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Venting Why normies (and especially women) are so shallow about the problems an incel face?



Cucks are ugly people in denial.
Oct 7, 2018
I seriously do not get it, and I'll never do. I'll state a lot of obivious things here but I need to vent.

I'm 30+ and, for an entire life, I've tried to get my parents understanding the problem of me being ugly. I've tried everything, tried any argument, told them about hundreds of little happenings that proved my life was shitty since the beginning. I talk to them about how it works, about experiments like chadfishing, or how bad people with good looks still gets women. Studies of how good looking men get away from anything, how they are favoured by women for casual sex and reproduction.

It doesn't.

And well, if it's parents we're talking about, somehow i can get it. No parent would admit that his/her son is a genetic failure and they'll try to find any excuse to blame it "on your mind".

Yes, I'm not deformed nor extremely skinny nor extremely ugly but ffs, i'm a nerd and despite gymcelling and food etc I'll NEVER be good looking.

But my real beef is with normal people. Society puts ugly people "in their place" since childhood yet, despite all of this, there is this facade of "ugliness doesn't exists" and "it's all in your head".

When you read about "incel phenomena" on the internet, it's always described (by non incel. of course) as "people who have personality problems they think they are entitled to sex yadda yadda", it's never "people that are ugly and they are suffering because of this". On television you can hear the term "ugly" used like a joke, it's never treated seriously unless we're talking about some kind of freak. Friends and coworkers (non incel ones, of course) treat the problem as non-existant. "Just be yourself bro!".


It's like living with a huge illness but everyone in the world (except other ill people) will say that you don't have it and you're an hypocondriac, and it's getting REALLY tiring.

And the worst thing? Even if you ascend then what? You're still ugly. Our best chance is to find an insecure girl that will have sex with you just in excange for a long term relationship.

What kind of girl? The usual ugly-to average girl that after getting pumped & dumped by Chad wants a "safe reliable and nice guy" (tee~hee) to cuddle and stay with... until she gets to know another Chad to cheat him with... and of course she will always think about Chad, if she is with you and she sees a Chad she gets wet and maybe she splurts some comments like "look at his muscles" and you're there standing like a cuck.

It's a fucking nightmare. I'm trying since a long time ago to find a reason to go on. I'm trying to make it up by gettings thing i like and I've recently started using hookers from time to time to feel better. I'm usually really clean and polite, so hookers tend to treat me in a good way, but It's all a delusion: they treat me in a good way because they want me to come back... they do that with everyone that is not a criminal.

The only way to overcome this shit, I think, it's being so unaware that you don't realize your GF would probably being fucked by someone else. I've noticed that pure nerds aren't capable of doing that while soyboys tends to be more shallow.

I wonder why, they're also ugly as shit, in fact, the only kind of human being that i feel superior to is soyboys.

I've got a coworker that is the poster child of soyboys, even on his facebook he exibits a perfect soyface.

I was thinking to get jaw surgery but having a good jaw on an ectomorph body sounds like bull.
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Your first mistake was trying to explain inceldom to normies.
Also, let's not forget an average 6" dick. I know it's not a micropenis, but it will NEVER be like Chad Thundercock. Even if we ascend we have to deal with that (because an incel, generally, has an average/small dick).
Well, it's easy for them. Always was. They can't comprehend how someone is actually unable to get a girl, because they never had problems with it. It's an easy and natural act for them.
I know from experience that it's useless to try to explain something to people that is completly out of their perception of the world.
They are unable to understand, so don't bother.
Well, it's easy for them. Always was. They can't comprehend how someone is actually unable to get a girl, because they never had problems with it. It's an easy and natural act for them.
I know from experience that it's useless to try to explain something to people that is completly out of their perception of the world.
They are unable to understand, so don't bother.

For me, it's really hard. Since I was a child i seeked empathy from my parents, I've always thought that if i got it I'd somehow feel better but there i am, 15 years after, with being treated like someone that "isn't ugly but has mental issues". Mental issues are a consequence ffs.

And you've got no idea, before incels forum were created, how much i've spent on the internet talking about being ugly. It was a nightmare, 15 years old girls wanted to emphatize like you being like "i know how you feel i feel ugly too, look at my picture i'm so ugly tee~hee".

