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Based Why It's Wrong To Kill

  • Thread starter universallyabhorred
  • Start date


Nov 8, 2017
Disclaimer: Not condoning or encouraging any kind of violence or illegal activity, merely discussing the philosophical implications of justice, in fact I clearly state murder is wrong. Reader discretion advised.

Imagine you are a privileged individual living a normal or extraordinary life, because of your face, height, ethnicity, biological sex, social skills and other such unalterable factors. Now suddenly you are struck down by an incel, what will actually happen if you die, theories about the afterlife aside, it'll be a shock. If the death is instantaneous, then you wouldn't even feel any physical or emotional pain, a simple switch from life to death. If it takes minutes to hours to days, then you would feel some physical pain, but here's what you would get, sympathy and support from everyone in your life who cares about you, lots of free healthcare to save your life, a chance to say goodbye to everyone, even a chance to say your prayers to god, if you are religious.

You might argue it really hurts their friends and family, but here's the thing, friends will quickly get over the death usually, while the family will take weeks or months, eventually they'll just accept it if they are religious that this is how god meant for them to die or through some other coping mechanism, their suffering is limited.

Now let's look at the life of that incel, what did he get? He got years of mistreatment, loneliness, misery, no emotional or social support, plenty of bullying and disrespect from everyone because of unalterable traits, mainly his homely face. His most likely method of death if he's capable would be death at his own hands, what he would consider a luxury to end his suffering, he'd be handing out freely to others if he decides to kill, see the irony. Otherwise he'd just rot and suffer slowly wasting away physically and mentally, his brain literally shrinking due to years of societally imposed ostracism, every day for him would be agony, this same pain would continue for years, most likely his entire life.

When he dies not a single fuck would be given by anyone, including family most of who are either dead or uncaring, friends whom he has none of and of course no spouse because he's an incel. His rotting corpse would only be noticed after it stinks up his tiny studio apartment. He led a lifetime of pain, where he was forced to wage-slave for the benefit of society without having his needs truly met, because humanity denied him love, support, validation and sexual intimacy because of unalterable genetic traits. That seems pretty unjust, what is being done to him, why should someone be handed an amazing life or forced to suffer, because of genetic traits, that don't have any real value, see fisherian runaway.

In order for justice to truly be served and for the scale to be balanced, he'd have to find a way to place his enemies, who have condemned him to this horrid existence, in the same state. We all know what truly matters in life are physical traits and to a lesser degree mental capabilities. So imagine being able to turn all those privileged tall good looking men and women with high confidence and great social skills , into hideous traumatized looney truecel crippled abominations. Imagine them being forced to live the rest of their lives in constant emotional and physical agony. They'd go from popular well liked and having lots of sex to facing ostracization, inceldom, severe depression and suicidal despair, they'd be forced to see the other side of the world for what it is and they'd be unable to handle it. They'd likely end up roping, but first they'd get to live life on nightmare mode, truly a downgrade from their currently easy lives.

Even more ironically wrecking someone's life without intent to kill would always have lower legal repercussions than murder, since it's considered morally superior. Finding a way to do this without breaking any laws, would be even more ideal, I'd never condone any illegal acts. Perhaps something that "accidentally" has disfiguring effects on the face and body, without any functionally harmful effects, to really illustrate the importance of looks, and the suffering ugly men are forced to endure daily, provided no legal repercussions occur.
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It's wrong to kill cute adorable lolis of culture and incel brothers. Everyone else is moral to kill, we have right
Go back home to IT cuck.
You have a point. We have to find other ways other than mindlessly slaughtering these enemies of god
Pretty people didn't make your life hell. The actual people who abused you did. You can't lash out at random pretty people and call that justice, they committed no crime.
You just discussed revenge against the circumstances of your birth by being spiteful to others. I really hope this is some kind of "I'm just pretending to be retarded" joke and not what you seriously consider justice to be.
It has nothing to do with birth, it has to do with hierarchy dumbass. Why should a facially attractive man be handed everything he desires by females, and people in general for little to no effort, while an unattractive guy, no matter how hard he tries is denied everything while being bullied and disrespected . Human nature and the way society is structured is the real issue, not looks, if an unattractive short ethnic male was treated the same as an tall attractive white male and had the same kind of opportunities available, this post would not be made.
Guys kick this piece of shit out of here. We dont need to have humanitarian cuck scum here
Low IQ
Pretty people didn't make your life hell. The actual people who abused you did. You can't lash out at random pretty people and call that justice, they committed no crime.
Actually they did, I am not talking about just pretty people, but practically everyone. If you understand concepts like lookism, racism and heightism you will see these are things innate to human nature and very deeply rooted in society. These people literally steal opportunities from us, victim-blame us, treat us like shit, and condemn us to a miserable life. If you can't see that everyone is against you as an unattractive incel and there's no such thing as innocent people, you are not truly blackpilled.
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Highest IQ post I've read all week. I like the twist at the end.
Guys kick this piece of shit out of here. We dont need to have humanitarian cuck scum here
Good post.
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Interesting post, unfortunately I can't give my full opinion on it as there could be legal repercussions:feelsbaton:

