Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Serious Why i think incels.co is a REAL support group.



Cucks are ugly people in denial.
Oct 7, 2018
I'm opening a lot of threads today, but this one is different.

Sometimes i notice that cucks mocks us because we are not apparently acting as a support group.

Cucks, you know why we are a support group? Because we EXIST.

Just the fact this forum exists is support, because this is the only place we can be honest with each other. We can be harsh, blunt, brutal and, a lot of times, low iq, but at least we have dignity. This is the condition that lift us from the shithole that is the current internet and society and allows us to be superior to you.

Suck my dick, cucks, it is YOU that pretend to create "watchdogs" subreddits while instead try to mock us because you were bullied your entire life.
It is a support group

A support group full of racist, insecure, suicidal, and depressed people. But a support group nonetheless

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@around 4:11 in the video begins the section relevant to your topic OP, heh.
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all of your avi's have more meaning in my life than the real people that surround me IRL
.co is the only place where I can type shit without being afraid of reprimands
.co is a safe space
Ngl, finding this forum, was a bless and a curse at the same time. I'm happy that i found a place where people actually understand me, and don't mock me for being a virgin. But on the other hand, i have to admit, that sometimes i wish, that i would've remained bluepilled.
Ngl, finding this forum, was a bless and a curse at the same time. I'm happy that i found a place where people actually understand me, and don't mock me for being a virgin. But on the other hand, i have to admit, that sometimes i wish, that i would've remained bluepilled.

How can you be bluepilled as an incel? I mean it's possible, but if you searched for a forum like this one you were destined to become blackpilled.

I've sprouted blackpill things online since, dunno, 15 years ago... It's nothing new.
It is a support group

A support group full of racist, insecure, suicidal, and depressed people. But a support group nonetheless
I feel supported or I wouldn't be here. There aren't that many racists or suicidal people, or we'd hear about .co users roping, which I've never heard of until now. Usually the "suicidal" users are IT cucks trying to make non-suicidal users depressed and hopeless.
Its good to be here
How can you be bluepilled as an incel? I mean it's possible, but if you searched for a forum like this one you were destined to become blackpilled.

I've sprouted blackpill things online since, dunno, 15 years ago... It's nothing new.
Well there're different kinds of blackpills. If i say i would've liked to remain bluepilled, i mostly say that in regards to female nature, and love. Since the realization that love doesn't exists, and how shallow females really are didn't do me any favors.
Since the realization that love doesn't exists, and how shallow females really are didn't do me any favors.
It will help you not get cucked by them in the future, and now you won't waste your time chasing a carrot on a stick.
It will help you not get cucked by them in the future, and now you won't waste your time chasing a carrot on a stick.
Yeah guess that's positive. However i find it hard to motivate myself to do even basic tasks now, that i know that it's all futile.
Yeah guess that's positive. However i find it hard to motivate myself to do even basic tasks now, that i know that it's all futile.
Change your goals to make them not revolve around getting a western chad chasing rostie.
Yeah guess that's positive. However i find it hard to motivate myself to do even basic tasks now, that i know that it's all futile.
I totally feel ya on that. I guess the motivation for cucks and normies is their average/ugly foid gf/wives to betabux her and her bastard kids from Tyrones and Chads. Us we pretty much got nothing to work towards, sure we can try self improvement, but realistically speaking men usually obtain motivation to do hard tasks, knowing that they have a sweetheart waiting for them. But that's just the way the cookie crumbles I guess.
I'm trying, but it's a very hard processe.
My goals are to make lots of money so I can surgerymax and go to SEasia, and buy a house with lots of land to raise my favorite animals in.
all of your avi's have more meaning in my life than the real people that surround me IRL
.co is the only place where I can type shit without being afraid of reprimands
I totally feel ya on that. I guess the motivation for cucks and normies is their average/ugly foid gf/wives to betabux her and her bastard kids from Tyrones and Chads. Us we pretty much got nothing to work towards, sure we can try self improvement, but realistically speaking men usually obtain motivation to do hard tasks, knowing that they have a sweetheart waiting for them. But that's just the way the cookie crumbles I guess.
I guess that's only natural, tbh. After all, sex and relationships with women, have been the primary motivator for most men, throughout all of history. It's very hard to change that. In my personal case, i don't think that i ever wanted anything but, the love of a girl. Whenever i did something, whenever i had a dream, the end goal was always to get a girl to love me. Finding out that romantic love isn't real, and that it's all about looks, still makes me extremely depressed.
Cuck featured this post instead of the other one, what a crafty sucker lol. You are a cuck!
My goals are to make lots of money so I can surgerymax and go to SEasia, and buy a house with lots of land to raise my favorite animals in.
Well that's good for you man, and i wish you the best of luck for that. However, i don't really have any goals like that. I think that having goal is something that should come natural to you. But for some reason that never happened for me.
Well that's good for you man, and i wish you the best of luck for that. However, i don't really have any goals like that. I think that having goal is something that should come natural to you. But for some reason that never happened for me.
Many of my goals I succeeded with didn't come naturally, that's why I know working on something you're focused on is better than not doing anything.
I feel supported or I wouldn't be here. There aren't that many racists or suicidal people, or we'd hear about .co users roping, which I've never heard of until now. Usually the "suicidal" users are IT cucks trying to make non-suicidal users depressed and hopeless.

