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Blackpill Woman do not watch movies at all, they just sit there on their phones.



Nov 7, 2017
I just finished watching bladerunner 2049, and I was really surprised at how good the movie was. It didn't have any of the typical Hollywood bullshit, and it was a great cyberpunk storie.
While I was Watching the movie my mother and her niece where on their phones for a whole hour browsing Facebook and gossiping about other woman, showing no interest in the movie.
I have noticed this also in the few times I go to the movies.
A female will be there with a guy, usually on a date and the bitch will just be on her phone the entire time.
Females are incapable of enjoying art on a higher form as men are able to, that is why there are no beloved female directors, writers, and producers.
The only shit that females watch is trashy reality tv like the bachelor or some shitty music contest like the voice.
Movies are boring anyway just like most entertainment.
Side note bladerunner 2049 is a great movie. The original Bladerunner is good as well. 2049 accurately depicts the future IMO of cuckifornia at its current pace.

Women are vapid beings.
Totally agree. Smartphones are a plague, normies cannot last 10 minutes without checking them.
2049 was pretty great. Not as good as the original, but damn better than a 30 year late sequel to a classic had any right to be.
Stop giving the jew movie industry your money. Just stop
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a woman actually watching the movie
I'm not sure if I agree with this or not because it's true mostly, BUT i've seen some exceptions where femoids actually watch the movie. Example, avengers infinity war
Side note bladerunner 2049 is a great movie. The original Bladerunner is good as well. 2049 accurately depicts the future IMO of cuckifornia at its current pace.

Women are vapid beings.
Except there would be a ton more Latinos and barely any whites.
I'm not sure if I agree with this or not because it's true mostly, BUT i've seen some exceptions where femoids actually watch the movie. Example, avengers infinity war
Those marvel movies are popular culture now so the females have to watch them so they can fit in and talk about it with their normie friends.
Totally agree. Smartphones are a plague, normies cannot last 10 minutes without checking them.
2049 was pretty great. Not as good as the original, but damn better than a 30 year late sequel to a classic had any right to be.
Exactly, nowadays it seems that everything normies do they do it for social media points. You will never see normies out in a public place together without whipping out their phones and taking a photo to post online.
Even when they are out to some new exciting place, they don't actually take the view in, they instead just focus on catching it on cameras.
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Smartphones are a plague, normies cannot last 10 minutes without checking them.

It's fucking amazing to me how many people willingly accepted smart phones once they dropped. Absolutely nobody was suspicious of data collection or had any concerns about privacy at all. People that did were called tinfoilers and got brushed off. We're sitting here today and realizing that they were mostly right. JFL. Planned obsolescence was another thing that was brushed off and Apple just recently admitted that their batteries have a purposely short useful life. Normies buy them again and again despite all this.

It's kind of a mindfuck when you think about how different the world was before the 2010's.
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Except there would be a ton more Latinos and barely any whites.

Those marvel movies are popular culture now so the females have to watch them so they can fit in and talk about it with their normie friends.

Recent data suggests a brown future for America may be a bit of a jewish meme. Everyone always assumes that foreign invaders are going to keep shitting out kids like they do in the third world, but they never account for what happens when they get their first taste of 1st world decadence.
Recent data suggests a brown future for America may be a bit of a jewish meme. Everyone always assumes that foreign invaders are going to keep shitting out kids like they do in the third world, but they never account for what happens when they get their first taste of 1st world decadence.
It dosnt change the fact that America's white percentage is about 50% and is constantly lowering.
And third world non white immigration shows no sign of stopping, and increasing race mixing will mean whites will be a small minority in about 30 years.
It's fucking amazing to me how many people willingly accepted smart phones once they dropped. Absolutely nobody was suspicious of data collection or had any concerns about privacy at all. People that did were called tinfoilers and got brushed off. We're sitting here today and realizing that they were mostly right. JFL.

It's kind of a mindfuck when you think about how different the world was before the 2010's.
And people around our age will never know what it was like to live in a slightly saner world, before these decades of doom where we are ruled by strange forces and technology. I can only fantasize about what it was like to be a human back in an older time, closer to nature. :feelsbadman::feelscry::feelsrope:
ruled by strange forces and technology

That's a good way to put it. We're way too close to a Brave New World style society than I'm comfortable with. I've been consuming a lot of pop culture stuff lately out of curiosity and I'm getting fucking sick to my stomach.
And people around our age will never know what it was like to live in a slightly saner world, before these decades of doom where we are ruled by strange forces and technology. I can only fantasize about what it was like to be a human back in an older time, closer to nature. :feelsbadman::feelscry::feelsrope:
We are living in the turning point of society, right before society falls completely to technology, but too late to experience the good old days of the 80's.
super high IQ post. I also noticed that soyboys are like this too.
good post

