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Blackpill Why Put Yourself Out There If All You Get Is Humiliated?



Dec 21, 2017
The normie meme of "putting yourself out there" shows that they have not walked a day in our shoes. The biggest mistake I ever made was putting myself out there. I should have never interacted with a woman I would have felt a lot better about myself and would probably been more successful in life. As an incel all putting yourself out there will result in humiliation, degradation and disrespect. It will lower your self esteem and confidence and make you feel less of a man. Youtuber Kent is a prime example of this.

So you can boost their confidence so they will chase after Chad only to get shot down by Chad, meaning getting pumped and dumped, and that's when they start saying retarded shit like "men are trash."
In my earlier years, I tried to put myself out to dance clubs, parties and the like. It was as described above, but furthermore, when I desperately tried to approach women, it was very bothering and close to stalking for them. I got a few very angry reactions, just short of getting slapped or beaten up by other men. So even women should have been happy when I stayed at home, at the computer playing video games. But I still read everywhere the advice to get out of sweet home, into "reality". A reality that inevitably sucks, for me and even for other people, esp. women, I come across. There is no way to learn how to deal with it, to change yourself or get better; these problems are predetermined.
Putting yourself out there as a 3/10 or less truecel is only worth it as a means to have peace of conscience. Otherwise copes like "if I had tried harder I would have gotten something" could emerge.
Putting yourself out there as a 3/10 or less truecel is only worth it as a means to have peace of conscience. Otherwise copes like "if I had tried harder I would have gotten something" could emerge.
It's better to believe you can get a woman than to know that you can't
you put yourself out there so when they're off the cock carousel they'll remember you and call you for some money.
It's better to believe you can get a woman than to know that you can't
Not sure. In my pre-blackpill PUA days I would feel SO MUCH fucking frustrated thinking it was all my fault and that I could be fucking prime pussy left and right if only I put a bit more effort and had better "game". It's unbearable to feel that much frustration.

Now I can just relax, know it was over anyway and laugh at it here. The blackpill is bitter but it removes a ton of weight from your incel shoulders.
i cant take any chances as an ethnic, im staying home
I smell a LARP tbh.
how, this is my main account, i dont want to be on the other account since it was made in 2018, i want to be an 2017 og cel
Not sure. In my pre-blackpill PUA days I would feel SO MUCH fucking frustrated thinking it was all my fault and that I could be fucking prime pussy left and right if only I put a bit more effort and had better "game". It's unbearable to feel that much frustration.

Now I can just relax, know it was over anyway and laugh at it here. The blackpill is bitter but it removes a ton of weight from your incel shoulders.
It is unbearable to feel that much frustration because this frustration is not natural. It is the result of trying to fit reality into an absurd ideological system. I sometimes wonder if the red pill was not invented by demonic sadists who wanted to prolong and intensify the already-great suffering of ugly males, but then I remember that it all started with >6 mentalcels like Mystery in the 1990s, and the taboo on looks was then enforced purely out of practical reasons: money is money, and the "seduction workshops" weren't going to turn uggos away.
kent was extremely low IQ to keep trying in the dating scene as a 5'2 megamanlet.
I agree. Everytime in my life I gain bit of self esteem or self confidience and it gets destroyed ny NORMIES by them insulting me randomly about my appearance. Now after years like this I don't feel like my self esteem is improving so I think I will be stuck like this my whole life.
5'2, black and autistic. If reincarnation is a thing, Kent was a serial child rapist in his past life
The normie meme of "putting yourself out there" shows that they have not walked a day in our shoes. The biggest mistake I ever made was putting myself out there. I should have never interacted with a woman I would have felt a lot better about myself and would probably been more successful in life. As an incel all putting yourself out there will result in HUMILIATION, DEGRADATION and DISRESPECT. It will lower your SELF ESTEEM and CONFIDENCEand make you feel less of a man.

