Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Why "fakecels" joining this forum is a good sign, actually



taking a break from reality
Jun 1, 2024
When I say fakecels, I am not referring to blatantly obvious infiltrators like chads or chadlites.

I am referring to nearcels.

Men who are dangerously close to being incels but are just barely too good to be welcomed on this forum.

These are your LTN-MTNs. Most people here will not be very happy about them joining, and will go out of their way to call them out and scoff at them, because they believe their situation is way worse and that these nearcels at least have a chance of ascending unlike them.

And rightfully so, nearcels are obviously much better off than truecels and probably do have a chance of ascension (albeit not a very good one).

But this is actually a good sign. This means that the bar for ascension is rising higher and higher. A man that once upon a time was considered good enough to easily find a date is now so disappointed at his modern day dating options that he decided to join this forum instead.

This is why the blackpill is slowly starting to become more and more mainstream. Before you say, "but it's because of ITfags or tiktokers faking fun of us!"
Consider this. More and more people making fun of incels isn't the cause of the blackpill becoming mainstream, it's THE SYMPTOM.

The more mainstream an ideology is, the more likely it is for people to target it. Just under a decade ago, the average joe probably had no clue what incel meant, but nowadays it seems like every normie and foid has at least heard of it or has a good idea of what it is.

Here is a google trends graph of how often the term "incel" has been googled since 2004:


As you can see, during 2016 or earlier, the term "incel" was almost unheard of.
But during 2017, it started rising and eventually skyrocketed.
It has now undeniably become mainstream and is still very relevant.

But what good does that serve for us? Why should we care if there are more and more men identifying as incel or if the blackpill is becoming more mainstream?

Other than the obvious benefit of more people being aware that this problem exists, this can have major consequences on society as a whole.

Reproduction is undeniably one of the most important aspects that keep any society going. When it starts to decline, society starts to decline.
And decline it has.

Birth rates have been on the decline since the 20th century.
It went from each female having on average around 5 children in the 1950s to an alarming 2.2 children in 2021.

This is an issue. Not because it means the population is going to start declining, but because the population of YOUNG PEOPLE is going to start rapidly declining.
There are less and less new people being born each year, which means there will inevitably come a point in time where the majority of the population consists of older people, people who are on the verge of retirement. People that CAN'T keep society going.

Society will collapse. Literally.
Governments are taking notice of this issue. They aren't really doing anything about it, but sooner or later they will have to.

My theory is that if birth rates continue to decline more and more as a result of foids having more and more unrealistic expectations for men, governments will eventually step in and try to do anything they can to counter this. No country is going to survive on a population that is dominated by old people. This means, you guessed it, it is in their favor for lonely men like us to have a chance of mating/reproduction.

How will they make that happen? I have no clue. But this will undeniably lead to corruption as they will try to do anything they can to save their declining birth rates in order to survive. Our problem now becomes THEIR PROBLEM. And unlike us, they have the power to actually do something about it.
is not a good sign, they are dating women and and sticking their fingers inside them while they larp as incels, meanwhile you make threads empathizing with them and spending the rest of the day watching anime
NTA but normals ruin everything they touch suddenly we wont be able to say nigger and suddenly you cant call foid a foid or toilet, gatekeeping is the way.
NTA but normals ruin everything they touch suddenly we wont be able to say nigger and suddenly you cant foid a foid or toilet, gatekeeping is the way.
gatekeeping is fine. I am just saying that the fact that they are joining in the first place means they are running out of options.
Its not really a good sign at all...
Society will collapse. Literally.
Governments are taking notice of this issue. They aren't really doing anything about it, but sooner or later they will have to.
Heart tells me it will happen, but mind tells me the soy Governments are too evil to be incompetent.
Its not really a good sign at all...
it's a bad sign for society, but a good sign for us because it means we will no longer be in the minority.

Right now, inceldom is just our problem. If there are enough incels, it will become soyciety's problem.
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I'm not a trucel, I'm not facially deformed, but what am I supposed to do if all the women ignore me and decide that my existence is worthless to them? sit in my dark room alone and talk to the wall?

Of course these communities are full of mtn's, that's how bad things are today

Being average is no longer enough
it's a bad sign for soyciety, but a good sign for us because it means we will no longer be in the minority.