Fembitches only like watching reality tv shows like love island where people have sex and do other degenerate stuff, it's the only things their lustful and evil minds can comprehend and understand.
I just finished watching bladerunner 2049, and I was really surprised at how good the movie was. It didn't have any of the typical Hollywood bullshit, and it was a great cyberpunk storie.
While I was Watching the movie my mother and her niece where on their phones for a whole hour browsing Facebook and gossiping about other woman, showing no interest in the movie.
I have noticed this also in the few times I go to the movies.
A female will be there with a guy, usually on a date and the bitch will just be on her phone the entire time.
Females are incapable of enjoying art on a higher form as men are able to, that is why there are no beloved female directors, writers, and producers.
The only shit that females watch is trashy reality tv like the bachelor or some shitty music contest like the voice.
I've said it for years. 95% of women are boring and are interested in boring things. Unfortunately I'm still attracted to them.
They are too low iq to comprehend what's happening on screen.
Yeah. If it was some romantic movie they would be there watching getting wet over Chad. They could give a shit about sci fi, so it makes me wonder why feminists are trying so hard to insert female protagonists into the genre.
foids are not capable of focusing on something for more than 1 hour.
most of them dont actually care about the plot. theyre just there to watch chad save the day and be the hero
Smartphones was a mistake. I am 24 years old and I remember when I was a teenager back when we just had normal cell phones we could text each other on with no touch screen or internet. People have become zombies now in particular girls. Girls are so addicted to them, and why wouldn´t they be it´s like a euphoric drug to them, every time they turn on the screen they get showered in adoration and validation.
Smartphones was a mistake. I am 24 years old and I remember when I was a teenager back when we just had normal cell phones we could text each other on with no touch screen or internet. People have become zombies now in particular girls. Girls are so addicted to them, and why wouldn´t they be it´s like a euphoric drug to them, every time they turn on the screen they get showered in adoration and validation.

lol yeah we probably wouldn’t bother watching films if we had an automatic ego fuelling device in the palm of our hand. I do agree with the general sentiment though most women seem to be completely vapid, have no interest in anything other than sex and relationships and gossip. When you start to talk about something with any depth, any abstract concepts, philosophy, technology, you can see their attention go back to their phones.

If you want to talk to them it has to be about something they are interested in. The only things they are interested in are a) how great they are b) chad

If you talk about how great they are they will accuse you of creeping. Your only choice is to talk about chad. This is the only thing that will hold their attention. or you can just hurl abuse at them and criticise their stupid, vapid, Entitled, egotistical, narcisssic shallow and most importantly stupid gender.

Arrrrgh. Women. Fuck
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lol yeah we probably wouldn’t bother watching films if we had an automatic ego fuelling device in the palm of our hand. I do agree with the general sentiment though most women seem to be completely vapid, have no interest in anything other than sex and relationships and gossip. When you start to talk about something with any depth, any abstract concepts, philosophy, technology, you can see their attention go back to their phones.

If you want to talk to them it has to be about something they are interested in. The only things they are interested in are a) how great they are b) chad

If you talk about how great they are they will accuse you of creeping. Your only choice is to talk about chad. This is the only thing that will hold their attention. or you can just hurl abuse at them and criticise their stupid, vapid, Entitled, egotistical, narcisssic shallow and most importantly stupid gender.

Arrrrgh. Women. Fuck
This is very true, btw props for the articulate comment, very good read! Followed you too, you seem to have something between your ears.

Girls they do really have nothing but their looks and superficial stuff like clothes, celebrities, and talk about Chad etc. to talk about. Girls are so boring! I myself am very philosophical and see myself of somewhat of a philosopher because of my revelations, ideas and in general my awoken mind. And even though we hate Chads and Chadlites then I bet we can all agree that the most sheep-like people there is are girls. Girls don´t have any concept of what´s going on around them, all throughout history girls has just gone along with the ride. While men did ALL the work both in a psychical sense but also the philosophical aspects of life. Girls never contributed to anything they just get carried through life by their looks and consumerism. Just look at how many girls compared to men use their time and money on clothes and other superficial things, they are the true sheep with no real value to anything besides giving birth and receive tons of validation, adoration and even admiration for something that they clearly don´t deserve. They are born beautiful so take instagram whores for example; they deserve no admiration for their "accomplishment" because anyone else could have achieved the same if we had won the genetic lottery at birth. But people like me who has such a wonderful and awoken mind truly deserve the validation and admiration for the philosophical contribution it will have to others.

Lmao at the females in that thread trying to act like they watch sifi movies.
And one of them tried to say the watchowskies are woman even though they are just mentally ill trannies.
Females are incapable of enjoying art on a higher form as men are able to, that is why there are no beloved female directors, writers, and producers.
True. Barely any popular women in art. If they are popular, the only reason they made it is because they're girls. Men do everything better. Just look at sports, Football and basketball are dominated by men, no one gives a shit about the womens leagues and the women are too shit to compete with men.
yea women are always on their phone no matter the occasion.

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