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Theory Why I stopped being a leftist

Destroyed lonely

Destroyed lonely

Feb 18, 2024
Up until a few months ago I was a radical leftist and thought borders are cruel and shouldn't exist and no human should own earth and control where other humans go

But one day I had a brutal realization and deeply understood the "different species" theory, shitskins are literal animals without modern human emotions, empathy and intellect, they corrupt and destroy everything wherever they go, like grasshoppers destroying a crops field, they must be locked in their desert/jungle cages like the savage beasts they are

Borders are an extremely necessary evil to prevent something far far worse, as long as people of all nations don't have the same level of intelligence and beauty, borders must exist, humans must be separated from subhumans and shitskin animals need to be stopped from entering civilized human societies
@incelerated @Chudpreet
Neither left wing or right wing care about incels
IMG 5328
Kek, lookist faggot.
There's a difference between individual beauty and a nation as a whole being so ugly to the point of looking like a different species altogether
There's a difference between individual beauty and a nation as a whole being so ugly to the point of looking like a different species altogether
You're a lookist fag. Simple as.
You're a lookist fag. Simple as.
You just don't get it, I live in such nation, but you were born in Netherlands despite being brown and now feel entitled to white countries
humans must be separated from subhumans and shitskin animals need to be stopped from entering civilized human societies
hard to believe this is an incel forum sometimes.
You just don't get it, I live in such nation, but you were born in Netherlands despite being brown and now feel entitled to white countries
No? I am calling you lookist. What has them being ugly have to do with anything? What is the merit in that?
cockroach infestation
I disagree.

Whites are way worse than shitskins in violence and cruelty. You are witnessing it in Palestine rn. In 2024 a whole nation has their land stolen from them and are being genocides in broad daylight and all white countries are cheering the genocides and giving them every kind of support.

Shitskins are dumb, corrupt and weak. But overall I won't out them too much below whites because of the extreme racial violence that whites have shown throughout history.
hard to believe this is an incel forum sometimes.
I am a shitskin living in a shithole and I understand this better than retarded westerners who welcome brown animals into their countries, because I've lived among them my entire life and know who they really are and the destruction they can cause
I disagree.

Whites are way worse than shitskins in violence and cruelty. You are witnessing it in Palestine rn. In 2024 a whole nation has their land stolen from them and are being genocides in broad daylight and all white countries are cheering the genocides and giving them every kind of support.

Shitskins are dumb, corrupt and weak. But overall I won't out them too much below whites because of the extreme racial violence that whites have shown throughout history.
Jerusalem belongs to Jews since 5000 years ago, muslims usurped it, Playstation is an illegitimate country, Falastinians should go to Arab countries so they don't get genocided
Jerusalem belongs to Jews since 5000 years ago, muslims usurped it, Playstation is an illegitimate country, Falastinians should go to Arab countries so they don't get genocided
Guess what muslims did 1400 years ago to make half of the planet submit to their sandnigger god? I'll give you a hint, it was worse than anything that's happening in that shithole rn
What has them being ugly have to do with anything?
The average looks of a nation is an important predicator of how they'll behave in other countries
Guess what muslims did 1400 years ago to make half of the planet submit to their sandnigger god? I'll give you a hint, it was worse than anything that's happening in that shithole rn
It was nothing even close. Man I'm so tired rn but it has nothing to do with what is happening.

This is ethnic cleansing. It's nothing like what Arabs did. Or even mongols did.

Mongols and Arabs and every other conquerer in history they just wanted to conquer and expand their empire. They weren't after ethnic cleansing. They didn't consider themselves the superior race. Not even 50 years after mongols conquered Iran, Khaje Nasir Tusi became a very influential figure in their court and an adviser to the mongol king.IIt was the same with Arabs.

Compare that to what whites did in America and how they treated the local population. It took the so called bloodthirsty Mongols 50 years to appoint a local Iranian to an extremely high status position. It took whites 600 fucking years to make a black guy president and 400 years to consider blacks even human.

