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Serious Will there be an incel genocide in the west?



To Be or Not to Be
Oct 6, 2018
Incels are a danger to western society, because if we manage to blackpill more low value men, it could destroy this rotten civilization in it's current form. Just imagine whats going to happen when more men realize that this society is just set up only for chad and women and they have no real stake in society.

This knowledge could eventually spark an revolution against this degenerate (((society))) and lead to it's downfall. It happened in Rome, it happened in Weimar Republic before Hitler came to power and it could happen again. Thats why chads, cucks and women want to stop it by any means necessary including genocide. They want us to be slaves and merely exist to sponsor their lavish degenerate lifestyle.

At some point in the future they may set up working and re-education camps for incels, ugly males and use us as working slaves. They will kill those who are not able to work, because what is an ugly subhuman male good for other than hard labour. The west turns into an eugenicist hellhole that wants to exterminate all ugly males.
No, society use incels as trash can
It would lead to farther development of incels
People would see us as martyrs.
Millions would rise organazing gorrila war in internet and in everywhere.
Not if we fight back :feelsthink::feelsthink::feelsthink:
lol if you think they'll waste so much resources on incels. Most they'll get is a study to see where they can manipulate incels into doing what (((they))) want.
Maybe the next president of the USA can be a foid or a gay. That's how the incelcaust will start.
There's a truecel that leadership all the incels and the final battle would begin.
It's called suicide.
They will most likely put us in work camps.
Forced re-educational camps is a thing we'll get. Leftists and camps always go hand in hand.
this will not happen in our life time imo
No, I don’t think so, I can see the camps becoming a thing though. It’s when genocide is committed or anything seen as extreme action that engenders sympathy for an oppressed group. If you house incels in camps and provide them with basic necessities, people aren’t going to be outraged by that.
It's already happening. They have exclude us of the job market(automation is coming, they don't need us anymore), the dating market, our freedom of speech is being limited at each day and women worship is increasing like crazy (see that gamer gurl whore selling bathwater). It's over, you can see in the statistics, the number of young men killing themselves is increasing and will increase more with the passing years because there's no way of ascension anymore. They've taken so much of us and they are still not satisfied. We will have a rebellion or the number of men killing themselves will get bigger and they won't give a fuck. I bet in the second option.
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That means 95% of all ethnic males would be genocided in the west. Virtue signaling foids would never allow that to happen as dead incels can't suffer.
It’ll be a passive one, through female mate selection. A good portion of the incel demographic is ethnic, so an actual genocide is just unrealistic, as it goes completely against the cultural inclusivity zeitgeist and reminds the guilt ridden whites of their dirty pasts.
The people in power don't care about incels, they care about money and keeping their power, that's why feminism is so endorsed right now. Now we don't represent any threat at all, and we should take advantage of this. But remember, if the blackpill really become something mainstream, these people in power will endorse us, just to keep their money and power.
I think more men will check out and we'll reach japan level birthrates in the west. More foids running companies into the ground like (((Sheryl Sandberg))) and (((Susan Wojcicki))) will cause us to be in a never ending depression/recession, taxes going to endless corporate bailouts. There will be outward discrimination towards low value men and the only types that will work are soy beta orbiters, alpha eye candy, or gay dudes for the faghags. The jeremy meeks, 4'10 foid brood will bake in the sun as the o-zone layer will be completely depleted. It will be literal hell on earth. The worst Kali Yuga this world has ever seen.

Without innovation from low value men, we may enter an Idiocracy type scenario or a bunch of muslims will get the rape chain gang goin'. Regardless, it'll be fun to watch it burn in my lifetime.

That or AI will replace/kill everyone. (fingers crossed)
The slut voice robocalls are getting endless. I deserve vacation. f*k rebellion.


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no we're just comic relief for them kek
The genocide is already happening.
Mentally ill men taking drugs and cuting their dicks
Low status men dropping from society
Men are flying to Belgium trying to cope to have a legal euthanasia
They need ugly males to be slaves.
If they commit genocide, they won't have any slaves
The government wouldn’t profit from doing so
Yes, because we will never reproduce
It would lead to farther development of incels
People would see us as martyrs.
Millions would rise organazing gorrila war in internet and in everywhere.
tfw too high inhib to be historic incel martyr:feelsbadman:
It's definitely a possibility. It depends on how openly Bolshevik the current power structure will be in the near future. There is already mass surveilance and a police state. It wouldn't be hard and most normies would support it.
Not if we fight back :feelsthink::feelsthink::feelsthink:
A ragtag cadre of incels vs the totalitarian hordes of whiteknights. A modern day Thermopylae.
Not if we fight back :feelsthink::feelsthink::feelsthink:
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There’s a ton of hostility and I doubt having a relevant segment of the population be ‘outed’ as incel or bringing awareness to it will do anything to alleviate people’s knee-jerk reactions.

It’s amazing how many people are just plain feral about incels in general. You’d think a place like Japan, which has been socially, economically and demographically affected by the herbivore phenomenon and whatnot would do a cultural shift towards a more understanding society of men’s problems, but it’s decided to go the opposite route and become even more feminist.
It's only a matter of time until they finally drop the pretenses and just start labeling all ugly, short and disabled men as sexual predators.
Any ideological group that cant reproduce has a serious handicap. Not to mention how easy it is to make someone blackpilled into a cuck through entertainment, video games, etc.
Any ideological group that cant reproduce has a serious handicap. Not to mention how easy it is to make someone blackpilled into a cuck through entertainment, video games, etc.

In the past they knew how to make up for the reproduction part, you capture your enemy and enslave their women and fuck them and take their kids and raise them as your warriors.

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