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Blackpill Woman admits to withholding sex from her husband for an entire year on feminist sub; comments back her up(MEGABLACKPILL)



Nov 10, 2017
EDIT: Just realized this chick is a single mom. Still need to remember that we're living in a slut's world.

"The vast majority pre-husband were unfulfilling. Fortunately himself was trained up well by his previous partners and I'm reaping the benefits of that!"

"For me, maybe like a bell curve. 5 percent actively unpleasant, 15 percent “...meh,” 60 percent “ok maintenance-type sex” 15 percent pretty damn good, and 5 percent transcendent wonder."(ONLY 20% OF MEN GIVE ENJOYABLE SEX)

I’d say I’ve had experiences from all those categories throughout my 20ish years of sexual activity, often with the same partner.

New guys can be super exciting (the most exciting sex I think is always with someone new!) but the novelty wears off and, lacking fundamental compatibility, you can find yourself pushing past a growing gag reflex to try to find the magic again before you admit it’s not coming back.

And then maintenance type sex sounds super shitty and boring but I figure it’s like eating lunch with the same person day after day: maybe it’s repetitive but the real experience of it is the layers of cumulative connection, not any one given mealtime conversation. Like a conversation with your best friend for the 80000th time, vs that one time you came up with a brilliant retort out of nowhere at a party.

Anyway, nothing wrong with a hiatus. Or permanent celibacy."

After that it's just been my husband. In combination: myself being older, having read a lot of radfem literature, and him being a generally decent, physically/sexually attractive (I mention this because I think women tend to settle for LESS than men are willing to in this regard)..."(so much for "less visual")

"I unfortunately have to say that the majority of sexual encounters I have had have been unfulfilling,

I agree that there are a few gems, the man I am currently with for example, but on the whole I don’t know what I get out of the experience with. I think if I was to loose my current partner I would never go on a date again.

I look at studies that have been done into the orgasm gap between men and women who hook up and then I hear men whine about how women just don’t enjoy sex as much as men and I just think nah, most men are just terrible in bed(ugly/small dick) at best and abusive at worst."

More confirmation that women only like a small percentage of men, can only get pleasured from a small percentage of men, and value looks more than men. It's over for us, femoids despised us since conception. Feminism=fucking Chad as an ideology. READ THIS OVER NORMIES!
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what makes you think she has a husband? sounds to me like she's just riding the cock carousel and got preggo.
giant blackpill anyway. it's scary how many of them consider the sex to be better when the partner is "fresh"

i also like how all of them say it's the men's fault. seriously?
I bet those foids just lie in bed like stones and expect the man to do everything.
what makes you think she has a husband? sounds to me like she's just riding the cock carousel and got preggo.
giant blackpill anyway. it's scary how many of them consider the sex to be better when the partner is "fresh"

i also like how all of them say it's the men's fault. seriously?
I bet those foids just lie in bed like stones and expect the man to do everything.
what makes you think she has a husband? sounds to me like she's just riding the cock carousel and got preggo.
giant blackpill anyway. it's scary how many of them consider the sex to be better when the partner is "fresh"

i also like how all of them say it's the men's fault. seriously?
I bet those foids just lie in bed like stones and expect the man to do everything.

Good catch, I assumed too much from her mentioning her daughter(bluepilled of me tbh). I'll leave it up because there's still decent blackpills in here, but hopefully people don't mind the clickbait:feelzez:
>I've had the large epiphany that I just don't have time for things that waste my time and aren't worth the effort in relation to the potential return, and in retrospect sex with the majority of men I slept with was not worth my time and was not fulfilling, sexually or emotionally.

This is why people keep recycling the advice about focusing on foreplay. "only x% of women can cum through vaginal intercourse!!! it's just part of being a woman". No, it's because women cannot get sexual satisfaction by fucking non-chads.
what makes you think she has a husband? sounds to me like she's just riding the cock carousel and got preggo.
giant blackpill anyway. it's scary how many of them consider the sex to be better when the partner is "fresh"

i also like how all of them say it's the men's fault. seriously?
I bet those foids just lie in bed like stones and expect the man to do everything.

These whores pulverize their clits and blow out their roast beef with industrial strength sex toys daily and then wonder why they can't reach orgasm from PIV sex.