It's ridiculous to compare whites with Arabs or Mongols. The thirst for ethnic blood that whites have is unparalleled in history.
It was nothing even close. Man I'm so tired rn but it has nothing to do with what is happening.

This is ethnic cleansing. It's nothing like what Arabs did. Or even mongols did.

Mongols and Arabs and every other conquerer in history they just wanted to conquer and expand their empire. They weren't after ethnic cleansing. They didn't consider themselves the superior race. Not even 50 years after mongols conquered Iran, Khaje Nasir Tusi became a very influential figure in their court and an adviser to the mongol king.IIt was the same with Arabs.
Israel would let muslims be if they didn't ALSO want to ethnic cleanse Jews with constant attacks since 70 years ago, it's just the matter of who gets to wipe the other one first
Compare that to what whites did in America and how they treated the local population. It took the so called bloodthirsty Mongols 50 years to appoint a local Iranian to an extremely high status position. It took whites 600 fucking years to make a black guy president and 400 years to consider blacks even human.

It's ridiculous to compare whites with Arabs or Mongols. The thirst for ethnic blood that whites have is unparalleled in history.
Muslims have killed tens of millions of other religions' followers and even other muslims who had minor different beliefs, they were never a tolerant bunch

Also, ironically the biggest victim of whites has been other whites, the shitskins have just been collateral damage in whites' competition, and rightfully so due to the brutal difference in intelligent of whites and literally every other race
I’ve always seen a borderless world as fundamentally incompatible with the blackpill. There will always be a HUGE imbalance in the dating markets of multiracial societies due not only to certain races possessing higher rates of objectively attractive phenos, but also due to different people-groups adapting to wildly different sociobiological dynamics over centuries or milennia.

Inceldom will always exist and attempting to minimize it would be an incredibly complicated undertaking, but I see some sort of global segregation alongside unequivocally banning women from the workforce as the two most important and essential steps
I don't think there are races that are inferior to other races, but I do believe there are cultures that are inferior to other cultures, in my culture children are taught that they have to take advantage of others to survive because I live in a violent latino country similar to a fucking jungle, at the same time people here don't have punctuality (they are never on time to university for example) and cars tend to respect traffic norms less.

People here don't respect the norms because the norms themselves were created by corrupt politicians who want to take advantage of us, which means that if you respect social norms you're a faggot that lets other people screw you.
You're a lookist fag. Simple as.
I think what OP was referring to here, was the overall quality of the countries, living standards, etc.

Japan for example, is quite beautiful in terms of their historic advancements & much of their art, literature, etc. yet ofc, the Japanese aren't exactly the best looking people.

In fact, I find their foids some of the least-appealing out of all Asiatics.
Jerusalem belongs to Jews since 5000 years ago, muslims usurped it, Playstation is an illegitimate country, Falastinians should go to Arab countries so they don't get genocided
Disagree, idc who has it as long as it's not Jews.
cockroach infestation
Infinite Bamalians goyim! jfl.

What most here don't get, is that whilst we do hate the normies of our own race, we'd take them over these barbaric cunts.

Hate everyone, but hate those who are more of a threat more; it's basic survival instincts kicking in.
Guess what muslims did 1400 years ago to make half of the planet submit to their sandnigger god? I'll give you a hint, it was worse than anything that's happening in that shithole rn
I know it has something to do with invasion & conquest, yes, but just how brutal was it really?
I’ve always seen a borderless world as fundamentally incompatible with the blackpill. There will always be a HUGE imbalance in the dating markets of multiracial societies due not only to certain races possessing higher rates of objectively attractive phenos, but also due to different people-groups adapting to wildly different sociobiological dynamics over centuries or milennia.

Inceldom will always exist and attempting to minimize it would be an incredibly complicated undertaking, but I see some sort of global segregation alongside unequivocally banning women from the workforce as the two most important and essential steps
This. :yes::yes::yes:

Borders in a way have always existed. For example, before Germany became a unified country & was a collection of smaller Kingdoms & city-states, it still was existent as an entity in a Socio-Cultural sense, which also correlates with the fact Germans are predominantly Alpine-Nordic racially/phenotypically on average.