It is unbearable to feel that much frustration because this frustration is not natural. It is the result of trying to fit reality into an absurd ideological system. I sometimes wonder if the red pill was not invented by demonic sadists who wanted to prolong and intensify the already-great suffering of ugly males, but then I remember that it all started with >6 mentalcels like Mystery in the 1990s, and the taboo on looks was then enforced purely out of practical reasons: money is money, and the "seduction workshops" weren't going to turn uggos away.
PUA is made BY and TO males in a specific looks range where pussy doesn't fall from the sky, but can come with spam approach. PUA techniques are mostly bullshit, and it's certainly a scam when it comes to sub4-3 incels, but like I said in the other thread, spam approaching IS good when you're like 6, and feasible when your 5, even 4.
PUA is made BY and TO males in a specific looks range where pussy doesn't fall from the sky, but can come with spam approach. PUA techniques are mostly bullshit, and it's certainly a scam when it comes to sub4-3 incels, but like I said in the other thread, spam approaching IS good when you're like 6, and feasible when your 5, even 4.
Approaching women doesn't work the last thing on a girls mind is to have sex or go on a date with a random guy unless he is super good looking or popular
Approaching women doesn't work the last thing on a girls mind is to have sex or go on a date with a random guy unless he is super good looking or popular
I don't want to sound like a PUA advocate but I personally know a guy who's like 6 and has fucked plenty of women through cold approaching.

You do need to be good-looking, but not super good-looking.
I don't want to sound like a PUA advocate but I personally know a guy who's like 6 and has fucked plenty of women through cold approaching.

You do need to be good-looking, but not super good-looking.
He is white and popular for ethnics you need to be 8+ or popular or a thug
I don't want to sound like a PUA advocate but I personally know a guy who's like 6 and has fucked plenty of women through cold approaching.

You do need to be good-looking, but not super good-looking.

Yeah, calling BS on that.

Cold approaching never works unless you're Chad. Especially here where everyone walks in packs.
The only "cold approaches" I've seen work are if the guy and the girl have mutual friends (which means it's not really cold to begin with).
He is white and popular for ethnics you need to be 8+ or popular or a thug
He's the typical "white" Brazilian, predominantly white but with an obvious black/native american small mix. I don't know, what you say about ethnics could be true, we don't have much ethnics here, it's mostly white and black only with a tad of native. But by what you guys say being ethnic in the US or Europe is really nightmarish unless crazy good-looking.

Yeah, calling BS on that.

Cold approaching never works unless you're Chad. Especially here where everyone walks in packs.
The only "cold approaches" I've seen work are if the guy and the girl have mutual friends (which means it's not really cold to begin with).
There can be a cultural difference between our countries, perhaps. I don't have any reason to lie about it.
"Putting yourself out there" puts you in a prime position for people to step on you and mog you hard.

Just LDAR.
It's all statistics. If youre Chad 1/3 girls will fuck you. If you're average maybe 1/50. If you're ugly 1/300 or so.

So the uglier you are the more numbers you need to hit on to get the one that will tolerate you.
I'm ugly and several times I put myself out there and tried to dance on parties I was laughed at. So fuck it. It's better never trying.
It's all statistics. If youre Chad 1/3 girls will fuck you. If you're average maybe 1/50. If you're ugly 1/300 or so.

So the uglier you are the more numbers you need to hit on to get the one that will tolerate you.
I disagree with that average is not 1/50 and ugly is definitely not 1/300
Approachcels are much more likely to be fakecels
I disagree with that average is not 1/50 and ugly is definitely not 1/300

What do you think it is? I'm talking based on cold approach with a decent personality.

I think if Joe average hits on 50 girls in a club without making any really obvious errors he will get laid.
What do you think it is? I'm talking based on cold approach with a decent personality.

I think if Joe average hits on 50 girls in a club without making any really obvious errors he will get laid.
There are incels with thousands of rejections it's way higher than that I would say 1000 to guarantee an average guy to get laid.
There are incels with thousands of rejections it's way higher than that I would say 1000 to guarantee an average guy to get laid.

Incels with thousands of rejections are not average men. They are either bottom 1-2% looks or personality (ie. Autism). Most guys have never even hit on 100+ girls in their life unless you could tinder or spam messaging online.
i cant take any chances as an ethnic, im staying home
Yeah women hate tall muscular black guys, no woman at all is attracted to a big black guy right, what a fucking troll
Yeah women hate tall muscular black guys, no woman at all is attracted to a big black guy right, what a fucking troll
Where I live is mostly white women and I could tell they definitely don't want an ethnic regardless off height and stature
I wasn't always gymcelled
How the fuck do you have 155 posts?
I banned my main account, this was my alt but now it will be my main

Just leave. You're a retarded and annoying Tyrone troll. Stop eating burgers and go hit on some girls.
Because like it or not it's the only way to escape if you're ever gonna.
Because like it or not it's the only way to escape if you're ever gonna.

This. Humiliation is part of the male dating process. To avoid it you can:

- Be toptier handsome/ripped
- Desensitize yourself so you don't care
- Give up and opt out.

Those are the three choices.

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