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Blackpill Why society will collapse

Gott _mit _uns94

Gott _mit _uns94

Apr 29, 2023
Here is a simple analogy why and how will our society will collapse, imagine our society as a game, and w0men as an important incentive to play the game and take it seriously.

When society was normal and both w0men and man had checks and balances to control the shitty behaviors of human kind, man had incentive to play the game, both top and bottom man knew that if they play the game and master it, then they will get a fair chance to have a family and stability. This was an unwritten contract between our societies and us man. This pushed man to innovate, to fight and become better at the game of life.

Now w0men and a % of Elite demons (J00s, fr33m@s0ns) ripped this agreement and created a situation where the man on top win almost by default, while for man at the bottom mastering the game became much harder and even if they do master it (And with every year that passes it becomes harder), it won't guarantee a w0men, worse sometimes w0men can make those man lose everything in a matter of seconds with false allegations.

This creates a situation where both man don't have an incentive to play the game of life and with it maintaining society and making it better, man that are not on top (Chads) will see that the game is rigged against them, and that they lose by default, so they will either look for cheats (On the better side: passport bros and etcc. on bad side: Crime, scams and etccc...), stop playing it all together, or try to break it. While man on top will get lazy since they win the game by the default, they will have harems where w0men do most of the work, similarly to lions in nature, many will pimp their w0men in 0nlysimps (Which many chads/tyrones do today). Also those top man will become degenerate and will make the game worse for everyone, since they don't have check an balances on them, since society will cater to everything they want.

This creates a situation where the game and society collapse due to man either not actively participating or many try to destroy it either intentionally (Bottom/middle man) or unintentionally (top man, w0men and their degeneracy ).
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We even lose our passions and hobbies because of this as well. If there is not an incentive for living, then everything just becomes pointless.

What I need is a life better then this. Something with actual meaning and soul. :feelsrope:
Here is a simple analogy why and how will our society will collapse, imagine our society as a game, and w0men as an important incentive to play the game and take it seriously.

When society was normal and both w0men and man had checks and balances to control the shitty behaviors of human kind, man had incentive to play the game, both top and bottom man knew that if they play the game and master it, then they will get a fair chance to have a family and stability. This was an unwritten contract between our societies and us man. This pushed man to innovate, to fight and become better at the game of life.

Now w0men and a % of Elite demons (J00s, fr33m@s0ns) ripped this agreement and created a situation where the man on top win almost by default, while for man at the bottom mastering the game became much harder and even if they do master it (And with every year that passes it becomes harder), it won't guarantee a w0men, worse sometimes w0men can make those man lose everything in a matter of seconds with false allegations.

This creates a situation where both man don't have an incentive to play the game of life and with it maintaining society and making it better, man that are not on top (Chads) will see that the game is rigged against them, and that they lose by default, so they will either look for cheats (On the better side: passport bros and etcc. on bad side: Crime, scams and etccc...), stop playing it all together, or try to break it. While man on top will get lazy since they win the game by the default, they will have harems where w0men do most of the work, similarly to lions in nature, many will pimp their w0men in 0nlysimps (Which many chads/tyrones do today). Also those top man will become degenerate and will make the game worse for everyone, since they don't have check an balances on them, since society will cater to everything they want.

This creates a situation where the game and society collapse due to man either not actively participating or many try to destroy it either intentionally (Bottom/middle man) or unintentionally (top man, w0men and their degeneracy ).
Blackpill: society will not collapse, it will live and rot for at least another 100 years. There will be no revolution and uprisings: people will just cope with a lame life through video games, porn and fast food. In fact, everything is going according to plan, the life of the lower classes will be virtual, while only the elite will have all the real benefits.
Here is a simple analogy why and how will our society will collapse, imagine our society as a game, and w0men as an important incentive to play the game and take it seriously.

When society was normal and both w0men and man had checks and balances to control the shitty behaviors of human kind, man had incentive to play the game, both top and bottom man knew that if they play the game and master it, then they will get a fair chance to have a family and stability. This was an unwritten contract between our societies and us man. This pushed man to innovate, to fight and become better at the game of life.

Now w0men and a % of Elite demons (J00s, fr33m@s0ns) ripped this agreement and created a situation where the man on top win almost by default, while for man at the bottom mastering the game became much harder and even if they do master it (And with every year that passes it becomes harder), it won't guarantee a w0men, worse sometimes w0men can make those man lose everything in a matter of seconds with false allegations.