Right now, inceldom is just our problem. If there are enough incels, it will become soyciety's problem.
Gigantic cope tbh. Most lonely men have already been neutralized by porn & video games.
Sub 7 theory becoming practical? :feelshmm:
Gigantic cope tbh. Most lonely men have already been neutralized by porn & video games.
read the post. The lonely men that are watching porn aren't reproducing. This is a societal problem, because if half of your country's men are jerking off instead of reproducing, your country is going to shit.
read the post. The lonely men that are watching porn aren't reproducing. This is a societal problem, because if half of your country's men are jerking off instead of reproducing, your country is going to shit.
The Elites will just make up another ZOGwar to get rid of all the excess males

Its brutally over for us
Chad will father the new population while we rot
JoinedJun 1, 2024Posts7,852 = didnt read
When I say fakecels, I am not referring to blatantly obvious infiltrators like chads or chadlites.

I am referring to nearcels.

Men who are dangerously close to being incels but are just barely too good to be welcomed on this forum.

These are your LTN-MTNs. Most people here will not be very happy about them joining, and will go out of their way to call them out and scoff at them, because they believe their situation is way worse and that these nearcels at least have a chance of ascending unlike them.

And rightfully so, nearcels are obviously much better off than truecels and probably do have a chance of ascension (albeit not a very good one).

But this is actually a good sign. This means that the bar for ascension is rising higher and higher. A man that once upon a time was considered good enough to easily find a date is now so disappointed at his modern day dating options that he decided to join this forum instead.

This is why the blackpill is slowly starting to become more and more mainstream. Before you say, "but it's because of ITfags or tiktokers faking fun of us!"
Consider this. More and more people making fun of incels isn't the cause of the blackpill becoming mainstream, it's THE SYMPTOM.

The more mainstream an ideology is, the more likely it is for people to target it. Just under a decade ago, the average joe probably had no clue what incel meant, but nowadays it seems like every normie and foid has at least heard of it or has a good idea of what it is.

Here is a google trends graph of how often the term "incel" has been googled since 2004:

View attachment 1200201

As you can see, during 2016 or earlier, the term "incel" was almost unheard of.
But during 2017, it started rising and eventually skyrocketed.
It has now undeniably become mainstream and is still very relevant.

But what good does that serve for us? Why should we care if there are more and more men identifying as incel or if the blackpill is becoming more mainstream?

Other than the obvious benefit of more people being aware that this problem exists, this can have major consequences on society as a whole.

Reproduction is undeniably one of the most important aspects that keep any society going. When it starts to decline, society starts to decline.
And decline it has.

Birth rates have been on the decline since the 20th century.
It went from each female having on average around 5 children in the 1950s to an alarming 2.2 children in 2021.

This is an issue. Not because it means the population is going to start declining, but because the population of YOUNG PEOPLE is going to start rapidly declining.
There are less and less new people being born each year, which means there will inevitably come a point in time where the majority of the population consists of older people, people who are on the verge of retirement. People that CAN'T keep society going.

Society will collapse. Literally.
Governments are taking notice of this issue. They aren't really doing anything about it, but sooner or later they will have to.

My theory is that if birth rates continue to decline more and more as a result of foids having more and more unrealistic expectations for men, governments will eventually step in and try to do anything they can to counter this. No country is going to survive on a population that is dominated by old people. This means, you guessed it, it is in their favor for lonely men like us to have a chance of mating/reproduction.

How will they make that happen? I have no clue. But this will undeniably lead to corruption as they will try to do anything they can to save their declining birth rates in order to survive. Our problem now becomes THEIR PROBLEM. And unlike us, they have the power to actually do something about it.
don't care normies ruin everything, fuck off
is not a good sign, they are dating women and and sticking their fingers inside them while they larp as incels, meanwhile you make threads empathizing with them and spending the rest of the day watching anime
don't care normies ruin everything, fuck off
I am not empathizing with normies at all.

I’m just saying that the fact that even normies are starting to become deprived enough to join an incel forum shows a strong possibility of a societal collapse or government intervention if foids keep gatekeeping their pussies like this. Either of which is in our best interest.
Just let normies ruin your community theory
Just let normies ruin your community theory
That’s not what I’m saying at all.

We can continue to ban normies, but the fact that they were desperate enough to join in the first place means everything is going to shit.
When I say fakecels, I am not referring to blatantly obvious infiltrators like chads or chadlites.

I am referring to nearcels.

Men who are dangerously close to being incels but are just barely too good to be welcomed on this forum.

These are your LTN-MTNs. Most people here will not be very happy about them joining, and will go out of their way to call them out and scoff at them, because they believe their situation is way worse and that these nearcels at least have a chance of ascending unlike them.

