using their hand, and without having to put any effort into it whatsoever. If orgasm was the goal of sex, the psychological influences behind incels, or indeed behind any men in history going to great lengths to obtain female sexual partners would not exist - men would just experience perfect contentedness and bliss by jacking it off in their rooms where they can orgasm to infinity.

Sex is not about the orgasm - neither for men, nor for women, who also tend to attest in TwoXChromosomes or wherever that they can achieve superior orgasms with their vibrators or sex toys because they know their own vagina than some random man does, yet most of them will still never go without sex for long anyway. The *principal* allure of sex is intimacy, validation, and the oxytocin released caused by any manner of physical touch, from foreplay to kissing to blowjobs or the act of sex itself. The ejaculation is, as fun as it can be for all of 5 seconds, **the least important part of sex**. In fact, female orgasms when they do happen are actually more intense and longer than any man's could biologically be.

From Orgasms, to fear of serial killers, to psychic sensors, we have no need of a never-ending list of justifications to explain something that has been known since Darwin wrote about sexual selection in humans - Women are inherently more sexually selective than men. They don't find nearly as men attractive as vice versa, which is why their supply is sparse while men's demand is through the roof. That's it.


Of course, as we all know, the idea that women do not have an immeasurably easier time finding relationships either is also bullshit, as virtually any dating subreddit or website will demonstrate. A whiteknight's 'retort' to that fact? Well, you see, the majority of men on planet Earth simply suck. Men on the dating market all suck and women are a flawless gender that has to sift through all the trash which is the majority of men in order to find a decent one, which is why women are still victims even if they have a million guys willing to date them. Yes, really, that's their argument, just open the comment chain:

Ahhh... women and their loyal little whiteknights, what a shitshow. What kind of universe could possibly steer evolution toward the formation of such creatures? And these are the brainwashed, female supremacist beliefs that any 'good virgin' is supposed to embrace instead of the Blackpill.
Foids only orgasm for chad plus they orgasm a million times. FGM should be mandated so foids can't feel anything
dont know how you guys subject yourself to reading this shit
Domestic violence and rape are gender symmetrical crimes, and women cheat often too, and maybe as often as men. And also, rarely are women are killed by a hookup partner. It's usually someone they know. In fact most violence against women is by someone they know. MEN are more likely to be attacked by a stranger or in general. In fact, women usually aren't raped or assaulted by a hookup they meet. And the idea that 1 in 5 women are raped is a myth.

also, the reason why women don't orgasm as much as men in one night stands is prolly because women's orgasms are multifaceted and thus they are only fucking the dude once, which means he can't figure it out how to orgasm her the first time fucking her necessarily. Also, women tend to have less interest in casual sex than men (many might say women won't admit it as much but stigma against casual sex is less common than it used to and it's anonymous surveys and if that was true, why do women orgasm less even if there can be multiple reasons?). As a result, women might be less able to enjoy it. For example, single men who have sex tend to be more sexually satisfied whereas single women who have sex are less sexually satisfied and sexually inactive single women are more sexually satisfied. This could be why women don't orgasm as much during casual sex. Also, men will accept casual sex with a woman if he finds her at least moderately attractive but women only accept it if he's outright attractive to her. In fact, women tend to value looks more for short-term than long-term relationships. Women don't find a lot of men outright physically attractive and conventionally attractive women are common while conventionally attractive men aren't that common. Women might even have beer goggles during hookups. As a result, women might not orgasm because he wasn't attractive enough.

Either way, it does suck for men that women have it easier getting hookups and they do have it easier getting a relationship. Single men are much more common. It doesn't matter women don't like hookups as much because he isn't some brad pitt clone unless she has unrestricted sociosexuality ofc. They can easily get sex while single and this is particularly beneficial for women who enjoy casual sex. So yes, women do have it easier getting laid. Having it less enjoyabe doesn't stop that they have it EASIER. In fact, because women have it easy getting laid or casual sex but men have it relatively hard means women have a higher chance of finding a GOOD hookup than men finding any hookup at all. Women orgasmed during 40% of one night stands (a good amount), and they are WAY more likely to get a hookup easily, so they can find a GOOD hookup more easily than men finding any hookup at all.
And also, rarely are women are killed by a hookup partner. It's usually someone they know. In fact most violence against women is by someone they know
Foid personality detectors at it again:feelskek:
The glorification of the orgasm in relation to sex is a psyop to
1. Convince men that masturbation somehow has a value even approaching real sex
2. Convince women that men are pathetic if they cannot make them orgasm (even though female orgasm is basically a vestigial function that is virtually impossible to achieve without tons of foreplay and the idea that a man should be able to make them orgasm through intercourse alone is absurd (this serves to emasculate virtually all men))
What's the point of it?
Orgasm or not, you still get validation for being desirable. This is even more important than the orgasm.

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