Reading these comment also reminds me of and likely confirms this greentext I have:
Women are  stupid about sex
These whores pulverize their clits and blow out their roast beef with industrial strength sex toys daily and then wonder why they can't reach orgasm from PIV sex.

Reading these comment also reminds me of and likely confirms this greentext I have:
View attachment 24270
Interesting read. I think this thread confirms that greentext. What a gem.
However this begs the question: How do you train a foid to enjoy sex? Discussing this as an incel may be pretty much pointless anyway, but it intrigues me.
You all keep trying to understand women's sexuality through men's lens... It doesn't work like that. Her biggest sexual dream is not to have a harem with 100 different men. Nope. A random dick usually doesn't mean anything to women. Instead, she wants the best Man in the world, who was previously extremely sexually active and non-committed to long-term relationships, to love her-and-only-her unconditionally.

When she says that sex was not fulfilling "emotionally", it means that the guy she fucked with just didn't answer her texts on the next day. That's what Chad usually does, he doesn't give a fuck about commitment. Sex is a way to get more love and commitment from Chad. If it doesn't fulfil that goal, sex is useless.

"If that's the case, why do women have sex with so many men??"
Because they can't find commitment from the Right Man. Women go to college more than men do (+20% more), meaning that the ratio is theoretically skewed in men's favour (supply x demand etc). But only 8+ men are TRULY men, the rest is not even taken into considerationn, so they're the ones who are getting the edge. They can do whatever the fuck they want and that's exactly what they're doing. Women, in their turn, have to play Chad's game, go to frat parties, fuck every Chad they see in a delusional hope that he'll just commit. After a few years, they wake up and start thinking sex is dull. That's it.

By the way, attractive women DO NOT have more sex than unnatractive ones. This just isn't what you would expect if women wanted to have sex for the sake of it, as attractive women can have sex more easily than unnatractive ones. But that's perfectly consistent with the theory outlined above. Uglier women have a harder time finding commitment, so they just fuck every Chad they see until she finds her treasure.
(i'll post the study later today tbh)
@Leamb It's funny because just like you say men struggle to understand women because their behavior is viewed through a male lens, women fucking Chads hoping they will catch feelings for them is applying the women's lens on man's behavior. Men tend to develop their strongest feelings of attachment while pursuing a woman before sex. For women, they don't feel a strong sense of attachment until after sex. This also explains how you get so many retarded women talking about how much the just want "no strings attached sex", fuck around with someone above their league because they seem just interested in casual sex and then are left bitter and confused because now they want nothing more than to be in a relationship with the guy they fucked.
@Leamb It's funny because just like you say men struggle to understand women because their behavior is viewed through a male lens, women fucking Chads hoping they will catch feelings for them is applying the women's lens on man's behavior. Men tend to develop their strongest feelings of attachment while pursuing a woman before sex. For women, they don't feel a strong sense of attachment until after sex. This also explains how you get so many retarded women talking about how much the just want "no strings attached sex", fuck around with someone above their league because they seem just interested in casual sex and then are left bitter and confused because now they want nothing more than to be in a relationship with the guy they fucked.
high iq post
men and women just don't have the same goals

that's why I think we can't just apply men's goals to rate women's success. "she can have any dick she wants!" - yea, but she doesn't give a fuck about temporary random dicks. that doesn't mean that men and women have it equally bad. nope, men are in a much worse situation here and elsewhere (men are found both at the BOTTOM and TOP of pretty much every distribution). but it means that you shouldn't talk about it as if all women were in paradise. her paradise != your paradise
You all keep trying to understand women's sexuality through men's lens... It doesn't work like that. Her biggest sexual dream is not to have a harem with 100 different men. Nope. A random dick usually doesn't mean anything to women. Instead, she wants the best Man in the world, who was previously extremely sexually active and non-committed to long-term relationships, to love her-and-only-her unconditionally.

When she says that sex was not fulfilling "emotionally", it means that the guy she fucked with just didn't answer her texts on the next day. That's what Chad usually does, he doesn't give a fuck about commitment. Sex is a way to get more love and commitment from Chad. If it doesn't fulfil that goal, sex is useless.