And rightfully so, nearcels are obviously much better off than truecels and probably do have a chance of ascension (albeit not a very good one).

But this is actually a good sign. This means that the bar for ascension is rising higher and higher. A man that once upon a time was considered good enough to easily find a date is now so disappointed at his modern day dating options that he decided to join this forum instead.

This is why the blackpill is slowly starting to become more and more mainstream. Before you say, "but it's because of ITfags or tiktokers faking fun of us!"
Consider this. More and more people making fun of incels isn't the cause of the blackpill becoming mainstream, it's THE SYMPTOM.

The more mainstream an ideology is, the more likely it is for people to target it. Just under a decade ago, the average joe probably had no clue what incel meant, but nowadays it seems like every normie and foid has at least heard of it or has a good idea of what it is.

Here is a google trends graph of how often the term "incel" has been googled since 2004:

View attachment 1200201

As you can see, during 2016 or earlier, the term "incel" was almost unheard of.
But during 2017, it started rising and eventually skyrocketed.
It has now undeniably become mainstream and is still very relevant.

But what good does that serve for us? Why should we care if there are more and more men identifying as incel or if the blackpill is becoming more mainstream?

Other than the obvious benefit of more people being aware that this problem exists, this can have major consequences on society as a whole.

Reproduction is undeniably one of the most important aspects that keep any society going. When it starts to decline, society starts to decline.
And decline it has.

Birth rates have been on the decline since the 20th century.
It went from each female having on average around 5 children in the 1950s to an alarming 2.2 children in 2021.

This is an issue. Not because it means the population is going to start declining, but because the population of YOUNG PEOPLE is going to start rapidly declining.
There are less and less new people being born each year, which means there will inevitably come a point in time where the majority of the population consists of older people, people who are on the verge of retirement. People that CAN'T keep society going.

Society will collapse. Literally.
Governments are taking notice of this issue. They aren't really doing anything about it, but sooner or later they will have to.

My theory is that if birth rates continue to decline more and more as a result of foids having more and more unrealistic expectations for men, governments will eventually step in and try to do anything they can to counter this. No country is going to survive on a population that is dominated by old people. This means, you guessed it, it is in their favor for lonely men like us to have a chance of mating/reproduction.

How will they make that happen? I have no clue. But this will undeniably lead to corruption as they will try to do anything they can to save their declining birth rates in order to survive. Our problem now becomes THEIR PROBLEM. And unlike us, they have the power to actually do something about it.
Declining birth rates are their (Shlomo's) goal.
Importing more and more niggers and sandniggers is their answer to a "problem" that these elites created by themselves.
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is not a good sign, they are dating women and and sticking their fingers inside them while they larp as incels, meanwhile you make threads empathizing with them and spending the rest of the day watching anime
I can tell you, btw, that there are lots of children where I live. But they're foreign ones. Sand immigrants are having big families right now.
I am not empathizing with normies at all.

I’m just saying that the fact that even normies are starting to become deprived enough to join an incel forum shows a strong possibility of a societal collapse or government intervention if foids keep gatekeeping their pussies like this. Either of which is in our best interest.
Lol, the government will never do anything for an incel or a normal. In fact, hypergamy is literally a way that they use to reduce the population, since the 1990s, at least the brainwashing of femoids with Disney cartoons, TV series, movies, etc. began. Klaus Schwab constantly talked about this at the international economic forum about the fourth industrial Revolution that by 2035 they are elites 86% of restaurant jobs, 75% of retail jobs and 60% of entertainment jobs should be automated in time. This makes sense of hypergamy, LGBT, feminism and other things in order to reduce the number of young disappointed people who have nothing to lose and they can rebel if there are too many.
When I say fakecels, I am not referring to blatantly obvious infiltrators like chads or chadlites.

I am referring to nearcels.

Men who are dangerously close to being incels but are just barely too good to be welcomed on this forum.

These are your LTN-MTNs. Most people here will not be very happy about them joining, and will go out of their way to call them out and scoff at them, because they believe their situation is way worse and that these nearcels at least have a chance of ascending unlike them.

And rightfully so, nearcels are obviously much better off than truecels and probably do have a chance of ascension (albeit not a very good one).

But this is actually a good sign. This means that the bar for ascension is rising higher and higher. A man that once upon a time was considered good enough to easily find a date is now so disappointed at his modern day dating options that he decided to join this forum instead.

This is why the blackpill is slowly starting to become more and more mainstream. Before you say, "but it's because of ITfags or tiktokers faking fun of us!"
Consider this. More and more people making fun of incels isn't the cause of the blackpill becoming mainstream, it's THE SYMPTOM.

