I’ve known about this shit while you were a child probably.
Seems unlikely. I've been on this site alone for just coming up to 7 years.
Muh account age is not an argument. It’s the lowest IQ level of discussion.
Familiarity would yield you the knowledge of how often new people come to these spaces with absolutely no clue about anything, and go on to make silly claims. Many new accounts on here and elsewhere often come with such takes.
While I don't especially doubt that you've been around for longer because, I have no way to know for sure, it's odd this is one of the first things to be bought up. Anyone who denies that being NT has negative affects on outcomes is just plain retarded. Most people here would agree. Hell even most normies would agree with us on that. (unless we were the ones saying it to the normies ofc)
Everyone knows it plays a part, and has been a topic of discussion and grief for many people in these communities for the longest time. Saying that looks takes precedence over being NT isn't underrating NT though.
The only thing that would ring alarm bells slightly, is that it tends to be normies that want to push the NTpill as hard as possible so as to drown out any other, not closely related possibilities. Normies hate neurodivergents, no matter how much they claim they dont because they have a neurodivergent relative or they themselves are just stupid (they equate being neurodivergence to stupidity and retardation) or read some meme and they then deem themselves as such over a single weak trait so they can gain sympathy points amongst their peers because they are already NT anyway.
A bit like those people that take a DNA test and find out they're 0.00001% *insert race* and want to claim the struggles of their apparent anscestors. Their hate shines through all the time. They like to use neurodivergence as an excuse, a justification for their prejudices.
As an example. Roughly a quarter of our users are on the autistic spectrum as of our past data, a noteworthy example of "researchers" latching onto this was to reverse the results, and instead report that 75% of users were autistic based on our own data.
The reason being is normies hate being called out for hating people due to how they look. They desparately want it to be due to shit like "muh personality" or "behaviour" or whatever else. So labeling people they don't even know as autistic is a free pass for them to label them as having those traits. In their minds its the better option for them to give for their prejudices as they feel it's easier for them to explain away.
They still don't like being called out for being "ableist" though so always throw that at them when you can because most normies are prejudiced towards those who are different. It's what makes me laugh about normies. They all like to act like they're unique (while hating people who truly are unique in most ways), they act like they're all special, and what do they do to prove this? They follow the social status quo like a fly on shit, spending thier lives trying to be carbon copies of oneanother.