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Blackpill Why reactionary politics, anti-semitism, etc are a bad cope



Nov 15, 2017
Quoting a genius-level message:

Because losers always tend to blame other people in their problems.
The truth is very simple: Women are wired to love only chad because every pregnancy is taking them out for about 2 years. So they are wired to choose the best men around. Today's situation is the natural one. Arranged marriage and monogamy "every incel has a girl" is unnatural. You as an incel doomed to spend all your life with a woman that hates every bit of you because you are not chad. Do you really want it? I don't.

I would add that even if enforced monogamy was desirable, there is no realistic way to re-establish it in the West now (given that it was essentially based on Christianity and this religion is dead).

So please, stop coping. I guess it's fortunate I am not an admin or mod of incels.is because all political copers would receive a 5% warning for stupidity.
take your chad worship pic down and they will listen
It's over for conspiracycels
Hating women for rejecting us is a natural, healthy response.
Wanting political & societal change in a world where we are treated like scum is a natural, healthy response.
I agree racism is stupid - it is a distraction by whiteknights & cucks to get people to blame a race instead of women, who are the true evil ones.

Universal suffrage is bullshit because then majority of people are idiots who can’t think for themselves. Democracy is a garbage system promoted by cucks.
>implying i think i'm incel because of jews
i'm an anti-semite because I can see through their tricks.
Naturalistic fallacy, yawwwwwn. Low IQ thread
Naturalistic fallacy, yawwwwwn. Low IQ thread
this is a high IQ thread, that's not a "naturalistic fallacy", if that is, then anything is. Two genders? Naturalistic fallacy. Men like feminine women? Naturalistic fallacy.

OP is 100%. They are a shit cope
I agree with you on this one, the marriage/monogamy in the West is dead, Christianity is over. That's why I stopped being a moralfag.
I agree its over but I don't see why we can't point out and dissect the root causes of it. Marriage monogamy and the nuclear family have been subverted and destroyed, why can't we analyse how it happened? It always points back to the same areas, frankfurt school, cultural marxism, post modernism, cultural relativism.

Forced monogamy isn't just desirable, IT IS CIVILIZATION. Every civilisation has worked on the basis of the distribution of sex to beta males in exchange for labour. Marriage was the cultural technology that unlocked true civilization.

Now we are on the cusp of something else, either a transhumanist society similar to a brave new world (kek we wish) or a collapse and restructuring (more likely).
"You as an incel doomed to spend all your life with a woman that hates every bit of you because you are not chad. Do you really want it? I don't."

Realized this a long time ago. It's essentially why the brains of females need to be rewired and/or the bodies of males artificially chadified across the board, not just the social conditions altered. The question, as far as reactionary politics to relieve inceldom goes, is to what extent does a return to male supremacy and forced monogamy by itself modify the female brain/female values? If not substantially, the whole program is an exercise in futilty.

Or maybe just wait for liberating death, and the complete game changer that comes with transferring to the afterlife. In the end, it's the simpler - and on an individual level - more sustainable solution.
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Quoting a genius-level message:

I would add that even if enforced monogamy was desirable, there is no realistic way to re-establish it in the West now (given that it was essentially based on Christianity and this religion is dead).

So please, stop coping. I guess it's fortunate I am not an admin or mod of incels.is because all political copers would receive a 5% warning for stupidity.
Foids are wired to want the best but in our current day they are also encouraged to be sluts and hypergamous. Previously that primal instinct was suppressed and it did work since foids are generally unhappier now than they were before(https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2016/may/18/womens-rights-happiness-wellbeing-gender-gap). I think if you expose foids to night clubs, social media, and Hollywood debauchery they will eventually be hooked on it and they can't be turned back. But if they from an early age get indoctrinated by traditional values I think they can settle for a non-chad male and still be happy.
(((FONTAINE))) I suggest you take your shit politics threads to off topic.
Too much of them already, might as well create a blog for it
no, i think that's mostly bullshit.
the idea is before you could reasonably fake and primp your male status and receive help in doing so, including from the opposite sex. yes, your own wife would help build you up instead of tearing you down. just like women use make-up and fake chastity and demureness to up their perceived status.
that's been cancelled so that women can "separate the wheat from the chaff", but it could easily come back and be a stable arrangement, like it's been before. just to pretend monogamy is fake and unstable you have to go back more than 1000 years.

Foids are wired to want the best but in our current day they are also encouraged to be sluts and hypergamous. Previously that primal instinct was suppressed and it did work since foids are generally unhappier now than they were before(https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2016/may/18/womens-rights-happiness-wellbeing-gender-gap). I think if you expose foids to night clubs, social media, and Hollywood debauchery they will eventually be hooked on it and they can't be turned back. But if they from an early age get indoctrinated by traditional values I think they can settle for a non-chad male and still be happy.

this too

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