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Discussion Why wasn't incel culture at all a thing only until about 5-10 years ago?



Jan 2, 2018
Did it take ER, and Alec Minassian, Cho to get things rolling?
To me it is interesting that the hatred of incels during the days of jocks bullying nerds in 60s-80s school culture didn't create the sensation.
Incel has only been a meme for a few years tops.
Was it just because of people being sheltered, naive, and not knowing the way around the vast network of the public that the web is?
I mean with everything not interlinked I guess it makes sense.
inceldom is a state not a culure, people were incels back in the day bit didn't know what was going on
The culture itself(blackpill and all the other terms) is even newer than ER, or not?
It was a thing, but it just kicked into overdrive because dating apps on phones were invented in 2008 or so. So instead of having to weed out people by talking to them, foids can simply order a Chad like they order a pizza with a few taps and swipes.
inceldom is a state not a culure, people were incels back in the day bit didn't know what was going on
yeah there's been incels a long time now but this is the only time people started realizing it. Before incel sites there were like singles groups and shit that was kinda like incels.co but IRL
Forever Alone/TFL Culture was around since 2007 I think.
no one actually likes to admit he is a loser virgin,being an incel will never be seen as cool and always be hated
I mean with everything not interlinked I guess it makes sense.

That's it. Just people being blissfully unaware. I remember the first time I saw the word incel and thought it was applicable to a few...now I can't even go anywhere without noticing incels. They are everywhere! Even if they don't know it. You can simply look at men even from afar and based on their looks/probability, deem whether or not they are in any relationship... and you will almost always be right.

Next time you go out notice the amount of men not wearing a left-hand ring vs. women....its legit startling. But first look at their face and guess incel or not, then look at their fingers.

Cliffs: It's a mad world
It was more of thing that wasnt talked about. Even in the earlier days of the internet ive come across a few individuals that would probably be here today and besides a few jokes with undertones it was not openly discussed. People would give all sorts of excuses for why someone doesnt have a partner. Or theyll say, youll find her eventually.. Now society overall due to social media and "openness" are becoming more brutal and things are more talked about.
people were hard bluepill then redpill coping, even on the internet. only now is it undeniable that it's over, but you'd still be hard pressed to find people talking about inceldom irl
Blackpill took the place of the redpill basically. Also things got a lot worse for average to ugly man in the last couple of years.
It took a while to overcome the bluepilled brainwashing and the red pilled cope to get here. Fuck the redpill btw.
Patriarchy was built to give unattractive males a chance at sex by keeping females dependent on males for survival and enforcing monogamy. Since unattractive males are unattractive because of genetics and over 80% of males are considered unattractive, its was a common model for ancient civilizations since it gives the working male population a reason to live.

With patriarchy collapsing overtime, females are no longer dependent on unattractive males for survival. Now, only one patriarchal rule is present in the West: Societal expectation for females to remain monogamous with unattractive male partners. If the entire patriarchy collapses, laws will be put in place making it illegal for unattractive males to request sex without paying for it, in addition to polygamy being fully embraced by society.
The dating scene just got so absurdly difficult impossible so men had to find a reason why
Online dating apps combined with smartphones which gave women instant access to Chad at any time.
Loser stemcels created the internet and eventually realized that had all been cheated out of a normal life in the same way and used the internet as way to discuss this issue in a way not previously possible (who's going to join an incel diner club or incel snail mailing list?).
As recently as 2008 the number of people who were incels was only 10% of men. Now it's 30%. More incels, more chances of them meeting and more chances of them forming sustainable communities.

