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Venting Why replacing this system is impossible



Jul 23, 2018
How is a system replaced? Through revolution or subversion. Are any of these possible in the context of our present order (globohomo)? No, not really.
Why does a revolution occur in the first place? Because a portion of the population is extremely unsatisfied. Lack of food, shelter, sex, etc.
People have food. People have shelter. People have sex (or porn, which serves to keep an important section of the male population pacified). There are also anti-depressants and all sorts of consumerist distractions to bring "unsatisfaction" down to a minimum. And of course, the media takes care of the brainwashing, too.
You can not rile up men that have been brainwashed from birth and pacified. Men who have most of their needs met. Even if the current order is wrong and evil, even if there is no chance of happiness, there is no possible way of winning.
It is also impossible to change the system from within through subversion at this point. Too many restrictions.
We can not stop "progress".

The control that the elites have over the people is absolute and unprecedented. In no other period in history has this happened. In no other period in history have the elites managed to keep the people so completely "satisfied".
>but muh riots and protests!1!! Everything is unstable!1!!
You should know that that's just a circus. It has no real meaning. The people pumping money into "dissident" organizations are the same ones that rule over your puppet presidents.
I ask you this:
Is there a chance of civil war? Look at the United States, a country that is very "divided" currently; between libtards and MIGAtards. Are the trumpoids going to start muh civil war once Trump loses the election? Of course not. They're just a bunch of LARPers who have most of their needs satisfied, after all. Their leader is a puppet no different from Biden, anyway. No reason to die when you can stay comfy at home and have a nice meal and a wank.

Could I be wrong about this? Maybe. I will only regain hope in a potential change of system once I see civil war erupt in a major western country. A muslim insurrection in the UK or France. A MIGAtard coup in the United States. These events are extremely unlikely.

I predict a Brave New World-style future. But the vast majority of males will be fapping to porn instead of mating with their looksmatches. LOL.

So what alternatives are there, really?
-I think the idea of a commune is good. Most realistic option, actually. Not just for incels, but for all people who have seen the truth behind the current order and want something saner. And yes, we would need women somehow. Enforce patriarchy in a rural, secluded environment. Eventually an independent country could be proclaimed - by that point I doubt the world controllers would even care; they'd let us live like "savages";
-There could also, potentially, be some new coping mechanisms to further pacify males - like maybe robot waifus or deep dive virtual reality, in the future. If we could have these things, it would essentially be like taking the "blue pill" - running away from real life - but there could at least be some semblance of happiness (albeit a fake one).

These are the thoughts my failing brain produced just now
Do you guys think a change of system is possible?
Do you guys think alternatives other than the 2 I mentioned are possible?
How is a system replaced? Through revolution or subversion. Are any of these possible in the context of our present order (globohomo)? No, not really.
Why does a revolution occur in the first place? Because a portion of the population is extremely unsatisfied. Lack of food, shelter, sex, etc.
People have food. People have shelter. People have sex (or porn, which serves to keep an important section of the male population pacified). There are also anti-depressants and all sorts of consumerist distractions to bring "unsatisfaction" down to a minimum. And of course, the media takes care of the brainwashing, too.
You can not rile up men that have been brainwashed from birth and pacified. Men who have most of their needs met. Even if the current order is wrong and evil, even if there is no chance of happiness, there is no possible way of winning.
It is also impossible to change the system from within through subversion at this point. Too many restrictions.
We can not stop "progress".

The control that the elites have over the people is absolute and unprecedented. In no other period in history has this happened. In no other period in history have the elites managed to keep the people so completely "satisfied".
>but muh riots and protests!1!! Everything is unstable!1!!
You should know that that's just a circus. It has no real meaning. The people pumping money into "dissident" organizations are the same ones that rule over your puppet presidents.
I ask you this:
Is there a chance of civil war? Look at the United States, a country that is very "divided" currently; between libtards and MIGAtards. Are the trumpoids going to start muh civil war once Trump loses the election? Of course not. They're just a bunch of LARPers who have most of their needs satisfied, after all. Their leader is a puppet no different from Biden, anyway. No reason to die when you can stay comfy at home and have a nice meal and a wank.

Could I be wrong about this? Maybe. I will only regain hope in a potential change of system once I see civil war erupt in a major western country. A muslim insurrection in the UK or France. A MIGAtard coup in the United States. These events are extremely unlikely.