This creates a situation where both man don't have an incentive to play the game of life and with it maintaining society and making it better, man that are not on top (Chads) will see that the game is rigged against them, and that they lose by default, so they will either look for cheats (On the better side: passport bros and etcc. on bad side: Crime, scams and etccc...), stop playing it all together, or try to break it. While man on top will get lazy since they win the game by the default, they will have harems where w0men do most of the work, similarly to lions in nature, many will pimp their w0men in 0nlysimps (Which many chads/tyrones do today). Also those top man will become degenerate and will make the game worse for everyone, since they don't have check an balances on them, since society will cater to everything they want.

This creates a situation where the game and society collapse due to man either not actively participating or many try to destroy it either intentionally (Bottom/middle man) or unintentionally (top man, w0men and their degeneracy ).
The only reason you believe that society will collapse is because you want to believe and hope that the current expression will come to an end, but it will last for a very long time.
Society will never collapse, it will decay into a corporate led world
The only reason you believe that society will collapse is because you want to believe and hope that the current expression will come to an end, but it will last for a very long time.
Take history pill, societys collapse. I do agree it will happen along side your scenario.

It will rot slowly like the Roman Empire.
Ecco una semplice analogia sul perché e sul come la nostra società crollerà: immagina la nostra società come un gioco e le donne come un importante incentivo a giocare e a prenderlo sul serio.

Quando la società era normale e sia le donne che gli uomini avevano controlli ed equilibri per controllare i comportamenti di merda del genere umano, l'uomo aveva incentivi a giocare, sia gli uomini in alto che quelli in basso sapevano che se avessero giocato e padroneggiato il gioco, allora avrebbero avuto una giusta possibilità di avere una famiglia e stabilità. Questo era un contratto non scritto tra le nostre società e noi uomini. Ciò ha spinto l'uomo a innovare, a combattere e a diventare migliore nel gioco della vita.

Ora le donne e una percentuale di demoni d'élite (J00, fr33m@s0ns) hanno violato questo accordo e creato una situazione in cui l'uomo in cima vince quasi per impostazione predefinita, mentre per l'uomo in fondo padroneggiare il gioco diventa molto più difficile e anche se ci riescono (e ogni anno che passa diventa più difficile), ciò non garantisce alle donne, anzi, a volte peggio, le donne possono far perdere tutto a quegli uomini in pochi secondi con false accuse.

Ciò crea una situazione in cui entrambi gli uomini non hanno un incentivo a giocare il gioco della vita e con questo mantenere la società e migliorarla, gli uomini che non sono in cima (i Chad) vedranno che il gioco è truccato contro di loro e che perdono per impostazione predefinita, quindi cercheranno i trucchi (dal lato migliore: i bro del passaporto e così via; dal lato negativo: crimine, truffe e così via...), smetteranno di giocare del tutto o cercheranno di romperlo. Mentre l'uomo in cima diventerà pigro poiché vince il gioco per impostazione predefinita, avrà harem in cui le donne fanno la maggior parte del lavoro, similmente ai leoni in natura, molti faranno da protettori alle loro donne in 0nlysimps (cosa che molti Chad/Tyrones fanno oggi). Inoltre quegli uomini in cima diventeranno degenerati e renderanno il gioco peggiore per tutti, poiché non hanno controlli e bilanci su di loro, poiché la società soddisferà tutto ciò che vogliono.

Ciò crea una situazione in cui il gioco e la società crollano perché l'uomo non partecipa attivamente o perché molti cercano di distruggerli intenzionalmente (l'uomo in basso/intermedio) o involontariamente (l'uomo in alto, le donne e la loro degenerazione).
Take history pill, societys collapse. I do agree it will happen along side your scenario.

It will rot slowly like the Roman Empire.
Yes, it will collapse, but at least in 100 years, and at most in 200 years. We won't live to see it.
Society is a self regulating system it will always try and balance itself out to avoid collapse. We’ll get to the brink of collapse but not total collapse imo. Normies have too much to lose.
Take history pill, societys collapse. I do agree it will happen along side your scenario.

