Because it's NATURE i'm angry at. It's this life that I have to work EXTRA HARD to improve vs. everyone else who doesn't have to do shit is why i'm stuck and sad. Why would I be angry at people not wanting to be with me? Should people be angry at me for not wanting to be with them?
"There are incels who understand the world well, and incels who go tunnelvision mode hating only the women part of it, which is wrong since hate must be directed towards nature as a whole.
What the patriarchy loving incels don't get is that the issue is NOT women or degeneracy or any of that bullshit. It's lookism and halo effect, which are natural instincts, and which affect life in many many more ways than just getting women.
To me, women and sex are just a small part of what inceldom is."
Like it or not, hating women for not wanting you is a serious coping mechanism. You constantly delude yourself into thinking there's still hope by saying "it's the wimmens fault!". WRONG. You really think after EVERYTHING you learn, getting a girlfriend will just automatically make you happy? FUCK NO. The blackpill is the truth, the way of the world. It's FAR MORE than "omg stacey luv chad!".