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With all the covid-19 sham going on incel men being targeted by the main stream media.

  • Thread starter Themisanthropicones
  • Start date


Apr 28, 2019
Deadly online ideology on the rise

Saw this on the news the other day and was shocked to hear how the reporters were speaking on men who they basically didn't really even know if they were incels and how the cuck law professor was saying people in the incel community are basically the same as Isis because of a couple of recent events that occurred recently now every male
that isn't in a relationship or is able of having one is a terrorist.

The hypocritical thing is that I've seen video of a black kid beating on a 75 yo in a nursing home and many other gang related incidents not to mention the whole covid-19 bio weapon scheme happening right now to kill off a chunk of population and take rights away from the remaining population and I'm supposed to think fear the most benign
people in society guys down on their luck that have trouble connecting with women or get down right rejected and humiliated on a daily basis, the point is that many groups
commit incidents on a much larger scale daily drug cartels,police,street gangs,government etc but its war on single males and the absurd part of it all is that the average asshole will believe every bit of this propaganda sickening and very unfair.
Incel shooters can be counted on the fingers of your hand

Millions of sex havers and low inhib slayers fill up prisons around the world

INCELS ARE DANGEROUS :soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy:
It's all going according to the unseens plan, just a matter of time before Kalergi is realized & we're all chipped.
It's all going according to the unseens plan, just a matter of time before Kalergi is realized & we're all chipped.

Definitely done by design because like I said the video of the black kid beating the piss out of a 75 yo in a nursing home is no where to be found not so much as a peep is being said about it because of the msm race agenda where as the Arbery case is all over the news and this goes back to this incel thing
that occurred in Arizona and Toronto like how the fuck do they know that any of those two guys in the incidents were incels because they commented on
a site that doesn't constitute being an incels the same way that if someone were to say commenting on or being on Stormfront makes you a neo nazi
its absurd logic if you even so much as express any sort of sympathetic view towards an unfavorable group than in this society you will be branded as
a terrorist now.
Incel shooters can be counted on the fingers of your hand

Millions of sex havers and low inhib slayers fill up prisons around the world

INCELS ARE DANGEROUS :soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy:
Definitely done by design because like I said the video of the black kid beating the piss out of a 75 yo in a nursing home is no where to be found not so much as a peep is being said about it because of the msm race agenda where as the Arbery case is all over the news and this goes back to this incel thing
that occurred in Arizona and Toronto like how the fuck do they know that any of those two guys in the incidents were incels because they commented on
a site that doesn't constitute being an incels the same way that if someone were to say commenting on or being on Stormfront makes you a neo nazi
its absurd logic if you even so much as express any sort of sympathetic view towards an unfavorable group than in this society you will be branded as
a terrorist now.
The perceived biggest threat to the throne of power & potential resistance is being dismantled by the nwo through social conditioning & media bias, the groups' that can dismantle the opposition & prove to be the best useful idiots are in play right now (it should be apparent which groups these are) & being allowed to operate with a favourable spin or media blackout & instead branded as the underdog/victim.

Once the biggest threat is beaten down to the point of no chance of a comeback they'll go after their next biggest enemy, the smart Asians then all the morons that have been played will be eradicated like the capos they always were without realising it.
Yeah I’m isis bro yeah yeah yeah I’m isis sure bro yep
Cuck claimed there's no meetings.

WTF do you think incel news is? Our cult gatherings obviously. :feelswhat:
Cuck claimed there's no meetings.

WTF do you think incel news is? Our cult gatherings obviously. :feelswhat:
They really think we’ve got a clergy or something where we plot mass destruction
The blackpill is a far greater threat than ISIS because it will lead to the breakdown of society. The elites fear us be ause we threaten stability. We aren't part of the plan.
They really think we’ve got a clergy or something where we plot mass destruction
Sounds cool af ngl
They really think we’ve got a clergy or something where we plot mass destruction
Considering the size of the incel population if we were really terrorists and considering how many of us want to rope... you'd think there'd be an incident at least daily across the world. That only seems to happen with sand niggers though and they're pretty quiet on that front.
“deadly ideology”

>> believing that women are attracted to a man’s physical appearance
“deadly ideology”

>> believing that women are attracted to a man’s physical appearance
jfl to think so many people are losing their shit over something this basic.

Deadly online ideology on the rise

Saw this on the news the other day and was shocked to hear how the reporters were speaking on men who they basically didn't really even know if they were incels and how the cuck law professor was saying people in the incel community are basically the same as Isis because of a couple of recent events that occurred recently now every male
that isn't in a relationship or is able of having one is a terrorist.