There was this time i found a thread talking about being ugly on a non-incel forum, some girls were with their usualy "no it's all in your head hun" and then a Chad appeared and started to mock us and posting a picture of himself: girls were like "oh woow you seem so younger i can't believe you're 27!" and, even that single thread, turned out as a place for some fucking Chad to get girls.
Because people/society want to appear progressive and not archaic. Thats why they cant be honest about the problem of being ugly.
Where are you from?
Because people/society want to appear progressive and not archaic. Thats why they cant be honest about the problem of being ugly.
Where are you from?

Europe. I know it's generic but i'm a bit paranoid specify where i live.
Oh, and then there's this thing about shutting down Incel forums. They don't even WANT us to have a place to went and being able to talk about our problems. Ffs, if i was good looking i'd be INDIFFERENT about ugly guys, i wouldn't even care about their shitty life. I could BARELY GET that they shut down toxic forums but there is a clear double standard (braincels getting on quarantine, cucktears still active for example).

In sum: we have a problem, the society wants us to suffer by acting in a way we are constantly aware of our problem, our problem doesn't have a solution, society puts a facade where our problem is non-existant and tries to send us to "professionals" that are useless (and i've tried many) and, on all of this, we shouldn't even be able to talk about our problem.

It's... it's like going to some cancer-group support and tell them to stop having meetings.

Sometimes i wonder what would happen if every human had the chance to press a button and instantly dying with no pain. Every incel would be dead and the world would be populated only by women and chads. Yeah, women wouldn't give a fuck but without incels who would do the "real work"?
I'm trying to make it up by gettings thing i like and I've recently started using hookers from time to time to feel better. I'm usually really clean and polite, so hookers tend to treat me in a good way, but It's all a delusion: they treat me in a good way because they want me to come back... they do that with everyone that is not a criminal.
You cant be this ugly. Hookers refuse service to me. They look at me with disgust
Has a hooker ever rejected you?
because people are incredibly evil.

One of the biggest lies that you are being told growing up is that people are naturally nice and friendly.
You cant be this ugly. Hookers refuse service to me. They look at me with disgust
Has a hooker ever rejected you?

No, it never happened (i've used 10 hookers in my life, kinda.). Does it mean i'm less ugly than you? Maybe. But I assure you that i'm your average nerd (even years of gymceling didn't help me much).

I like to think that they're nice to me because i'm clean and polite so i make their work easier, maybe it has to do with me being slim... dunno.Maybe it's because they are those "massage girls" and not proper hookers (sex can happen but it's not mandatory).

What makes you ugly in particular?
No, it never happened (i've used 10 hookers in my life, kinda.). Does it mean i'm less ugly than you? Maybe. But I assure you that i'm your average nerd (even years of gymceling didn't help me much).

I like to think that they're nice to me because i'm clean and polite so i make their work easier, maybe it has to do with me being slim... dunno.Maybe it's because they are those "massage girls" and not proper hookers (sex can happen but it's not mandatory).

What makes you ugly in particular?
Its my face. People say I look like an alien or chucky the killer doll.
And what is your problem?
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Its my face. People say I look like an alien or chucky the killer doll.
And what is your problem?

Ectomorph. Nerd face, weak jawline (not as a soyboy, i don't need to grow that ridicolous beard, but still), average shoulders (but sloping) and bad posture, which was the only thing i've somehow fixed with gym.

I'd say in a scale 1-10 i'm a 5.5 if i look myself in the mirror but if i take a picture of myself i almost always look like a fucking monster. In order to delude myself i'm no that ugly i avoid to do that (and when it happens i usually become suicidal).

Since not a long time ago i used, from time to time, to meet some school friends but they started to took pics of me even when i told them to not do that, so i've stopped. That was horrible, a Chadlite was even in the group (and seeing how the girls looked at him was ... painful.)
Because western culture is retarded, emotional, and infested with degenerate positivity. Which is also why they push the therapy meme so hard
Ectomorph. Nerd face, weak jawline (not as a soyboy, i don't need to grow that ridicolous beard, but still), average shoulders (but sloping) and bad posture, which was the only thing i've somehow fixed with gym.

I'd say in a scale 1-10 i'm a 5.5 if i look myself in the mirror but if i take a picture of myself i almost always look like a fucking monster. In order to delude myself i'm no that ugly i avoid to do that (and when it happens i usually become suicidal).

