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Serious Why "Just Go To Therapy" Is Fucking Absurd And Doesn't Help Asymmetrical Ugscum...

Sparrow's Song

Sparrow's Song

Violent Convicted Chomo
Dec 14, 2017
Let's start out assuming you're a poorcel and a NEET, then you have Medicaid rather than a private insurance provider. I tried therapy just to attempt to get NEETbux last year, there was only ONE therapist WITHIN THREE COUNTIES of me my Medicaid would cover. I went to him and he was literally exactly how you would imagine a cuckold, and he said he doesn't help his patients get on NEETbux. I never went back to him but that doesn't even matter because he left my city and now there are ZERO therapists that accept Medicaid anywhere near me... not that I would want to go anyway.

Now let's do some math boyos...

We'll use a hypothetical hideous faced man as an example. Let's assume he has some type of healthcare plan whether it's Medicaid or private insurance and everything that cucks and normtards recommend is covered...

Our poor incel friend would first have to "go see a therapist" like CuckTears says...

So we'll use the national average cost. We'll assume this cost is totally covered Medicaid/Insurance and he goes once a week... That's $90/week that Medicaid/Insurance is paying for a man to literally listen to platitudes and have his intelligence insulted by being told he has "BDD" when his face is clearly asymmetrical and buffoonish looking. Well, that therapist will eventually recommend that he also sees a psychiatrist to get some zombie pills to numb his brain instead of actually fixing the problem...

So our incel goes to see Dr. Braingrinderstein...

Again, we'll assume that Medicaid/Insurance covers the initial consultation and all visits. That's $300, then $90 for every visit. He likely won't have to see the psychiatrist as much as the therapist so after he gets his zombie pill prescription, let's assume he only has to go back every three months so the psychiatrist can monitor the effects of the zombie pills. So that's $300 plus $90 every three months.

Now our facially despicable subhuman is off to the pharmacy to go get his brain melters...

Assuming he is prescribed generic fluoxetine and the cost for his monthly supply is covered by Medicaid/Insurance, that's $46 a month (he'll be given the heavier dose).

Now that we have the normtard incel treatment plan figured out, let's look at the long term costs because we know that as long as his face is ugly that his situation can only get worse. This isn't even factoring in the mental hospital costs (up to $10,000 for an involuntary stay) that he'll probably incur due to the increase of suicidal tendencies caused by the AgePill hitting you after 30 when you know that there is no redeeming your life and at that point IT WILL NEVER GET BETTER. So, let's assume our incel is 23 years old and because he cannot afford the treatment he ACTUALLY needs, he'll be on the normtard treatment for the rest of his life. For the sake of this experiment, let's assume he lives until he is 73 and has mental health issues for the rest of his life due to not receiving the treatment he REALLY needed.

Weekly Therapy:

90 x 52 = $4,680 per year... Let's assume he doesn't rope and makes it for fifty more years... 4,680 x 50 = $234,000 worth of therapy in a lifetime...

Psychiatrist Visits:
90 x 4 = $360 per year... 360 x 50 + 300 (initial consultation) = $18,300 worth of psychiatrist visits in a lifetime...

Monthly Antidepressant Supply:
46 x 12 =$552 per year... 552 x 50 =$27,600 worth of just one Antidepressant is a lifetime...

So, in total... The Normtard Incel Treatment, if successful (patient doesn't rope) would cost Medicaid/Insurance $279,900 for his mental health alone. That's an estimate closer to the minimum too because I didn't even factor in mental hospital visits and other health issues caused by inceldom like poor health from LDAR and self harm.

The proper treatment for inceldom, facial surgery is much cheaper. An ugly truecel can be surgerymaxx into at least a normie for between $40,000 and $100,000. That's it... not lifetime of therapy, no psychiatrist visits, no zombie pill... AND IN HIS LIFETIME IT WOULD COST MEDICAID/INSURANCE LESS THAN HALF OF WHAT IT WOULD COST TO GO THE BLUEPILL ROUTE!

It's not just the healthcare system that could save money by covering facial surgery for incels, the government would save money because when incels are given faces that are not hideous and shameful, they are more willing to go outside and work/study... That means less men on NEETbux.

Knowing this... MAYBE WE SHOULD TAKE THE INCELTEARS ADVICE AND GO TO THERAPY! That way, we can drain Medicaid/Insurance companies of their resources, literally waste their money as a form of protest. Just remember not to actually take the pills, just bury them deep underground like it's nuclear waste or something. Maybe IncelTears is actually right, if facial surgery isn't going to be covered... we should cost Medicaid/Insurance even more money than it would cost to surgerymaxx us just to fuck them over.

When it comes to (non violent) Beta Uprising tactics, I always say that we should look for ways to cost the government/society more money to ignore our problems than it would cost them to properly address them.
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maybe therapy would work for incels if a stacy therapist started sucking your cock every meeting instead of pretending to listen to you while giving automated low iq bluepilled responses
Even my therapists imply that its over for me
maybe therapy would work for incels if a stacy therapist started sucking your cock every meeting instead of pretending to listen to you while giving automated low iq bluepilled responses
Whether it works or not, I'd be happy to waste Medicaid/Insurance money on blowjobs.
Giga IQ. I know at least 100 things that are cheaper and will help an incel more than therapy. And even those won't solve inceldom.
Ugscum = Ugly scum?
Ugscum = Unattractive scum?
Ugscum = Unholy scum?
Ugscum = Ugly cum?
Ugscum = Ugh scum?
Ugscum = Unterscum?
Ugscum = Ugly scum?
Got it on the first guess.

Giga IQ. I know at least 100 things that are cheaper and will help an incel more than therapy. And even those won't solve inceldom.
I would only go to therapy if ALL of the surgeries I NEED were covered under the condition that I went to therapy...Once I'm surgerymaxxed, I'd just tell the therapist that I feel much better and can move on with my life.

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