Just try going onto any of the normie depression websites or chat rooms and discussing incel issues.

"Get a hair cut, bro".

I tried that over 50 fucking times with no results.

"Take a shower, bro."

You think just because I am TFL/incel I don't bathe like normal people? I'm fucking insulted.

"Get a new outfit"

I also tried that over 50 fucking times with no results.

"You just need to approach more women. There is someone out there for everyone."

I approached over 500 women and I was rejected every time. Are you sure?

"Go to the gym. I bet if you just put on 100 LB more muscle, you could get a gf."

I'm disabled. Do what again?

"You just have a terrible personality. No wonder you don't have a girlfriend."

How in the fuck does a foid tell anything about my personality (or chad's personality) on a dating website where all they do is swipe left or right?

"You clearly just hate women. We are going to have to ban you from this website."

Thank you for EVERYTHING.

Normies hate us. Anyone who doesnt understand that by now is clearly deluded. This is all we have.
"You clearly just hate women. We are going to have to ban you from this website."
I'd tell him I only hate hypergamous whores, not women. If he thinks all women are the way you described them then he's the one labeling them as such. It's not a surprise he might think that because the vast majority of foids in the west are hypergamous chad dick chasers.
all of your avi's have more meaning in my life than the real people that surround me IRL
.co is the only place where I can type shit without being afraid of reprimands
I'd tell him I only hate hypergamous whores, not women. If he thinks all women are the way you described them then he's the one labeling them as such. It's not a surprise he might think that because the vast majority of foids in the west are hypergamous chad dick chasers.
Absolutely. I tried telling several normie depression support groups that online before. They said that I - I kid you not - "reaked toxicity".

In order to keep living in the fake world all bluepillers live in, they have to openly deny things that are true. They very much live in several Orwellian concepts.

Absolutely. I tried telling several normie depression support groups that online before. They said that I - I kid you not - "reaked toxicity".

In order to keep living in the fake world all bluepillers live in, they have to openly deny things that are true. They very much live in several Orwellian concepts.

Any male that uses the phrase "reaked toxicity" doesn't have any testicles.
Tbh I've been here for a few months only and this forum helps me more than any other forum did.

