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News Why Men Who Cannot Find Sexual Partners Are Becoming Terrorists

  • Thread starter ThisLifeKillsMe
  • Start date


Mar 3, 2018

They are called 'Incels' and they have killed and injured as many people as Islamic terrorists in western countries, yet have received little or no attention in public debate, a new study has found.

The self-identified ‘Incels’ are involuntary celibates -- young men who cannot find female sexual partners. And for the first time, Australian researchers have been able to qualify the security risk they present.

Academics at University of Western Australia (UWA) found Incels killed at least 50 people and injured at least 58 more since 2014 – statistics comparable to the number of victims of Islamic extremism in the same period.

"Not many people have been looking at Incels, and they have been a threat for some years," project co-author Dr Sian Tomkinson, from UWA’s School of Social Sciences told 10 daily.

She said Incels were part of a network called the Manosphere, and while their rise is most prevalent in North America, it's headed our way.

“The Manosphere contains various groups who believe that feminism has overtaken society and that men must fight back in order to survive,” Dr Tomkinson said.

Incels blame their sexual frustrations on women in online forums, and this frustration has led to some committing acts of murder targeting girls and women.

And just like neo-Nazi or Islamic extremism, these young men are teaming up online.

Image: Getty Images
“In extreme cases, Incels become radicalised online and commit attacks against everyday men and women, who they blame for their misfortunes,” she said.

When the Incel movement started in the 1990s, it served a different purpose and had a female founder. A Canadian woman -- known only as Alana -- couldn't get a date, so feeling lonely and frustrated, she started a website called Alana’s Involuntary Celibacy Project. Others joined her online community to share their experiences of not being able to have sex or find a romantic partner.

“Involuntary celibates” then became “Incels” and around 20 years later, the online movement became dominated by frustrated and at times, violent men.

Considering the recent rise of high-profile misogynistic violence in Australia, the authors call for the Australian government to label Incels as a security threat and, in doing so, adopt preventative programs to address misogyny in the community as a public not private issue.

"We have had cases like Eurydice Dixon and it's terrible when police and the media talk about it, but it doesn't necessarily get framed as a societal problem about violence against women that is perhaps more organised," Tomkinson said.

She added Australia is an attractive place for the growth of Incels, given the problematic domestic violence cases as well as the increase in far-right extremism which was flagged by ASIO, Australia's security arm earlier this year.

"We are concerned about what can happen or is coming for Austalia," she said.

But the authors warn that one of the dangers of trying to combat ideological extremists is that it could inadvertently encourage even more extreme behaviour by creating what is known as a ‘suspect community’.

Instead, they recommend tackling "misogynistic views at the community level".

“Key to this effort is to ensure that public figures and anyone who comments on violence against women understand that gendered violence presents a threat to public security.

“Comments that make gendered violence seem justifiable or the fault of the victim has been shown to further encourage violent attitudes and behaviour.”

Contact the author [email protected]

Killed as many people as Islamic terrorists?

If we take incels purely by definition, then sex have have killed far more people than incels and Islamic terrorists combined even if you include honor killings.

Never ever have the people from incel circles killed more than Islamic terrorists and they are people who go on a shoo/killing spree or are like alek minassian mentally insane
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They are called 'Incels' and they have killed and injured as many people as Islamic terrorists in western countries
Does this retard not realize that Islamic Terrorism in the West has killed thousands while incel spree killers have killed less than 100 in total.
Does this retard not realize that Islamic Terrorism in the West has killed thousands while incel spree killers have killed less than 100 in total.
jfl at this dogshit article
9/11 alone mogs every incel attack combined by giga- amounts, yet we're as bad as isis
99.99999999999999999999999999999% of violence against women and domestic violence is done by people who have sex, by those who are in active sexual relationships with said women, NOT by incels.

But apparently incels are the problem. :feelsclown:

Articles like this trash only serve to further radicalize us. They want more incel terrorism so they can further clamp down on lonely internet virgins. Their hate knows no bounds. Disgusting mongoloids.
Articles like this trash only serve to further radicalize us. They want more incel terrorism so they can further clamp down on lonely internet virgins. Their hate knows no bounds. Disgusting mongoloids.
We are the scapegoat of the left liberals
Wow, the retardation, is just, fucking WOW! Yukiko laugh Wow just LMAO! The stupidity is so fucking unreal man, wow, you can't make this shit up. Wow beyond retarded.
trash article and also my eyes from that reddit spacing
So it seems the problem is that these young men (us) feel as if we have no stake in society and are not socially accepted. We are deprived from the love and belonging part of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. It's not really a surprise that men who have nothing to lose care less about keeping the society they live in intact.