They are essential, since borders exist not just on a racial and/or socio-cultural level, but even amongst various "types" within populations, so to speak.

I care about it, since the lands to the South of me(aka LatAm) are literal hellholes which will pour in & make my already uneasy life more troubling. Yes, I am aware not every single one of them is a criminal type, but stats really speak for themselves.
Neither left wing or right wing care about incels
The "left" or "right" doesn't exist; Ideologies are just survival mechanisms in a sense.
Muslims have killed tens of millions of other religions' followers and even other muslims who had minor different beliefs, they were never a tolerant bunch
Sands effectively have just been downgraded Whites/Europeans for most/all of history

They invaded & subjugated many others, whilst imposing their beleifs

They de-facto ruled India for hundreds of years before Anglos showed up.

They ran a slave-trade of their own.

They also are closer to Jews originally than Whites were/are.
Also, ironically the biggest victim of whites has been other whites
This is true somewhat.

Sure, "da joos" have been responsible for a lot of issues Whites & everyone else face: However, a lot of this has been our own doing & I admit that fully.

I will address this in a thread, but part of the reason as to why our countries became like this is due to us over-exerting our growth internally which essentially "made cracks in the surface" for Jewish subversion.
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I used to be a leftist, but I woke up and realized that leftist politics are hyperfocused on helping niggers....niggers were the bane of my childhood and teen years, so why the fuck would I side with them?
What has them being ugly have to do with anything? What is the merit in that?
Idc about looks, since plenty of ugly Whites(such as myself) exist; thanks for the shit Alpinid-influence mom & the shit norwooding dad.

Merely, I pay attention to various factors such as behavior & statistics.
I used to be a leftist, but I woke up and realized that leftist politics are hyperfocused on helping niggers....niggers were the bane of my childhood and teen years, so why the fuck would I side with them?
I'm economically leftist: Not communist, but rather what I term "traditional socialism" or rather Corporatism. Which essentially amounts to adhering to the basic beliefs that some are more fit for certain roles than others, but supporting programs to make sure everyone is actually well-cared for.
I used to be a leftist too. Bought into all the colorblind bullshit. I think I was the only colorblind commie on Earth, I just wanted to keep the slimy tendrils of capitalism at bay from the working class. Alas, all my "comrades" cared about was whining about people who'd want them dead for being fags and shitting on white people for no apparent reason (jej).

Communists say that they're revolutionary in the same way that those as-seen-on-TV products proclaim that they're revolutionary. It's like biting into a piece of cake and expecting frosting and actual cake, but just getting frosting, and way too sweet frosting at that. The right wing is like this too. Anything that isn't National Socialism is nothing but smoke and mirrors.
I disagree.

Whites are way worse than shitskins in violence and cruelty. You are witnessing it in Palestine rn.

Pick one.

As another user here pointed out, the media in America & the West intentionally goes out of their way to portray Jews as closer to Whites by showcasing the most "White" looking Jews & whilst also showcasing the most shitskin MENAs.
In 2024 a whole nation has their land stolen from them and are being genocides in broad daylight and all white countries are cheering the genocides and giving them every kind of support.
See above, it's due to lookism & the media intentionally portraying Jews as "White" whilst only showing the most shitskin MENAs possible.

I don't consider these countries to actually be White for many reasons:
-Many, such as the US & Russia, have been diluted racially
-These countries are not set-up to work in favor of the Whites within them.

Main qimg ba898b33d536f4f620b57eb81049f735

Shitskins are dumb, corrupt and weak. But overall I won't out them too much below whites because of the extreme racial violence that whites have shown throughout history.
Every race has been violent, I dont see how certain acts make it any different.
This is ethnic cleansing. It's nothing like what Arabs did. Or even mongols did.
Both did kill considerable amounts of people though.

Consider the technological gap also.
Mongols and Arabs and every other conquerer in history they just wanted to conquer and expand their empire.
That's what Whites did also....

virtually every race has conquered another in someway at some point. Even Blacks conquered each other, which is how slavery began.
They weren't after ethnic cleansing. They didn't consider themselves the superior race

(what some MENA said about Whites).

