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Discussion Why Is America The Most Hated Country On .co?

I wouldn't know. Didn't see the original thread at first and I can't think of 10 countries I would erase because I seriously don't give a damn about other places where I don't live.
Seeing I live in America, I wouldn't want to destroy it because I live here. Not saying it's a great place, but I can't think of another place I would want to live.
America exports degeneracy and is the capital of Incelistan
Probably the fact that (((progressivism))) and all the other cancerous things that have made life for men shit in the west was created in the U.S. and then got spread throughout the world.
I wouldn't know. Didn't see the original thread at first and I can't think of 10 countries I would erase because I seriously don't give a damn about other places where I don't live.
Seeing I live in America, I wouldn't want to destroy it because I live here. Not saying it's a great place, but I can't think of another place I would want to live.
Yeah it's basically this. The extreme stupidity of both the US and the UK is ragefuel.

Probably the fact that (((progressivism))) and all the other cancerous things that have made life for men shit in the west was created in the U.S. and then got spread throughout the world.
God IQ post
Probably the fact that (((progressivism))) and all the other cancerous things that have made life for men shit in the west was created in the U.S. and then got spread throughout the world.
Just nuke the west, it is what they deserve.
Well, this country has a high standard of living, there are many Chads. I think this is the case.
I used to be a USA stan when I was a kid. Then they made fiction shit and I stopped admiring them.
Because it has the worst of both progressivism and cuckservativism. Leftists have corrupted academia, media, and tech to the point virtually every source of cope or news you encounter is tinged with progressive propaganda in some way. Meanwhile all the politicians with meaningful influence are conservative pull-yourself-up-by-the-bootstrap conservative types, both Democrats and Republicans. Hence i can not by weed to cope even though we had nigger obama in the white house for 8 years, nor can i afford health insurance without my parents help because of my preexisting condition. And of course these attitudes get exported across the world because of american imperialism

It is also hyper individualistic and provides no real social safety. Everything is commodified, including sex and intimacy. And it is this uniquely American obsession for 'big'ness and the flaunting of superficial success which has poisoned every facet of life, particularly the dating market, for our purposes. This obsession with "getting ahead" leads to the destruction of community and encourages the Chaddiest of the Chads to stomp over everyone else without concern.

I even work for the government technically, but i would love nothing more but to see this pitiful excuse of a "superpower" burnt to ash and rubble.
Probably the fact that (((progressivism))) and all the other cancerous things that have made life for men shit in the west was created in the U.S. and then got spread throughout the world.
that's not only on .co
Because it has the worst of both progressivism and cuckservativism. Leftists have corrupted academia, media, and tech to the point virtually every source of cope or news you encounter is tinged with progressive propaganda in some way. Meanwhile all the politicians with meaningful influence are conservative pull-yourself-up-by-the-bootstrap conservative types, both Democrats and Republicans. Hence i can not by weed to cope even though we had nigger obama in the white house for 8 years, nor can i afford health insurance without my parents help because of my preexisting condition. And of course these attitudes get exported across the world because of american imperialism

It is also hyper individualistic and provides no real social safety. Everything is commodified, including sex and intimacy. And it is this uniquely American obsession for 'big'ness and the flaunting of superficial success which has poisoned every facet of life, particularly the dating market, for our purposes. This obsession with "getting ahead" leads to the destruction of community and encourages the Chaddiest of the Chads to stomp over everyone else without concern.

I even work for the government technically, but i would love nothing more but to see this pitiful excuse of a "superpower" burnt to ash and rubble.
Because it has cucked places with the most amount of power. Soy Francisco/Seattle are the tech capitals of the world. Jew York is the financial captial. Theres also Los Angeles which has been shifting social values through entertainment.
I hated USA long before blackpill for political reasons.
America is a mixed race zionist shilling shithole but it’s better than euro countries cuz lol you don’t have guns or freedoms
Sweden was up there too or all of scandinavia which is understandable to an extent really.
Because there are more users from the U.S. than any other country
It barfs its culture all over everyone else through war and media technologies.

Tbh most people inside america hate it too, because it's not right wing or left wing enough for them.
Most known about so negative issues highlighted, world police, other countries follow their trends; bad and all. Feminist hub, arrogant ppl, USA #1, Israel's security guard.
because of all the white women ruining everything and all the nogs ruining everything
Because it has cucked places with the most amount of power. Soy Francisco/Seattle are the tech capitals of the world. Jew York is the financial captial. Theres also Los Angeles which has been shifting social values through entertainment.
This + that picture below
Even back in WWII america was already seen by some as supposititious, devoid of any culture shoddy and hollow monolith puppeteered by rich crime familias- and bear in mind, that was back when it was still in its last "golden" years :dafuckfeels:
because it's the most hypersexual country in the world.
Probably the fact that (((progressivism))) and all the other cancerous things that have made life for men shit in the west was created in the U.S. and then got spread throughout the world.
It’s a pretty cucked country run by a certain (((group))). It exports degeneracy to the rest of the world
Sweden was up there too or all of scandinavia which is understandable to an extent really.
What's wrong with sweden? The crime rate is low and it isn't overcrowded. Still plenty of woods.
United states are wasters. 3% of world pop. Yet consume 30% of all rss and create 30% of all waste products.
1. Full of Chads
2. Fucking around with other countries
3. Created dating apps and social media
4. Israel's puppet
Cuckerica is degeneracy capital.
China and India actually had more mentions.

Anyway, I hate Ameria because it basically created the cultural climate we're in now.

You think this shit would fly if India or China was in charge?
For the real result of the most hated country, you had to consider the position of the country in the top10 list. Ranked as 1. -> x10, ranked as 10->x1
Nonetheless, the questions should be rather: why not?
Alone that the Chad meme guy couldn't be imagined having another nationality than the US.
Chad jocks and a craziness for them you don't see in other countries.
Anglo-Judeo world order.

Nuff said.

These people need to go.
Probably the fact that (((progressivism))) and all the other cancerous things that have made life for men shit in the west was created in the U.S. and then got spread throughout the world.
China and India actually had more mentions.

Anyway, I hate Ameria because it basically created the cultural climate we're in now.

You think this shit would fly if India or China was in charge?
The US is clearly the most Chadworshipping country by far. Look at our fucking president, and how he is revered by large enough chunk of citizens to be electorally invincible. We spread our Chadworship to other countries, and perpetuate a cycle of Chad abuse.
America insists on spreading its degenerate values everywhere.
America had the most mentions. Why ?
In Europe we are getting all of the shitty feminism, truly they stole all the fucked stuff on us and brings it to europe.

Example :"In france more than 50% are overweight, from 20% on 1995"

Like a fucking dumb cat giving a dead mouse.

American capitalism is fucked, cause if you're not on the top tier 5% then fuck you
The US is clearly the most Chadworshipping country by far. Look at our fucking president, and how he is revered by large enough chunk of citizens to be electorally invincible. We spread our Chadworship to other countries, and perpetuate a cycle of Chad abuse.
Trump's ugly though. Chad height though.

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