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Blackpill Why racism is the best way to ensure world peace



Nov 24, 2017
20% Off topic in ID / race bait
Racism is simply the best and easiest way to ensure world peace and better relations. Here's why.

Humans need an enemy, be it 'communism' or 'drugs'. Simply put, we live in a state of perpetual war, if we are not fighting over races, we would be fighting over political views, choice of ice cream flavor, religion, and whatever other silly ideals there are. How many 'races' there are? Maybe 6-8? How many political views are there? Oh boy....you've gotta see the infighting within political spectrum (anarchism-communsim vs marxism-leninism etc)

So the view of a status quo war is established, race is simply the best way to reduce the amount of enemies and is the most inclusive, un-changable system that we can organize people with. There is a saying, that "your skin color is your uniform". It reduces balkanization.

Moreover, this view provides a "enemy" in which people can rally behind a common goal, a enemy that cannot be defeated due to the usage of nuclear weapons, therefore, providing a status quo goal. Europe is only unified because of "rapeugees"; Mediterraneans constantly fight against Anglo/Nordics, Balkans fight against each other while looking mostly the same.

Races are simply, not equal. Different races evolved to their respective land, doing their thing. Western Africans are good at sports, Asians are good at science/math, and Europeans are creative and so on. (although these are only stereotypes)

I don't hate other races (other than those that invade others' land and steal foids), and I've seen enough racial-related fighting on the internet or on the news. We're meant to be racially isolated/segregated. Black communities did better under segregation.

Only through non-invasive diversity, mind you, not the Jewish (((diversity))), that we could appreciate each other's cultures and have world peace.

Edit: World conquest (kill all other non-X) is a bad idea too, because without other races, we would be fighting over other things, which brings us back to paragraph 2.
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Racism is simply the best and easiest way to ensure world peace and better relations. Here's why.

Humans need an enemy, be it 'communism' or 'drugs'. Simply put, we live in a state of perpetual war, if we are not fighting over races, we would be fighting over political views, choice of ice cream flavor, religion, and whatever other silly ideals there are. How many 'races' there are? Maybe 6-8? How many political views are there? Oh boy....you've gotta see the infighting within political spectrum (anarchism-communsim vs marxism-leninism etc)

So the view of a status quo war is established, race is simply the best way to reduce the amount of enemies and is the most inclusive, un-changable system that we can organize people with. There is a saying, that "your skin color is your uniform". It reduces balkanization.

Moreover, this view provides a "enemy" in which people can rally behind a common goal, a enemy that cannot be defeated due to the usage of nuclear weapons, therefore, providing a status quo goal. Europe is only unified because of "rapeugees"; Mediterraneans constantly fight against Anglo/Nordics, Balkans fight against each other while looking mostly the same.

Races are simply, not equal. Different races evolved to their respective land, doing their thing. Western Africans are good at sports, Asians are good at science/math, and Europeans are creative and so on. (although these are only stereotypes)

I don't hate other races (other than those that invade others' land and steal foids), and I've seen enough racial-related fighting on the internet or on the news. We're meant to be racially isolated/segregated. Black communities did better under segregation.

Only through non-invasive diversity, mind you, not the Jewish (((diversity))), that we could appreciate each other's cultures and have world peace.

Edit: World conquest (kill all other non-X) is a bad idea too, because without other races, we would be fighting over other things, which brings us back to paragraph 2.
You are seriously underestimating how much diversity there exists within race. In Curryland each State has it's own language and culture and may as well function as a distinct nation. Curryland is a massive Confederacy tbh. Massive infighting exists within Curry subcultures, castes and religions. Same for whites throughout history. Not everyone is homogenous like you ricemen.
You are seriously underestimating how much diversity there exists within race. In Curryland each State has it's own language and culture and may as well function as a distinct nation. Curryland is a massive Confederacy tbh. Massive infighting exists within Curry subcultures, castes and religions. Same for whites throughout history. Not everyone is homogenous like you ricemen.
They have to unify, then.