The more mainstream an ideology is, the more likely it is for people to target it. Just under a decade ago, the average joe probably had no clue what incel meant, but nowadays it seems like every normie and foid has at least heard of it or has a good idea of what it is.

Here is a google trends graph of how often the term "incel" has been googled since 2004:

View attachment 1200201

As you can see, during 2016 or earlier, the term "incel" was almost unheard of.
But during 2017, it started rising and eventually skyrocketed.
It has now undeniably become mainstream and is still very relevant.

But what good does that serve for us? Why should we care if there are more and more men identifying as incel or if the blackpill is becoming more mainstream?

Other than the obvious benefit of more people being aware that this problem exists, this can have major consequences on society as a whole.

Reproduction is undeniably one of the most important aspects that keep any society going. When it starts to decline, society starts to decline.
And decline it has.

Birth rates have been on the decline since the 20th century.
It went from each female having on average around 5 children in the 1950s to an alarming 2.2 children in 2021.

This is an issue. Not because it means the population is going to start declining, but because the population of YOUNG PEOPLE is going to start rapidly declining.
There are less and less new people being born each year, which means there will inevitably come a point in time where the majority of the population consists of older people, people who are on the verge of retirement. People that CAN'T keep society going.

Society will collapse. Literally.
Governments are taking notice of this issue. They aren't really doing anything about it, but sooner or later they will have to.

My theory is that if birth rates continue to decline more and more as a result of foids having more and more unrealistic expectations for men, governments will eventually step in and try to do anything they can to counter this. No country is going to survive on a population that is dominated by old people. This means, you guessed it, it is in their favor for lonely men like us to have a chance of mating/reproduction.

How will they make that happen? I have no clue. But this will undeniably lead to corruption as they will try to do anything they can to save their declining birth rates in order to survive. Our problem now becomes THEIR PROBLEM. And unlike us, they have the power to actually do something about it.
birthrate is overarted
I am not empathizing with normies at all.

I’m just saying that the fact that even normies are starting to become deprived enough to join an incel forum shows a strong possibility of a societal collapse or government intervention if foids keep gatekeeping their pussies like this. Either of which is in our best interest.
Only young people are capable of revolution or rebellion, but not those over 30+ years old. Therefore, by the time of the 4th industrial revolution in 2035, there should be few young people so that the potential danger is over for the elites. This is the diabolical plan of the elite, they want to permanently isolate themselves from the proles, and that the proles will never be able to stop them in this endeavor. Interestingly, this all fits well into the concept of the Fourth Industrial Revolution by Klaus Schwab, where for the lower classes life will take place mainly in the virtual space, and for the elite - in the real one.
Therefore, in the future there will be a class rift not only in terms of material wealth, but also, if possible, to lead a full-fledged sexual life. For some men, sex will be available only in the virtual world in the form of its imitation (webcam, online dance, 3D pornography, communication with a "female" chatbot).
birthrate is overarted
You’re wrong GrAY. A higher birth rate is better for the economy because it decreases the percentage of older people in the population.

Old people are expensive to care for and provide very little in return. Governments need to pay them retirement funds, provide them with senior discounts, and have constant medical services provided for them as they develop health issues more often (at a reduced cost btw).
is not a good sign, they are dating women and and sticking their fingers inside them while they larp as incels, meanwhile you make threads empathizing with them and spending the rest of the day watching anime
When I say fakecels, I am not referring to blatantly obvious infiltrators like chads or chadlites.

I am referring to nearcels.

Men who are dangerously close to being incels but are just barely too good to be welcomed on this forum.

These are your LTN-MTNs. Most people here will not be very happy about them joining, and will go out of their way to call them out and scoff at them, because they believe their situation is way worse and that these nearcels at least have a chance of ascending unlike them.

And rightfully so, nearcels are obviously much better off than truecels and probably do have a chance of ascension (albeit not a very good one).

But this is actually a good sign. This means that the bar for ascension is rising higher and higher. A man that once upon a time was considered good enough to easily find a date is now so disappointed at his modern day dating options that he decided to join this forum instead.

This is why the blackpill is slowly starting to become more and more mainstream. Before you say, "but it's because of ITfags or tiktokers faking fun of us!"
Consider this. More and more people making fun of incels isn't the cause of the blackpill becoming mainstream, it's THE SYMPTOM.

