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Blackpill Why Elliot Rodger was a truecel.



Incel Revolutionary
Sep 5, 2018
I truly believe that Elliot Rodger was a truecel and I'll explain why I believe that, I've read his manifesto and also listened to it with an audio book (By BasedShaman) and I advise everyone on the forum and every incel to listen to Elliot and to try to understand his reasoning. Many guys on the forum will call Elliot a fraud and a fakecel but these guys don't understand certain things and I'll try to explain it:

Elliot Rodger was autistic:

Yes, Elliot was autistic just like many of us are probably autistic to a certain degree, I don't know how deep Elliot was in his autism but it wasn't to such an extent that he couldn't socialize. In the manifesto of Elliot Rodger you can read about Elliot in his pre-puberty years, he had friends like all normal people and even had friends up until he went ER. Elliot Rodger sure had autism but it didn't withheld him from creating friends as a kid. A full blown autistic people wouldn't be able to create friendships at all. Elliot had IRL friends and he even used to play games with his IRL friends (including WoW). But we can conclude that Elliot indeed had some form of autism which is also a genetic trait into the human being, autism could be inherited by your kids and grandchildren.

The mental state alone is enough for us to accept Elliot as a truecel, how the fuck can you get a female and have a relationship when the most important part of your body (your fucking brains) are fucked up? I personally am to autistic to even bond to a female, yes I want to fuck because I have an urge just like an animal but I can't create an emotional bond with the other gender (+ I'm ugly AF).

Elliot Rodger wasn't good looking:

Everyone who has gone to the depths of lookism and understands what facial and body features are necessarily to be considered attractive would also understand that Elliot Rodger is far from an attractive guy. Yes he was not repulsive, but not being repulsive isn't enough to attract females, we also need to take into consideration that Elliot Rodger lived in Santa Barbara (Isla Vista) and in specific in a community where high ranked tall white people were the majority of the area and the people where Elliot Rodger came into contact with in his daily life. Elliot Rodger was 5'7 and had a very feminine face, YES he was not ugly (but yet not being ugly is NOT ENOUGH) but he definitely was not a Chad or even high normie tier like some people here claim. Imo he was a 4/10 and maybe a 5/10 and he was a frauding 5'7 manlet. JFL at people calling Elliot Rodger a fakecel, those people who call him a fakecel are probably themselves 6'0 or higher.

Elliot Rodger was a fakecel because of his high standards:

You fucking idiot, no female has given him any attention (not even landwhales) and because of the information we now have we know why females were not caring about him. He was a fucking MANLET in fucking LA, that's enough to know why he didn't get female validation. He lived in the capital of worldwide female hypergamy, nobody here would get female validation. I'm sure that if a normal looking girl (a 4 or a 5) would've given him attention and validation, that he would've never gone ER. But these sluts themselves have to high standards, that's why the supreme gentleman wanted to play the same game. Elliot was delusional in thinking that he could've get a high standard woman, Elliot didn't understand the issue of female SMV (if he only stayed alive for a few years extra he would understand). Conclusion: trying to pursue high standards as a truecel doesn't make you a fakecel. I'm a 4/10 manlet truecel (especially considering the country and area where i live), if I would chase for high standards and thinking I would get one I would just playing myself into delusion. Elliot Rodger was delusional, but not a fakecel because he wanted good looking woman. If ugly women didn't had standards and would let Elliot know they validated him, the tragedy would never happen.

TLDR: Elliot Rodger was a truecel considering his feminine looks and his location.
ER still mogs most of the forums
Elliot Rodger reminds me a lot of my early self, to a certain degree.
I wouldn't say truecel. He was an average-looking mentalcel manlet.
I wouldn't say truecel. He was an average-looking mentalcel manlet.

He looked feminine, that's imo the same lvl as being truecel. Women HATE feminine looking guys, average looking guys don't necessarily look feminine.

Average looking without feminine traits > Average looking with feminine traits.
Women HATE feminine looking guys,
I'm not so sure about it.

This guy for example mogs me hard even though he's borderline a trap.

If you go to his IG there are lot of both men and women fawning over him. Being good-looking is more important than being feminine or masculine.
I'm not so sure about it.

This guy for example mogs me hard even though he's borderline a trap.

If you go to his IG there are lot of both men and women fawning over him. Being good-looking is more important than being feminine or masculine.