Knowing that people on here are just as lost as I am gives me some sort of inner peace. I know some incels on this forum might be annoyed by my low IQ questions and posts but I'll keep on posting and reading what's going on here.
What's you disability?
Multiple. I have a spinal injury, three joints that were broken which surgery worsened, I also had a weird chronic pelvic pain syndrome that turned out to actually be a malignancy. I cant stand, walk, or sit for long periods of time. I had to give up using desktops, which I loved, and switch to using a laptop, so I could recline. I was NEET before, but not housebound. Now I am housebound. When I talk to other sub5 guys, they usually have far worse problems than just getting women. Like look at St Bagelcel. The guy just had a fucking STROKE. When your genetics are seriously flawed to the point of having sub5 looks, other problems follow suit, almost always. If my only problem was getting women I would just go to Asia and play around once or twice a year and basically not care too much anymore. I am totally numb to the not having a wedding, white picket fence, nice house with a nice wife sort of thing now. I am beyond not interested anymore at my age. When I was in my 20s and early 30s I cared. The older I got, it just became a painful memory, oh what could have been, sort of thing. Sort of like a marathon that you trained real hard for in high school for three years, and you got beat really bad. There's no going back.
Multiple. I have a spinal injury, three joints that were broken which surgery worsened, I also had a weird chronic pelvic pain syndrome that turned out to actually be a malignancy. I cant stand, walk, or sit for long periods of time. I had to give up using desktops, which I loved, and switch to using a laptop, so I could recline. I was NEET before, but not housebound. Now I am housebound. When I talk to other sub5 guys, they usually have far worse problems than just getting women. Like look at St Bagelcel. The guy just had a fucking STROKE. When your genetics are seriously flawed to the point of having sub5 looks, other problems follow suit, almost always. If my only problem was getting women I would just go to Asia and play around once or twice a year and basically not care too much anymore. I am totally numb to the not having a wedding, white picket fence, nice house with a nice wife sort of thing now. I am beyond not interested anymore at my age. When I was in my 20s and early 30s I cared. The older I got, it just became a painful memory, oh what could have been, sort of thing. Sort of like a marathon that you trained real hard for in high school for three years, and you got beat really bad. There's no going back.
I don't know what to say other than I'm really sorry for your situation. I can only hope you can cope well.
I would consider finding good paying jobs that allows to work by Home Office so I wouldn't have to move around.
all of your avi's have more meaning in my life than the real people that surround me IRL
.co is the only place where I can type shit without being afraid of reprimands
Indeed, we would all be arrested for saying this stuff in real life

incel forums are safe spaces
I don't know what to say other than I'm really sorry for your situation. I can only hope you can cope well.
I would consider finding good paying jobs that allows to work by Home Office so I wouldn't have to move around.
Yeah the issue is my pain isnt really controlled at all. So I have no attention span. Like I watch movies in 10 minute segments. I spend most of my days in some kind of weird twilight between being awake and sleeping. I take dilaudid which is even stronger than morphine. They arent giving out fentanyl anymore, which is what I really need. I am hoping the 8mg does something, because the 4mg isnt doing jack for me atm. I mean it probably is. If it was doing nothing, I probably wouldnt even be replying to you right now. If/when the pain does get under control, I would hope to be able to start writing. People told me to try poetry because most poems are written in a short space of time. But I am just not into it. Believe it or not, I want to write fiction. I'm sure that some day they will have some magical pill or implant that everyone can use that just eliminates the source of all pain. You know its coming. I do have good insurance so thats the only thing I am holding out hope for. Between now and then, some adequate pain management might be nice. Thanks
Yeah, this is the only place I can go to and say my thoughts and unload my rants etc without being called out for it.
This has helped me heaps just by talking to people who are in the same boat as me.
Thanks brocels
you just need copes to survive.
this thread has been featured on inceltears
Suicide cult because IT said so xdxd
tbh i dont give a damn about other incels

here just to discuss the blackpill
It is a support group

A support group full of racist, insecure, suicidal, and depressed people. But a support group nonetheless

View attachment 207715

Ngl, finding this forum, was a bless and a curse at the same time. I'm happy that i found a place where people actually understand me, and don't mock me for being a virgin. But on the other hand, i have to admit, that sometimes i wish, that i would've remained bluepilled.
Wishing he was bluepilled still
Sometimes I wish I was still bluepilled too. fuck hahaha

Who doesnt?

Once you see this shit you can't ever go back. Your life will never be the same. The 80/20 rule, briffaults law, genetic determinism, all of it. Suddenly you realise why your life has been so shit for so long. But then there is nothing you can do about it.

Fuck. Gotta cope.
tbh i dont give a damn about other incels

here just to discuss the blackpill
I care about them if they're not cucks and can help with the incel uprising.

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