The more mainstream an ideology is, the more likely it is for people to target it. Just under a decade ago, the average joe probably had no clue what incel meant, but nowadays it seems like every normie and foid has at least heard of it or has a good idea of what it is.

Here is a google trends graph of how often the term "incel" has been googled since 2004:

View attachment 1200201

As you can see, during 2016 or earlier, the term "incel" was almost unheard of.
But during 2017, it started rising and eventually skyrocketed.
It has now undeniably become mainstream and is still very relevant.

But what good does that serve for us? Why should we care if there are more and more men identifying as incel or if the blackpill is becoming more mainstream?

Other than the obvious benefit of more people being aware that this problem exists, this can have major consequences on society as a whole.

Reproduction is undeniably one of the most important aspects that keep any society going. When it starts to decline, society starts to decline.
And decline it has.

Birth rates have been on the decline since the 20th century.
It went from each female having on average around 5 children in the 1950s to an alarming 2.2 children in 2021.

This is an issue. Not because it means the population is going to start declining, but because the population of YOUNG PEOPLE is going to start rapidly declining.
There are less and less new people being born each year, which means there will inevitably come a point in time where the majority of the population consists of older people, people who are on the verge of retirement. People that CAN'T keep society going.

Society will collapse. Literally.
Governments are taking notice of this issue. They aren't really doing anything about it, but sooner or later they will have to.

My theory is that if birth rates continue to decline more and more as a result of foids having more and more unrealistic expectations for men, governments will eventually step in and try to do anything they can to counter this. No country is going to survive on a population that is dominated by old people. This means, you guessed it, it is in their favor for lonely men like us to have a chance of mating/reproduction.

How will they make that happen? I have no clue. But this will undeniably lead to corruption as they will try to do anything they can to save their declining birth rates in order to survive. Our problem now becomes THEIR PROBLEM. And unlike us, they have the power to actually do something about it.

Good point.

Here's mine : in the future there will be a distinction between and incel (state of being) and a blackpiller (belief).

Ideas and concepts which have been researched and packaged by incels have formed what we call the blackpill.

If the blackpill is true, everyone should be made aware of it, not just incels.

What the blackpill should not become though, is some form of evolutionary excuse for whoredom and immoral female behaviours.
Only young people are capable of revolution or rebellion, but not those over 30+ years old. Therefore, by the time of the 4th industrial revolution in 2035, there should be few young people so that the potential danger is over for the elites.
Having such few young people IS THE DANGER. If 75% of your population is dying or retired, you have a REAL PROBLEM.
Such a country would be invaded and taken over so easily because of their lack of military resources (they have such few young people that their army and military defenses would be a joke).

Not to mention all of their resources will be depleted by the older, dying population. The economy will crash completely. This will never work, not even on paper.
Having such few young people IS THE DANGER. If 75% of your population is dying or retired, you have a REAL PROBLEM.
Such a country would be invaded and taken over so easily because of their lack of military resources (they have such few young people that their army and military defenses would be a joke).

Not to mention all of their resources will be depleted by the older, dying population. The economy will crash completely. This will never work, not even on paper.
I agree
Having such few young people IS THE DANGER. If 75% of your population is dying or retired, you have a REAL PROBLEM.
Such a country would be invaded and taken over so easily because of their lack of military resources (they have such few young people that their army and military defenses would be a joke).

Not to mention all of their resources will be depleted by the older, dying population. The economy will crash completely. This will never work, not even on paper.
Japan and Italy still exist somehow, although in Japan the average resident is 50+ years old, and the average Italian is 45 years old. Japan does not like migrants, because of the reluctance of the population. Italy does not import migrants because they have the worst economy of all Western Europe and most of the migrants who get there use it as transit to get to Germany or France. Why have Italy and Japan, with such an old population, still failed as states?
Japan and Italy still exist somehow, although in Japan the average resident is 50+ years old, and the average Italian is 45 years old. Japan does not like migrants, because of the reluctance of the population. Italy does not import migrants because they have the worst economy of all Western Europe and most of the migrants who get there use it as transit to get to Germany or France. Why have Italy and Japan, with such an old population, still failed as states?
Italy is literally a ticking time bomb
What the blackpill should not become though, is some form of evolutionary excuse for whoredom and immoral female behaviours.
Some cucked men that know about the blackpill actually use it to justify female behaviour. I have no idea why everyone is so obsessed with selling the idea that foids are innocent and everything they do is justified.
How is society collapsing good for us?
They want birthrates to decline for humans. They want birthrates to increase for niggers

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