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Blackpill Why you cucks are defending foids for being beaten /grapped by ethnics/niggers?



May 18, 2023
Not only you, incels, should celebrate that the foids are given their correction so that they learn that they should neither be free nor empowered, but it must also serve as a tangential and constant reminder that until the day the world population is reduced and the Islamic Caliphate is imposed, They must feel the constant, taciturn terror of losing their integrity, their ability to continue being fucked by Chads, who fear the freedom that surrounds them.

Do not be like those tradcucks crying on X
or whatever kikemedia becoming White knights believing that this way they will have access to a shaved pussy.

They are fucking Heros and OREOS.
DNR but foids are objects until they return to their natural states.
Oreosmiles GIF by Oreo TH
Because they are getting figuratively castrated in the process. The foid that was meant for them is being ravaged by an "asylum seeker" thug. It's natural to seethe, but they should seethe at the (((system))) rather and take it down rather than cry online.
Because foids are resources, property.
Foids enjoy it anyway.
constant reminder that until the day the world population is reduced and the Islamic Caliphate is imposed, They must feel the constant, taciturn terror of losing their integrity, their ability to continue being fucked by Chads, who fear the freedom that surrounds them.
I was going to say I've never seen anyone say that until I read this. you're debating against an argument no one made to impose your retarded religion. I have no idea why so many muslims in this forum love to inject this shit into all form of discourse. Muhammad was a pedophile who fucked pigs and your tough guy act makes no sense as you're STILL unable to get rid of an ethnostate formed by weak and effeminate rat people which are occupying your lands
i honestly dont care
i dont seethe at foids getting raped especially mayowhores but it doesnt really bring me pleasure either
i am indifferent to it
I was going to say I've never seen anyone say that until I read this. you're debating against an argument no one made to impose your retarded religion. I have no idea why so many muslims in this forum love to inject this shit into all form of discourse. Muhammad was a pedophile who fucked pigs and your tough guy act makes no sense as you're STILL unable to get rid of an ethnostate formed by weak and effeminate rat people which are occupying your lands

I see it constantly, either I am exaggerating or you do not follow the posts that are made here with the regularity that I do.

Muhammad was based, unlike you, who defend that a man cannot fuck a woman in her physical maturity (menstruation); If this hurts you, maybe you should follow the hot young girls you'll never fuck.

Yeah, Israel is there, and Birth Korea is also there for the same reason. Among all the options, Islam is the form of society that is most likely to spread around the world, but you prefer to continue in your bluepill, possibly fakecel, morality.
Yeah, Israel is there, and Birth Korea is also there for the same reason. Among all the options, Islam is the form of society that is most likely to spread around the world, but you prefer to continue in your bluepill, possibly fakecel, morality.
Morality is relative. The only thing that is objective is that you're brown, and that you're a faggot for proselytizing your faggot religion. If Islam didn't spread around the world back in the day due to *actually* based people like Charles Martel and Nikephoros Phokas, it won't spread in today's zogged and secularized world.
You should probably stop LARPing anyways.
imagine being muslim
I am not.

Nice try, fag.
That's a strawman, in reality, no incel cares. But to argue your point, random acts of violence by sandniggers or niggers won't change the current political system or female behaviour as a whole so it won't teach them a lesson. They will still whore out until a replacement occurs, not before.

I won't celebrate violent religious niggers just because they attack foids. I believe those extremists apes should be killed.
Morality is relative. The only thing that is objective is that you're brown, and that you're a faggot for proselytizing your faggot religion. If Islam didn't spread around the world back in the day due to *actually* based people like Charles Martel and Nikephoros Phokas, it won't spread in today's zogged and secularized world.
You should probably stop LARPing anyways.

Morality is imposed, it is not relativized. That's why you braincucked mayos are spreading your decadent morality all over the planet, influenced by the kikes whose cocks you suck.

Of course I'm brown, and presumably you're a mayo.Have you managed to have a foid? So welcome to the club.

No matter how many idiots do not understand that Islam is unstoppable in Europe; And do you know why? Because they didn't get anything and they won't. Secularism is going to fall in the same way that your societies will sooner or later. And there, you can applaud while you have a Kike's cock deep in your throat.

What can you do about a foidavi troon?
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That's a strawman, in reality, no incel cares. But to argue your point, random acts of violence by sandniggers or niggers won't change the current political system or female behaviour as a whole so it won't teach them a lesson. They will still whore out until a replacement occurs, not before.

I won't celebrate violent religious niggers just because they attack foids. I believe those extremists apes should be killed.

