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Blackpill Why your VITALITY, aka ENERGY AND DESIRE FOR LIFE, is mostly fixed before you're born, and mostly unchanging until you die



You won't change reality, friend
Jun 13, 2019
A man's desire to live, is a peculiar thing. Contrary to intuitive and popular belief, it is largely fixed before you are born, and not likely to significantly change over your lifetime. How is this possible? because of your genetics with which you are born, which serve as the foundation stones of the rest of your life.

Our lives as humans revolve around interactions with others. Who are the very first people you meet? Your mother in hospital is number 1. Already you've got the short end of the stick, because studies have shown parents pay more attention to and offer more care and affection to more attractive children (((https://www.nytimes.com/2005/05/03/health/ugly-children-may-get-parental-short-shrift.html)))

Who's next? the rest of your family. Just as above, you're going to be treated differently depending on whether or not you're a cute baby or an ugly baby (((https://www.vox.com/2016/6/8/11872688/ugly-babies-discrimination)))

Immediately you spend the first few years of your life feeling the sting of something subtly missing.

Fast forward. You're now in Kindergarten, meeting the other kids and navigating your way around early interactions with other humans. Guess what? Young kids are exceedingly good at differentiating attractive faces from attractive faces (((Gosline A. 2004. Babies prefer to gaze upon beautiful faces. NewScientist. [Article] and Rincon, P. Newborns prefer beautiful faces. BBC. [Article]))) Everyone likes pretty things, kids included. Your peers are going to spend more time around the pretty kids, and less time around you. More sting to the self esteem. You might start questioning why people don't treat you very well. It feels shit doesn't it?

There's a reason why some young girls and boys go through kindergarten as the "desirable" and "popular" boys and girls, with every other kid vying for their attention, while other kids experience relentless bullying, facing isolation and rejection from their peers at every turn. If you're not attractive as a young kid, you're likely going to fall into the latter case. No girls at this age are interested in a complex Machiavellian psychological profile of a machismo alpha male. You're six years old. The only thing you're interested in is what looks pretty. But don't expect it to get any better when you all grow up, because women will develop a significant attraction to narcissism, manipulation and psychopathy. so you can forget about it if you thought you'd get somewhere by being nice (((Cartera GL, Campbell AC, Muncer S. 2014. The Dark Triad personality: Attractiveness to women. Personality and Individual Differences. 56: 57-61)))

That cute girl in your grade who you wanted since the beginning of the year? She went for Timmy, the pretty Swedish boy with blue eyes and blond hair (((whiter, golden and rosier skin (ie Caucasian) is seen as healthier and more attractive: Stephen ID, Law Smith MJ, Stirrat MR, Perrett DI. 2009. Facial Skin Coloration Affects Perceived Health of Human Faces. Int J Primatol. 30(6): 845-857. [FullText] Bryner J. 2009. Attractiveness Based Partly on Skin Color. LiveScience)))

When you asked her to dance at the student disco she laughed and said "ew" to your face. (((Women exhibit sexual disgust even imagining just talking to an unattractive man: Zsok F, Fleischman DS, Borg C, Morrison E. 2017. Disgust Trumps Lust: Women’s Disgust and Attraction Towards Men Is Unaffected by Sexual Arousal. Evolutionary Psychological Science. 3(4): 353-36)))

Those cool looking kids you wanted to befriend and play soccer with at lunch break? they bullied you for your big nose and crooked teeth and called you ugly. You think any of this could have gone any other way?

That's all just in KINDERGARTEN

Fast forward to primary school. The same things happen again. The girls you're interested say no, and treat you like air. The friends you want to make, probably have very little to no interest in you or your welfare. You decide not to go to events, and decide to associate with other kids less and less. People don't make you feel good. Your life with others, doesn't feel good.

High school is more of the same.

At University its also the same, but here there are thousands of people. Thousands of girls. Every one of them treating you like air. Every class you go to, every girl you have a conversation with, will be polite, yet vapid and distant. Cold yet calculating. Her body language and speech will be vague enough not to appear rude, but precise enough to clearly indicate she has no interest in communicating with you or being in prolonged, unnecessary association with you. Repeatedly, again and again, you are reminded that you are not desirable, you are not interesting, and you are most certainly not attractive to any women in your university environment. You graduate, having experienced really nothing at all from university. You attended no events. You joined no clubs. You attended almost no classes. Nobody showed interest in you. Nobody wanted to be your friend. Nobody cared then, and nobody cares now. You're finished with university, and must go off to the workforce. It is up to you to now accept that the golden years of your youth are gone, and you have almost nothing to show for it. Virtually all your more attractive male peers from your years of schooling are now in long term relationships heading towards marriage and children, yet you remain alone, unloved and miserable, jerking off to your favorite porn and then wondering why, or how, your life ended up so unfulfilled.

