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LifeFuel Will most of us be able to ascend after age 30 (with much younger foids)?



Sep 16, 2020
Hi. This is my first post. At the time I am writting you I am 25 years old and I have been noticing a steady change on foid's attitudes towards me. When I was younger foids were absolutely doisgusted by me; some Foid even approached to hug me out of nowhere because she lost a bet with a friend. Neverthless, as I age more and more I noticed people in general take me more seriously and some foids are even starting to approach me for friendly convserations (unrelated to them needing my help with homework). Weird. I do not know about you (how old are you?) but I believe things might improve drastically after age 30.

I just found this article that seems to confirm what I am saying:

Data from American colleges show 20 per cent of males - the most attractive ones - get 80 per cent of the sex, according to an analysis by Susan Walsh, a former management consultant who wrote about the issue on her dating website, hookingupsmart.com.

That leaves a lot of beta men spending their 20s out in the cold. Greg, a 38-year-old writer from Melbourne, started adult life shy and lonely. ''In my 20s, the women had the total upper hand. They could make or break you with one look in a club or bar. They had the choice of men, sex was on tap and guys like me went home alone, red-faced, defeated and embarrassed. The girls only wanted to go for the cool guys, good looks, outgoing personalities, money, sporty types, the kind of guys who owned the room, while us quiet ones got ignored.''

He barely had a date through much of his 20s and gave up on women. But then he spent time overseas, gained more confidence, learnt how to dress well and hit his early 30s. ''I suddenly started to get asked out by women, aged 19 through to 40. The floodgates burst open for me. I actually dated five women at once, amazing my flatmates by often bedding three to four of my casual dates each week. It is a great time as a male in your 30s, when you start getting more female attention and sex than you could ever have dreamt of in your 20s.''

That's when some men start behaving very badly - as the manosphere clearly shows. These internet sites are not for the faint-hearted. The voices are often crude and misogynist. But they tell it as they see it. There is Greenlander, an apparently successful engineer in his late 30s. In his early adult life, he was unable to ''get the time of day from women''. Now he's interested only in women under 27.

''The women I know in their early 30s are just delusional,'' he says. ''I sometimes seduce them and sleep with them just because I know how to play them so well. It's just too easy. They're tired of the cock carousel and they see a guy like me as the perfect beta to settle down with before their eggs dry out … when I get tired of them I just delete their numbers from my cell phone and stop taking their calls … It doesn't really hurt them that much: at this point they're used to pump & dump!''

What do you guys think about this? Is there any hope for us?
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This article is old. April 22, 2012

A lot has changed since then with dating apps like tinder, social media like twitter where even the average woman get easily get clout and a lot of followers, ASMR videos that tons of lonely guys watch about something as simple as a woman doing feminine things like brushing her hair and guys paying to see pics of woman on onlyfans.

What you are suggesting where we find young women to be with as we get older is not happening let alone with even women our age. That kind of thing is in the past.
love is nearly impossible after college years. Maybe even earlier, it is true. Love is already really low chance of happening like less than 5% imo but after college it just plummets WAY down
It gets worse once you reach 30. I say this as a 33 years old man.
Don't get your hopes up, it's all downhill from there.
Gets good for career focused chad after 30. Really does unless he ages particularly fast. For the rest of us though that's about the time all our worst nightmares start coming true.
There is no ascension for truecel
Hi. This is my first post. At the time I am writting you I am 25 years old and I have been noticing a steady change on foid's attitudes towards me. When I was younger foids were absolutely doisgusted by me; some Foid even approached to hug me out of nowhere because she lost a bet with a friend. Neverthless, as I age more and more I noticed people in general take me more seriously and some foids are even starting to approach me for friendly convserations (unrelated to them needing my help with homework). Weird. I do not know about you (how old are you?) but I believe things might improve drastically after age 30.

I just found this article that seems to confirm what I am saying:

What do you guys think about this? Is there any hope for us?