It will rot slowly like the Roman Empire.
If nothing changes china will eventually be better than usa in dome decades. (only if china dont rot like usa with limbic capitalism shit)
If nothing changes china will eventually be better than usa in dome decades. (only if china dont rot like usa with limbic capitalism shit)
China has an abnormally low birth rate - one child per woman, which means that China's population will decrease by half in one generation.
-foids with rights
-foids with power
-sexless males

Societal collapse is imminent.
Yes thats correct but what you are forgetting is that everything STILL works. For the majority at least.

All of it needs to still get MUCH worse. Higher costs, lower pay, less chances to get a women. Less third places, less attractive hobbies, more younger people that stop following copes (drugs, porn, Video games, TV, Music)
I hope so

but unfortunately
Screenshot 20240918 073103 Telegram
Yes thats correct but what you are forgetting is that everything STILL works. For the majority at least.

All of it needs to still get MUCH worse. Higher costs, lower pay, less chances to get a women. Less third places, less attractive hobbies, more younger people that stop following copes (drugs, porn, Video games, TV, Music)

As I wrote its a gradual process, and we are just ahead of the curve.
As I wrote its a gradual process, and we are just ahead of the curve.
Society is extremely difficult to destroy. The state and the government have a police and an army that will protect them from the discontented masses, they have a means of tracking you, so you will be caught before you do anything for a revolution or uprising. Even if you try a peaceful boycott through not working, you will be replaced by curry or rice, which will do your job for less money.In fact, we are more slaves than Negroes in the American south at the beginning of the 19th century.
Society is extremely difficult to destroy. The state and the government have a police and an army that will protect them from the discontented masses, they have a means of tracking you, so you will be caught before you do anything for a revolution or uprising. Even if you try a peaceful boycott through not working, you will be replaced by curry or rice, which will do your job for less money.In fact, we are more slaves than Negroes in the American south at the beginning of the 19th century.
I believe that eventually they won't have enough spare man to fight in those armys, either man are to obese (WEST) or mentally ill.
I believe that eventually they won't have enough spare man to fight in those armys, either man are to obese (WEST) or mentally ill.
They will import soldiers from other countries, there are many Latinos in the American army who serve in it for the sake of US citizenship and obtaining an American passport. They are ideal punishers, as they and ordinary Americans have nothing in common and they will brutally suppress dissatisfied Americans. The same is true in any country where a foreigner can enlist in the army.
I believe that eventually they won't have enough spare man to fight in those armys, either man are to obese (WEST) or mentally ill.
We are so slaves that we cannot even use the tactics of nonviolent resistance and sabotage by not working at work and not serving in the army. In both cases, the government will import migrants to work and serve in the army.
This is one of the hypotheses I have most for myself in life, about the future collapse of society.

It has some problems:
1 Modern men are too soy to make an internal change and there is no elite (strong enough) to organize a revolution.

2 Technologies can replace the human role and extend society into the greatest of human dysgenesis and degeneration (like in Wall-E)

3 The government is much more secure than the Roman Empire in terms of collapse, so barbarian invasions will be very difficult.

Through propaganda and diet control you can force the population to accept increasingly degrading things.
This is one of the hypotheses I have most for myself in life, about the future collapse of society.

It has some problems:
1 Modern men are too soy to make an internal change and there is no elite (strong enough) to organize a revolution.

2 Technologies can replace the human role and extend society into the greatest of human dysgenesis and degeneration (like in Wall-E)

3 The government is much more secure than the Roman Empire in terms of collapse, so barbarian invasions will be very difficult.

Through propaganda and diet control you can force the population to accept increasingly degrading things.
Yes, the stronger the technology and the level of progress in science, the stronger the tyranny. It was easier to overthrow the medieval king than today's president, because he did not have video cameras on the street, ways to read other people's correspondence, or in a couple of seconds to scan information about any person in his kingdom.
This is one of the hypotheses I have most for myself in life, about the future collapse of society.

It has some problems:
1 Modern men are too soy to make an internal change and there is no elite (strong enough) to organize a revolution.

2 Technologies can replace the human role and extend society into the greatest of human dysgenesis and degeneration (like in Wall-E)

3 The government is much more secure than the Roman Empire in terms of collapse, so barbarian invasions will be very difficult.

Through propaganda and diet control you can force the population to accept increasingly degrading things.
That's why Uncle Ted Kaczyński was right. He knew that the more advanced the technology, the stronger the dictatorship.
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