That's a trap? Looks like a faggot, probably running the status/famous game and has a big following of soyboys and feminists.
That's a trap? Looks like a faggot, probably running the status/famous game and has a big following of soyboys and feminists.
yeah only young prepubescent girls will find that attractive.
That's a trap? Looks like a faggot, probably running the status/famous game and has a big following of soyboys and feminists.
Not a full trap but I think he's pretty close.

I doubt he couldn't get a women to fuck him if he wanted. Remember that girls "fuck" other girls very often.
but not being repulsive isn't enough to attract females
This is what coping incels, failed normies and cuckqueer incels in denial need to understand.
You don't have to be ugly/disgusting to be SEXUALLY unattractive. Average looking men simply aren't sexually attractive.
yeah only young prepubescent girls will find that attractive.
B-but I thought prepubescent girls were pure angels without sexuality? :ha..feels::waitwhat:
Exactly. It didn't matter that ER fantasized about blonde stacies when no woman ever showed interest in him. All of my normie tier friends have been approached by foids at least a few times in their lives. I never have.

Also, as a hapa myself, I know the extreme racism women have towards Asian men (Hapas are always considered Asian for sexual judgement unless they're super white looking).
He was undesirable for sure but not ‘truecel’
High IQ.

Never understood why some here call him a fakecel tbh.
he could've escortmaxxed, he had the resources

I've spoken to many guys who went escortmaxxing, many regret it and said it's not worth it. There is no real female validation...
Well put, lets not forget he was an ethnic, a hapa manlet, no one wants hapas unless they are female.
I've spoken to many guys who went escortmaxxing, many regret it and said it's not worth it. There is no real female validation...

Sex wasn’t all he sought though, feeling loved and validated were just as important to him.
may be true, but for most people being the child of a rich director, driving a BMW, and living in Hollywood would be validating enough. the man was a self-hating Asian who wanted a tall blonde GF, no wonder he was unhappy
Some guys think it is over for them when it really wasn't....

I think Elliot Rodger is the odd case of someone who doesn't look bad that for whatever reason becomes an incel.

Pewdiepie shows incel tendencies even though he is basically a male model in terms of looks and has an extremely attractive girl friend.
A truecel might be an overstatement but he was definitely an incel and a locationcel. He was a 3 at best in his location, and his high standards were just cope stemming from foids not wanting his small dick. But he'd also be an incel in less brutal locations since he was not NT and sub-6 in all locations.
You wrote a manifesto, went on a killing spree and blew your brains out because of your inceldom? Sry bud, truecels only.
His parents set him up with playdates
TLDR: Elliot Rodger was a truecel considering his feminine looks and his location.

Don't forget that it's like he only had a 4" dick. Like me. He said something to the affect of being deeply disturbed upon learning that the average cock size was 5 1/2" and that he thought it was 4".
The amount of mental gymnastics is crazy ngl he could have gotten a girl
That takes me back. To the point though, I’ll make a rebuttal.


Unlike many autism’s, Elliot’s autism only became apparent once we found virtually all that we could about his life from the various sources he left behind. In fact the thought of ER being autistic wouldn’t have crossed the minds of most until we saw his posts on yahoo answers. He was an extremely high functioning autist and it didn’t seem to affect his ability to make friends. It was his arrogance and his decision to remain solitary which resulted in him being relatively lonely during his final years. In the past Elliot had shown that he was capable of holding a conversation with others and making friends, his autism played little part in his inability to get a gf


Obviously Elliot was not a Chad or a Chadlite but he wasn’t a truecel either. He walked the line between incel and normie and he had some potential. His height did him no favors but he could’ve frauded by using lifts to get him to 5’9. At the risk of sounding like a redpilled I’ll say that he would’ve benefited from an extra 15-20 lbs of muscle to compensate for his frame. After bulking and gaining an extra 2 inches from lifts, he’d at the very least snatch up a 4 but to seal the deal, a nose job would’ve been a big help. If he had looksmaxxed properly he could’ve gained an additional 2-3 points


As stated before Elliot wasn’t a truecel but he obviously stood no chance with anything over a 7 while living in Isla Vista. From what we can see from his manifesto he viewed anything less than a Stacy as unattractive and not worth his time. By adopting this mindset he pissed away any chance of ever getting a gf. Any attempts to approach he made were minimal and that was with his the very foids he deemed as goddesses, knowing this it can be extrapolated that he if had little to no contact with them that he practically avoided speaking to normie tier foids if he could get away with doing so. Another strike against him were his tactics, sitting around at cafes and bookstores in hopes that someone will approach you is a baffling strategy for anyone at his looks level. If he attempted to run social circle game he may have actually stood a chance even if he hadn’t looksmaxxed
You wrote a manifesto, went on a killing spree and blew your brains out because of your inceldom? Sry bud, truecels only.
I think that criteria is flawed because people react differently to things. Some foids for example kill themselves over petty shit like "Chad rejected me" or "my nudes leaked".