Since not a long time ago i used, from time to time, to meet some school friends but they started to took pics of me even when i told them to not do that, so i've stopped. That was horrible, a Chadlite was even in the group (and seeing how the girls looked at him was ... painful.)
5.5 out of 10 is not ugly, its average. I was rated with 3.5-4.0 out of 10.
Women are only generous towards their children (motherhood instinct) and Chads (sexual instinct). In everything else, they are the epitome of selfishness, and they know it.

Hence, women will do everything and anything to advance and protect their interests. Just look at how feminists wrecked entire civilizations without a care just so they can fuck Chads freely. Sub-8 men getting out of hand would be detrimental to women's rights, so she will lie to defuse you at first, and if you refuse to back down, she will cry out misogynist, sexist, rapist, and try to get you fired from your job, arrested or beaten/killed by some bluepilled normies. For women, everything is fair game to protect their interests.

So women know they are lying to you when they say looks don't matter, while normies are the cucks who desperately want to believe the lies.
5.5 out of 10 is not ugly, its average. I was rated with 3.5-4.0 out of 10.

5.5 if i look to myself in the mirror (and still, it's below average). If i took the right picture i'd be a 4, i guess.

Maybe you're uglier than me, it's possible. I find it weird that hookers refuses you. Not that i don't believe you but how it happens? You set the call, go to their apartment and then they are like "no go away please i don't like you"? Do they find some kind of excuse? Are you sure it's just for your looks? I'm ugly too ffs.
WSub-8 men getting out of hand would be detrimental to women's rights, .

Why? What difference would it make? Less orbiters when Chad is busy? Less people to pay for Tyrone's kids?
Normies can’t relate to the problem of being ugly unless they’re high IQ or experienced it themselves. Deluded normans put on an act of being virtuous cherry pickers to try and discredit incels problems so their bluepilled worldview can remain intact. They don’t want to think that nature is a bitch and that people are just smarter monkeys.
Normies can’t relate to the problem of being ugly unless they’re high IQ or experienced it themselves. Deluded normans put on an act of being virtuous cherry pickers to try and discredit incels problems so their bluepilled worldview can remain intact. They don’t want to think that nature is a bitch and that people are just smarter monkeys.

For a society utterly invested in freedom, it's very difficult for normies to accept that most of their life quality is determined by genetics. Normies like to believe that for whatever problem, you can just pull up your bootstraps and deal with it, including finding a partner. Any idea that life was predestined from the womb is very chilling for them. Additionally, Western governments and corporations also dislike this message, because it promotes fatalism and passivity, rather than growth and consumption (e.g an ugly male going out and buying products/services in the vain hope of improving himself, vs an ugly male LDARing or roping).
They falsely believe the world is a happy and just place. Having never faced the same issues themselves either that or are in denial. To be honest the bluepilled people are in complete denial.
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5.5 if i look to myself in the mirror (and still, it's below average). If i took the right picture i'd be a 4, i guess.

Maybe you're uglier than me, it's possible. I find it weird that hookers refuses you. Not that i don't believe you but how it happens? You set the call, go to their apartment and then they are like "no go away please i don't like you"? Do they find some kind of excuse? Are you sure it's just for your looks? I'm ugly too ffs.

Why? What difference would it make? Less orbiters when Chad is busy? Less people to pay for Tyrone's kids?
I just tried one time to be with a hooker and she straight out rejected me. Im sure its because of my looks. I dont want to try again because im already depressed enough.
What do you think, should I try again?
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I just tried one time to be with a hooker and she straight out rejected me. Im sure its because of my looks. I dont want to try again because im already depressed enough.
What do you think, should I try again?

Definetly, i'm sure it can't be just for your looks. I don't mean to be silly but were you clean/friendly?

One thing I keep seeing repeated on this site that should be a golden rule, should be added to the site rules


Lol. Well, tell this to my 10-years old self that tried to have some comprehension from his mother.
Women are only generous towards their children (motherhood instinct) and Chads (sexual instinct). In everything else, they are the epitome of selfishness, and they know it.

Hence, women will do everything and anything to advance and protect their interests. Just look at how feminists wrecked entire civilizations without a care just so they can fuck Chads freely. Sub-8 men getting out of hand would be detrimental to women's rights, so she will lie to defuse you at first, and if you refuse to back down, she will cry out misogynist, sexist, rapist, and try to get you fired from your job, arrested or beaten/killed by some bluepilled normies. For women, everything is fair game to protect their interests.

So women know they are lying to you when they say looks don't matter, while normies are the cucks who desperately want to believe the lies.

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