The amount of men under 30 not having sex has nearly tripled in the past decade:

The dating scene just got so absurdly difficult impossible so men had to find a reason why

Facebook became popular in 2008, Instagram and Tinder got released in 2012...shit.
before they had the hope that things will get better.*we are all equal and we should acknowledge that.it's all about love and peace.things are going to get better.technology will help make the world a better place.I will go to uni and get a decent job and get bitches.Ofc back then some people realized the bullshit and people before them realized the bullshit(
Yet evidently, as we said, it needs the external goods as well; for it is impossible, or not easy, to do noble acts without the proper equipment. In many actions we use friends and riches and political power as instruments; and there are some things the lack of which takes the lustre from happiness, as good birth, goodly children, beauty; for the man who is very ugly in appearance or ill-born or solitary and childless is not very likely to be happy, and perhaps a man would be still less likely if he had thoroughly bad children or friends or had lost good children or friends by death. As we said, then, happiness seems to need this sort of prosperity in addition; for which reason some identify happiness with good fortune, though others identify it with virtue.aristotle,ethics,book1,8).Aristotle was unsure about an afterlife so he placed all of his happiness on this life.The christians did and so they were able(most with great difficulty) to turn their life to the *pursuit* of god and their redemption.Anyway it's over.
We are the enlightened
It was, kind of. r9k had plenty of incels on it, it just wasnt known under the term incel. the body building forum, pua hate and all that also existed.
It is also incredibly difficult for males to openly admit they are objectively inferior in a particular area. Most guys are in total denial and believe they are above average in most areas. Incels are unique in that we are open about being below average in looks. Most guys just say they are above average and cope by rationalizing their rejections.
Did it take ER, and Alec Minassian, Cho to get things rolling?
To me it is interesting that the hatred of incels during the days of jocks bullying nerds in 60s-80s school culture didn't create the sensation.
Incel has only been a meme for a few years tops.
Was it just because of people being sheltered, naive, and not knowing the way around the vast network of the public that the web is?
I mean with everything not interlinked I guess it makes sense.
How To Pick Up Girls was released in 1973.
Social media, smartphones, and dating apps have became more and more prominent leading to the exclusion of many more men than ever before, some people have snapped which lead to media coverage and more ppl finding out about incels and realizing that they are indeed an incel as well
It is also incredibly difficult for males to openly admit they are objectively inferior in a particular area. Most guys are in total denial and believe they are above average in most areas. Incels are unique in that we are open about being below average in looks. Most guys just say they are above average and cope by rationalizing their rejections.

It's also the reason why many incels tend to cope with the :bluepill: and the :redpill: . It's very hard to admit that the sexual market is inherently beneficial to women while at the same time being detrimental to you.
Another factor is the new birth control pills seem to completely devastate most women's sex drive. So women used to hope for their tall, handsome, prince.. but after a few months of being alone they eventually got drunk and slept with just an average guy.

Today young women can literally go from 20-40 without dating and not have the slightest sexual drive.
PUAhate was a sort of incel forum from 2009?-2014.

Steve Hoca, TFL, Forever Alone, Loveshy have been going since around 2007?
used to go on incel-ish forums since 2008 so it is recent in human history but definitely not new since its been about 11 years since ive been apart of that “culture”

japan has had programs and therapy for incels since the late 90s. but in america yea more people are waking up to our plight
Incels were plentiful but a bunch of weird random "cultures" have popped up just recently thanks to social media advancing as it has.
Did it take ER, and Alec Minassian, Cho to get things rolling?
To me it is interesting that the hatred of incels during the days of jocks bullying nerds in 60s-80s school culture didn't create the sensation.
Incel has only been a meme for a few years tops.
Was it just because of people being sheltered, naive, and not knowing the way around the vast network of the public that the web is?
I mean with everything not interlinked I guess it makes sense.
Possibly because inceldom has increased massively during the last 10 years and also as you said big happenings that spread the word and significance.
Inceldom is usally associated with undesirable defiant white males and we live in a
"white man bad" culture these days. If Minassin, Rodger and all the other incel shooters were indian, the incel hysteria wouldn't be big as it is now. It would be a gun control/toxic masculinity issue.