Some other people like @FrustratedWhiteMale survive decades and decades of inceldom without even escortcelling.
There's no need for long text. Elliot Rodger was too mental and a manlet and involuntary celibate thus he was Incel.
That takes me back. To the point though, I’ll make a rebuttal.


Unlike many autism’s, Elliot’s autism only became apparent once we found virtually all that we could about his life from the various sources he left behind. In fact the thought of ER being autistic wouldn’t have crossed the minds of most until we saw his posts on yahoo answers. He was an extremely high functioning autist and it didn’t seem to affect his ability to make friends. It was his arrogance and his decision to remain solitary which resulted in him being relatively lonely during his final years. In the past Elliot had shown that he was capable of holding a conversation with others and making friends, his autism played little part in his inability to get a gf


Obviously Elliot was not a Chad or a Chadlite but he wasn’t a truecel either. He walked the line between incel and normie and he had some potential. His height did him no favors but he could’ve frauded by using lifts to get him to 5’9. At the risk of sounding like a redpilled I’ll say that he would’ve benefited from an extra 15-20 lbs of muscle to compensate for his frame. After bulking and gaining an extra 2 inches from lifts, he’d at the very least snatch up a 4 but to seal the deal, a nose job would’ve been a big help. If he had looksmaxxed properly he could’ve gained an additional 2-3 points


As stated before Elliot wasn’t a truecel but he obviously stood no chance with anything over a 7 while living in Isla Vista. From what we can see from his manifesto he viewed anything less than a Stacy as unattractive and not worth his time. By adopting this mindset he pissed away any chance of ever getting a gf. Any attempts to approach he made were minimal and that was with his the very foids he deemed as goddesses, knowing this it can be extrapolated that he if had little to no contact with them that he practically avoided speaking to normie tier foids if he could get away with doing so. Another strike against him were his tactics, sitting around at cafes and bookstores in hopes that someone will approach you is a baffling strategy for anyone at his looks level. If he attempted to run social circle game he may have actually stood a chance even if he hadn’t looksmaxxed
I doubt that Elliot ever would've entered a Gym because there are only those 'obnoxious guys' who get all the beautiful blonde girls.
There's no need for long text. Elliot Rodger was too mental and a manlet and involuntary celibate thus he was Incel.

I doubt that Elliot ever would've entered a Gym because there are only those 'obnoxious guys' who get all the beautiful blonde girls.
ER gymcelled too, read it
Very well written. ER was ugly according to lookism.

People who are rating him high are coping, thinking that maybe they are not as ugly as we portray them, so they cope rising the rates of people instead of being objective.

Autism + ugliness is a death sentence. And everyone who suggest that a rich kid like ER could just betabux a woman should seriously swallow a bullet.
I truly believe that Elliot Rodger was a truecel and I'll explain why I believe that, I've read his manifesto and also listened to it with an audio book (By BasedShaman) and I advise everyone on the forum and every incel to listen to Elliot and to try to understand his reasoning. Many guys on the forum will call Elliot a fraud and a fakecel but these guys don't understand certain things and I'll try to explain it:

Elliot Rodger was autistic:

Yes, Elliot was autistic just like many of us are probably autistic to a certain degree, I don't know how deep Elliot was in his autism but it wasn't to such an extent that he couldn't socialize. In the manifesto of Elliot Rodger you can read about Elliot in his pre-puberty years, he had friends like all normal people and even had friends up until he went ER. Elliot Rodger sure had autism but it didn't withheld him from creating friends as a kid. A full blown autistic people wouldn't be able to create friendships at all. Elliot had IRL friends and he even used to play games with his IRL friends (including WoW). But we can conclude that Elliot indeed had some form of autism which is also a genetic trait into the human being, autism could be inherited by your kids and grandchildren.

The mental state alone is enough for us to accept Elliot as a truecel, how the fuck can you get a female and have a relationship when the most important part of your body (your fucking brains) are fucked up? I personally am to autistic to even bond to a female, yes I want to fuck because I have an urge just like an animal but I can't create an emotional bond with the other gender (+ I'm ugly AF).