"If that's the case, why do women have sex with so many men??"
Because they can't find commitment from the Right Man. Women go to college more than men do (+20% more), meaning that the ratio is theoretically skewed in men's favour (supply x demand etc). But only 8+ men are TRULY men, the rest is not even taken into considerationn, so they're the ones who are getting the edge. They can do whatever the fuck they want and that's exactly what they're doing. Women, in their turn, have to play Chad's game, go to frat parties, fuck every Chad they see in a delusional hope that he'll just commit. After a few years, they wake up and start thinking sex is dull. That's it.

By the way, attractive women DO NOT have more sex than unnatractive ones. This just isn't what you would expect if women wanted to have sex for the sake of it, as attractive women can have sex more easily than unnatractive ones. But that's perfectly consistent with the theory outlined above. Uglier women have a harder time finding commitment, so they just fuck every Chad they see until she finds her treasure.
(i'll post the study later today tbh)

i don't buy any of it

how come women in their 30s/40s, some married, message chadfishes and wanna fuck asap?

how come there are so many endless "poly" okcupid profiles?
i don't buy any of it
how come women in their 30s/40s, some married, message chadfishes and wanna fuck asap?
who cares if they're married, do you know how high the divorce rates are?
do you know why women have affairs? it's because they found someone better than their husbands and they want to pull him to a long-term relationship. once they succeed, they initiate the divorce. how do they do that? by having sex. it's called "mate switching hypothesis", google it

how come there are so many endless "poly" okcupid profiles?
there aren't "many" if you compare it to the base rate, people who are not poly. but poly usually is one chad with many women (i.e. polygyny) because women would rather share a chad than have none at all. one women with many men (polyandry) is extremely rare
who cares if they're married, do you know how high the divorce rates are?
do you know why women have affairs? it's because they found someone better than their husbands and they want to pull him to a long-term relationship. once they succeed, they initiate the divorce. how do they do that? by having sex. it's called "mate switching hypothesis", google it

there aren't "many" if you compare it to the base rate, people who are not poly. but poly usually is one chad with many women (i.e. polygyny) because women would rather share a chad than have none at all. one women with many men (polyandry) is extremely rare

sounds like mega cope to me

"bro girls don't even like sex they just want relationships with top guys"

o lawd
sounds like mega cope to me

"bro girls don't even like sex they just want relationships with top guys"

o lawd
what's cope about that? lol. you're trash to women how is that cope

imo coping is thinking that women don't enjoy sex because you haven mastered some clit trickery or something JFL

and it's not that women don't enjoy sex. they absolutely do. but they see sex more holistically than men. they usually can't separate the sexual intercourse from the relationship, so having sex with someone who's not willing to commit = trash. and they're always delusional to think that good-genes-chad wants to be their husband, so that's why they might enjoy in the beginning. but then it loses the "vibe"
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she wants the best Man in the world, who was previously extremely sexually active and non-committed to long-term relationships, to love her-and-only-her unconditionally.
So basically, there is true love, but only Chad gets it. Nothing new.
Well, the dream for women is to get with one super-Chad who’ll commit imo BUT considering how that doesn’t exist, they sleep around with Chads. That’s what we call “settling”, not women going for non-Chads, that’s cucking.
This world is broken.
Balanced sex ratios in universities to reduce Chad's bargaing plus stronger monogamy social norms would reduce some of that tbh. But the only effective way to incent monogamy is through religion, which nobody gives a fuck nowadays.

IMO, it's important to recognize that the game is rigged against most women, too. We gain allies by noting that it's not an Incel x Everyone else issue, but Everyone x Chad

but, unfortunately, women have chad bias. HE, the God among us, must be perfect despite all evidence to the contrary

That's what all of those sexual books targeted for female teens are based on. There's this promiscuous demigod–
handsome, filthy rich, socially dominant and 160 IQ–who can and does fuck every woman he wants. So far so good, nothing relatively unrealistic. But here comes the gist: He, like a miracle that could only come from a delusional girl's head, wants to MARRY an uninteresting and unflattering girl. Yes, out of all the women this demigod could've chosen, he decided to stay with the one that suspiciously looks like the type of girl who reads that shit. Who could've guessed?? Plus, in bed he treats her like a bitch that just wants to be used, but he also treats her like a unique little princess outside of it. Totally happening totally not a cope
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shes a born again virgin guys.


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