Just suffice it to say that I don't want to torture people, not even those who tormented me, but I'd very much like everybody to stop existing.
I don't want to torture people, not even those who tormented me,
This is the type of cucked attitude, that allows them to get away with their actions against you, without any repercussions.
This is why I say acid facing > honor killing

Would much rather see women acid faced than killed, now they have to live with the reality of the black pill that they pretend doesn't exist, they'll still be able to get a man and date, but with their severely reduced SMV, the stock they could usually pick from will be extremely lowered, they'll have much less takers, and very few Chads if any at all

This is the type of cucked attitude, that allows them to get away with their actions against you, without any repercussions.

I fucking HATE these weak pathetic limp wristed types on this site, guys like them are literally the reason its gotten this bad
Interesting post, unfortunately I can't give my full opinion on it as there could be legal repercussions:feelsbaton:

Just suffice it to say that I don't want to torture people, not even those who tormented me, but I'd very much like everybody to stop existing.
Oh common fuck it. He can not give his opinion on boleshit.
Fuck that shit man.
There is nothinh to think of.
Moraliity is for idiots and deranged soy suckers
This is the type of cucked attitude, that allows them to get away with their actions against you, without any repercussions.
guys like them are literally the reason its gotten this bad
I don't know about that. I said that I don't wish torture upon them, not that, if it were within my power, I'd do nothing. To be clear, I don't like causing people pain, but I'd be more than happy to end them.
I don't know about that. I said that I don't wish torture upon them, not that, if it were within my power, I'd do nothing. To be clear, I don't like causing people pain, but I'd be more than happy to end them.

Depends on the kind of torture, I prefer mental torture because it teaches them a lesson, I wouldn't pull out the finger nails of a foid slowly, that's just brutal and a waste of time, but if there was a way to destroy women's facial looks en masse and it wasn't painful, I'd more time and money into making it happen, that's the kind of torture I want, make them live the black pill, lets see the deny it then

Acid facing just the current best thing, the best case is when a bitch gets acid faced and it affects ONLY her looks, her vision is the same, her hearing is the same, etc. All that's been ruined is her facial looks, now she doesn't even have the cope of hating the act because it made her blind or dulled her senses, its purely shallow, its purely about her lowered looks, she has to admit that to herself
Depends on the kind of torture, I prefer mental torture because it teaches them a lesson, I wouldn't pull out the finger nails of a foid slowly, that's just brutal and a waste of time, but if there was a way to destroy women's facial looks en masse and it wasn't painful, I'd more time and money into making it happen, that's the kind of torture I want, make them live the black pill, lets see the deny it then

Acid facing just the current best thing, the best case is when a bitch gets acid faced and it affects ONLY her looks, her vision is the same, her hearing is the same, etc. All that's been ruined is her facial looks, now she doesn't even have the cope of hating the act because it made her blind or dulled her senses, its purely shallow, its purely about her lowered looks, she has to admit that to herself
I see what you mean, but I don't think that I would get any satisfaction out of that tbh. It's already obvious how shallow people are, I don't need more evidence, and quite frankly I couldn't care less about whether or not people are willing to be honest with themselves. However, like I said I'd take great satisfaction in their deaths.

It's not foids or normies whom I fantasize about revenging myself against, rather I'd like to take some measure of revenge upon nature itself. But it's just not within my power to do that.
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TL;DR it's wrong to kill those who wouldn't think twice to kill you in an instant if it were suddenly made legal AND be socially acceptable, [Soy] post tbh
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TL;DR it's wrong to kill those who wouldn't think twice to kill you in an instant if it were suddenly made legal AND be socially acceptable, [Soy] post tbh

:feelskek: The thread is the exact opposite of that, you clearly did not read the thread, this is what happens when you go off of the title
Honor killing are better, you cut the problem forever.

