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RageFuel Why would this subhuman truecel sacrifice his life to save sex havers?



Oct 7, 2019

This dumb faggot simp piece of shit thought to himself "noooooooooooo :feels: I cant let normies and roasties die, i must save them" he probably got poisoned by years of bluepilled superhero movies.
And then afterwards the roasties said to themselves
"Hey Becky did you hear about that guy that sacrificed his life to save all of us?"
"Oh yeah I did stacy. So what are you wearing to Chad's party tonight? I heard that Tyrone will be there too"
He probably expected to live and be hailed as a hero, and maybe get a crumb of pussy. I feel bad for him
No one will remember his name. And does it really matter to be remembered after death? I wanna live the best life possible I don't need to be remembered.
On point. Probably watched too much marvel.
Just add chink eyes and he literally looks like me jfl.
he got a pretty raw deal out of the situation, i think

I try not to be too hard on high schoolers, a lot of us were bluepilled at his age.
Just add chink eyes and he literally looks like me jfl.

Those eyes are chinky enough
typical whiteknight mindset tbh, he got darwined basically
I don´t think this has anything to do with inceldom it was his survival instinct kicking in to save himself it´s embedded in us but to be fair it´s ONLY males who tries to tackle mass shooters; there is the fight, flight or hide response in these situations but only males use the fight response I only have one single example of a female trying to fight and she was armed with a gun otherwise females just flight, hide and scream revealing your location.
wish he didnt die ngl brutal
Natural selection
He was blackpilled and saw an opportunity to die as painless death as a hero. I would've done the same thing tbh

...wasn't this already posted?

Anyways, the main takeaway is this: The women aren't sad at his death, mournful of his death, upset that "he had such a bright future," but rather, they are "honored by his bravery" and "his heroic display of his courage."

They are not sad at his death, they are touched by it.

That should reveal a lot. Women don't care about men dying unless they would have wanted to have sex with him. They are only made happy when men die needlessly for them.
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Blackpill: they wont remember him, they'll remember the chads who died doing nothing
We benefited just as much out of his heroism as he did. Will never help a foid in danger, ever. Same for normie scum.
Well its fine to speculate but you don't know his motivations except from looking it your POV.
I commend this young man to give his life like that it is exemplar sacrifice but extremely sad it had to be one so young

Makes me recall this passage for those who are interested from SGGS ANG 555:
Kabeer, the world is dying - dying to death, but no one knows how to truly die.
Whoever dies, let him die such a death, that he does not have to die again. ||1||
What do I know? How will I die? What sort of death will it be?
If I do not forget the Lord Master from my mind, then my death will be easy.
The world is terrified of death; everyone longs to live.
By Guru's Grace, one who dies while yet alive, understands the Lord's Will.
O Nanak, one who dies such a death, lives forever. ||2||
only subhumans help others
Kendrick died so stacy could fuck chad to commemorate his deed of valor the next day.
True jfl.
School shooters get more fame than victims.
And that's a good thing. They show to all bluepilled "heroes" who think they'll do anyone a favor by sacrificing themselves what the society really cares about and how high normies think of this "display of courage". No one fucking cares really. You've just fallen victim of the natural selection. While smart ones can only run for their lives as the nature bids them, defective individuals willingly choose to die.
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Kendrick died so stacy could fuck chad to commemorate his deed of valor the next day.

And that's a good thing. They show to all bluepilled "heroes" who think they'll do anyone a favor by sacrificing themselves what the society really cares about and how high normies think of this "display of courage". No one fucking cares really. You've just fallen victim of the natural selection. While smart ones can only run for their lives as the nature bids them, defective individuals willingly choose to die.
Honestly you never know the day you will die, this kid faced his sure death bravely. For that he gets my respect and though the world and Stacy won't remember him, it is moot because he is no longer part of this material world.
Foids probably pissed on his grave for daring to even help them then fucked Chad in every position on the gravestone
Hes rotting underground and being eaten by worms while chad explores stacy’s insides. What a complete and utter cuck. LMAO :feelsgah: :feelsgah: :feelsgah:
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Buried rotting and being eaten by worms while chad explores stacy’s insides. What a complete and utter cuck. LMAO :feelsgah: :feelsgah: :feelsgah:
Should've helped the STEMcel since they're the same type of dude. Like Lepine should've had 50 allies in his crusade.
Meanwhile normies would never do the same to incels
I glad this simp is dead. One less hole worshiper gone. Nothing of value lost.
If he had survived he still would not have gotten sex.

Remember the Asian incel that did the same thing at Parkland but was killed by NC.

Just safe yourselves trucel, no need to play hero.
I can't stop laughing every time i see his subhuman face jfl how retarded can you be to give your life to save foids and chads that despise you? A shame that he probably died quickly, he needed to suffer
Castillo=latin american scum.
It's all in the name, wouldn't get anywhere in life anyway.
I'm still reserving comment on Kendrick Castillo's actions but reading about this situation made me notice something interesting...

Nicole Chavez said:
Kendrick died when he lunged at the shooter, giving other students at STEM School Highlands Ranch enough time to hide
The 18-year-old was watching "The Princess Bride" in his British literature class when the shooter pulled out a gun, demanding that nobody moved. After Kendrick lunged at the shooter, three other students also tackled the gunman and tried to subdue him while the rest of the class fled the room.

This makes it sound like the subdue failed but it sounds like it succeeded, per https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STEM_School_Highlands_Ranch_shooting#Shooting
According to a student, Devon Erickson allegedly pulled out a gun and yelled, "nobody move". Kendrick Ray Castillo jumped on him and was fatally shot in the chest. Erickson was then subdued and disarmed by two other students.​

Also not sure why this says TWO if THREE tackled him. Or were they an entirely different pair and a total of five students after Kendrick engaged Erickson?

From Victims:
At least three students, 18-year-old seniors Kendrick Castillo, Joshua Jones, and Brendan Bialy, lunged at an attacker, later identified as Erickson. The three students jumped from their desks and slammed the gunman against the wall. The shooter fired off several shots as they struggled with him. Castillo was killed in the process, the only student killed during the shooting. Jones was shot twice, receiving non-life-threatening injuries in his leg and hip. Bialy managed to wrestle the handgun away from the shooter during the struggle​

"Three other" should be a total of FOUR, which "at least" seems to imply is possible...

So exactly who was the 4th guy besides Castillo/Jones/Bialy that Chavez is describing?

Or is Nicole Chavez proving that women suck at math/grammar?

Let's take a look at these shooters...


both mog me TBH

they were just cute enough to think there was hope, probably the most dangerous. If they were just a bit uglier they could've had the black pill and made peace with it sooner.

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