Of course, many, some in this forum, and many others bluepilled white knights incels with 4 SMV, like other LTN believe that society will return to the patriarchal normality of decades ago simply by expelling any ethnic group while they defend liberalism, secularism and the very destruction of their societies. It's pure gatekeeper reaction. Gatekeeping foids that will never give you a single change.

The difference from you, supposed virtual intellectual, is that ethnics who beat or rape foids do not do it with a political motive, simply because they want to do it, and it is based, because it is the natural state when no foid will give you the opportunity to reproduce.
Morality is imposed, it is not relativized. That's why you braincucked mayos are spreading your decadent morality all over the planet, influenced by the kikes whose cocks you suck.

Of course I'm brown, and presumably you're a mayo.Have you managed to have a foid? So welcome to the club.

No matter how many idiots do not understand that Islam is unstoppable in Europe; And do you know why? Because they didn't get anything and they won't. Secularism is going to fall in the same way that your societies will sooner or later. And there, you can applaud while you have a Kike's cock deep in your throat.

What can you do about a foidavi troon?
Morality is *always* relative. even when derived from a single source like the Bible or even the Quran it's relative, because different people will interpret different things in text, usually to fit a certain narrative. the Ottomans probably believed their pussywhipped form of government was acceptable in the Quran.

Islam is only "unstoppable" in your dreams. Children raised by conservative Muslim families will slowly distance themselves and so will their children until they stop caring, as is already happening, and will only really label themselves as "Muslim" as an identifier instead of creed. Not to mention that in Europe the trend is for migrant birthrates tend to merge with the host country's birthrate. Or mentioning the lack of interest in the host population to convert.
I don't even know why we're having this conversation. I thought you weren't muslim?
It's a ratio

Violent niggers are simply hated more than foids
I'm ambivalent about foids being sexually assaulted at higher rates by foreigners. I don't really see that the main reason why one should be against rampant unrestricted immigration. If someone does oppose immigration for mainly this reason then that kind of thinking is driven by a foid worship mentality since there are better, more nuanced and more well thought out reasons to not support this policy. There are better motives to not want your country to be swamped and inundated by bottom of the barrel low skill and low IQ lowlives from other host countries that are often times not even desired by their own motherlands.
i honestly dont care
i dont seethe at foids getting raped especially mayowhores but it doesnt really bring me pleasure either
i am indifferent to it
Morality is *always* relative. even when derived from a single source like the Bible or even the Quran it's relative, because different people will interpret different things in text, usually to fit a certain narrative. the Ottomans probably believed their pussywhipped form of government was acceptable in the Quran.

Islam is only "unstoppable" in your dreams. Children raised by conservative Muslim families will slowly distance themselves and so will their children until they stop caring, as is already happening, and will only really label themselves as "Muslim" as an identifier instead of creed. Not to mention that in Europe the trend is for migrant birthrates tend to merge with the host country's birthrate. Or mentioning the lack of interest in the host population to convert.
I don't even know why we're having this conversation. I thought you weren't muslim?

Morality prevails in strong societies, that's the point, With postmodernism is when we find that the uniqueness of societies leads precisely to that: to relativism that destroys societies and men in general.

The case of Islam is that it has two forms of jurisprudence, the Qu'an and the Sunnah, and despite disagreements in jurisprudence, on the big issues, there is agreement; from marriage, through the mandatory hijab as well as physical punishments for adultery or fornication.

No, on the contrary, Islam will remain strong in the same way that the ethnic has to hold on against a society that will not fully accept him, unless he abandons Islam. It is more than evident that secularism will not last more than a century and new forms of social organization will be imposed: Islam is a good proposal, but so is ethnic dictatorship.

And no, I am not a Muslim, but I do believe that Islam can be terribly beneficial for most men.
exactly women getting raped and killed is absolutely a good thing. (In gta)
I'm ambivalent about foids being sexually assaulted at higher rates by foreigners. I don't really see that the main reason why one should be against rampant unrestricted immigration. If someone does oppose immigration for mainly this reason then that kind of thinking is driven by a foid worship mentality since there are better, more nuanced and more well thought out reasons to not support this policy. There are better motives to not want your country to be swamped and inundated by bottom of the barrel low skill and low IQ lowlives from other host countries that are often times not even desired by their own motherlands.

Yeah, It is more than obvious the urgent need of the Mayos to expel the ethnics to their countries or not allow the entry of more and that the population is decimating little by little. But from there to having feelings of gatekeeping as an incel is the most pathetic thing a brocel can do.
we are not defending them, we are just highlighting that niggers are mindless beasts

Whores who get raped by them often deserves it as they vote for more of them

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