As we know, chads are quite rare and chadlites arent abundant enough for all women to have one. Desperation will kick in and their biological clock will force them into choosing a man who isn't what they really want, but one who can at least provide and be a safe choice for them long-term. Yes, you can "ascend", but she will always hate you because you aren't her first choice
you dont ascend with betabuxing. thats only semi-ascending
Nope. Not unless we become chads or rich
Older men are richer/ more suited like good job and car and apartment or house, but only if you are good looking, ugly 30 something is even worse than young, without romantic/sexual experience you are mentally a manchild and trust me thats the biggest turn off for every female, also when you reach 30 as incel its game over , you are so mentally fucked up that you dont even stand a chance with a 1/10 landwhale.
ofc not what’s up with the coping here lately
As we know, chads are quite rare and chadlites arent abundant enough for all women to have one. Desperation will kick in and their biological clock will force them into choosing a man who isn't what they really want, but one who can at least provide and be a safe choice for them long-term. Yes, you can "ascend", but she will always hate you because you aren't her first choice
Betabux. Lol. I would rather go ER than to give money to an old fat foid.
Ask yourself this question bud. Foids get matched with MILLIONS of men a week on Tinder. Why would they want an aging normie with 23% body fat if they have MILLIONS of BETTER LOOKING options? Also foids don't need men for financial support anymore why would they date ugly or average men?
It certainly doesnt look like it
Pffft, good luck. I'm 38, have had a 6-figure salary for over a decade, and still waiting for even one woman to approach me let alone have several fighting over me. Guess it happens for some, but if you're really entering your 30's with no experience don't count on the tide suddenly changing. And if you're wondering, no, they aren't interested in me when I approach them.
I keep seeing a lot of YouTubers in the "manosphere" always chime this silly advice and it is pure bullshit. It gives a lot of men a false sense of hope that they don't need.

Men that are successful with girls into their late 30s and beyond are all men with resources like a Jeff Bezos type guy. Or locally it could be a doctor at the local hospital. Guys with status and resources. 99% of men ARE NOT going to develop into being a shitbag in their 20s to becoming a man of influence and wealth in his 30s. And in today's culture even those guys are only getting sugar babies which isn't an actual relationship.

Plus, a lot of guys that quote the studies and advice are all guys that have had some form of success and intimacy with women in their youth that are selling snake oil to pathetic losers that believe their shit. Losers that have never had success with women and are too hopeful to face reality. It's the same bullshit logic that your Mom tells you when you are a teenager that you just have to wait and be patient and be a good boy and when you grow up then these girls will see the error of their ways and come crawling to Mommy's "nice boy." Gee thanks society! I really do like being a virgin until my 40s then I can marry a 45yo woman with 3 kids that aren't mine. Holy shit I hit the jackpot!
Neverthless, as I age more and more I noticed people in general take me more seriously and some foids are even starting to approach me for friendly convserations (unrelated to them needing my help with homework). Weird. I do not know about you (how old are you?) but I believe things might improve drastically after age 30.

You're probably decent-looking if this is happening

Foids do not approach ugly men, for any reason, ever

Perhaps you were just a very late bloomer
chads are quite rare and chadlites arent abundant enough for all women to have one
That would be relevant if we still lived in a monogamous society. We don't. Several foids will simply share a single chad.
After you turn 30, if you have a good career that makes you around 450k$ per year, stay in good shape and are spared by the norwood reaper, you might have the chance to ascend with young obese single mom foids in the 35-40yo range
We're not called "genetic dead ends" for no reason.
Wrong question asked. More like, how many of us will actually reach that age
You're probably decent-looking if this is happening

Foids do not approach ugly men, for any reason, ever

Perhaps you were just a very late bloomer
I do not know man. I am considering plastic surgery for the next month. But it is true that foids have treated me like shit since I was 11.
Pffft, good luck. I'm 38, have had a 6-figure salary for over a decade, and still waiting for even one woman to approach me let alone have several fighting over me. Guess it happens for some, but if you're really entering your 30's with no experience don't count on the tide suddenly changing. And if you're wondering, no, they aren't interested in me when I approach them.
6 figure salary? What do you do for a living (just curious)?
First of all women don't date older men unless they are very attractive or very wealthy. Your chances might be better after 30 when they are older and are looking for a beta guy to settle with but what does that even imply?

That implies at 34 after working hard and saving money you will able to get some fat 34 year old woman (yes she will be fat most women are fat at that age) so she can maybe marry you and give you a child at 37. You won't be alone but I also wouldn't call this ascension. You will only have sex with one woman, an ugly old fat one for the rest of your short lived effective lifespan who will live with you and boss you around. And after all these sacrifices she will end up sleeping with another man.

JFL. If you are a virgin at over 30 it's over. What do you people not get about it? Even at 25 you and the women around you are aging like shit.

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