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Discussion Why the system is afraid of incels and the blackpill



Sep 25, 2019
On of the manifestations of exploitation and waste is incelization of men and their expulsion from society to prevent them from blackpilling the rest of the society.

Once a normie becames an incels he is more often then not becomes also blackpilled. The blackpill always him to recognise the social relations more acutely. He simply becomes smarter. But smart people are the greatest enemy of any system!

Today's system doesent need smart people it only needs OBEDIENT WORKERS and LOYAL CONSUMERS. Just smart enough to perform some job and dumb enough to vote,consume, pay taxes and think that they are free. Blackpilled people are smart enough to see this matrix of exploitation.

Therefore, due to our understanding of the work the system has declared war on us. They want to expel us from society. They would prefer us to go ER so that they could decle us as domestic terrorists. They would prefer us to rope. They would prefer all of it just to prevent us from spreading the blackpill.

The blackpill is the death sentence of this system. And it will protect it self by all the wicked ways it can.

This is way the system is afraid of us - it afraid of the blackpill and the wisdom it unleashes.
Once a normie becames an incels he is more often then not becomes also blackpilled.

Are you sure About that? Think About the scope of the blackpill. It goes far, far beyound Looks. Looks-theory is just a small part of the micro aspect of the blackpill. What about the macro? Geo-Politics, agendas, Finance?

Wouldn't you agree that you have to be thoroughly disillusioned About the world as a whole before you can be considered fully "blackpilled"?
In the past they just called it cynicism.

But smart people are the greatest enemy of any system!
Ironically, smart People are often also the most powerless. A lot of smart People Need a handler to unfold their full potential.

Therefore, due to our understanding of the work the system has declared war on us.

I think the opposite is true. They want cause disharmony in Society to leverage the social Momentum to push their own agendas. They are not attacking us specifically. It's a large scale disrputive Policy that makes it easier to coerce normalfaggots in accepting wars, Taxation and stuff like vaccinations, microchip implants.

The blackpill is the death sentence of this system. And it will protect it self by all the wicked ways it can.

Fundamentally true but why would a blackpilled Person become a threat to the System? A blackpilled Person would just recognize the futility of such a struggle because the rise and fall of nations never Ends. Everything is in a constant state of growth and Decay.
Faced with the reality of the material world, would a blackpilled Person not just decide to remove himself from Society and thus not be a threat?

This is way the system is afraid of us - it afraid of the blackpill and the wisdom it unleashes.

As I've just Illustrated, the System has Nothing to fear from the blackpilled part of the populace. If anything, the blackpill has made me afraid of myself.
We remind society that equality hasn't been achieved and that there is still a class of people who are getting left out. It's the same reason why white individuals might get uncomfortable at the sight of BLM protests. It reminds them that the system they live under is still broken (and no, I'm not comparing inceldom to the plight of the African Americans)
Blackpill isn't a death sentence. Society and reality is. Most incels aren't blackpilled tbh. They're still rather bluepilled or redpilled. There's plenty of blackpilled non-incels though that use the blackpill too their advantage. It's merely supposed to be a collection of facts and studies.
Maybe you can think of a way for incels to use the blackpill for their advantage?
And how non-incels use it for their advantage?
I think these are important questions since they can be highly important for incels.
Muslim lvl IQ
High IQ and based. Smarter sheep aren't welcomed by the system, it only makes it turn against you cuz are a bigger enemy than what they could of imagined. Ppl who are not willing to wagecuck and pay taxes for m'ladyh are ultimately treated as the scum of the earth and worthless trash that needs to improve.
Are you sure About that? Think About the scope of the blackpill. It goes far, far beyound Looks. Looks-theory is just a small part of the micro aspect of the blackpill. What about the macro? Geo-Politics, agendas, Finance?

Wouldn't you agree that you have to be thoroughly disillusioned About the world as a whole before you can be considered fully "blackpilled"?
In the past they just called it cynicism.

Yes, the blackpill goes much deeper then merely looks. I have to admit that I am not yet aware of all the aspects you mentioned. At least have not thought thoroughly about the blackpill in Geo-Politics for instance.
I did several posts about the blackpill in macroeconomics:

I really think that there is enough brain power on this forum to start a blackpilled social sciences think tank and generate knowledge in economics, history, psychology etc… This knowledge is crucial for the blackpilling of the normies.

In my understanding, Blackpill is not merely cynicism, it is seeing the world for what it is even if it is ugly. Perhaps the blackpill represents for me the pursest scientific approach.