Why did this happen?

Your face was not attractive enough.

Your face did not inspire positive feelings in people. It did not inspire interest or desire in the opposite sex. You had no Halo Effect (((https://maxmylooks.com/halo-effect/))) and were left fighting for your own survival in a dog eat dog world, with nobody willing to help in any way.

You've lived a lifetime of missed opportunities, missed experiences and missed developmental milestones for a healthy adulthood, and you're not allowed to complain about this, lest you be condemned by society as a misogynistic, hateful incel.

The question arises. What are you working for? Why are you contributing to this society which has produced nothing but dogshit experiences for you with people who treat you like dust as part of the background? Are you working for a family? a wife and loving children?

Newsflash: Women rate 80% of men as lower than average attractiveness (((https://www.gwern.net/docs/psychology/okcupid/yourlooksandyourinbox.html


Women are prone to relationship instability when they are more attractive than their male partner (((Fugère MA, Cousins AJ, MacLaren SA. 2015. (Mis)matching in physical attractiveness and women's resistance to mate guarding. Personality and Individual Differences. 87: 190-195.)))

You still think you have a chance?

There's more to life than sex?

Sex was rated as the most pleasurable, joyous and meaningful human experience (((Grimm C, Kemp S, Jose PE. 2014. Orientations to happiness and the experience of everyday activities. The Journal of Positive Psychology. 10(3): 207-218)))

It's not THAT bad if you miss out.... right?

Mating performance is significantly related to life happiness and life satisfaction (((Apostolou M, Shialos M, Georgiadou P. 2019. The emotional cost of poor mating performance. Personality and Individual Differences. 138: 188-192)))

Just find some hobbies bro. You can still lead a fulfilling, fun life while being single.

If you're an about average looking male or below, I'm sure what I've written here sounds familiar. You know deep down it is the reality. The reality men face in 2019 and beyond.

Where are we supposed to find our desire and ambition to live, when it was taken away from us from the very beginning?

For a list of the studies mentioned and more, head to the Scientific Blackpill website

tldr; its over boyos.
It's unfair honestly. But that only aply to men right, ugly foids are inmune to this things.
Posts like that remind me that its over so brutally, ropefuel tbh.
If I could make every male in the USA read this post, 30% of the male population would be dead from suicide within a week.
Mating performance is significantly related to life happiness and life satisfaction (((Apostolou M, Shialos M, Georgiadou P. 2019. The emotional cost of poor mating performance. Personality and Individual Differences. 138: 188-192)))

Just find some hobbies bro. You can still lead a fulfilling, fun life while being single.

Lol that we need scientists to tell us the one single most obvious thing in the entire world
Unattractiveness is the biggest discriminatory factor in society at the same time the least talked about
Truly high IQ, based and blackpilled. Couldn't of said its over in any other way, this is how the incel's life starts. Future parents take notes.
A man's desire to live, is a peculiar thing. Contrary to intuitive and popular belief, it is largely fixed before you are born, and not likely to significantly change over your lifetime. How is this possible? because of your genetics with which you are born, which serve as the foundation stones of the rest of your life.

Our lives as humans revolve around interactions with others. Who are the very first people you meet? Your mother in hospital is number 1. Already you've got the short end of the stick, because studies have shown parents pay more attention to and offer more care and affection to more attractive children (((https://www.nytimes.com/2005/05/03/health/ugly-children-may-get-parental-short-shrift.html)))

Who's next? the rest of your family. Just as above, you're going to be treated differently depending on whether or not you're a cute baby or an ugly baby (((https://www.vox.com/2016/6/8/11872688/ugly-babies-discrimination)))

Immediately you spend the first few years of your life feeling the sting of something subtly missing.

Fast forward. You're now in Kindergarten, meeting the other kids and navigating your way around early interactions with other humans. Guess what? Young kids are exceedingly good at differentiating attractive faces from attractive faces (((Gosline A. 2004. Babies prefer to gaze upon beautiful faces. NewScientist. [Article] and Rincon, P. Newborns prefer beautiful faces. BBC. [Article]))) Everyone likes pretty things, kids included. Your peers are going to spend more time around the pretty kids, and less time around you. More sting to the self esteem. You might start questioning why people don't treat you very well. It feels shit doesn't it?