Cultures should unify based on phenotype, because that literally is the only thing that matters. Subcultures can be retained, but they must the formed into an alliance with those who look similar.

We're not homogenous either. Japan and Chinese hate each other, for example
stormcels keep saying stuff like "if all ethnicities had their own country and stayed there would be world peace" but what would actually happen is tribalism and further intolerance against different people. japan spends alot of time hating the chinese and koreans for example. those that support this proposal probably arent thinking hard enough. only genocide or a one-race one-culture solution would bring world peace
stormcels keep saying stuff like "if all ethnicities had their own country and stayed there would be world peace" but what would actually happen is tribalism and further intolerance against different people. japan spends alot of time hating the chinese and koreans for example. those that support this proposal probably arent thinking hard enough. only genocide or a one-race one-culture solution would bring world peace
Nukes will prevent cultures from fighting each other. Also, Japan is owned by USA who benefits from it hating China
The destruction of the United States of America is the best way to ensure world peace
Nukes will prevent cultures from fighting each other. Also, Japan is owned by USA who benefits from it hating China
in countries where nukes dont exist theres pointless wars. giving them nukes is russian roulette and could be disastorous instead. true japan is jewish so ill give you a better example. europe before WWII and africa right now
1 race solution

no race mixing
in countries where nukes dont exist theres pointless wars. giving them nukes is russian roulette and could be disastorous instead. true japan is jewish so ill give you a better example. europe before WWII and africa right now
I believe there should be super big alliances based on phenotype, so for example China, Japan, Korea (etc) would be on this alliance, with certain degree of autonomous amnesties granted to retain some cultures/identity. Perhaps there could be a system where countries with their representatives could communicate with each other.

I believe in case of Europe, mids/anglo/nord should be isolated from each other. We've seen that without an external threat, euros will fight among each other, infact, it's a common thing to witness in our discord server itself (along with Balkans).

I believe in terms of subdifferences in a race/continent, perhaps there should be a sub alliances? E.g. SEA bloc within Asia alliance containing darker skinned people from indoesnia, Malaysia, Philippines etc etc. They can still work with East Asians, but focus will be more within the suballiance.

Similarly, Europe can see a few suballiances. You have Nordic alliance (or at least scandinavian) containing Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway; then you have Mid alliance containing Italy, Spain etc etc. I'm not too well versed into European races, so someone will have to fill me in.

For Africa, there's so many countries, most in the world, in fact. But I know they have a few different phenotypes, like the Khoi-San, West Africa, East Africa (somalia). I think they should be allied into these factions. The alternative is TND, because no offense, Africans has largely (aside from a super minority) shown itself to be a race that is considered to be of....limited contribution to the planet, and anarchy is their game. If they can't adapt to the world, perhaps, it is better for most of them to mercy out.
You are seriously underestimating how much diversity there exists within race. In Curryland each State has it's own language and culture and may as well function as a distinct nation. Curryland is a massive Confederacy tbh. Massive infighting exists within Curry subcultures, castes and religions. Same for whites throughout history. Not everyone is homogenous like you ricemen.
They have to unify, then.

Cultures should unify based on phenotype, because that literally is the only thing that matters. Subcultures can be retained, but they must the formed into an alliance with those who look similar.

We're not homogenous either. Japan and Chinese hate each other, for example
China has many sub groups like India but they managed to unify because of governmental policies over the centuries, the "Han" group isn't homogenous but a cluster of many East Asian groups, the government emphasises it is homogenous because it's better for national identity and reduces the possibility of division amongst its people.

There's the Hokkien and Cantonese in the South, the Manchus up in the North who ruled China during the Qing Dynasty, their language is not even part of the same family as Mandarin which is why the North East Chinese cities sound different than usual, Cantonese is hard to understand by Mandarin speakers but they still insist it's all the same. The Chinese government is so pressed on states like Xinjiang and Tibet because they don't want a hint of anyone trying to break off from their country, they're spooked of another separatist movements so they try their best to enforce homogeneity their population, this was seen many times in China's past during the warlord period as well. Curryland never had these pressures as there wasn't much wars between each Hindu Kingdom so distinct cultures were formed overtime and they call themselves different when in reality it's not that much different in genetics when you compare curries to other races, any look at a gene cluster chart will prove that.