The hypocritical thing is that I've seen video of a black kid beating on a 75 yo in a nursing home and many other gang related incidents not to mention the whole covid-19 bio weapon scheme happening right now to kill off a chunk of population and take rights away from the remaining population and I'm supposed to think fear the most benign
people in society guys down on their luck that have trouble connecting with women or get down right rejected and humiliated on a daily basis, the point is that many groups
commit incidents on a much larger scale daily drug cartels,police,street gangs,government etc but its war on single males and the absurd part of it all is that the average asshole will believe every bit of this propaganda sickening and very unfair.
“deadly ideology”

>> believing that women are attracted to a man’s physical appearance

I thought cancel culture and social justice man shaming shit would end when mass unemployment and lockdowns hit.

I was completely wrong and it seems everyone just doubled down on it.

And I have no idea why.

How can you worry about incels when you're broke and can't pay rent?
Blaming ugly men is perfect because no one cares about them
but its war on single males

The war is not against single men per se. The war is against the subset of single men who are frustrated with their social and sexual life situation, who've become disillusioned with society and it's (blue pilled) programs. These individuals pose a risk for state controllers, because they've stopped drinking the Kool-Aid. They have a higher probability of becoming agents of chaos and disrupting order. They might be organized insurrectionists or lone attackers. The difference matters little, since they're an uncontrollable variable either way.

The propaganda is intended to be proactive in trying to preempt any sympathy for these risk elements. They don't want you to feel sorry for incels and think to start social movements trying to correct the societal problem of how genetic undesirables are treated. They want people to hate incels. Any time you read, see, or hear a news piece, ask yourself these two questions: 1) "What do they want me to know?", and 2) What do they want me to feel?" Notice how the question of, "what do they want me to think?", wasn't mentioned at all. That's simply because they'd rather you didn't think at all.
The war is not against single men per se. The war is against the subset of single men who are frustrated with their social and sexual life situation, who've become disillusioned with society and it's (blue pilled) programs. These individuals pose a risk for state controllers, because they've stopped drinking the Kool-Aid. They have a higher probability of becoming agents of chaos and disrupting order. They might be organized insurrectionists or lone attackers. The difference matters little, since they're an uncontrollable variable either way.

The propaganda is intended to be proactive in trying to preempt any sympathy for these risk elements. They don't want you to feel sorry for incels and think to start social movements trying to correct the societal problem of how genetic undesirables are treated. They want people to hate incels. Any time you read, see, or hear a news piece, ask yourself these two questions: 1) "What do they want me to know?", and 2) What do they want me to feel?" Notice how the question of, "what do they want me to think?", wasn't mentioned at all. That's simply because they'd rather you didn't think at all.

You're dead wrong about their not being a war against single and how its only directed at incels, fact is if people know you're single male they may appear
nice to your face but the reality is you will be passed over for certain positions at a job over a married person or left out of certain social functions simply
for that reason and in other cases called creepy by both genders ever other single males will resent your presence and if you don't think this I'd like you to
imagine a real life scenario in which you're with a bunch of normies where there is a limited supply of some vital resource needed to survive whatever the
situation is guess who will get that resource and who won't because it isn't gonna be the single guy it will be the females first then the males that are in
a relationship.
You're dead wrong about their not being a war against single and how its only directed at incels, fact is if people know you're single male they may appear
nice to your face but the reality is you will be passed over for certain positions at a job over a married person or left out of certain social functions simply
for that reason and in other cases called creepy by both genders ever other single males will resent your presence and if you don't think this I'd like you to
imagine a real life scenario in which you're with a bunch of normies where there is a limited supply of some vital resource needed to survive whatever the
situation is guess who will get that resource and who won't because it isn't gonna be the single guy it will be the females first then the males that are in
a relationship.

You're actually correct about being passed over for married job applicants. The reason is that a married person has more at (supporting a family), so there's a higher chance they'll be with you longer and work harder (to get better raises/promotions to better improve the life of their family). I wouldn't call this a war on single people, though. It's a situation where single people are at a slight disadvantage.

As for the scenario, it would be a survival of the fittest type scenario anyway. I'm not sure if having a woman would be beneficial there outside of an extra body to swing or shoot a weapon.
It's because our autistic asses are idiots enough to talk about it directly. Everybody wants to kill people they hate/oppress or who oppress/hate them, regardless of whether there's moral reasoning behind it or not. Most people are just smart enough not to talk about it, the spies are always watching everywhere you go. That's why I'm no longer even scared of being on here and made an account, this place is backwater even now and is no more dangerous than mainstream shit like TikTok and Snapchat. If you talk about inceldom at all - and I have to, I need to vent my frustrations honestly and only in few places can I be honest without being called bigoted or selfish - then you are a target for somebody out there.

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