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Discussion Why incels tend to be socially conservative



Nov 7, 2019
Modern progressivism is driven almost entirely by conformity. It's fair to describe it as anti-human - contrarian to the universal values of beauty, health, and stability. Though I don't feel much of a need to explain myself here, I'll lay it out for the IT faggots; why are displays of progressivism distinctly rooted in disgust and repulsion? Why is progressive "art" meaningless drivel? Why does progressivism promote a lifestyle closely associated with addiction and death? Why is progressivism obsessed with the normalization of promiscuity, despite its disastrous effects on one's health and family? The "conservative" stance to all of this is simply the natural, rational conclusion; don't chase short-term pleasure in lieu of long-term stability, don't do drugs, don't sleep around, et cetera. Such common sense stances have been demonized with the rapid rise of progressvism to the mainstream over the last fifty years; see how far you can get as a politician or a sports commentator or whatever the fuck if you're caught saying that women should marry at 20 and not do cocaine.

With this established, the correlation between inceldom and right-wing views becomes obvious; incels are social rejects by default, they are hated by society and the political establishment from the moment they hit puberty. Thus there is no need to conform. A man who does not fear social ostracization can and will speak freely about the perverse and degenerate nature of homosexuality, as that's the natural, human position; the one a man would adopt without outside influence.

It is also important to make the distinction between the type of incel that posts on .co and the type of incel that posts on IT. The former is engaging in behaviour that is completely unacceptable to the progressive establishment: misogyny, political extremism, so on. To even begin to consider this, one must turn their back on the gospel that is egalitarianism, to reject nearly everything they've ever been told about the world and what they should think about it. The IT poster is the polar opposite; he is placed in a situation that simply cannot be explained by the progressive mindset (inceldom), yet he is too cowardly to free himself from his chains, and thus he doubles down, somehow believing that his aggressive conformity will make up for whatever it is that keeps his from being treated as an equal by his peers. "Aren't we all equal in this world?", he might think. "The only thing that can possibly be the cause of my treatment is that I'm not progressive enough- that is the only thing that matters, right?". Hence 'toxic masculinity', 'male feminists', and all of that nonsense.
The problem with progressives is that they think their mass produced, Zionist authored feels are more important to the reals... For them, it's all about changing the way people think rather than actually progressing the physical state of their existence. Despite being socially conservative, blackpilled incels are the most humanly progressive minds in the world.

We are the real progressives.
Progressives and liberals are generally brainwashed by Jews, conservatives are too, but at least we are trying to stay in the old version of Jewish tricks than the new ones.
Although i prefer things that are pre Christianity, and pre modern America.
The problem with progressives is that they think their mass produced, Zionist authored feels are more important to the reals... For them, it's all about changing the way people think rather than actually progressing the physical state of their existence. Despite being socially conservative, blackpilled incels are the most humanly progressive minds in the world.

We are the real progressives.
Since when are progressives Zionists? Most of em despise Israel.
Since when are progressives Zionists? Most of em despise Israel.
Mainstream Left and Right are both Zionist owned and operated. A lot of entry level, Low IQ Alt- Leftists despise Israel simply because of the Palestine issue and they are totally unaware of EVERYTHING ELSE (((THEY))) HAVE BEEN DOING SINCE EVEN BEFORE LONDON INFILTRATED THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE IN 1721 WITH THE HELP OF THE SABBATEANS.

We are the real progressives, the progress we seek is about improving physical human conditions... not making people feel a certain way and think a certain way.
Mainstream Left and Right are both Zionist owned and operated. A lot of entry level, Low IQ Alt- Leftists despise Israel simply because of the Palestine issue and they are totally unaware of EVERYTHING ELSE (((THEY))) HAVE BEEN DOING SINCE EVEN BEFORE LONDON INFILTRATED THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE IN 1721 WITH THE HELP OF THE SABBATEANS.

We are the real progressives, the progress we seek is about improving physical human conditions... not making people feel a certain way and think a certain way.
Well it's ignorant to think we aren't compelled to make anyone think or feel a certain way but fair enough.
Well it's ignorant to think we aren't compelled to make anyone think or feel a certain way but fair enough.
Everyone is compelled to do that, it's just the bluepilled Left puts feels over reals and cares more about non issues than physical changes in the real world.
Everyone is compelled to do that, it's just the bluepilled Left puts feels over reals and cares more about non issues than physical changes in the real world.
All things begin with the physical sure. Forgive me, I'm not so into politics. I don't have too terribly much to add to this discussion.
All things begin with the physical sure. Forgive me, I'm not so into politics. I don't have too terribly much to add to this discussion.
Nice avi though...
Because liberals are a bunch of faggots and freaks who promote degeneracy. But to be fair, i'm neither liberal or conservative.
Being incel naturally makes you learn towards the right, left wing incels are just soyboy bluepilled faggots, right has more truth even if tradcucks are in it.
It can be explained in a detailed way but to simply put it. Social conservatism prevents degenracy while progressives promot degenracy and incels are more badly affected when the degeneracy of the soyciety especially foids increases.
Social conservatism is a joke, unfortunately. Frat bros, tradcucks, and Bible-thumping boomers.
I agree with ya there matey but, this can be summed up in fewer words.

As being affected negativitely by "liberalism/progressivism" you look towards alternative POV and to the past. Which is way better at social aspects than even now.

Only a certain type people benefit from anarchy, women and Chads. Look at Walruses and Primates. Most are alphas with harems. And that's a result of socially regressing. However that is very short term and leads to a much drama and a stifle of innovation.
Actually what they call conservative is in fact progressive. Being conservative is wanting what we had before civilization (Chad harems, tribe takes care off the children). Being progressive is wanting strict looksmatch monogamy and no degeneracy (things that rarely or never happen in the rest of the animal world).
I am a nationalist. Every one used to agree on nationalism. They might dissagree on whether the leadership of the nation should be born or elected, but they all agreed on the supremacy of the nation. Now both aisle sides are cucked by foreign shekels. Abstenence undercutters (fornicators) should not be allowed to get married. Standards undercutters and cross subsidizers should not be allowed to import.
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Read every word
Socially conservative =/= right-wing
Social conservatism is a joke, unfortunately. Frat bros, tradcucks, and Bible-thumping boomers.
Dead on spot.

And ironically, these people hate and mock us just as much as the looney tune left does. Which is fine, because the modern social conservative movement is a complete farce. All talk, no action; in perpetual retreat and surrender. Haven't won a damn single battle in the last 50 years.
All talk, no action; in perpetual retreat and surrender. Haven't won a damn single battle in the last 50 years.

Oh, they talk, all right. Look at all the moralfagging megachurches. Right-wing normtards scrape together their spare change so their pastors can fly in private jets.
Oh, they talk, all right. Look at all the moralfagging megachurches. Right-wing normtards scrape together their spare change so their pastors can fly in private jets.
I know about this all too well sadly--I'm related to a few such normtards myself.

Tithing 10% (after taxes) for someone whose clothing collection is more than their entire net worth jfl.

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