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Why so few french/swedish/latino incels


Curious behind the reasoning of this as well.
I'm half french, the thing is we are super rare in america, theres only like two small segments of the country that have a majority of people descended from french ancestry: southern louisiana and Maine. Most french people only speak french and exist in their own bubble on the internet. That's why it was so hard for americans to influence the french elections and that Jewish faggot Macron won over le pen
Because we speak english here.
Maybe they are here just you don't know
I don't know how you born as a incel in Scandinavia.

Worst of luck
i'd imagine like the vast majority of incels the world over, they just spend their time coping
I see very few ricecels too now
Because there’s no reason for them to bring it up on here, also a lot of chicanos are whitepassing and aren’t affected by the racepill as much. One of the mods here is Mexican
I see very few ricecels too now
There’s a lot but they don’t post as much as you curries do, like @Void for example
Tbh a great number of latinos I have met on online games didn't understand English very well. Not criticizin, just stating what I've noticed.
Yeah I also forgot to mention what darth said. These people probably have their own Inceloshere were they speak their language.
French don’t like speaking anglais. Nordics can speak English and there are a few in here
Because this is mainly an english forum tbh
It's a shame because we would have thousands more members if we were multilingual like a spanish subforum
I'm Latino and as incel as it gets.

IDK why there are so few French and Swedes, but being ugly, introverted and nerdy is the kiss of death in Latino culture. If a Latino is ugly, he can easily thugmaxx; this impresses Latinas, who for the most part are really stupid and will fuck anything as long as he looks rich and/or caveman-like. It sucks to be an introvert, because the Latino standard is to be a brash, loud, show off. And nerdiness is not valued --- reading books is perceived as effeminate

PS - I'm a South American Latino
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Because we speak english here.
Maybe they are here just you don't know
I use the translator. I do not speak much English. They should know that there is an automatic translator.
Swedecel here
Portuguese/Spanish-cel here (i always use the portuguese-spanish because i live exactly in the border between those two countries)
Frenchmen are all gay. Most have gay experiences.
There is no japanesecels, for example.
@DeformAspergerCel is Swedish
Latin can't be incel, too many gigaugly guys, girls have super low standards, plus there are many pretty girls. Worst case scenario you get an ugly girl if you are legit 0/10. Trust me, I've left first world to come here and I see so many couples everyday where the girl is at least cute and the guy would have roped if he lived in Europe.
Latin can't be incel, too many gigaugly guys, girls have super low standards, plus there are many pretty girls. Worst case scenario you get an ugly girl if you are legit 0/10. Trust me, I've left first world to come here and I see so many couples everyday where the girl is at least cute and the guy would have roped if he lived in Europe.
In South American the heightpill and the dickpill are the prevalent, same with JBW theory (this remains since the Spanish conquest). If you are a sub5 manlet, dicklet with poor frame like me it's still over. :cryfeels:
Why so many East Asian/South Asian/Arab/Mediterranean incels?
i remember i guy on /r/incels called frenchincel. he typed really autistically
First because this forum is english, so with that alone you lose tons of people who don't speak it
Secondly the incel term isn't that widespread outside of the US, so many non-american incels don't even know they are incels.
In South American the heightpill and the dickpill are the prevalent, same with JBW theory (this remains since the Spanish conquest). If you are a sub5 manlet, dicklet with poor frame like me it's still over. :cryfeels:
I don't know about other parts but here the average male height is around 5'7. It is also so easy to find guys 5'3 and under, they have it harder but definitely it is not a death sentence. When my father came to visit he said that he was seeing ugly boys with pretty girls everywhere
I don't know about other parts but here the average male height is around 5'7. It is also so easy to find guys 5'3 and under, they have it harder but definitely it is not a death sentence. When my father came to visit he said that he was seeing ugly boys with pretty girls everywhere
I know there are a lot of manlets in South America, but foids still want guys who are taller than them. Every girl I see only dates up their looksmatch. Only in some rural parts people date with their looksmatch, but those parts are very rare and very far from the cities.

Every ugly male who dates pretty girls are betabuxx (the great mayority) or thugmaxx (very few males tbh).
Swedish incel here. Live in the states though. I’d imagine it’s because a lot of Scandinavian men are attractive and all but I’m surprised there’s not more seeing as Sweden is basically a matriarchy.

I’m also not surprised few French incels exist seeing as none of them actually have good hygiene.
I know there are a lot of manlets in South America, but foids still want guys who are taller than them. Every girl I see only dates up their looksmatch. Only in some rural parts people date with their looksmatch, but those parts are very rare and very far from the cities.

Every ugly male who dates pretty girls are betabuxx (the great mayority) or thugmaxx (very few males tbh).
Yes but it is easy to find really short girls (I am talking about below 5'1). Anyway it really depends on the country, not all latin america is the same. Only reason why I have not ascend here is because I am completely isolated doing research and I don't see any girls. My general opinion is that at least in some latin countries you can ascend unless you are extremely ugly

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