I predict a Brave New World-style future. But the vast majority of males will be fapping to porn instead of mating with their looksmatches. LOL.
What you have posted so far makes sense tbh

So what alternatives are there, really?
-I think the idea of a commune is good. Most realistic option, actually. Not just for incels, but for all people who have seen the truth behind the current order and want something saner. And yes, we would need women somehow. Enforce patriarchy in a rural, secluded environment. Eventually an independent country could be proclaimed - by that point I doubt the world controllers would even care; they'd let us live like "savages";
-There could also, potentially, be some new coping mechanisms to further pacify males - like maybe robot waifus or deep dive virtual reality, in the future. If we could have these things, it would essentially be like taking the "blue pill" - running away from real life - but there could at least be some semblance of happiness (albeit a fake one).
The first option is only possible in more agrarian type societies imo. That arrangement just won't work in countries or regions that are highly industrialized.

The second option keeps getting pushed back further and further that I don't think it will be feasible anytime soon.
Deep dive virtual reality and coupling that with an immersive sexual simulation to get immersed in might be a possibility in a view decades though.

Do you guys think a change of system is possible?
Do you guys think alternatives other than the 2 I mentioned are possible?

Change is always happening tbh the system today is not the exact same as the system in 2001 or 1989 or whatever years of consequential turning.
It depends on what kind of change of system you want to see happen.

If a reversal to feminism and gynocentrism at large then no and I think things are infact heading in the opposite direction despite growing frustration and dissatisfaction with how things are by a lot of males.
It's over tbh. They're quickly developing drones.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wc_ChwLMgCY

The UN is implementing a smart cities program. We'll live in studio apartments with 5g.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHLscuanG0U

The quality of Quantum computing is accelerating.
They can conjure up new viruses to put us back in lockdown
The only chance you have is to ally with normcucks and forcefully take back your governments.
If sex robots are a thing in the future chads will stop pursuing women too and foids will be finally treated equally, it’s the best outcome honestly
If a reversal to feminism and gynocentrism at large then no and I think things are infact heading in the opposite direction despite growing frustration and dissatisfaction with how things are by a lot of males.
Feminism is retarded. Most men know that, and most foids are ashamed to associate themselves with it. In a few years it will die out, and sexbots along with men being blackpilled will be the nails in its coffin.
If sex robots are a thing in the future chads will stop pursuing women too and foids will be finally treated equally, it’s the best outcome honestly
At least cucks will stop simping for average and below rosties, because they'll be more content with sexbots than those types of foids.
Feminism is retarded. Most men know that, and most foids are ashamed to associate themselves with it. In a few years it will die out, and sexbots along with men being blackpilled will be the nails in its coffin.
I see no signs of that happening and infact the opposite as sexual copes for males like porn and prostitution are outlawed or put behind paywall.

Look at the proposed bans on porn in the UK and the ban on hentai in Australia. Again the world is moving in largely the opposite direction. jfl if you think sexbots will be common in a few years.
I see no signs of that happening and infact the opposite as sexual copes for males like porn and prostitution are outlawed or put behind paywall.
Men still use prostitutes even when it's illegal, plus prostitution was illegal for decades, it's nothing new.
Look at the proposed bans on porn in the UK and the ban on hentai in Australia. Again the world is moving in largely the opposite direction. jfl if you think sexbots will be common in a few years.
It will never happen. Porn is impossible to ban when every man already has terrabytes stored on several of their devices.
If sex robots are a thing in the future chads will stop pursuing women too and foids will be finally treated equally, it’s the best outcome honestly
Robowaifus will outdo women in attractiveness and usefulness at some point, can't wait to see it. Especially when they'll be customizable or some shit, women's era will be done by then JFL even Chads will fuck the robots.
Haha. History repeats. Rome falling and monastacism going mainstream.
fax God has been saying this world is doomed since the creation of Man. Satan is truly the God of this World
Great post.
The control that the elites have over the people is absolute and unprecedented. In no other period in history has this happened. In no other period in history have the elites managed to keep the people so completely "satisfied".

I predict a Brave New World-style future.
We're already in the Brave new world
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How is a system replaced? Through revolution or subversion. Are any of these possible in the context of our present order (globohomo)? No, not really.
Why does a revolution occur in the first place? Because a portion of the population is extremely unsatisfied. Lack of food, shelter, sex, etc.
People have food. People have shelter. People have sex (or porn, which serves to keep an important section of the male population pacified). There are also anti-depressants and all sorts of consumerist distractions to bring "unsatisfaction" down to a minimum. And of course, the media takes care of the brainwashing, too.
You can not rile up men that have been brainwashed from birth and pacified. Men who have most of their needs met. Even if the current order is wrong and evil, even if there is no chance of happiness, there is no possible way of winning.
It is also impossible to change the system from within through subversion at this point. Too many restrictions.
We can not stop "progress".