Not to mention, Arabs/MENA had a slave-trade also:

Yet I've never heard about this from the MSM or anyone demand reparations for this.
. Not even 50 years after mongols conquered Iran, Khaje Nasir Tusi became a very influential figure in their court and an adviser to the mongol king.IIt was the same with Arabs.
Many Whites did the same.

They collaborated with local-rulers who sold-out their countries, Indians often held various roles within British administration of the continent.
Compare that to what whites did in America and how they treated the local population.
Most died due to disease, around 80-90% or so. Even modern Liberal scholars debate if it was a genocide.

Nowadays, Whites send them money & offer compensation for what we did.

Beforehand, not much existed in terms of civilization: Afterwards, Whites made it into a livable area which outdid Europe & achieved many scientific attainments.

Mongols, on the other hand, occupied a country which already was very developed for the time & advanced with much to adapt/learn from.
It took the so called bloodthirsty Mongols 50 years to appoint a local Iranian to an extremely high status position.
Reminder about stuff that they did:
The Mongol army conquered hundreds of cities and villages and killed millions of people. One estimate is that about 10 percent of the world's population was killed either during or immediately after the Mongolinvasions, around 37.75–60 million people in Eurasia.

Regardless of the motives or how they behaved afterwards, that still is a genocide in the literal context.
It took whites 600 fucking years to make a black guy president and 400 years to consider blacks even human.
Comparing Blacks to MENA isn't a good example, since I concede Persia & other MENA regions always had a somewhat admirable culture.

That guy who you spoke of functioned in a similar manner to the British & other Europeans co-operating with local leaders.
It's ridiculous to compare whites with Arabs or Mongols. The thirst for ethnic blood that whites have is unparalleled in history.
I'd say it's a fair comparison, when you take into account the fact that they conquered, subjugated, and imposed their beliefs on others.

You cannot deny basic biological facts, that all humans are violent regardless of race: Many on here have spoke of Asiatics seemingly cold/uncaring nature, and how Arabs behaved in a similar way to Whites in history. If let's say either group had discovered the Americas,

Heck, the Indian continent still has issues due to MENAs imposing Islam on them: Yes, I am aware of the plan the Anglos used to divide it up, but the seeds for that were planted when Arabs/Persians imposed Islam on the populace there.

@Chudpreet @Made in Heaven
It was nothing even close. Man I'm so tired rn but it has nothing to do with what is happening.

This is ethnic cleansing. It's nothing like what Arabs did. Or even mongols did.

Mongols and Arabs and every other conquerer in history they just wanted to conquer and expand their empire. They weren't after ethnic cleansing. They didn't consider themselves the superior race. Not even 50 years after mongols conquered Iran, Khaje Nasir Tusi became a very influential figure in their court and an adviser to the mongol king.IIt was the same with Arabs.

Compare that to what whites did in America and how they treated the local population. It took the so called bloodthirsty Mongols 50 years to appoint a local Iranian to an extremely high status position. It took whites 600 fucking years to make a black guy president and 400 years to consider blacks even human.

It's ridiculous to compare whites with Arabs or Mongols. The thirst for ethnic blood that whites have is unparalleled in history.
The reason I respond to stuff such as this on here, is due to the following:

I'm White, my ancestors were poor as shit & didn't do anything to anyone but themselves & other Whites. Now I'm living in a shit country(USA) which has gone to shit & is getting worse, I've been guilt-tripped in the public "education" system here for just being White, and now I have to deal with mass-immigration which has knock-on effects for housing, food, etc. not to mention, statistics don't lie about certain groups crime-rates. Which is partly why I stated how every group behaves violent; interesting to see how even certain socio-economic factors don't change much.