There's a reason why some young girls and boys go through kindergarten as the "desirable" and "popular" boys and girls, with every other kid vying for their attention, while other kids experience relentless bullying, facing isolation and rejection from their peers at every turn. If you're not attractive as a young kid, you're likely going to fall into the latter case. No girls at this age are interested in a complex Machiavellian psychological profile of a machismo alpha male. You're six years old. The only thing you're interested in is what looks pretty. But don't expect it to get any better when you all grow up, because women will develop a significant attraction to narcissism, manipulation and psychopathy. so you can forget about it if you thought you'd get somewhere by being nice (((Cartera GL, Campbell AC, Muncer S. 2014. The Dark Triad personality: Attractiveness to women. Personality and Individual Differences. 56: 57-61)))

That cute girl in your grade who you wanted since the beginning of the year? She went for Timmy, the pretty Swedish boy with blue eyes and blond hair (((whiter, golden and rosier skin (ie Caucasian) is seen as healthier and more attractive: Stephen ID, Law Smith MJ, Stirrat MR, Perrett DI. 2009. Facial Skin Coloration Affects Perceived Health of Human Faces. Int J Primatol. 30(6): 845-857. [FullText] Bryner J. 2009. Attractiveness Based Partly on Skin Color. LiveScience)))

When you asked her to dance at the student disco she laughed and said "ew" to your face. (((Women exhibit sexual disgust even imagining just talking to an unattractive man: Zsok F, Fleischman DS, Borg C, Morrison E. 2017. Disgust Trumps Lust: Women’s Disgust and Attraction Towards Men Is Unaffected by Sexual Arousal. Evolutionary Psychological Science. 3(4): 353-36)))

Those cool looking kids you wanted to befriend and play soccer with at lunch break? they bullied you for your big nose and crooked teeth and called you ugly. You think any of this could have gone any other way?

That's all just in KINDERGARTEN

Fast forward to primary school. The same things happen again. The girls you're interested say no, and treat you like air. The friends you want to make, probably have very little to no interest in you or your welfare. You decide not to go to events, and decide to associate with other kids less and less. People don't make you feel good. Your life with others, doesn't feel good.

High school is more of the same.

At University its also the same, but here there are thousands of people. Thousands of girls. Every one of them treating you like air. Every class you go to, every girl you have a conversation with, will be polite, yet vapid and distant. Cold yet calculating. Her body language and speech will be vague enough not to appear rude, but precise enough to clearly indicate she has no interest in communicating with you or being in prolonged, unnecessary association with you. Repeatedly, again and again, you are reminded that you are not desirable, you are not interesting, and you are most certainly not attractive to any women in your university environment. You graduate, having experienced really nothing at all from university. You attended no events. You joined no clubs. You attended almost no classes. Nobody showed interest in you. Nobody wanted to be your friend. Nobody cared then, and nobody cares now. You're finished with university, and must go off to the workforce. It is up to you to now accept that the golden years of your youth are gone, and you have almost nothing to show for it. Virtually all your more attractive male peers from your years of schooling are now in long term relationships heading towards marriage and children, yet you remain alone, unloved and miserable, jerking off to your favorite porn and then wondering why, or how, your life ended up so unfulfilled.

Why did this happen?

Your face was not attractive enough.

Your face did not inspire positive feelings in people. It did not inspire interest or desire in the opposite sex. You had no Halo Effect (((https://maxmylooks.com/halo-effect/))) and were left fighting for your own survival in a dog eat dog world, with nobody willing to help in any way.

You've lived a lifetime of missed opportunities, missed experiences and missed developmental milestones for a healthy adulthood, and you're not allowed to complain about this, lest you be condemned by society as a misogynistic, hateful incel.

The question arises. What are you working for? Why are you contributing to this society which has produced nothing but dogshit experiences for you with people who treat you like dust as part of the background? Are you working for a family? a wife and loving children?

Newsflash: Women rate 80% of men as lower than average attractiveness (((https://www.gwern.net/docs/psychology/okcupid/yourlooksandyourinbox.html


Women are prone to relationship instability when they are more attractive than their male partner (((Fugère MA, Cousins AJ, MacLaren SA. 2015. (Mis)matching in physical attractiveness and women's resistance to mate guarding. Personality and Individual Differences. 87: 190-195.)))

You still think you have a chance?

There's more to life than sex?

Sex was rated as the most pleasurable, joyous and meaningful human experience (((Grimm C, Kemp S, Jose PE. 2014. Orientations to happiness and the experience of everyday activities. The Journal of Positive Psychology. 10(3): 207-218)))

It's not THAT bad if you miss out.... right?

Mating performance is significantly related to life happiness and life satisfaction (((Apostolou M, Shialos M, Georgiadou P. 2019. The emotional cost of poor mating performance. Personality and Individual Differences. 138: 188-192)))

Just find some hobbies bro. You can still lead a fulfilling, fun life while being single.

If you're an about average looking male or below, I'm sure what I've written here sounds familiar. You know deep down it is the reality. The reality men face in 2019 and beyond.

Where are we supposed to find our desire and ambition to live, when it was taken away from us from the very beginning?

For a list of the studies mentioned and more, head to the Scientific Blackpill website

Change this to ropefuel tbh. Idk how I didn't rope after reading this

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