So why not just help us get laid? Why not have government sponsored girlfriend programs or government sponsored hookers? Seems to be the easiest thing to do.

Societies in the past recognized the importance of men having a stake in society, why have we forgotten that all of a sudden?

This cunt thinks she has a right to criticise ugly men for living lives that she herself couldn’t possibly even imagine.
Does this retard not realize that Islamic Terrorism in the West has killed thousands while incel spree killers have killed less than 100 in total.

LMFAO @ this talentless fuckwit spreading fake news and making up utter bullshit
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I wish they were right and we actually had the power to take down this degenerate society.
lol i cant imagine being taken seriously
Does this retard not realize that Islamic Terrorism in the West has killed thousands while incel spree killers have killed less than 100 in total.
99.99999999999999999999999999999% of violence against women and domestic violence is done by people who have sex, by those who are in active sexual relationships with said women, NOT by incels.

But apparently incels are the problem. :feelsclown:

99.99999999999999999999999999999% of violence against women and domestic violence is done by people who have sex, by those who are in active sexual relationships with said women, NOT by incels.

But apparently incels are the problem. :feelsclown:

oh no, chad is misbehaving again. he assaulted me, yet deep down ill try and fix him
Imagine being scared by some lonely virgins on the Internet
There needs to be a big flashing line of text that says "This is what foids actually believe"
Not donating to female twitch streamers is terrorism
how exactly are they going to combat a terrorist group that exists in every country.

every ugly angry male you see is an incel.

Our numbers grow every year cant wait to see what the next male sexlessness rate is ( it was 28% last year )


Of course it is a post wall roastie mad that we see through her bullshit

bruh i just wanted to say your signature pic is top tier :heart:
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99.99999999999999999999999999999% of violence against women and domestic violence is done by people who have sex, by those who are in active sexual relationships with said women, NOT by incels.

But apparently incels are the problem. :feelsclown:

how exactly are they going to combat a terrorist group that exists in every country.

every ugly angry male you see is an incel.

Our numbers grow every year cant wait to see what the next male sexlessness rate is ( it was 28% last year )


bruh i just wanted to say your signature pic is top tier :heart:
Nah, it was 28% in 2018, 2 years ago. It is around 40% for sure now. That’s what it is in chadstralia apparently
99.99999999999999999999999999999% of violence against women and domestic violence is done by people who have sex, by those who are in active sexual relationships with said women, NOT by incels.

But apparently incels are the problem. :feelsclown:

I can only just laugh at this shit anymore. I can't get angry at stupidity.
Didn't know shitposting on an incel forum made me a terrorist.
For the fucks sake, they are NOT terrorists. Terrorists have ideology and kill because of political reasons. They only real terrorist incel I know is ER.

And of course we team up online, just like millions of other people, who would've guessed! We are excluded from the society by the society, we have no one to relate, we are deined of real human communication.
Why does the left try so hard to downplay Islamic terrorist?
jfl at this dogshit article
9/11 alone mogs every incel attack combined by giga- amounts, yet we're as bad as isis
We gotta start working harder
LOL what a trash headline.
Incels outnumber muzzies by a factor of at least 10.

So it's dumb to compare incel and muzzie death tolls.
Does this retard not realize that Islamic Terrorism in the West has killed thousands while incel spree killers have killed less than 100 in total.

That's how you know the shit you just took has more intelligence than this garbage.
These fucking female soft science majors are making a living out of exploiting our plight
Does this retard not realize that Islamic Terrorism in the West has killed thousands while incel spree killers have killed less than 100 in total.
Being incel is absolutely 100% guaranteed going to be the first Minority Report style "pre-crime", and it will be punishable by life in prison and hard labor.

This is inevitable and is already in the early stages of being implemented. The incel-terrorist link is being pushed by feminists and mainstream media in a classic propaganda style methodology.
99.99999999999999999999999999999% of violence against women and domestic violence is done by people who have sex, by those who are in active sexual relationships with said women, NOT by incels.

99% of us dont even have contact with women aside from family and coworkers. rapists and woman-murderers are almost always men who women willingly associate with.
So it seems the problem is that these young men (us) feel as if we have no stake in society and are not socially accepted. We are deprived from the love and belonging part of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. It's not really a surprise that men who have nothing to lose care less about keeping the society they live in intact.

So why not just help us get laid? Why not have government sponsored girlfriend programs or government sponsored hookers? Seems to be the easiest thing to do.

Societies in the past recognized the importance of men having a stake in society, why have we forgotten that all of a sudden?
That implies a supply of women who are willing to fuck non-Chads for any amount of money that can meet the demand.

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