Ironically, smart People are often also the most powerless. A lot of smart People Need a handler to unfold their full potential.
Smart people and incels in particular are actively oppressed. This is why we have no power. Nevertheless, we can spread our knowledge. But I don’t think we'll ever fully use our full potential because as incels we already lost too much -we are already wasted by the system.

I think the opposite is true. They want cause disharmony in Society to leverage the social Momentum to push their own agendas. They are not attacking us specifically. It's a large scale disrputive Policy that makes it easier to coerce normalfaggots in accepting wars, Taxation and stuff like vaccinations, microchip implants.

I agree with what you say that the system coerce normies into accepting wars, Taxation etc. But I don't think what I said contradicts this.
The system is coercing then and one of the means to do so is to suppress the blackpill and mark all blackpilled people as dangerous.

Fundamentally true but why would a blackpilled Person become a threat to the System? A blackpilled Person would just recognize the futility of such a struggle because the rise and fall of nations never Ends. Everything is in a constant state of growth and Decay.
Faced with the reality of the material world, would a blackpilled Person not just decide to remove himself from Society and thus not be a threat?
Well, some sick fuck, like myself, are understand that they are genetic garbage but find cope in ther futile tries to spread the blackpill. It is a form of coping but maybe it can change something.

As I've just Illustrated, the System has Nothing to fear from the blackpilled part of the populace. If anything, the blackpill has made me afraid of myself.
The blackpill is powerful. It can easily kill its bearer. But my hypothesis is that it might be aggregated to oppose the system.
Its always about the system itself. Who the fuck cares about some incels
Because they want us to wageslave xd
This Modern gay bourgeois world has arrived at an impasse. It will colpase sooner or later. The blackpill is getting stronger and stronger and even without the blackpill, there is nothing left to the majority of men (ugly men who make 70% of the total male popluation) but despair, rage and loneliness.
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This Modern gay bourgeois world has arrived at an impasse. It will colpase sooner or later. The blackpill is getting stronger and stronger and even without the blackpill, there is nothing left to the majority of men (ugly men who make 70% of the total male popluation) but despair, rage and loneliness.
Based and true
Incels can't use it to their advantage really. Only in the way of acceptance. Non-incels, especially good looking people can ofc use the knowledge to their advantage because it's just human behaviour. They can exploit it
I hope we will find a way to use the blackpill for our advanage.
Incels can't use it to their advantage really. Only in the way of acceptance. Non-incels, especially good looking people can ofc use the knowledge to their advantage because it's just human behaviour. They can exploit it
Incels can use the blackpill for their advantage if they get together and remove the cucked laws, and stop wasting time orbiting, and instead just escortmaxing or getting a sexbot from the future.
Incels can use the blackpill for their advantage if they get together and remove the cucked laws, and stop wasting time orbiting and just escortmaxing or getting a sexbot from the future.
True. But how?
On of the manifestations of exploitation and waste is incelization of men and their expulsion from society to prevent them from blackpilling the rest of the society.

Once a normie becames an incels he is more often then not becomes also blackpilled. The blackpill always him to recognise the social relations more acutely. He simply becomes smarter. But smart people are the greatest enemy of any system!

Today's system doesent need smart people it only needs OBEDIENT WORKERS and LOYAL CONSUMERS. Just smart enough to perform some job and dumb enough to vote,consume, pay taxes and think that they are free. Blackpilled people are smart enough to see this matrix of exploitation.

Therefore, due to our understanding of the work the system has declared war on us. They want to expel us from society. They would prefer us to go ER so that they could decle us as domestic terrorists. They would prefer us to rope. They would prefer all of it just to prevent us from spreading the blackpill.

The blackpill is the death sentence of this system. And it will protect it self by all the wicked ways it can.

This is way the system is afraid of us - it afraid of the blackpill and the wisdom it unleashes.
Have you seen that documentary on Rockefeller?
Have you seen that documentary on Rockefeller?
Nope. Please send a link. Thanks.
It will be soon.
A lot of non-chads need to be blackpilled, which I think can happen soon.
I agree that the dumbass normies should be blackpilled by explaining to them that their SMV is worthless. It can acctualy change their behavor and make them blackpilled once their realize what is hypergamy and what are their real odds in the sexual marketplace, namely they are effectively incels.
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They don’t want their slaves to learn the truth
They dont want to ppl leave the matrix
55% of eligible voters participate , 90% of all celebrate semiramis/tammuz christmas. This so call "MATRIX" have a choke hold on the sheeple masses, those few outside of it are on someone list/lists 4 sure, wink.
How they recruit members into IncelTears:

those who speak the truth are to be feared

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