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Why I hate women (outside of sex related)

Stupid Clown

Stupid Clown

Everything burns
Nov 29, 2022
I have hated women for the longest time I can remember. Even before I went through puberty at only six years old I hated and was repelled by women. Today I want to tell you why women are objectively inferior to men and terrible to be around. First of all women are physically weaker than men. You might not find this to be that grave of a offense, but to me the fact they're treated equal in today's society but can't even survive without the help of men just annoys me. Women are also too emotional due to estrogen, which makes them less able to make good decisions and in jobs more likely to abuse power if they get a promotion. Hence why I avoid fastfood and only work in male only spaces such as factories or warehouses. Add to that they're rewarded by society for being so emotional. Emotional intelligence is a term created by a feminist journalist to make middle aged women who cry too much feel smart.

So we've already determined women are both physically and emotionally weaker but you know what else makes them inferior? Their obsession with fitting in socially. Women will adopt any popular idea without question as long as it means they can fit in socially making them more easily manipulated. It's also been proven women are more agreeable.

The worst offense of all is that personality wise women are bland. They're allowed to be bland bc they're mainly valued for looks. If you made any woman a man using some magic, I guarantee you no one would like them.

Ultimately women's only value is sex. Society only cares about them bc simps. Whenever you don't like women it's automatically assumed you don't get sex. The only reason men like women is sex. "You hate women? Go get laid loser." Women are nothing but objects of desire.
What I hate the most about biological women is their lack of a sense of justice. To them how they react to those with male faces are solely based upon facial attractiveness. If someone with an ugly male face does something, even non-sexual like just interacting with a woman, it's wrong, evil, dirty and an atrocity that requires the harshest punishment such as harassment allegations, ostracism, spreading rumors, getting them fired from their jobs, expelled from school or even arrested. But someone with an attractive male face could do the same thing and it would be met with praise, love, affection, admiration and respect. While lookism is universal to all humans, women take it to an extreme extent and literally destroy and have those considered unattractive men murdered off simply because of their looks. This is why women shouldn't be allowed in any position of authority which allows them to determine the fate of someone with a male face, simply because they will discriminate, persecute, villify and gaslight them.

Men treat unattractive people far more kindly and are at least tolerant of their presence, because they have decency, in the case of unattractive women they are even willing to date and marry them.
What I hate the most about biological women is their lack of a sense of justice. To them how they react to those with male faces are solely based upon facial attractiveness. If someone with an ugly male face does something, even non-sexual like just interacting with a woman, it's wrong, evil, dirty and an atrocity that requires the harshest punishment such as harassment allegations, ostracism, spreading rumors, getting them fired from their jobs, expelled from school or even arrested. But someone with an attractive male face could do the same thing and it would be met with praise, love, affection, admiration and respect. While lookism is universal to all humans, women take it to an extreme extent and literally destroy and have those considered unattractive men murdered off simply because of their looks. This is why women shouldn't be allowed in any position of authority which allows them to determine the fate of someone with a male face, simply because they will discriminate, persecute, villify and gaslight them.

Men treat unattractive people far more kindly and are at least tolerant of their presence, because they have decency, in the case of unattractive women they are even willing to date and marry them.
I agree one hundred percent. The problem with women morally is they judge the world through the lense of sex. Everything to them revolves around sex. To quote Buddha
"Women are insatiable in respect of two things: sex and
motherhood; so insatiable that they cannot free themselves
from these cravings before death." (Angutt, 2.6.10)
I have hated women for the longest time I can remember. Even before I went through puberty at only six years old I hated and was repelled by women. Today I want to tell you why women are objectively inferior to men and terrible to be around. First of all women are physically weaker than men. You might not find this to be that grave of a offense, but to me the fact they're treated equal in today's society but can't even survive without the help of men just annoys me. Women are also too emotional due to estrogen, which makes them less able to make good decisions and in jobs more likely to abuse power if they get a promotion. Hence why I avoid fastfood and only work in male only spaces such as factories or warehouses. Add to that they're rewarded by society for being so emotional. Emotional intelligence is a term created by a feminist journalist to make middle aged women who cry too much feel smart.

So we've already determined women are both physically and emotionally weaker but you know what else makes them inferior? Their obsession with fitting in socially. Women will adopt any popular idea without question as long as it means they can fit in socially making them more easily manipulated. It's also been proven women are more agreeable.

The worst offense of all is that personality wise women are bland. They're allowed to be bland bc they're mainly valued for looks. If you made any woman a man using some magic, I guarantee you no one would like them.

Ultimately women's only value is sex. Society only cares about them bc simps. Whenever you don't like women it's automatically assumed you don't get sex. The only reason men like women is sex. "You hate women? Go get laid loser." Women are nothing but objects of desire.
Their duplicity is a problem too. They act nice to the alpha and act mean to the beta. They cater to the chad and leave us behind.
women continuously use deception to drag the world to evil
I agree one hundred percent. The problem with women morally is they judge the world through the lense of sex. Everything to them revolves around sex. To quote Buddha
"Women are insatiable in respect of two things: sex and
motherhood; so insatiable that they cannot free themselves
from these cravings before death." (Angutt, 2.6.10)
Women are the most unreliable creatures ever. :feelspuke:
What i hate the most is how they’re all basically the same. The all have the same reactions and behaviors
Females are the subhumans. Literally. They are like male humans, but lack a Y-chromosome. Females have 2 X chromosomes, but one of them is inactive, so it's like if you took the genes from a male, and then cut about 30% of the information out -- that's what a female is. Due to the lack of a Y chromosome these subhumans have 15% smaller skulls and therefore smaller brains and diminished intelligence and creativity. They also reach full maturity at age 12, not just for giving birth but also their brains are fully mature at that age too. This explains why females are all retarded, and cry like immature babies when they don't get their way. Their brains stopped maturing at 12 years old.
What i hate the most is how they’re all basically the same. The all have the same reactions and behaviors
This is true. They're all so predictable and unselfaware that it's hard to view them as anything more than robots. That's why "foid" (female android) works so well to describe them.

Females are the subhumans. Literally. They are like male humans, but lack a Y-chromosome. Females have 2 X chromosomes, but one of them is inactive, so it's like if you took the genes from a male, and then cut about 30% of the information out -- that's what a female is. Due to the lack of a Y chromosome these subhumans have 15% smaller skulls and therefore smaller brains and diminished intelligence and creativity. They also reach full maturity at age 12, not just for giving birth but also their brains are fully mature at that age too. This explains why females are all retarded, and cry like immature babies when they don't get their way. Their brains stopped maturing at 12 years old.

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