It's smart, enforcing homogeneity in a population overtime makes administration policies easier, reduces separatists movements and instils a sense of nationalism in its people.
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China has many sub groups like India but they managed to unify because of governmental policies over the centuries, the "Han" group isn't homogenous but a cluster of many East Asian groups, the government emphasises it is homogenous because it's better for national identity and reduces the possibility of division amongst its people.

There's the Hokkien and Cantonese in the South, the Manchus up in the North who ruled China during the Qing Dynasty, their language is not even part of the same family as Mandarin which is why the North East Chinese cities sound different than usual, Cantonese is hard to understand by Mandarin speakers but they still insist it's all the same. The Chinese government is so pressed on states like Xinjiang and Tibet because they don't want a hint of anyone trying to break off from their country, they're spooked of another separatist movements so they try their best to enforce homogeneity their population, this was seen many times in China's past during the warlord period as well. Curryland never had these pressures as there wasn't much wars between each Hindu Kingdom so distinct cultures were formed overtime and they call themselves different when in reality it's not that much different in genetics when you compare curries to other races, any look at a gene cluster chart will prove that.

It's smart, enforcing homogeneity in a population overtime makes administration policies easier, reduces separatists movements and instils a sense of nationalism in its people.
Genetically different ? Nah. But a Punjabi and a Tamil speak different Languages and follow different Faiths. That's not easily unitable. Both of these groups are super proud of their language and heritage and hence any pressure to 'unify' them will be seen as a measure to erase their heritage by them. Don't know if you live in Curryland or not but in Maharashtra, a leader named Bal Thackrey instigated violence againt Bihari migrants since they were seen as a threat to local Marathi culture.
stormcels keep saying stuff like "if all ethnicities had their own country and stayed there would be world peace" but what would actually happen is tribalism and further intolerance against different people. japan spends alot of time hating the chinese and koreans for example. those that support this proposal probably arent thinking hard enough. only genocide or a one-race one-culture solution would bring world peace
Japan should compete against the West instead. The same goes for China, Korea, and Singapore.
Genetically different ? Nah. But a Punjabi and a Tamil speak different Languages and follow different Faiths. That's not easily unitable.
Yeah now they aren't able to be united since too much has happened in the past, unless the government goes full on and tackles this issues up to down, reinvents a whole new education system with the common language and punishes people for rebelling. What i meant though is that China had these strict policies for a very long time which is why things these division barriers didn't form for them. Something Europe and India couldn't manage to do although Europe succeeded in a different manner anyways so it doesn't matter for them, the Arab world did unite on language at one point and had success during that time but they're divided again.

edit - actually a significant part of Europe did unite way back in the Roman Era and they had success there
Both of these groups are super proud of their language and heritage and hence any pressure to 'unify' them will be seen as a measure to erase their heritage by them.
Pride and arrogance is a huge failo amongst curries for sure, if we were more humble like the Chinese, shit would get done in the country
Don't know if you live in Curryland or not but in Maharashtra, a leader named Bal Thackrey instigated violence againt Bihari migrants since they were seen as a threat to local Marathi culture.
there's many Biharis in Mumbai and Marathis aren't the majority in Mumbai anymore and as you said, curries have too much pride of their respective language so it's clear they would get mad
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stormcels keep saying stuff like "if all ethnicities had their own country and stayed there would be world peace" but what would actually happen is tribalism and further intolerance against different people
Lol what

Part of the reason European liberals can brag about how much their countries love black people compared to America is cause their countries have much less black people. When you view another group through the lens of exoticism rather than lived experience, you see them in a better light

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