The control that the elites have over the people is absolute and unprecedented. In no other period in history has this happened. In no other period in history have the elites managed to keep the people so completely "satisfied".
>but muh riots and protests!1!! Everything is unstable!1!!
You should know that that's just a circus. It has no real meaning. The people pumping money into "dissident" organizations are the same ones that rule over your puppet presidents.
I ask you this:
Is there a chance of civil war? Look at the United States, a country that is very "divided" currently; between libtards and MIGAtards. Are the trumpoids going to start muh civil war once Trump loses the election? Of course not. They're just a bunch of LARPers who have most of their needs satisfied, after all. Their leader is a puppet no different from Biden, anyway. No reason to die when you can stay comfy at home and have a nice meal and a wank.

Could I be wrong about this? Maybe. I will only regain hope in a potential change of system once I see civil war erupt in a major western country. A muslim insurrection in the UK or France. A MIGAtard coup in the United States. These events are extremely unlikely.

I predict a Brave New World-style future. But the vast majority of males will be fapping to porn instead of mating with their looksmatches. LOL.

So what alternatives are there, really?
-I think the idea of a commune is good. Most realistic option, actually. Not just for incels, but for all people who have seen the truth behind the current order and want something saner. And yes, we would need women somehow. Enforce patriarchy in a rural, secluded environment. Eventually an independent country could be proclaimed - by that point I doubt the world controllers would even care; they'd let us live like "savages";
-There could also, potentially, be some new coping mechanisms to further pacify males - like maybe robot waifus or deep dive virtual reality, in the future. If we could have these things, it would essentially be like taking the "blue pill" - running away from real life - but there could at least be some semblance of happiness (albeit a fake one).

These are the thoughts my failing brain produced just now
Do you guys think a change of system is possible?
Do you guys think alternatives other than the 2 I mentioned are possible?
A war will only happen when a group has their copes threatened and is discriminated. If the FBI tracked all of us on this website and all of MGTOW/Red pillers they could decide we don’t deserve to be human and take many of our rights away such as fapping, working decent jobs, bank use, etc. if something like that happens then I guarantee there will be a civil war and it will be us vs them
A war will only happen when a group has their copes threatened and is discriminated. If the FBI tracked all of us on this website and all of MGTOW/Red pillers they could decide we don’t deserve to be human and take many of our rights away such as fapping, working decent jobs, bank use, etc. if something like that happens then I guarantee there will be a civil war and it will be us vs them
The FBI and DHS is already looking into incels and the manosphere in general as the next big potential groups to start monitoring/increase monitoring for "radicalization" and "domestic extremism".

Multiple stories here about the FBI looking into incels and the DHS interest in incels confirms this imo.

Remember that under leftist administrations in burgerland the concentration on terrorism is shifted more inward toward those coined "domestic extremists" rather than terrorists from abroad.

It will take only a few incidents where some alt-right wacko goes insane or a frustrated male expresses anti female sentiments for what you are talking about to come to fruition.
The FBI and DHS is already looking into incels and the manosphere in general as the next big potential groups to start monitoring/increase monitoring for "radicalization" and "domestic extremism".

Multiple stories here about the FBI looking into incels and the DHS interest in incels confirms this imo.

Remember that under leftist administrations in burgerland the concentration on terrorism is shifted more inward toward those coined "domestic extremists" rather than terrorists from abroad.

It will take only a few incidents where some alt-right wacko goes insane or a frustrated male expresses anti female sentiments for what you are talking about to come to fruition.
calling men who see through women’s bullshit terrorists jfl. If that happens a good amount of the men investigating will get inevitably black pilled
calling men who see through women’s bullshit terrorists jfl. If that happens a good amount of the men investigating will get inevitably black pilled
The SPLC believes men should not even express any disapproval or questioning of men sacrificing their lives for women.
They might be a leftist organization but they still have the tradcuck mentality.

At least cucks will stop simping for average and below rosties, because they'll be more content with sexbots than those types of foids.
Women will label men who resort to sexbots as losers first. Then if sexbots finally become indistinguishable from human women and even high tier normies use them, women and the remaining simps will then try to outlaw sexbots on the grounds that it "dehumanizes" women, objectify women and so on, since this Initiative would devalue the things that makes women relevant to most men which are their bodies and presence/companionship
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Women will label men who resort to sexbots as losers first. Then if sexbots finally become indistinguishable from human women and even high tier normies use them, women and the remaining simps will then try to outlaw sexbots on the grounds that it "dehumanizes" women, objectify women and so on, since this Initiative would devalue the one thing that makes women relevant to most men which is their bodies and presence/companionship
They already skipped to the second part just in case.
Look up the Campaign Against Sex Robots.

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