we all know women are the lowest of the fucking low, these toilets subject us to so much suffering, they're vile and disgusting, while they complain about having easy lives, even the ugliest and sweatiest most disgusting LTB could go out with her stinky hairy fat pussy and get some cock, while men are treated like they're subhuman and shit on if they dare want sex, we know the world is unfair but and i know this is water info, but just take an extra second to think about this shit, and realise how infuriating it is that we get the least out of our lives while they get the most and STILL, they complain, they act like they dont live fulfilling lives, the average fat whore can get all the attention and validation she wants and EVEN MORE from ugly men that never had a chance with any girl and just try to get themselves in some femoid's dirty puss, just so they're not shamed for being a virgin, which im not gonna even get started with, or should i? "body doesnt matter" they say.. but then these stinky sluts turn around and shame men who are virgins because they never had the privilege of sticking their cock in a vagina, they're hypocritical, evil, disgusting, spoiled, low iq chimp brained whores that should all be oppressed and stepped on so they can shut their mouths that just spew nothing but hypocrisy, nonsense and evil, so they can learn that they will forever be the inferior sex to us men. i hate women and i will never ever be able to accept the fact that these whores get to even speak or have an opinion on anything let alone on men. they deserve to be beaten 24/7, and put in their place where they belong , they exist to serve us men, and one day when people wake the fuck up and stop being soy cucks they'll know how to properly shut a woman the fuck up for good, these whores get to have high standards and all types of other shit while all being unhealthy fat pigs that arent even rapeable let alone fuckable, while we get backlash for voicing even the simplest opinions nowadays, it just doesnt make any fucking sense, the ultimate desth sentence in 2025 is just being born a man, just existing as a male bc jews fucked the system and made these sluts rebel and think they have power over us just because jewish governments protect their so called "rights" when they just dont want any equality they just want men to be subhuman scum, toilets that they can just come and dump logs on, it has to become a trend where men just beat women after fucking them, where men abuse women and treat them like shit, where men deprive women of all that they want. but the brutal thing is, the world is too fucked already, we're already too deep in, barely any men are willing to stand up, most just give up and dont act the way they should act, its ropefuel just thinking about how life is as a man in 2025, just merely reflecting on your problems as a man makes you want to fucking hang, and them your remember the shit you're subjected to because of women and that feeling just grows. I FUCKING HATE WOMEN, THAT'S IT. WOMEN MUST BE HATED BY ALL MEN BECAUSE THEY HATE US THEY DONT LIKE US AND THEY NEVER WILL. THEY'RE ALL JUST SLIMY PARASITES THAT LEECH ONTO SUCCESSFUL GOOD LOOKING MEN AND DRAIN THEM AND ACT LIKE ANY OTHER MAN THAT ISNT GOOD LOOKING OR SUCCESSFUL IS SUBHUMAN DIRT. FUCK ALL WOMEN.