Elliot Rodger wasn't good looking:

Everyone who has gone to the depths of lookism and understands what facial and body features are necessarily to be considered attractive would also understand that Elliot Rodger is far from an attractive guy. Yes he was not repulsive, but not being repulsive isn't enough to attract females, we also need to take into consideration that Elliot Rodger lived in Santa Barbara (Isla Vista) and in specific in a community where high ranked tall white people were the majority of the area and the people where Elliot Rodger came into contact with in his daily life. Elliot Rodger was 5'7 and had a very feminine face, YES he was not ugly (but yet not being ugly is NOT ENOUGH) but he definitely was not a Chad or even high normie tier like some people here claim. Imo he was a 4/10 and maybe a 5/10 and he was a frauding 5'7 manlet. JFL at people calling Elliot Rodger a fakecel, those people who call him a fakecel are probably themselves 6'0 or higher.

Elliot Rodger was a fakecel because of his high standards:

You fucking idiot, no female has given him any attention (not even landwhales) and because of the information we now have we know why females were not caring about him. He was a fucking MANLET in fucking LA, that's enough to know why he didn't get female validation. He lived in the capital of worldwide female hypergamy, nobody here would get female validation. I'm sure that if a normal looking girl (a 4 or a 5) would've given him attention and validation, that he would've never gone ER. But these sluts themselves have to high standards, that's why the supreme gentleman wanted to play the same game. Elliot was delusional in thinking that he could've get a high standard woman, Elliot didn't understand the issue of female SMV (if he only stayed alive for a few years extra he would understand). Conclusion: trying to pursue high standards as a truecel doesn't make you a fakecel. I'm a 4/10 manlet truecel (especially considering the country and area where i live), if I would chase for high standards and thinking I would get one I would just playing myself into delusion. Elliot Rodger was delusional, but not a fakecel because he wanted good looking woman. If ugly women didn't had standards and would let Elliot know they validated him, the tragedy would never happen.

TLDR: Elliot Rodger was a truecel considering his feminine looks and his location.

You forgot the part when he discovered he was a dickcel.


That's the real reason he went ER tbh.
ER had absolutely no chance in isla vista
:ER was a locationcel. He was a 5/10 in a normal metro city but a fukken 2 where he was raised and where he committed the murders.

ER would be an 8 in Hong Kong for example where he would be competing with ricecels like this. the average height is like 5'7. all dickcels too.


could've been a slayer.
still tho. he's a big failo

killed no stacies. just truecels

slayer er? lol

prophet sure but slayer no he died like a virgin just as a prophet
slayer er? lol

prophet sure but slayer no he died like a virgin just as a prophet

the fact is he could've slayed like dahmer in places like Hong Kong. the ugliest people in the whole world. Maybe Taiwan and certainly SEA too.
:ER was a locationcel. He was a 5/10 in a normal metro city but a fukken 2 where he was raised and where he committed the murders.

ER would be an 8 in Hong Kong for example where he would be competing with ricecels like this. the average height is like 5'7. all dickcels too.


could've been a slayer.
still tho. he's a big failo

killed no stacies. just truecels

This is definitely true. Hapas get a major boost when they go to Asia.

Tbh Cho was a far bigger truecel than ER. Cho would be a certified incel even in Hong Kong.
Elliot only had "friends" because Soumaya forced him to have playmates well into his teens, which is likely a reason he was bullied.
it's like he put those 3 asian truecels out of their misery in isla vista lmao.

the only males he managed to kill were even below him in terms of SMV when the hatred and jealousy that drove him mad came from stacies and chads. the irony is too much.
This is definitely true. Hapas get a major boost when they go to Asia.

Tbh Cho was a far bigger truecel than ER. Cho would be a certified incel even in Hong Kong.

Cho was genetic trash. he was clearly inbred.

ricecels need to breed out. our genes are too similar.
:ER was a locationcel. He was a 5/10 in a normal metro city but a fukken 2 where he was raised and where he committed the murders.

ER would be an 8 in Hong Kong for example where he would be competing with ricecels like this. the average height is like 5'7. all dickcels too.


could've been a slayer.
still tho. he's a big failo

killed no stacies. just truecels

You're worship by rices even if you have a drop of white blood
ER was legit ugly. And manlet. And low T. And autistic. Truecel.

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