Being a virgin is the hardest thing to deal with (as a straight male) now more than ever before. To society's standards, if you are a virgin after 21, then it must be something wrong with you and not something wrong with society.
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The internet + tinder + HYPERGAMY
= More incels and better communications between them.
Incel has been a major problem since at least the mid 2000s. It's just that most guys hid their incel, invented elaborate fairy tales about getting laid left and right, etc. because revealing the truth would cause them to lose social status.

In recent years it's become harder to hide because of interconnected communication. It's also harder to ignore.

I remember back in ~2010 when some people did chadfishing experiments (it wasn't called that back then). The results were the same as now. A low response profile would suddenly become high response when an attractive man was put in the profile pic.
Because male inceldom has literally TRIPPLED since 2008, thats why. 10% to fucking 30%, and its growing.
saint elliot made it popular
Did it take ER, and Alec Minassian, Cho to get things rolling?
To me it is interesting that the hatred of incels during the days of jocks bullying nerds in 60s-80s school culture didn't create the sensation.
Incel has only been a meme for a few years tops.
Was it just because of people being sheltered, naive, and not knowing the way around the vast network of the public that the web is?
I mean with everything not interlinked I guess it makes sense.
The internet brought people out of isolation.

The internet brought people out of isolation.
can it be sadly fair to say that everytime before this time was just chad's world, and beta beggars? There was no depth or realism. People harken back to generation x movies/ ancient rome but in reality it would be far more dismal.
PUAhate was a sort of incel forum from 2009?-2014.

Steve Hoca, TFL, Forever Alone, Loveshy have been going since around 2007?

Someone who remembers love shy. Now we need an OG from the days of Alana.
inceldom is a state not a culure, people were incels back in the day bit didn't know what was going on

It got worse last decade. Especially, since Tinder and online dating was destigmatized.
it was in a different more emo form back then, with the love-shy forums and /r9k/. I think AM and ER made it edgy, and got the media's attention. Inceldom as it stands now was culturally inevitable.
Honestly I thought I was the only one, it wasn’t a denial thing, it was more just thinking i was living a life that’s nobody else was living and therefore didnt post about it.

there was also a thing early in the internet days where everyone’s would brag being about alphas and nobody ever talked about about a loser, talking about being a loser wasn’t something people even did until recent years

It seems people became more honest online in recent years
A combination of rapidly increasing numbers of incels combined with an ever expanding reach of internet.
Honestly I thought I was the only one, it wasn’t a denial thing, it was more just thinking i was living a life that’s nobody else was living and therefore didnt post about it.

there was also a thing early in the internet days where everyone’s would brag being about alphas and nobody ever talked about about a loser, talking about being a loser wasn’t something people even did until recent years

It seems people became more honest online in recent years
Its because its much harder to lie. Everything is interconnected together. You can social proof check someone by looking at their social media.

Nope. 2008/2009. The release of the first smartphones to the public along with the widespread adoption of 3G wireless technologies, allowing large amounts of data transfer. Tinder and social media in general would be nothing without those technologies.
Most dudes don't want to admit failures! I knew dudes much uglier than me yet i never considered their lives... Now i know better but it's too late.

The phenomenon is old. Just the name is new.
because back then most men on the internet were uncucked incels so instead of hiding in a particular community most internet forums were just places for incels to hang out . Now the whole internet is cucked so we were forced to create our own communities
A combination of rapidly increasing numbers of incels combined with an ever expanding reach of internet.

Its because its much harder to lie. Everything is interconnected together. You can social proof check someone by looking at their social media.

Nope. 2008/2009. The release of the first smartphones to the public along with the widespread adoption of 3G wireless technologies, allowing large amounts of data transfer. Tinder and social media in general would be nothing without those technologies.

No, that is meaningless quibbling. Tinder contributed to everything by being the first online dating app to:

1) Massively increase the throughput of potential partner combinations
2) Reduce everything down to judging one picture

Online dating was around and bad prior to Tinder, but it hadn't spun things completely out of control yet, with the incel rate shifting up and down from 8% to 15%.

As soon as Tinder released, the incel problem began to trend upwards, and continued far beyond previous historical limits.

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