I'm exposed to anti-whiteness on the mainstream & here somewhat; now consider all of that plus what I said.
I used to be a leftist, but I woke up and realized that leftist politics are hyperfocused on helping niggers....niggers were the bane of my childhood and teen years, so why the fuck would I side with them?
Leftish care about helping troons and giving them too much power

Pick one.
Judaism is a religion. There definitely are some europeans who have converted to Judaism throughout thr centuries. Just like how there are white (european) muslims
As another user here pointed out, the media in America & the West intentionally goes out of their way to portray Jews as closer to Whites by showcasing the most "White" looking Jews & whilst also showcasing the most shitskin MENAs.
Yeah, and it makes it pretty easy for them when most jews in the west are ashkenazis, not yemeni jews or Chinese jews or something else. Hell, I know this one jew co worker who is a black nigger. Dark as coal in fact. Always wears his little jew hat.

It also doesnt help that most normies assume indians and pakis are arabs JFL
See above, it's due to lookism & the media intentionally portraying Jews as "White" whilst only showing the most shitskin MENAs possible.
It also has to do with Christianity making them feel kinship with kikes. When your kid is named Paul or Joseph or Nicholas or some other jew name from the Bible, and you raise your kids on jew bed tike stories about muh Israelites, there will naturally be affinity for them
I don't consider these countries to actually be White for many reasons:
-Many, such as the US & Russia, have been diluted racially
-These countries are not set-up to work in favor of the Whites within them.

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the leadership who makes decisions in these countries are largey european though, but then again, most leaders nowadays dont give a fuck about their citizenry, even in egypt, india, korea, or japan, the government only cared about GDP, not helping the common folk
Every race has been violent, I dont see how certain acts make it any different.

Both did kill considerable amounts of people though.
Brutal savagrey of humans makes me so depressed. I genuinely hate this species so much.
Consider the technological gap also.
I always tell this to my dad when he copes with "we wuz peaceful". Like no, we were just not high IQ enough to have the technology for proper chimpouts
That's what Whites did also....

virtually every race has conquered another in someway at some point. Even Blacks conquered each other, which is how slavery began.
Blacks being conquered is a good thing anyways, since it improved their genes. Lmfao at modern niggers who cry about it
Be grateful you're 30% white, dumb nigger mutt. Or do you want to be sent back to your jungle shithole?
View attachment 1234706
(what some MENA said about Whites).
It's always so funny how every race who comes into contact with niggers, even indians and yemenis, who naturally have lower IQ compared to whites, come to the same conclusion that they're retarded as fuck
Not to mention, Arabs/MENA had a slave-trade also:

Yet I've never heard about this from the MSM or anyone demand reparations for this.
Even with this, nigger should be happy. I see black monkeys who live in 1st world saudi arabia because their ancestors were slaves in the land when the country was founded, so they got automatic citizenship. Niggers often move to UAE and Oman for work JFL
Many Whites did the same.

They collaborated with local-rulers who sold-out their countries, Indians often held various roles within British administration of the continent.
This is just another evidence as to why white nationalism will have strong difficulties coming to fruition, since the elites of the white race don't have a problem teaming up with ethnic elites.

Mongols, on the other hand, occupied a country which already was very developed for the time & advanced with much to adapt/learn from.

Reminder about stuff that they did:

Regardless of the motives or how they behaved afterwards, that still is a genocide in the literal context.
Mongols are what Whites are accused of being tbh. Not saying Whites were angels or whatever, since they weren't, but the way niggers try and paint it as if they were some horde of senseless killers applies way more to Mongols than it does to Whites.
You cannot deny basic biological facts, that all humans are violent regardless of race: Many on here have spoke of Asiatics seemingly cold/uncaring nature, and how Arabs behaved in a similar way to Whites in history. If let's say either group had discovered the Americas,
Why do you think the Spanish acted differently with the natives then?
Heck, the Indian continent still has issues due to MENAs imposing Islam on them: Yes, I am aware of the plan the Anglos used to divide it up, but the seeds for that were planted when Arabs/Persians imposed Islam on the populace there.

@Chudpreet @Made in Heaven
India's problems overwhelmingly come from their Hindu religion, I think their genetics are (barely) salvageable

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