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Theory Why Females can't have autism, definitive proof



5'6 sperg
Jun 10, 2022
This post is a bit lengthy so I don't blame anyone for not reading this. This will be a kulmination of all my research and theory crafting over the span of 3 years. I will try to keep it coherent and I will post sources as I go. I also encourage any IT infiltrator to read this, as it will be fun reading your "debunks" on my theory. I will call it a theory even though I know I am right since I am not a qualified psychologist or neurologist. I will also preface by saying I also have autism and this is in no way a way to "hate" on people having autism.


How did I even come up with this theory to begin with? Truthfully I had no opinion on this matter a few years ago, it never even crossed my mind. To think that it would be a difference between females and males was not something I cared or knew about. This all changed however during the advent of people faking having diagnoses on the internet. I am not talking about only autism, it was mostly ADHD and Tourettes. These super obvious attention seekers made me sceptical to people saying they had a diagnosis. Before I just took people at their word but after I learned a lot of about mentall illnesses and started researching them on my own time. This led me to having a deeper understanding on not only my own but others as well. I started noticing on my own when people lied or were truthful about their condition. This even came at a head when I noticed someone in real life faking it for the first time. I was dumbfounded and wanted to know more. Also it was no coincidence (as I will get into later) that almost all of the people faking it were women. Now I am not going to brush upon other mental illnesses, as I believe (and has seen first hand) that women indeed can have stuff like Tourettes and mainly ADHD. I was aquinted with someone that had ADHD in my school. He was on the more rough side and it was very noticable that he had it, Because I was around him and got to know him I understood more about how ADHD "looks". Years later I met a women with ADHD, and she was almost in the exact same way. However in the case of autism, this never accured to me. I never noticed any woman that shared the same traits as me, or anyone else I knew with autism. When I met fellow men with autism I could almost instantly recognise he had it, same with him for me. But this has never come up with women, I have only met 1 or 2 women who claims they actively had it, and if it werent for them telling me I wouldn't even have guessed it. They told me it was because of "masking" (Which I will explain later) and that is why I hadn't noticed it. Which is what, ultimately, led me down the rabbit hole.

We will begin with actual tangible proof on why women can't have autism. And later, the more subjective theories.


First of all, this. This is a standford medical journal. I'll spare you the boring parts. “We detected significant differences between the brains of boys and girls with autism, and obtained individualized predictions of clinical symptoms in girls,”. Okay. "Significant difference between the brains". Okay so there is, quite literally a difference of the brain between the two genders when it comes to autism. How could that, in any capacity, be called the same mental illness. As I will say again, ADHD is the same in Men and Women, that's why its called the same thing and not two different things. "suggesting gender-specific diagnostics are needed" I agree.

Also I like to point out, brain scans are an important part of knowing and diagnosing people with autism. It works, it isn't some coincidence. People with autism have quite literally a different brain. So if scans are important then surely this has to be: "Using 678 of the brain scans from children with autism, the researchers developed an algorithm that could distinguish between boys and girls with 86% accuracy." In the same vein you can use brain scans to diagnose autism, you can also detect if the person is a male of female "autist". How curious.

Then we have this paper on the matter. They too came up with a similar conclusion but with a fun twist. They found out that females with "autism" are more like neurotypical males, than males with autism. How funny. You could call it "Tomboy illness".

I also forgot to mention the fact that autism is about 2-5 times more common in males than females. Which in and of itself is not proof, but using critical thinking you could figure out the connection.

And if you think I am biased, only searching up proof that supports me, thats wrong. Difference in autism between females and males is a widely known and accepted fact. There is even a wikipedia article on it

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_and_gender_differences_in_autism#:~:text=Similar to the "female%20phenotype,more%20frequently%20than%20autistic%20men.

But this is not what I am trying to prove, since it already has been, I am saying that women cant even have it. Which leads me to my next part. The theories.


Let's dwelve into this whole masking thing shall we?

Now what the fuck even is masking. Honestly? No clue, since I can't experience it myself I can only tell you what others have described it as. But know one thing, not me, or ANY OTHER autistic male I have ever met can mask. Masking is essentially "hiding" your symptoms. Making it harder for psychiatrists to diagnose and harder for people to even know you have it. Here is the problem though... Masking is a paradox. Autism as you may well know is a mentall illness, a defect in your brain that is uncurable. One of the most obvious symtoms of autism is a lack of social skills, cues and other parts. This translates to bad eye contact, anxious behaviour when talking to new people, trouble speaking, fidgeting, and being weird and awkard. For example an autistic person have trouble knowing when to stop talking, or talking about appropriate stuff. This is a thing BURNT INTO YOUR BRAIN. You can't get rid of this no matter how much you tried. It's like telling a person that is allergic to something to "just stop being allergic". It's something you can't get rid of, something you can't magically train away fully. How then is it that female autist have this magical super convienient super power that just lets them totally ignore some symtoms of autism? Because they don't have it. Either they are delusional and think that they have it, have something else, or is intentionally lying to get attention. Something I have seen first hand happen. Why would females have this and not men? It makes totally zero sense. This is why I am convinced no female can have autism. I have even met females who thought they had it, were totally convinced but when they did the check up, womp womp they didn't have it. Total shocker. I have a theory though.

Male autism can be simply chalked down as a big increase in the logical thinking part of the brain, leaving less room for emotional. This is also common in men without autism, E.I men being more inclined to have a bigger logical part brain than women, who on the contrary is inclinded to have a bigger emotional part of the brain. Then, knowing this. It could be that autism just increases the part of the brain that is more for your gender. Autistic males get bigger logical brains while "autistic" females get a bigger emotional brain, leaving out logic. This makes sense since the few female "autists" I have met have been very sensitive and emotional, not at all acting like men with autism. That's just a theory though, an autism theory.

If you did read, even a small bit I would like to hear your thoughts on the matter, or if you have your own stories to tell. Also if you would like to try to debunk or prove me wrong, that is welcome too. I am always open to have a good open chat about this, since I am open minded. Thank you for your time.
I've known this for years, but thank you for these citations, yo
I've known this for years, but thank you for these citations, yo
There are more if you are interested, just a quick Google search away. It's refreshing know people actually agree on this, this is really the only place I could have posted this. If I had posted it anywhere else I would have been skinned alive.
Also I am aware that @Samurai did a post on this exact same matter too recently. However I feel as my post was a little bit more "scientific" with actual proof, however I do agree with the points he made and recommend reading his posts as well.

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