No you don't, you kill one cockroach and there's thousands more still running around in your area, you mutilate a roach at least then it can amuse you

The problem never ends with one woman, but if you make an example out of a woman, and other women see, that might impact the choices of a few of them who will think "maybe I'm next"
The problem never ends with one woman, but if you make an example out of a woman, and other women see, that might impact the choices of a few of them who will think "maybe I'm next"
Ok, I agree then.
You have a point. We have to find other ways other than mindlessly slaughtering these enemies of god
True. Only way is to get rich and use normies as slaves.
I'll need a soy latte if im gonna even attempt to read this
Pretty people didn't make your life hell. The actual people who abused you did. You can't lash out at random pretty people and call that justice, they committed no crime.
Disclaimer: Not condoning or encouraging any kind of violence or illegal activity, merely discussing the philosophical implications of justice, in fact I clearly state murder is wrong. Reader discretion advised.

Imagine you are a privileged individual living a normal or extraordinary life, because of your face, height, ethnicity, biological sex, social skills and other such unalterable factors. Now suddenly you are struck down by an incel, what will actually happen if you die, theories about the afterlife aside, it'll be a shock. If the death is instantaneous, then you wouldn't even feel any physical or emotional pain, a simple switch from life to death. If it takes minutes to hours to days, then you would feel some physical pain, but here's what you would get, sympathy and support from everyone in your life who cares about you, lots of free healthcare to save your life, a chance to say goodbye to everyone, even a chance to say your prayers to god, if you are religious.

You might argue it really hurts their friends and family, but here's the thing, friends will quickly get over the death usually, while the family will take weeks or months, eventually they'll just accept it if they are religious that this is how god meant for them to die or through some other coping mechanism, their suffering is limited.

Now let's look at the life of that incel, what did he get? He got years of mistreatment, loneliness, misery, no emotional or social support, plenty of bullying and disrespect from everyone because of unalterable traits, mainly his homely face. His most likely method of death if he's capable would be death at his own hands, what he would consider a luxury to end his suffering, he'd be handing out freely to others if he decides to kill, see the irony. Otherwise he'd just rot and suffer slowly wasting away physically and mentally, his brain literally shrinking due to years of societally imposed ostracism, every day for him would be agony, this same pain would continue for years, most likely his entire life.

When he dies not a single fuck would be given by anyone, including family most of who are either dead or uncaring, friends whom he has none of and of course no spouse because he's an incel. His rotting corpse would only be noticed after it stinks up his tiny studio apartment. He led a lifetime of pain, where he was forced to wage-slave for the benefit of society without having his needs truly met, because humanity denied him love, support, validation and sexual intimacy because of unalterable genetic traits. That seems pretty unjust, what is being done to him, why should someone be handed an amazing life or forced to suffer, because of genetic traits, that don't have any real value, see fisherian runaway.

In order for justice to truly be served and for the scale to be balanced, he'd have to find a way to place his enemies, who have condemned him to this horrid existence, in the same state. We all know what truly matters in life are physical traits and to a lesser degree mental capabilities. So imagine being able to turn all those privileged tall good looking men and women with high confidence and great social skills , into hideous traumatized looney truecel crippled abominations. Imagine them being forced to live the rest of their lives in constant emotional and physical agony. They'd go from popular well liked and having lots of sex to facing ostracization, inceldom, severe depression and suicidal despair, they'd be forced to see the other side of the world for what it is and they'd be unable to handle it. They'd likely end up roping, but first they'd get to live life on nightmare mode, truly a downgrade from their currently easy lives.

Even more ironically wrecking someone's life without intent to kill would always have lower legal repercussions than murder, since it's considered morally superior. Finding a way to do this without breaking any laws, would be even more ideal, I'd never condone any illegal acts. Perhaps something that "accidentally" has disfiguring effects on the face and body, without any functionally harmful effects, to really illustrate the importance of looks, and the suffering ugly men are forced to endure daily, provided no legal repercussions occur.

Didn't read. Not a single word.
Kill bad.
Disfigure good?

Because making more hideous people is nice?
Be like the people you hate!
Lol. Ugh.
Brazilian sigma is a fag.
Oh common fuck it. He can not give his opinion on boleshit.
Fuck that shit man.
There is nothinh to think of.
Moraliity is for idiots and deranged soy suckers
Come on*
Living people can scotomize death. A living incel can’t scotomize is situation because it’s something he have to experience every day, so he will always remember. Inceldom is true pain, the death of a person you loved is not as painful as inceldom.
Acid facing just the current best thing, the best case is when a bitch gets acid faced and it affects ONLY her looks, her vision is the same, her hearing is the same, etc. All that's been ruined is her facial looks, now she doesn't even have the cope of hating the act because it made her blind or dulled her senses, its purely shallow, its purely about her lowered looks, she has to admit that to herself
High IQ
Pretty interesting tbh, good thread.

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